Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

amemptos 0273 - {amemptos} {am'-emp-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3201; irreproachable: -- blameless, faultless, unblamable.

amemptos 0274 - {amemptos} {am-emp'-toce}; adverb from 0273; faultlessly: -- blameless, unblamably.

commemorate 08567 ## tanah {taw-naw'} ; a primitive root [identical with 08566 through the idea of attributing honor ] ; to ascribe (praise) , i . e . celebrate , {commemorate} : -- lament , rehearse .

commemoration 02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a memento , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , {commemoration} : -- memorial , memory , remembrance , scent .

dismember 05408 ## nathach {naw-thakh'} ; a primitive root ; to {dismember} : -- cut (in pieces) , divide , hew in pieces .

dismember 1288 - diaspao {dee-as-pah'-o}; from 1223 and 4685; to draw apart, i.e. sever or {dismember}: -- pluck asunder, pull in pieces.

fellow-member 4954 - sussomos {soos'-so-mos}; from 4862 and 4983; of a joint body, i.e. (figuratively) a {fellow-member} of the Christian community: -- of the same body.

hormema 3731 - {hormema} {hor'-may-mah}; from 3730; an attack, i.e. (abstractly) precipitancy: -- violence.

Jehovah-remembered 03108 ## Yowzakar {yo-zaw-kawr'} ; from 03068 and 02142 ; {Jehovah-remembered} ; Jozacar , an Israelite : -- Jozachar .

memad 04461 ## {memad} {may-mad'} ; from 04058 ; a measure : -- measure .

member 01511 ## Gizriy (in the marg .) {ghiz-ree'} ; patrial from 01507 ; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitants of Gezer ; but better (as in the text) by transposition Girziy {gher-zee'} ; patrial of 01630 ; a Grizite (collectively) or {member} of a native tribe in Palestine : -- Gezrites .

member 01905 ## Hagriy {hag-ree'} ; or (prolonged) Hagri'{hag-ree'} ; perhaps patronymically from 01904 ; a Hagrite or {member} of a certain Arabian clan : -- Hagarene , Hagarite , Haggeri .

member 03338 ## yatsur {yaw-tsoor'} ; passive participle of 03335 ; structure , i . e . limb or part : -- {member} . ql

member 07017 ## Qeyniy {kay-nee'} ; or Qiyniy (1 Chron . 2 : 55) {kee-nee'} ; patronymic from 07014 ; a Kenite or {member} of the tribe of Kajin : -- Kenite .

member 07716 ## seh {seh} ; or sey {say} ; probably from 07582 through the idea of pushing out to graze ; a {member} of a flock , i . e . a sheep or goat : -- (lesser , small) cattle , ewe , goat , lamb , sheep . Compare 02089 .

member 08198 ## shiphchah {shif-khaw'} ; feminine from an unused root meaning to spread out (as a family ; see 04940) ; a female slave (as a {member} of the household) : -- (bond-, hand-) maid (- en ,-servant) , wench , bondwoman , womanservant .

member 08212 ## shophkah {shof-kaw'} ; feminine of a derivative from 08210 ; a pipe (for pouring forth , e . g . wine) , i . e . the penis : -- privy {member} .

member 0698 - Areopagites {ar-eh-op-ag-ee'-tace}; from 0697; an Areopagite or {member} of the court held on Mars' Hill: -- Areopagite.

member 0959 - Bernike {ber-nee'-kay}; from a provincial form of 5342 and 3529; victorious; Bernice, a {member} of the Herodian family: -- Bernice.

member 1010 - bouleutes {bool-yoo-tace'}; from 1011; an adviser, i.e. (specially) a councillor or {member} of the Jewish Sanhedrin: -- counsellor.

member 1409 - Drousilla {droo'-sil-lah}; a feminine diminutive of Drusus (a Roman name); Drusilla, a {member} of the Herodian family: -- Drusilla. ***. dumi. See 1416.

member 1450 - egguos {eng'-goo-os}; from 1722 and guion (a limb); pledged (as if articulated by a {member}), i.e. a bondsman: -- surety.

member 2460 - hippeus {hip-yooce'}; from 2462; an equestrian, i.e. {member} of a cavalry corps.: -- horseman.

member 3196 - melos {mel'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a limb or part of the body: -- {member}.

member 4245 - presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os}; comparative of presbus (elderly); older; as noun, a senior; specifically, an Israelite Sanhedrist (also figuratively, {member} of the celestial council) or Christian " presbyter " : -- elder(-est), old.

members 08311 ## sara` {saw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to prolong , i . e . (reflex) be deformed by excess of {members} : -- stretch out self , (have any) superfluous thing .

members 1577 - ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah}; from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; a calling out, i.e. (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of {members} on earth or saints in heaven or both): -- assembly, church.

membrana 3200 - {membrana} {mem-bran'-ah}; of Latin origin ( " membrane " ); a (written) sheep-skin: -- parchment.

membrane 3200 - membrana {mem-bran'-ah}; of Latin origin ( " {membrane} " ); a (written) sheep-skin: -- parchment.

memento 02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a {memento} , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , commemoration : -- memorial , memory , remembrance , scent .

memento 02146 ## zikrown {zik-rone'} ; from 02142 ; a {memento} (or memorable thing , day or writing) : -- memorial , record .

memer 04470 ## {memer} {meh'- mer} ; from an unused root meaning to grieve ; sorrow : -- bitterness .

memorable 02146 ## zikrown {zik-rone'} ; from 02142 ; a memento (or {memorable} thing , day or writing) : -- memorial , record .

memorable 02147 ## Zikriy {zik-ree'} ; from 02142 ; {memorable} ; Zicri , the name of twelve Israelites : -- Zichri .

memorable 2016 - epiphanes {ep-if-an-ace'}; from 2014; conspicuous, i.e. (figuratively) {memorable}: -- notable.

memorandum 3422 - mnemosunon {mnay-mos'-oo-non}; from 3421; a reminder ({memorandum}), i.e. record: -- memorial.

memorial 00234 ## 'azkarah {az-kaw-raw'} ; from 02142 ; a reminder ; specifically remembrance-offering : -- {memorial} .

memorial 00237 ## 'ezel {eh'- zel} ; from 00235 ; departure ; Ezel , a {memorial} stone in Palestine : -- Ezel .

memorial 01567 ## Gal` ed {gal-ade'} ; from 01530 and 05707 ; heap of testimony ; Galed , a {memorial} cairn East of the Jordan : -- Galeed .

memorial 02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a memento , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , commemoration : -- {memorial} , memory , remembrance , scent .

memorial 02146 ## zikrown {zik-rone'} ; from 02142 ; a memento (or memorable thing , day or writing) : -- {memorial} , record .

memorial 04676 ## matstsebah {mats-tsay-baw'} ; feminine (causatively) participle of 05324 ; something stationed , i . e . a column or ({memorial} stone) ; by analogy , an idol : -- garrison , (standing) image , pillar .

memorial 08034 ## shem {shame} ; a primitive word [perhaps rather from 07760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position ; compare 08064 ] ; an appellation , as a mark or {memorial} of individuality ; by implication honor , authority , character : -- + base , [in-] fame [-ous ] , named (- d) , renown , report .

memorial 3418 - mnema {mnay'-mah}; from 3415; a {memorial}, i.e. sepulchral monument (burial-place): -- grave, sepulchre, tomb.

memorial 3422 - mnemosunon {mnay-mos'-oo-non}; from 3421; a reminder (memorandum), i.e. record: -- {memorial}.

memory 02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a memento , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , commemoration : -- memorial , {memory} , remembrance , scent .

memory 03647 ## kamac {kaw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to store away , i . e . (figuratively) in the {memory} : -- lay up in store

memory 07876 ## shayah {shaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to keep in {memory} : -- be unmindful . [Render Deuteronomy 32 : 18 , " A Rock bore thee , thou must recollect ; and (yet) thou hast forgotten , " etc . ]

memory 07911 ## shakach {shaw-kakh'} ; or shakeach {shaw-kay'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to mislay , i . e . to be oblivious of , from want of {memory} or attention : -- X at all , (cause to) forget .

memory 2722 - katecho {kat-ekh'-o}; from 2596 and 2192; to hold down (fast), in various applications (literally or figuratively): -- have, hold (fast), keep (in {memory}), let, X make toward, possess, retain, seize on, stay, take, withhold.

memory 3420 - mneme {mnay'-may}; from 3403; {memory}: -- remembrance.

memory 3421 - mnemoneuo {mnay-mon-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 3420; to exercise {memory}, i.e. recollect; by implication to punish; also to rehearse: -- make mention; be mindful, remember.

memory 5279 - hupomimnesko {hoop-om-im-nace'-ko}; from 5259 and 3403; to remind quietly, i.e. suggest to the (middle voice one's own) {memory}: -- put in mind, remember, bring to (put in) remembrance.

Memphis 04644 ## Moph {mofe} ; of Egyptian origin : Moph , the capital of Lower Egypt : -- {Memphis} . Compare 05297 .

memphomai 3201 - {memphomai} {mem'-fom-ahee}; middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to blame: -- find fault.

mempsimoiros 3202 - {mempsimoiros} {mem-psim'-oy-ros}; from a presumed derivative of 3201 and moira (fate; akin to the base of 3313); blaming fate, i.e. querulous (discontented): -- complainer.

memshalah 04475 ## {memshalah} {mem-shaw-law'} ; feminine of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler : -- dominion , government , power , to rule .

Memucan 04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; {Memucan} or Momucan , a Persian satrap : -- Memucan .

Memucan 04462 ## M@muwkan {mem-oo-kawn'} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap : -- {Memucan} .

remember 02142 ## zakar {zaw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to mark (so as to be recognized) , i . e . to {remember} ; by implication , to mention ; also (as denominative from 02145) to be male : -- X burn [incense ] , X earnestly , be male , (make) mention (of) , be mindful , recount , record (- er) , remember , make to be remembered , bring (call , come , keep , put) to (in) remembrance , X still , think on , X well .

remember 06485 ## paqad {paw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) ; by analogy , to oversee , muster , charge , care for , miss , deposit , etc . : -- appoint , X at all , avenge , bestow , (appoint to have the , give a) charge , commit , count , deliver to keep , be empty , enjoin , go see , hurt , do judgment , lack , lay up , look , make , X by any means , miss , number , officer , (make) overseer , have (the) oversight , punish , reckon , (call to) {remember} (- brance) , set (over) , sum , X surely , visit , want .

remember 0363 - anamimnesko {an-am-im-nace'-ko}; from 0303 and 3403; to remind; (reflexively) to recollect: -- call to mind, (bring to , call to, put in), {remember}(-brance).

remember 3403 - mimnesko {mim-nace'-ko}; a prolonged form of 3415 (from which some of the tenses are borrowed); to remind, i.e. (middle voice) to recall to mind: -- be mindful, {remember}.

remember 3415 - mnaomai {mnah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a derivative of 3306 or perhaps of the base of 3145 (through the idea of fixture in the mind or of mental grasp); to bear in mind, i.e. recollect; by implication to reward or punish: -- be mindful, {remember}, come (have) in remembrance. Compare 3403.

remember 3421 - mnemoneuo {mnay-mon-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 3420; to exercise memory, i.e. recollect; by implication to punish; also to rehearse: -- make mention; be mindful, {remember}.

remember 4933 - suntereo {soon-tay-reh'-o}; from 4862 and 5083; to keep closely together, i.e. (by implication) to conserve (from ruin); ment. to {remember} (and obey): -- keep, observe, preserve.

remember 5279 - hupomimnesko {hoop-om-im-nace'-ko}; from 5259 and 3403; to remind quietly, i.e. suggest to the (middle voice one's own) memory: -- put in mind, {remember}, bring to (put in) remembrance.

remembered 02142 ## zakar {zaw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to mark (so as to be recognized) , i . e . to remember ; by implication , to mention ; also (as denominative from 02145) to be male : -- X burn [incense ] , X earnestly , be male , (make) mention (of) , be mindful , recount , record (- er) , remember , make to be {remembered} , bring (call , come , keep , put) to (in) remembrance , X still , think on , X well .

remembered 02145 ## zakar {zaw-kawr'} ; from 02142 ; properly , {remembered} , i . e . a male (of man or animals , as being the most noteworthy sex) : -- X him , male , man (child ,-- kind) .

remembered 02148 ## Z@karyah {zek-ar-yaw'} ; or Z@karyahuw {zek-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02142 and 03050 ; Jah has {remembered} ; Zecarjah , the name of twenty-nine Israelites : -- Zachariah , Zechariah .

remembrance 02142 ## zakar {zaw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to mark (so as to be recognized) , i . e . to remember ; by implication , to mention ; also (as denominative from 02145) to be male : -- X burn [incense ] , X earnestly , be male , (make) mention (of) , be mindful , recount , record (- er) , remember , make to be remembered , bring (call , come , keep , put) to (in) {remembrance} , X still , think on , X well .

remembrance 02143 ## zeker {zay'- ker} ; or zeker {zeh'- ker} ; from 02142 ; a memento , abstr . recollection (rarely if ever) ; by implication , commemoration : -- memorial , memory , {remembrance} , scent .

remembrance 0364 - anamnesis {an-am'-nay-sis}; from 0363; recollection: -- {remembrance} (again).

remembrance 3415 - mnaomai {mnah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a derivative of 3306 or perhaps of the base of 3145 (through the idea of fixture in the mind or of mental grasp); to bear in mind, i.e. recollect; by implication to reward or punish: -- be mindful, remember, come (have) in {remembrance}. Compare 3403.

remembrance 3417 - mneia {mni'-ah}; from 3415 or 3403; recollection; by implication recital: -- mention, {remembrance}.

remembrance 3419 - mnemeion {mnay-mi'-on}; from 3420; a {remembrance}, i.e. cenotaph (place of interment): -- grave, sepulchre, tomb.

remembrance 3420 - mneme {mnay'-may}; from 3403; memory: -- {remembrance}.

remembrance 5279 - hupomimnesko {hoop-om-im-nace'-ko}; from 5259 and 3403; to remind quietly, i.e. suggest to the (middle voice one's own) memory: -- put in mind, remember, bring to (put in) {remembrance}.

remembrance 5280 - hupomnesis {hoop-om'-nay-sis}; from 5279; a reminding or (reflexively) recollection: -- {remembrance}.

remembrance 5294 - hupotithemi {hoop-ot-ith'-ay-mee}; from 5259 and 5087; to place underneath, i.e. (figuratively) to hazard, (reflexively) to suggest: -- lay down, put in {remembrance}.

remembrance-offering 00234 ## 'azkarah {az-kaw-raw'} ; from 02142 ; a reminder ; specifically {remembrance-offering} : -- memorial .

romemuth 07427 ## {romemuth} {ro-may-mooth'} ; from the active participle of 07426 ; exaltation : -- lifting up of self .

shamem 08074 ## {shamem} {shaw-mame'} ; a primitive root ; to stun (or intransitively , grow numb) , i . e . devastate or (figuratively) stupefy (both usually in a passive sense) : -- make amazed , be astonied , (be an) astonish (- ment) , (be , bring into , unto , lay , lie , make) desolate (- ion , places) , be destitute , destroy (self) , (lay , lie , make) waste , wonder .

shamem 08076 ## {shamem} {shaw-mame'} ; from 08074 ; ruined : -- desolate .

t@qowmem 08618 ## {t@qowmem} {tek-o-mame'} ; from 06965 ; an opponent : -- rise up against .

{ko-mem-ee-yooth'} 06968 ## qowm@miyuwth {{ko-mem-ee-yooth'}} ; from 06965 ; elevation , i . e . (adverbially) erectly (figuratively) : -- upright .

{mem'-fom-ahee} 3201 - memphomai {{mem'-fom-ahee}}; middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to blame: -- find fault.

{mem-bran'-ah} 3200 - membrana {{mem-bran'-ah}}; of Latin origin ( " membrane " ); a (written) sheep-skin: -- parchment.

{mem-oo-kawn'} 04462 ## M@muwkan {{mem-oo-kawn'}} ; or (transp .) Mowmukan (Esth . 1 : 16) {mo-moo-kawn'} ; of Persian derivation ; Memucan or Momucan , a Persian satrap : -- Memucan .

{mem-psim'-oy-ros} 3202 - mempsimoiros {{mem-psim'-oy-ros}}; from a presumed derivative of 3201 and moira (fate; akin to the base of 3313); blaming fate, i.e. querulous (discontented): -- complainer.

{mem-shaw-law'} 04475 ## memshalah {{mem-shaw-law'}} ; feminine of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler : -- dominion , government , power , to rule .

{ro-mem-aw'} 07319 ## rowm@mah {{ro-mem-aw'}} ; feminine active participle of 07426 ; exaltation , i . e . praise : -- high .