Amariah 1Ch_06_07 /^{Amariah /and Amariah begat Ahitub , Amariah 1Ch_06_11 /^{Amariah /and Amariah begat Ahitub , Amariah Ezr_10_42 /^{Amariah /and Joseph . Amariah 2Ch_31_15 /^{Amariah /and Shecaniah , in the cities of the priests , in their set office , to give to their brethren by courses , as well to the great as to the small : Amariah 1Ch_06_07 /^{Amariah /begat Ahitub , Amariah 1Ch_06_11 /^{Amariah /begat Ahitub , Amariah 1Ch_06_52 /^{Amariah /his son , Ahitub his son , Amariah Neh_12_13 /^{Amariah /Jehohanan ; Amariah Neh_10_03 /^{Amariah /Malchijah , Amariah Neh_12_02 /^{Amariah /Malluch , Hattush , Amariah 2Ch_19_11 /^{Amariah /the chief priest is over you in all matters of the LORD ; and Zebadiah the son of Ishmael , the ruler of the house of Judah , for all the king's matters : also the Levites shall be officers before you. Deal courageously , and the LORD shall be with the good . Amariah 1Ch_23_19 /^{Amariah /the second , Jahaziel the third , and Jekameam the fourth . Amariah 1Ch_24_23 /^{Amariah /the second , Jahaziel the third , Jekameam the fourth . Amariah Ezr_07_03 /^{Amariah /the son of Azariah , the son of Meraioth , Amariah Zep_01_01 /^{Amariah /the son of Hizkiah , in the days of Josiah the son of Amon , king of Judah . Amariah Neh_11_04 /^{Amariah /the son of Shephatiah , the son of Mahalaleel , of the children of Perez ; Baaltamar Jud_20_33 /^{Baaltamar /and the liers in wait of Israel came forth out of their places , even out of the meadows of Gibeah . Bethmarcaboth Jos_19_05 /^{Bethmarcaboth /and Hazarsusah , Bethmarcaboth 1Ch_04_31 /^{Bethmarcaboth /and Hazarsusim , and at Bethbirei , and at Shaaraim . These were their cities unto the reign of David . Chemarims Zep_01_04 /^{Chemarims /with the priests ; Damaris Act_17_34 /${Damaris /and others with them . Gemariah Jer_36_25 /^{Gemariah /had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the roll : but he would not hear them. Gemariah Jer_29_03 /^{Gemariah /the son of Hilkiah , unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon saying , Gemariah Jer_36_12 /^{Gemariah /the son of Shaphan , and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah , and all the princes . Gemariah Jer_36_11 /^{Gemariah /the son of Shaphan , had heard out of the book all the words of the LORD , Gemariah Jer_36_10 /^{Gemariah /the son of Shaphan the scribe , in the higher court , at the entry of the new gate of the LORD'S house , in the ears of all the people . Hazazontamar 2Ch_20_02 /^{Hazazontamar /which is Engedi . Ithamar Exo_28_01 /^{Ithamar /Aaron's sons . Ithamar 1Ch_24_04 /^{Ithamar /according to the house of their fathers . Ithamar 1Ch_24_03 /^{Ithamar /according to their offices in their service . Ithamar 1Ch_24_04 /^{Ithamar /and thus were they divided . Among the sons of Eleazar there were sixteen chief men of the house of their fathers , and eight among the sons of Ithamar according to the house of their fathers . Ithamar Ezr_08_02 /^{Ithamar /Daniel : of the sons of David ; Hattush . Ithamar 1Ch_24_02 /^{Ithamar /executed the priest's office . Ithamar Lev_10_06 /^{Ithamar /his sons , Uncover not your heads , neither rend your clothes ; lest ye die , and lest wrath come upon all the people : but let your brethren , the whole house of Israel , bewail the burning which the LORD hath kindled . Ithamar Lev_10_12 /^{Ithamar /his sons that were left , Take the meat offering that remaineth of the offerings of the LORD made by fire , and eat it without leaven beside the altar : for it is most holy : Ithamar Num_03_04 /^{Ithamar /ministered in the priest's office in the sight of Aaron their father . Ithamar Exo_38_21 /^{Ithamar /son to Aaron the priest . Ithamar Num_04_33 /^{Ithamar /the son of Aaron the priest . Ithamar Num_04_28 /^{Ithamar /the son of Aaron the priest . Ithamar Num_07_08 /^{Ithamar /the son of Aaron the priest . Ithamar Lev_10_16 /^{Ithamar /the sons of Aaron which were left alive, saying , landmark Deu_27_17 /^{landmark /And all the people shall say , Amen . landmark Pro_23_10 /^{landmark /and enter not into the fields of the fatherless : landmark Deu_19_14 /^{landmark /which they of old time have set in thine inheritance , which thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it. landmark Pro_22_28 /^{landmark /which thy fathers have set . landmarks Job_24_02 /^{landmarks /they violently take away flocks , and feed thereof. mar Job_30_13 /^{mar /my path , they set forward my calamity , they have no helper . Mara Rut_01_20 /^{Mara /for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me. Marah Num_33_09 /^{Marah /and came unto Elim : and in Elim were twelve fountains of water , and threescore and ten palm trees ; and they pitched there. Marah Exo_15_23 /^{Marah /for they were bitter : therefore the name of it was called Marah . Marah Exo_15_23 /^{Marah /they could not drink of the waters of Marah , for they were bitter : therefore the name of it was called Marah . Maralah Jos_19_11 /^{Maralah /and reached to Dabbasheth , and reached to the river that is before Jokneam ; marble Son_05_15 /^{marble /set upon sockets of fine gold : his countenance is as Lebanon , excellent as the cedars . marble 1Ch_29_02 /^{marble /stones in abundance . marble Est_01_06 /^{marble /the beds were of gold and silver , upon a pavement of red , and blue , and white , and black , marble . march Joe_02_07 /^{march /every one on his ways , and they shall not break their ranks : march Hab_01_06 /^{march /through the breadth of the land , to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs. march Hab_03_12 /^{march /through the land in indignation , thou didst thresh the heathen in anger . march Psa_68_07 /^{march /through the wilderness ; Selah : march Jer_46_22 /^{march /with an army , and come against her with axes , as hewers of wood . marched Exo_14_10 /^{marched /after them; and they were sore afraid : and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD . marchedst Jud_05_04 /^{marchedst /out of the field of Edom , the earth trembled , and the heavens dropped , the clouds also dropped water . Marcus Phm_01_24 /${Marcus /Aristarchus , Demas , Lucas , my fellowlabourers . Marcus 1Pe_05_13 /${Marcus /my son . Marcus Col_03_10 /${Marcus /sister's son to Barnabas , commandments : if he come unto you , receive him ; Mareshah 1Ch_04_21 /^{Mareshah /and the families of the house of them that wrought fine linen , of the house of Ashbea , Mareshah 2Ch_11_08 /^{Mareshah /and Ziph , Mareshah Mic_01_15 /^{Mareshah /he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel . Mareshah Jos_15_44 /^{Mareshah /nine cities with their villages : Mareshah 2Ch_20_37 /^{Mareshah /prophesied against Jehoshaphat , saying , Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah , the LORD hath broken thy works . And the ships were broken , that they were not able to go to Tarshish . Mareshah 1Ch_02_42 /^{Mareshah /the father of Hebron . mariners Eze_27_29 /^{mariners /and all the pilots of the sea , shall come down from their ships , they shall stand upon the land ; mariners Eze_27_27 /^{mariners /and thy pilots , thy calkers , and the occupiers of thy merchandise , and all thy men of war , that are in thee, and in all thy company which is in the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin . mariners Eze_27_08 /^{mariners /thy wise men, O Tyrus , that were in thee, were thy pilots . mariners Jon_01_05 /^{mariners /were afraid , and cried every man unto his god , and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea , to lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship ; and he lay , and was fast asleep . mariners Eze_27_09 /^{mariners /were in thee to occupy thy merchandise . marishes Eze_47_11 /^{marishes /thereof shall not be healed ; they shall be given to salt . mark Job_07_20 /^{mark /against thee, so that I am a burden to myself? mark Job_18_02 /^{mark /and afterwards we will speak . mark Eze_09_06 /^{mark /and begin at my sanctuary . Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house . Mark 2Ti_04_11 /${Mark /and bring him with thee : for he is profitable to me for the ministry . mark Rev_15_02 /${mark /and over the number of his name , stand on the sea of glass , having the harps of God . Mark Act_15_39 /${Mark /and sailed unto Cyprus ; mark 1Ki_20_22 /^{mark /and see what thou doest : for at the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against thee. mark Lam_03_12 /^{mark /for the arrow . mark Php_03_14 /${mark /for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus . Mark 1Ki_20_07 /^{Mark /I pray you, and see how this man seeketh mischief : for he sent unto me for my wives , and for my children , and for my silver , and for my gold ; and I denied him not. mark Rev_14_09 /${mark /in his forehead , or in his hand , mark Rev_13_16 /${mark /in their right hand , or in their foreheads : mark Psa_130_03 /^{mark /iniquities , O Lord , who shall stand ? Mark Job_21_05 /^{Mark /me, and be astonished , and lay your hand upon your mouth . mark Psa_56_06 /^{mark /my steps , when they wait for my soul . mark Rev_14_11 /${mark /of his name . mark Rev_19_20 /${mark /of the beast , and them that worshipped his image . These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone . mark Rev_16_02 /${mark /of the beast , and upon them which worshipped his image . mark Rev_13_17 /${mark /or the name of the beast , or the number of his name . Mark Psa_37_37 /^{Mark /the perfect man, and behold the upright : for the end of that man is peace . mark Rut_03_04 /^{mark /the place where he shall lie , and thou shalt go in , and uncover his feet , and lay thee down ; and he will tell thee what thou shalt do . mark Rom_16_17 /${mark /them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned ; and avoid them . mark Php_03_17 /${mark /them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample . mark Gen_04_15 /^{mark /upon Cain , lest any finding him should kill him. mark Eze_09_04 /^{mark /upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. mark Rev_20_04 /${mark /upon their foreheads , or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years . mark Eze_44_05 /^{mark /well , and behold with thine eyes , and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the LORD , and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house , with every going forth of the sanctuary . Mark Job_33_31 /^{Mark /well , O Job , hearken unto me: hold thy peace , and I will speak . mark Eze_44_05 /^{mark /well the entering in of the house , with every going forth of the sanctuary . mark Job_39_01 /^{mark /when the hinds do calve ? Mark Act_12_12 /${Mark /where many were gathered together praying . Mark 2Sa_13_28 /^{Mark /ye now when Amnon's heart is merry with wine , and when I say unto you, Smite Amnon ; then kill him, fear not: have not I commanded you? be courageous , and be valiant . Mark Psa_48_13 /^{Mark /ye well her bulwarks , consider her palaces ; that ye may tell it to the generation following . marked Jer_02_22 /^{marked /before me, saith the Lord GOD . marked Job_24_16 /^{marked /for themselves in the daytime : they know not the light . marked 1Sa_01_12 /^{marked /her mouth . marked Jer_23_18 /^{marked /his word , and heard it? marked Luk_14_07 /${marked /how they chose out the chief rooms ; saying unto them , marked Job_22_15 /^{marked /the old way which wicked men have trodden ? markest Job_10_14 /^{markest /me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity . market Joh_05_02 /${market /a pool , which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda , having five porches . market Eze_27_25 /^{market /and thou wast replenished , and made very glorious in the midst of the seas . market Act_17_17 /${market /daily with them that met with him . market Mar_07_04 /${market /except they wash , they eat not . And many other things there be , which they have received to hold , as the washing of cups , and pots , brasen vessels , and of tables . market Eze_27_17 /^{market /wheat of Minnith , and Pannag , and honey , and oil , and balm . marketh Job_33_11 /^{marketh /all my paths . marketh Isa_44_13 /^{marketh /it out with a line ; he fitteth it with planes , and he marketh it out with the compass , and maketh it after the figure of a man , according to the beauty of a man ; that it may remain in the house . marketh Isa_44_13 /^{marketh /it out with the compass , and maketh it after the figure of a man , according to the beauty of a man ; that it may remain in the house . marketplace Luk_07_32 /${marketplace /and calling one to another , and saying , We have piped unto you , and ye have not danced ; we have mourned to you , and ye have not wept . marketplace Act_16_19 /${marketplace /unto the rulers , markets Mat_11_16 /${markets /and calling unto their fellows , markets Luk_20_46 /${markets /and the highest seats in the synagogues , and the chief rooms at feasts ; markets Mat_23_07 /${markets /and to be called of men , Rabbi , Rabbi . marks Gal_06_17 /${marks /of the Lord Jesus . marks Lev_19_28 /^{marks /upon you: I am the LORD . Maroth Mic_01_12 /^{Maroth /waited carefully for good : but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem . marred Mar_02_22 /${marred /but new wine must be put into new bottles . marred Jer_18_04 /^{marred /in the hand of the potter : so he made it again another vessel , as seemed good to the potter to make it. marred Jer_13_07 /^{marred /it was profitable for nothing. marred Isa_52_14 /^{marred /more than any man , and his form more than the sons of men : marred Nah_02_02 /^{marred /their vine branches . marriage Mat_25_10 /${marriage /and the door was shut . marriage Mat_22_30 /${marriage /but are as the angels of God in heaven . marriage Mar_12_25 /${marriage /but are as the angels which are in heaven . marriage 1Co_07_38 /${marriage /doeth better . marriage 1Co_07_38 /${marriage /doeth well ; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better . marriage Mat_22_02 /${marriage /for his son , marriage Joh_02_01 /${marriage /in Cana of Galilee ; and the mother of Jesus was there : Marriage Heb_13_04 /${Marriage /is honourable in all , and the bed undefiled : but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge . marriage Rev_19_07 /${marriage /of the Lamb is come , and his wife hath made herself ready . marriage Exo_21_10 /^{marriage /shall he not diminish . marriage Rev_19_09 /${marriage /supper of the Lamb . And he saith unto me , These are the true sayings of God . marriage Mat_24_38 /${marriage /until the day that Noe entered into the ark , marriage Luk_17_27 /${marriage /until the day that Noe entered into the ark , and the flood came , and destroyed them all . marriages Jos_23_12 /^{marriages /with them, and go in unto them, and they to you: marriages Deu_07_03 /^{marriages /with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son , nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son . marriages Gen_34_09 /^{marriages /with us, and give your daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you. married Luk_14_20 /${married /a wife , and therefore I cannot come . married Mat_22_25 /${married /a wife , deceased , and , having no issue , left his wife unto his brother : married Num_12_01 /^{married /an Ethiopian woman . married Pro_30_23 /^{married /and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress . married 1Co_07_34 /${married /careth for the things of the world , how she may please her husband . married 1Co_07_33 /${married /careth for the things that are of the world , how he may please his wife . married Num_12_01 /^{married /for he had married an Ethiopian woman . married 2Ch_13_21 /^{married /fourteen wives , and begat twenty and two sons , and sixteen daughters . married Mar_06_17 /${married /her . married Deu_24_01 /^{married /her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes , because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement , and give it in her hand , and send her out of his house . married Gen_19_14 /^{married /his daughters , and said , Up , get you out of this place ; for the LORD will destroy this city . But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law . married 1Co_07_10 /${married /I command , yet not I , but the Lord , Let not the wife depart from her husband : married Num_36_12 /^{married /into the families of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph , and their inheritance remained in the tribe of the family of their father . married Mal_02_11 /^{married /the daughter of a strange god . married Exo_21_03 /^{married /then his wife shall go out with him. married Deu_22_22 /^{married /to an husband , then they shall both of them die , both the man that lay with the woman , and the woman : so shalt thou put away evil from Israel . married Rom_07_04 /${married /to another , even to him who is raised from the dead , that we should bring forth fruit unto God . married Mar_10_12 /${married /to another , she committeth adultery . married Rom_07_03 /${married /to another man , she shall be called an adulteress : but if her husband be dead , she is free from that law ; so that she is no adulteress , though she be married to another man . married Rom_07_03 /${married /to another man . married Num_36_03 /^{married /to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel , then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers , and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance . married 1Co_07_39 /${married /to whom she will ; only in the Lord . married Lev_22_12 /^{married /unto a stranger , she may not eat of an offering of the holy things . married Num_36_11 /^{married /unto their father's brothers' sons : married Jer_03_14 /^{married /unto you: and I will take you one of a city , and two of a family , and I will bring you to Zion : married 1Ch_02_21 /^{married /when he was threescore years old ; and she bare him Segub . married Isa_54_01 /^{married /wife , saith the LORD . married Luk_17_27 /${married /wives , they were given in marriage , until the day that Noe entered into the ark , and the flood came , and destroyed them all . married Neh_13_23 /^{married /wives of Ashdod , of Ammon , and of Moab : marrieth Isa_62_05 /^{marrieth /a virgin , so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride , so shall thy God rejoice over thee. marrieth Luk_16_18 /${marrieth /another , committeth adultery : and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery . marrieth Luk_16_18 /${marrieth /her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery . marrieth Mat_19_09 /${marrieth /her which is put away doth commit adultery . marrow Psa_63_05 /^{marrow /and fatness ; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips : marrow Heb_04_12 /${marrow /and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart . marrow Isa_25_06 /^{marrow /of wines on the lees well refined . marrow Pro_03_08 /^{marrow /to thy bones . marry Luk_20_34 /${marry /and are given in marriage : marry 1Ti_04_03 /${marry /and commanding to abstain from meats , which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth . marry Mat_19_09 /${marry /another , committeth adultery : and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery . marry Mar_10_11 /${marry /another , committeth adultery against her . marry 1Ti_05_14 /${marry /bear children , guide the house , give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully . marry 1Co_07_09 /${marry /for it is better to marry than to burn . marry Mat_05_32 /${marry /her that is divorced committeth adultery . marry Gen_38_08 /^{marry /her, and raise up seed to thy brother . marry Mat_22_24 /${marry /his wife , and raise up seed unto his brother . marry Mat_22_30 /${marry /nor are given in marriage , but are as the angels of God in heaven . marry Luk_20_35 /${marry /nor are given in marriage : marry Mar_12_25 /${marry /nor are given in marriage ; but are as the angels which are in heaven . marry 1Co_07_28 /${marry /she hath not sinned . Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh : but I spare you . marry 1Co_07_09 /${marry /than to burn . marry Isa_62_05 /^{marry /thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride , so shall thy God rejoice over thee. marry 1Co_07_28 /${marry /thou hast not sinned ; and if a virgin marry , she hath not sinned . Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh : but I spare you . marry Num_36_06 /^{marry /to whom they think best ; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry . marry Deu_25_05 /^{marry /without unto a stranger : her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife , and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her. marrying Mat_24_38 /${marrying /and giving in marriage , until the day that Noe entered into the ark , marrying Neh_13_27 /^{marrying /strange wives ? Mars' Act_17_22 /${Mars' /hill , and said , Ye men of Athens , I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious . Marsena Est_01_14 /^{Marsena /and Memucan , the seven princes of Persia and Media , which saw the king's face , and which sat the first in the kingdom ; mart Isa_23_03 /^{mart /of nations . Martha Joh_11_05 /${Martha /and her sister , and Lazarus . Martha Joh_11_19 /${Martha /and Mary , to comfort them concerning their brother . Martha Joh_11_20 /${Martha /as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming , went and met him : but Mary sat still in the house . Martha Luk_10_41 /${Martha /Martha , thou art careful and troubled about many things : Martha Joh_11_30 /${Martha /met him . Martha Luk_10_38 /${Martha /received him into her house . Martha Joh_11_24 /${Martha /saith unto him , I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day . Martha Joh_12_02 /${Martha /served : but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him . Martha Joh_11_39 /${Martha /the sister of him that was dead , saith unto him , Lord , by this time he stinketh : for he hath been dead four days . Martha Luk_10_41 /${Martha /thou art careful and troubled about many things : Martha Joh_11_21 /${Martha /unto Jesus , Lord , if thou hadst been here , my brother had not died . Martha Luk_10_40 /${Martha /was cumbered about much serving , and came to him , and said , Lord , dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone ? bid her therefore that she help me . martyr Act_22_20 /${martyr /Stephen was shed , I also was standing by , and consenting unto his death , and kept the raiment of them that slew him . martyr Rev_02_13 /${martyr /who was slain among you , where Satan dwelleth . martyrs Rev_17_06 /${martyrs /of Jesus : and when I saw her , I wondered with great admiration . marvel 2Co_11_14 /${marvel /for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light . marvel Rev_17_07 /${marvel /I will tell thee the mystery of the woman , and of the beast that carrieth her , which hath the seven heads and ten horns . Marvel 1Jo_03_13 /${Marvel /not , my brethren , if the world hate you . marvel Ecc_05_08 /^{marvel /not at the matter : for he that is higher than the highest regardeth ; and there be higher than they . Marvel Joh_05_28 /${Marvel /not at this : for the hour is coming , in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice , Marvel Joh_03_07 /${Marvel /not that I said unto thee , Ye must be born again . marvel Gal_01_06 /${marvel /that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel : marvel Act_03_12 /${marvel /ye at this ? or why look ye so earnestly on us , as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk ? marvelled Luk_01_63 /${marvelled /all . marvelled Mat_09_08 /${marvelled /and glorified God , which had given such power unto men . marvelled Mat_22_22 /${marvelled /and left him , and went their way . marvelled Mat_08_10 /${marvelled /and said to them that followed , Verily I say unto you , I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel . marvelled Act_04_13 /${marvelled /and they took knowledge of them , that they had been with Jesus . marvelled Luk_07_09 /${marvelled /at him , and turned him about , and said unto the people that followed him , I say unto you , I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel . marvelled Mar_12_17 /${marvelled /at him . marvelled Luk_20_26 /${marvelled /at his answer , and held their peace . marvelled Luk_02_33 /${marvelled /at those things which were spoken of him . marvelled Mar_06_06 /${marvelled /because of their unbelief . And he went round about the villages , teaching . marvelled Mat_27_14 /${marvelled /greatly . marvelled Mar_15_44 /${marvelled /if he were already dead : and calling unto him the centurion , he asked him whether he had been any while dead . marvelled Gen_43_33 /^{marvelled /one at another . marvelled Joh_07_15 /${marvelled /saying , How knoweth this man letters , having never learned ? marvelled Mat_21_20 /${marvelled /saying , How soon is the fig tree withered away ! marvelled Mat_09_33 /${marvelled /saying , It was never so seen in Israel . marvelled Mat_08_27 /${marvelled /saying , What manner of man is this , that even the winds and the sea obey him ! marvelled Act_02_07 /${marvelled /saying one to another , Behold , are not all these which speak Galilaeans ? marvelled Luk_11_38 /${marvelled /that he had not first washed before dinner . marvelled Joh_04_27 /${marvelled /that he talked with the woman : yet no man said , What seekest thou ? or , Why talkest thou with her ? marvelled Luk_01_21 /${marvelled /that he tarried so long in the temple . marvelled Psa_48_05 /^{marvelled /they were troubled , and hasted away . marvellous Rev_15_03 /${marvellous /are thy works , Lord God Almighty ; just and true are thy ways , thou King of saints . marvellous Psa_139_14 /^{marvellous /are thy works ; and that my soul knoweth right well . marvellous Zec_08_06 /^{marvellous /in mine eyes ? saith the LORD of hosts . marvellous Psa_118_23 /^{marvellous /in our eyes . marvellous Mat_21_42 /${marvellous /in our eyes ? marvellous Mar_12_11 /${marvellous /in our eyes ? marvellous Zec_08_06 /^{marvellous /in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days , should it also be marvellous in mine eyes ? saith the LORD of hosts . marvellous Psa_31_21 /^{marvellous /kindness in a strong city . marvellous 1Pe_02_09 /${marvellous /light : marvellous Psa_17_07 /^{marvellous /lovingkindness , O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. marvellous Rev_15_01 /${marvellous /seven angels having the seven last plagues ; for in them is filled up the wrath of God . marvellous Joh_09_30 /${marvellous /thing , that ye know not from whence he is , and yet he hath opened mine eyes . marvellous Psa_98_01 /^{marvellous /things : his right hand , and his holy arm , hath gotten him the victory . marvellous Dan_11_36 /^{marvellous /things against the God of gods , and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished : for that that is determined shall be done . Marvellous Psa_78_12 /^{Marvellous /things did he in the sight of their fathers , in the land of Egypt , in the field of Zoan . marvellous Job_05_09 /^{marvellous /things without number : marvellous Mic_07_15 /^{marvellous /things. marvellous Job_10_16 /^{marvellous /upon me. marvellous Isa_29_14 /^{marvellous /work among this people , even a marvellous work and a wonder : for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish , and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid . marvellous Isa_29_14 /^{marvellous /work and a wonder : for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish , and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid . marvellous Psa_09_01 /^{marvellous /works . marvellous 1Ch_16_24 /^{marvellous /works among all nations . marvellous 1Ch_16_12 /^{marvellous /works that he hath done , his wonders , and the judgments of his mouth ; marvellous Psa_105_05 /^{marvellous /works that he hath done ; his wonders , and the judgments of his mouth ; marvellously Hab_01_05 /^{marvellously /for I will work a work in your days , which ye will not believe , though it be told you. marvellously 2Ch_26_15 /^{marvellously /helped , till he was strong . marvellously Job_37_05 /^{marvellously /with his voice ; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend . marvels Exo_34_10 /^{marvels /such as have not been done in all the earth , nor in any nation : and all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the LORD : for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee. Mary Joh_12_03 /${Mary /a pound of ointment of spikenard , very costly , and anointed the feet of Jesus , and wiped his feet with her hair : and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment . Mary Luk_01_56 /${Mary /abode with her about three months , and returned to her own house . Mary Joh_11_45 /${Mary /and had seen the things which Jesus did , believed on him . Mary Joh_11_01 /${Mary /and her sister Martha . Mary Mat_13_55 /${Mary /and his brethren , James , and Joses , and Simon , and Judas ? Mary Luk_02_16 /${Mary /and Joseph , and the babe lying in a manger . Mary Luk_01_39 /${Mary /arose in those days , and went into the hill country with haste , into a city of Juda ; Mary Luk_08_02 /${Mary /called Magdalene , out of whom went seven devils , Mary Luk_01_30 /${Mary /for thou hast found favour with God . Mary Luk_10_42 /${Mary /hath chosen that good part , which shall not be taken away from her . Mary Joh_11_28 /${Mary /her sister secretly , saying , The Master is come , and calleth for thee . Mary Luk_02_05 /${Mary /his espoused wife , being great with child . Mary Mat_02_11 /${Mary /his mother , and fell down , and worshipped him : and when they had opened their treasures , they presented unto him gifts ; gold , and frankincense , and myrrh . Mary Luk_02_34 /${Mary /his mother , Behold , this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel ; and for a sign which shall be spoken against ; Mary Luk_02_19 /${Mary /kept all these things , and pondered them in her heart . Mary Luk_24_10 /${Mary /Magdalene , and Joanna , and Mary the mother of James , and other women that were with them , which told these things unto the apostles . Mary Mar_16_01 /${Mary /Magdalene , and Mary the mother of James , and Salome , had bought sweet spices , that they might come and anoint him . Mary Mat_27_56 /${Mary /Magdalene , and Mary the mother of James and Joses , and the mother of Zebedee's children . Mary Mar_15_40 /${Mary /Magdalene , and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses , and Salome ; Mary Mat_27_61 /${Mary /Magdalene , and the other Mary , sitting over against the sepulchre . Mary Mar_16_09 /${Mary /Magdalene , out of whom he had cast seven devils . Mary Joh_19_25 /${Mary /Magdalene . Mary Mar_15_47 /${Mary /Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid . Mary Mat_28_01 /${Mary /Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre . Mary Joh_20_18 /${Mary /Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord , and that he had spoken these things unto her . Mary Joh_20_01 /${Mary /Magdalene early , when it was yet dark , unto the sepulchre , and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre . Mary Mat_01_16 /${Mary /of whom was born Jesus , who is called Christ . Mary Luk_01_38 /${Mary /said , Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; be it unto me according to thy word . And the angel departed from her . Mary Luk_01_46 /${Mary /said , My soul doth magnify the Lord , Mary Joh_11_20 /${Mary /sat still in the house . Mary Joh_20_16 /${Mary /She turned herself, and saith unto him , Rabboni ; which is to say , Master . Mary Mat_27_61 /${Mary /sitting over against the sepulchre . Mary Joh_20_11 /${Mary /stood without at the sepulchre weeping : and as she wept , she stooped down , and looked into the sepulchre , Mary Joh_11_31 /${Mary /that she rose up hastily and went out , followed her , saying , She goeth unto the grave to weep there . Mary Luk_01_41 /${Mary /the babe leaped in her womb ; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost : Mary Mar_06_03 /${Mary /the brother of James , and Joses , and of Juda , and Simon ? and are not his sisters here with us ? And they were offended at him . Mary Luk_24_10 /${Mary /the mother of James , and other women that were with them , which told these things unto the apostles . Mary Mar_16_01 /${Mary /the mother of James , and Salome , had bought sweet spices , that they might come and anoint him . Mary Mat_27_56 /${Mary /the mother of James and Joses , and the mother of Zebedee's children . Mary Mar_15_40 /${Mary /the mother of James the less and of Joses , and Salome ; Mary Act_01_14 /${Mary /the mother of Jesus , and with his brethren . Mary Act_12_12 /${Mary /the mother of John , whose surname was Mark ; where many were gathered together praying . Mary Mar_15_47 /${Mary /the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid . Mary Joh_19_25 /${Mary /the wife of Cleophas , and Mary Magdalene . Mary Mat_01_20 /${Mary /thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost . Mary Joh_11_19 /${Mary /to comfort them concerning their brother . Mary Mat_28_01 /${Mary /to see the sepulchre . Mary Luk_01_34 /${Mary /unto the angel , How shall this be , seeing I know not a man ? Mary Joh_11_32 /${Mary /was come where Jesus was , and saw him , she fell down at his feet , saying unto him , Lord , if thou hadst been here , my brother had not died . Mary Mat_01_18 /${Mary /was espoused to Joseph , before they came together , she was found with child of the Holy Ghost . Mary Luk_10_39 /${Mary /which also sat at Jesus feet , and heard his word . Mary Joh_11_02 /${Mary /which anointed the Lord with ointment , and wiped his feet with her hair , whose brother Lazarus was sick . Mary Rom_16_06 /${Mary /who bestowed much labour on us . Omar Gen_36_15 /^{Omar /duke Zepho , duke Kenaz , Omar 1Ch_01_36 /^{Omar /Zephi , and Gatam , Kenaz , and Timna , and Amalek . Omar Gen_36_11 /^{Omar /Zepho , and Gatam , and Kenaz . Samaria 1Ki_16_28 /^{Samaria /and Ahab his son reigned in his stead. Samaria 2Ch_18_02 /^{Samaria /And Ahab killed sheep and oxen for him in abundance , and for the people that he had with him, and persuaded him to go up with him to Ramothgilead . Samaria 2Ch_18_09 /^{Samaria /and all the prophets prophesied before them. Samaria 1Ki_22_10 /^{Samaria /and all the prophets prophesied before them. Samaria 2Ki_10_12 /^{Samaria /And as he was at the shearing house in the way , Samaria Amo_03_09 /^{Samaria /and behold the great tumults in the midst thereof, and the oppressed in the midst thereof. Samaria Oba_01_19 /^{Samaria /and Benjamin shall possess Gilead . Samaria 2Ki_17_05 /^{Samaria /and besieged it three years . Samaria 2Ki_18_09 /^{Samaria /and besieged it. Samaria 2Ch_22_09 /^{Samaria /and brought him to Jehu : and when they had slain him, they buried him: Because, said they, he is the son of Jehoshaphat , who sought the LORD with all his heart . So the house of Ahaziah had no power to keep still the kingdom . Samaria 2Ki_17_06 /^{Samaria /and carried Israel away into Assyria , and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan , and in the cities of the Medes . Samaria 2Ki_17_24 /^{Samaria /and dwelt in the cities thereof. Samaria Luk_17_11 /${Samaria /and Galilee . Samaria Eze_16_53 /^{Samaria /and her daughters , then will I bring again the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them: Samaria Eze_16_55 /^{Samaria /and her daughters shall return to their former estate , then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate . Samaria Isa_10_11 /^{Samaria /and her idols , so do to Jerusalem and her idols ? Samaria 2Ki_10_35 /^{Samaria /And Jehoahaz his son reigned in his stead. Samaria 2Ki_10_01 /^{Samaria /And Jehu wrote letters , and sent to Samaria , unto the rulers of Jezreel , to the elders , and to them that brought up Ahab's children, saying , Samaria Mic_01_01 /^{Samaria /and Jerusalem . Samaria 2Ki_13_09 /^{Samaria /and Joash his son reigned in his stead. Samaria Act_08_05 /${Samaria /and preached Christ unto them . Samaria 2Ki_14_23 /^{Samaria /and reigned forty and one years . Samaria 2Ki_13_01 /^{Samaria /and reigned seventeen years . Samaria 2Ki_13_10 /^{Samaria /and reigned sixteen years . Samaria 2Ki_15_27 /^{Samaria /and reigned twenty years . Samaria 2Ki_15_23 /^{Samaria /and reigned two years . Samaria Neh_04_02 /^{Samaria /and said , What do these feeble Jews ? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice ? will they make an end in a day ? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned ? Samaria 2Ch_28_09 /^{Samaria /and said unto them, Behold, because the LORD God of your fathers was wroth with Judah , he hath delivered them into your hand , and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven . Samaria Amo_08_14 /^{Samaria /and say , Thy god , O Dan , liveth ; and, The manner of Beersheba liveth ; even they shall fall , and never rise up again. Samaria 2Ki_01_03 /^{Samaria /and say unto them, Is it not because there is not a God in Israel , that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron ? Samaria 2Ki_15_14 /^{Samaria /and slew him, and reigned in his stead. Samaria 2Ki_15_14 /^{Samaria /and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria , and slew him, and reigned in his stead. Samaria 1Ki_22_38 /^{Samaria /and the dogs licked up his blood ; and they washed his armour ; according unto the word of the LORD which he spake . Samaria Isa_07_09 /^{Samaria /and the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son . If ye will not believe , surely ye shall not be established . Samaria 2Ki_21_13 /^{Samaria /and the plummet of the house of Ahab : and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish , wiping it, and turning it upside down . Samaria Ezr_04_10 /^{Samaria /and the rest that are on this side the river , and at such a time . Samaria 1Ki_22_37 /^{Samaria /and they buried the king in Samaria . Samaria Ezr_04_17 /^{Samaria /and unto the rest beyond the river , Peace , and at such a time . Samaria Act_01_08 /${Samaria /and unto the uttermost part of the earth . Samaria 1Ki_20_01 /^{Samaria /and warred against it. Samaria 2Ki_01_02 /^{Samaria /and was sick : and he sent messengers , and said unto them, Go , enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease . Samaria Act_09_31 /${Samaria /and were edified ; and walking in the fear of the Lord , and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost , were multiplied . Samaria Mic_01_05 /^{Samaria /and what are the high places of Judah ? are they not Jerusalem ? Samaria 2Ki_06_25 /^{Samaria /and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver , and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver . Samaria Mic_01_06 /^{Samaria /as an heap of the field , and as plantings of a vineyard : and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley , and I will discover the foundations thereof. Samaria Isa_10_09 /^{Samaria /as Damascus ? Samaria 1Ki_21_18 /^{Samaria /behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth , whither he is gone down to possess it. Samaria 2Ki_17_28 /^{Samaria /came and dwelt in Bethel , and taught them how they should fear the LORD . Samaria Eze_16_51 /^{Samaria /committed half of thy sins ; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they , and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done . Samaria Act_15_03 /${Samaria /declaring the conversion of the Gentiles : and they caused great joy unto all the brethren . Samaria Jer_41_05 /^{Samaria /even fourscore men , having their beards shaven , and their clothes rent , and having cut themselves, with offerings and incense in their hand , to bring them to the house of the LORD . Samaria 2Ch_25_13 /^{Samaria /even unto Bethhoron , and smote three thousand of them, and took much spoil . Samaria Act_08_01 /${Samaria /except the apostles . Samaria 2Ki_05_03 /^{Samaria /for he would recover him of his leprosy . Samaria Joh_04_09 /${Samaria /for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans . Samaria Hos_07_01 /^{Samaria /for they commit falsehood ; and the thief cometh in , and the troop of robbers spoileth without . Samaria Act_08_09 /${Samaria /giving out that himself was some great one : Samaria Act_08_14 /${Samaria /had received the word of God , they sent unto them Peter and John : Samaria Hos_08_05 /^{Samaria /hath cast thee off; mine anger is kindled against them: how long will it be ere they attain to innocency ? Samaria 2Ki_10_17 /^{Samaria /he slew all that remained unto Ahab in Samaria , till he had destroyed him, according to the saying of the LORD , which he spake to Elijah . Samaria Hos_10_07 /^{Samaria /her king is cut off as the foam upon the water . Samaria Amo_03_12 /^{Samaria /in the corner of a bed , and in Damascus in a couch . Samaria 2Ki_15_25 /^{Samaria /in the palace of the king's house , with Argob and Arieh , and with him fifty men of the Gileadites : and he killed him, and reigned in his room. Samaria 2Ki_17_24 /^{Samaria /instead of the children of Israel : and they possessed Samaria , and dwelt in the cities thereof. Samaria Eze_23_04 /^{Samaria /is Aholah , and Jerusalem Aholibah . Samaria Isa_07_09 /^{Samaria /is Remaliah's son . If ye will not believe , surely ye shall not be established . Samaria 2Ki_17_26 /^{Samaria /know not the manner of the God of the land : therefore he hath sent lions among them, and, behold, they slay them, because they know not the manner of the God of the land . Samaria 1Ki_16_24 /^{Samaria /of Shemer for two talents of silver , and built on the hill , and called the name of the city which he built , after the name of Shemer , owner of the hill , Samaria . Samaria 2Ki_18_34 /^{Samaria /out of mine hand ? Samaria Isa_36_19 /^{Samaria /out of my hand ? Samaria 2Ki_17_01 /^{Samaria /over Israel nine years . Samaria Hos_08_06 /^{Samaria /shall be broken in pieces . Samaria Isa_08_04 /^{Samaria /shall be taken away before the king of Assyria . Samaria Hos_13_16 /^{Samaria /shall become desolate ; for she hath rebelled against her God : they shall fall by the sword : their infants shall be dashed in pieces , and their women with child shall be ripped up . Samaria Hos_10_05 /^{Samaria /shall fear because of the calves of Bethaven : for the people thereof shall mourn over it, and the priests thereof that rejoiced on it, for the glory thereof, because it is departed from it. Samaria 1Ki_20_10 /^{Samaria /shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me. Samaria 1Ki_13_32 /^{Samaria /shall surely come to pass. Samaria Eze_16_46 /^{Samaria /she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand : and thy younger sister , that dwelleth at thy right hand , is Sodom and her daughters . Samaria 2Ki_15_08 /^{Samaria /six months . Samaria 2Ki_06_20 /^{Samaria /that Elisha said , LORD , open the eyes of these men, that they may see . And the LORD opened their eyes , and they saw ; and, behold, they were in the midst of Samaria . Samaria Isa_09_09 /^{Samaria /that say in the pride and stoutness of heart , Samaria 2Ki_03_01 /^{Samaria /the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah , and reigned twelve years . Samaria Jer_31_05 /^{Samaria /the planters shall plant , and shall eat them as common things . Samaria 2Ki_03_06 /^{Samaria /the same time , and numbered all Israel . Samaria 1Ki_22_51 /^{Samaria /the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah , and reigned two years over Israel . Samaria 1Ki_20_34 /^{Samaria /Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this covenant . So he made a covenant with him, and sent him away . Samaria Jer_23_13 /^{Samaria /they prophesied in Baal , and caused my people Israel to err . Samaria 2Ki_10_17 /^{Samaria /till he had destroyed him, according to the saying of the LORD , which he spake to Elijah . Samaria Joh_04_07 /${Samaria /to draw water : Jesus saith unto her , Give me to drink . Samaria 1Ki_16_29 /^{Samaria /twenty and two years . Samaria Joh_04_09 /${Samaria /unto him , How is it that thou , being a Jew , askest drink of me , which am a woman of Samaria ? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans . Samaria 2Ki_10_01 /^{Samaria /unto the rulers of Jezreel , to the elders , and to them that brought up Ahab's children, saying , Samaria 2Ki_18_10 /^{Samaria /was taken . Samaria 2Ki_10_36 /^{Samaria /was twenty and eight years . Samaria Amo_06_01 /^{Samaria /which are named chief of the nations , to whom the house of Israel came ! Samaria Joh_04_05 /${Samaria /which is called Sychar , near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph . Samaria Amo_04_01 /^{Samaria /which oppress the poor , which crush the needy , which say to their masters , Bring , and let us drink . Samaria 2Ki_23_19 /^{Samaria /which the kings of Israel had made to provoke the LORD to anger , Josiah took away , and did to them according to all the acts that he had done in Bethel . Samaria 2Ki_13_13 /^{Samaria /with the kings of Israel . Samaria 2Ki_14_16 /^{Samaria /with the kings of Israel ; and Jeroboam his son reigned in his stead. Samaritan Joh_08_48 /${Samaritan /and hast a devil ? Samaritan Luk_10_33 /${Samaritan /as he journeyed , came where he was : and when he saw him , he had compassion on him, Samaritans Mat_10_05 /${Samaritans /enter ye not : Samaritans 2Ki_17_29 /^{Samaritans /had made , every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt . Samaritans Joh_04_39 /${Samaritans /of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman , which testified , He told me all that ever I did . Samaritans Luk_09_52 /${Samaritans /to make ready for him . Samaritans Joh_04_40 /${Samaritans /were come unto him , they besought him that he would tarry with them : and he abode there two days . Shamariah 011 009 WIICh /^{Shamariah /and Zaham . Shemariah 1Ch_12_05 /^{Shemariah /and Shephatiah the Haruphite , smart Pro_11_15 /^{smart /for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure . Tamar 2Sa_13_01 /^{Tamar /and Amnon the son of David loved her. Tamar Rut_04_12 /^{Tamar /bare unto Judah , of the seed which the LORD shall give thee of this young woman . Tamar 2Sa_13_10 /^{Tamar /Bring the meat into the chamber , that I may eat of thine hand . And Tamar took the cakes which she had made , and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother . Tamar 2Sa_13_05 /^{Tamar /come , and give me meat , and dress the meat in my sight , that I may see it, and eat it at her hand . Tamar Eze_47_19 /^{Tamar /even to the waters of strife in Kadesh , the river to the great sea . And this is the south side southward . Tamar 2Sa_13_02 /^{Tamar /for she was a virgin ; and Amnon thought it hard for him to do any thing to her. Tamar Gen_38_11 /^{Tamar /his daughter in law , Remain a widow at thy father's house , till Shelah my son be grown : for he said , Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house . Tamar 1Ch_02_04 /^{Tamar /his daughter in law bare him Pharez and Zerah . All the sons of Judah were five . Tamar 2Sa_13_04 /^{Tamar /my brother Absalom's sister . Tamar 2Sa_13_06 /^{Tamar /my sister come , and make me a couple of cakes in my sight , that I may eat at her hand . Tamar 2Sa_13_19 /^{Tamar /put ashes on her head , and rent her garment of divers colours that was on her, and laid her hand on her head , and went on crying . Tamar 2Sa_13_20 /^{Tamar /remained desolate in her brother Absalom's house . Tamar Gen_38_13 /^{Tamar /saying , Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep . Tamar 2Sa_13_07 /^{Tamar /saying , Go now to thy brother Amnon's house , and dress him meat . Tamar 2Sa_14_27 /^{Tamar /she was a woman of a fair countenance . Tamar 1Ch_03_09 /^{Tamar /their sister . Tamar Gen_38_24 /^{Tamar /thy daughter in law hath played the harlot ; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom . And Judah said , Bring her forth , and let her be burnt . Tamar 2Sa_13_10 /^{Tamar /took the cakes which she had made , and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother . Tamar Eze_48_28 /^{Tamar /unto the waters of strife in Kadesh , and to the river toward the great sea . Tamar Gen_38_11 /^{Tamar /went and dwelt in her father's house . Tamar 2Sa_13_08 /^{Tamar /went to her brother Amnon's house ; and he was laid down . And she took flour , and kneaded it, and made cakes in his sight , and did bake the cakes . Thamar Mat_01_03 /${Thamar /and Phares begat Esrom ; and Esrom begat Aram ; unmarried 1Co_07_08 /${unmarried /and widows , It is good for them if they abide even as I . unmarried 1Co_07_32 /${unmarried /careth for the things that belong to the Lord , how he may please the Lord : unmarried 1Co_07_11 /${unmarried /or be reconciled to her husband : and let not the husband put away his wife . unmarried 1Co_07_34 /${unmarried /woman careth for the things of the Lord , that she may be holy both in body and in spirit : but she that is married careth for the things of the world , how she may please her husband . waymarks Jer_31_21 /^{waymarks /make thee high heaps : set thine heart toward the highway , even the way which thou wentest : turn again , O virgin of Israel , turn again to these thy cities . Zemaraim Jos_18_22 /^{Zemaraim /and Bethel , Zemaraim 2Ch_13_04 /^{Zemaraim /which is in mount Ephraim , and said , Hear me, thou Jeroboam , and all Israel ; Zemarite 1Ch_01_16 /^{Zemarite /and the Hamathite . Zemarite Gen_10_18 /^{Zemarite /and the Hamathite : and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad .