but if thou mayest be made free <1CO7 -:21 > end thou mayest know for thou mayest be no longer steward for thou mayest eat foreigner thou mayest exact from whence thou mayest see them garden thou mayest freely eat if so be thou mayest prevail mayest be confounded mayest thou offer or thou mayest sell it unto an alien stranger thou mayest lend upon usury then mayest thou do then mayest thou for me defeat <2SA15 -:34 > then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure then thou mayest pluck thou mayest thou mayest be thou mayest be thou mayest be an holy people unto thou mayest be bound up thou mayest be clothed thou mayest be delivered from him thou mayest be feared thou mayest be justified thou mayest be my salvation unto thou mayest be remembered thou mayest be rich thou mayest be righteous thou mayest be saved thou mayest be their king thou mayest be wise thou mayest bear thine own shame thou mayest bring <2SA22 -:28 > thou mayest bring thou mayest bring thou mayest bring forth my people thou mayest bury thy dead thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks thou mayest carry me out <2CH18 -:33 > thou mayest certainly recover <2KI8 -:10 > thou mayest cleave unto him thou mayest come thou mayest curse me them from thence thou mayest do <1SA24 -:4 > thou mayest do it thou mayest dwell thou mayest eat thou mayest eat thou mayest eat flesh thou mayest fear this glorious thou mayest gather thou mayest give thou mayest give him rest from thou mayest go <1SA20 -:13 > thou mayest go thou mayest go thou mayest go with us thou mayest have strength <1SA28 -:22 > thou mayest hear thou mayest hearken unto <1KI8 -:29 > thou mayest inherit thou mayest inherit his land thou mayest judge <2CH1 -:11 > thou mayest keep <1CH22 -:12 > thou mayest know thou mayest know thou mayest know thou mayest know thou mayest know how thou mayest know how thou oughtest <1TI3 -:15 > thou mayest learn thou mayest live thou mayest live thou mayest live thou mayest live long on thou mayest look on their nakedness thou mayest love thou mayest not consume them at once thou mayest not eat thou mayest not eat within thy gates thou mayest not hide thyself thou mayest not sacrifice thou mayest not set thou mayest obey his voice thou mayest observe thou mayest observe thou mayest prolong thou mayest prolong thou mayest prosper <1KI2 -:3 > thou mayest prosper <3JO1 -:2 > thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest thou mayest recover him <2KI5 -:6 > thou mayest regard discretion thou mayest reign over all <2SA3 -:21 > thou mayest remember thou mayest remember thou mayest save thine own life <1KI1 -:12 > thou mayest say thou mayest see thou mayest take away <1KI2 -:31 > thou mayest teach them thou mayest tell thou mayest understand thou mayest use them for thou mayest walk time when thou mayest be found whom thou mayest make princes whom thyself mayest take knowledge whose hills thou mayest dig brass