Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
amazement at Act_03_10

amend your doings Jer_35_15

amend your ways Jer_07_03

atonement money Exo_30_16

atonement shall ye make Lev_25_09

atonement was made Exo_29_33

augment yet Num_32_14

bondwomen unto you 2Ch_28_10

commend my spirit Luk_23_46

commend ourselves 2Co_03_01

commend themselves 2Co_10_12

commend unto you phebe our sister Rom_16_01

commend you Act_20_32

commended her before pharaoh Gen_12_15

commended mirth Ecc_09_15

craftsmen which are with him Act_19_38

elements shall melt with fervent heat 2Pe_03_10

elements shall melt with fervent heat 2Pe_03_12

firmament from Gen_01_07

firmament heaven Gen_01_08

firmament showeth his handiwork Psa_19_01

firmament upon Eze_01_22

fishermen were gone out Luk_05_02

fragments took ye up Mar_08_19

fragments took ye up Mar_08_20

garment also Lev_13_47

garment down Rev_01_13

garment from them Mic_02_08

garment mingled Lev_19_19

garment spotted by Jde_01_23

garment thereof Job_38_09

garments rolled Isa_09_05

garments unto them which expounded Jud_14_19

garments which dorcas made Act_09_39

garments which they shall make Exo_28_04

horsemen followed hard after him 2Sa_01_06

horsemen out 1Ch_19_06

horsemen riding upon horses Eze_23_12

horsemen riding upon horses Eze_23_06

horsemen shall set themselves Isa_22_07

horsemen thereof 2Ki_13_14

horsemen thereof 2Ki_02_12

horsemen threescore Act_23_23

horsemen unto Jos_24_06

horsemen with me Neh_02_09

judgment against him Act_25_15

judgment also will Isa_28_17

judgment came Rom_05_18

judgment doth never go forth Hab_01_04

judgment for all Psa_103_06

judgment hall Joh_18_28

judgment hall Joh_19_09

judgment hall again Joh_18_33

judgment is come upon Jer_48_21

judgment is turned away backward Isa_59_14

judgment must begin at 1Pe_04_17

judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes Pro_20_08

judgment seat 2Co_05_10

judgment seat Act_18_12

judgment seat Act_18_16

judgment seat Act_18_17

judgment seat Act_25_17

judgment seat Joh_19_13

judgment seat Mat_27_19

judgment seat Rom_14_10

judgment seat commanded paul Act_25_06

judgment seats Jam_02_06

judgment shall sit Dan_07_26

judgment thou shalt condemn Isa_54_17

judgment unto you throughout your generations Num_35_29

judgment upon his heart Exo_28_29

judgment was given Dan_07_22

judgment was given unto them Rev_20_04

judgment was set Dan_07_10

judgment which 1Ki_03_28

judgment which they shall tell thee Deu_17_11

judgment with Luk_11_31

judgment with cunning work Exo_28_15

judgment with this generation Luk_11_32

judgment with this generation Mat_12_41

judgment with this generation Mat_12_42

judgment written Psa_149_09

judgments are prepared for scorners Pro_19_29

judgments whereby they should not live Eze_20_25

judgments which 1Ch_22_13

judgments which Deu_11_32

judgments which Deu_05_01

judgments which thou shalt set before them Exo_21_01

lament for her Rev_18_09

lament for them Jer_16_06

lament like Joe_01_08

lament nor bemoan them Jer_16_05

lament over thee Eze_27_32

lament with Mic_02_04

lamented him Luk_23_27

madmenah is removed Isa_10_31

men able 1Ch_05_18

men an hundred thousand 1Ch_05_21

men answered her Jos_02_14

men are Ecc_10_17

men are Isa_22_02

men are dead which sought thy life Exo_04_19

men arose Jos_18_08

men because Rom_06_19

men befalleth beasts ECC4 -:19

men blasphemed god because Rev_16_21

men brought Luk_05_18

men builded Gen_11_05

men by jesus christ according Rom_02_16

men cast it out Luk_14_35

men children alive Exo_01_17

men children alive Exo_01_18

men come Num_22_20

men commit Num_05_06

men concerning him Gen_12_20

men consent unto us for Gen_34_22

men could not touch their garments Lam_04_14

men did 2Ch_34_12

men did diligently observe whether 1Ki_20_33

men did so 1Sa_06_10

men do therefore fear him Job_37_24

men dwell Dan_02_38

men every one into his neighbour's hand Zec_11_06

men exceedingly afraid Jon_01_10

men feared Jon_01_16

men for Act_17_26

men for our people 2Sa_10_12

men gather them Joh_15_06

men go 2Ki_05_24

men go Exo_10_07

men groan from out Job_24_12

men hide themselves Pro_28_28

men his mighty acts Psa_145_12

men home Gen_43_16

men into joseph's house Gen_43_17

men into joseph's house Gen_43_24

men is full Ecc_10_03

men is fully set Ecc_09_11

men killed Rev_09_18

men knew Jon_01_10

men laid hold upon his hand Gen_19_16

men loved darkness rather than light Joh_03_19

men lying Jud_16_09

men marvelled Mat_08_27

men marvelled one at another Gen_43_33

men might seek after Act_15_17

men more than Joh_12_43

men on this side Ezr_04_11

men or beasts Num_18_15

men ought always Luk_18_01

men passed by 1Ki_13_25

men pray every where 1Ti_02_08

men prevailed against us 2Sa_11_23

men pursued after them Jos_02_07

men put forth their hand Gen_19_10

men put their trust under Psa_36_07

men rose up from thence Gen_18_16

men rowed hard Jon_01_13

men said unto her Jos_02_17

men said unto lot Gen_19_12

men sat down Joh_06_10

men say not Jud_09_54

men seven thousand Rev_11_13

men shall be bowed down Isa_02_11

men shall buy fields for money Jer_32_44

men shall cry Jer_47_02

men shall dine with me at noon Gen_43_16

men shall fall as dung upon Jer_09_22

men shall speak Mat_12_36

men should do Luk_06_31

men should do Mat_07_12

men should repent Mar_06_12

men sit down Joh_06_10

men snared Ecc_10_12

men sought we glory 1Th_02_06

men thereof Jos_10_02

men took Gen_43_15

men took Jos_09_14

men touched my lips Dan_10_16

men turned their faces from thence Gen_18_22

men uncircumcised Act_11_03

men was about five thousand Act_04_04

men we were among you for your sake 1Th_01_05

men went Jos_18_09

men went Jos_02_05

men went out Jos_02_05

men went up Jos_07_02

men were about twelve Act_19_07

men were afraid Gen_43_18

men were come unto him Luk_07_20

men were greatly ashamed 1Ch_19_05

men were greatly ashamed 2Sa_10_05

men were grieved Gen_34_07

men were scorched with great heat Rev_16_09

men were sent away Gen_44_03

men were served 1Ch_19_05

men were sore afraid Gen_20_08

men which Num_12_03

men which came Gen_19_05

men which fought 1Ch_19_18

men which had Rev_16_02

men which journeyed with him stood speechless Act_09_07

men which knew Jer_44_15

men which moses sent Num_13_16

men which shall divide Num_34_17

men which sit on 2Ki_18_27

men which thou gavest me out Joh_17_06

men which went with me Gen_14_24

men which were expressed by name rose up 2Ch_28_15

men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not Rev_09_20

men which were sent from cornelius had made inquiry for simon's house Act_10_17

men which were sent unto him from cornelius Act_10_21

men whom 2Ki_10_24

men whom ye put Act_05_25

men with him Jer_38_11

men with him into egypt Jer_26_22

men with men working Rom_01_27

men wondered at Zec_03_08

men would not hearken Jud_19_25

men your master's sons 2Ki_10_06

men's blood Hab_02_17

men's blood Hab_02_08

men's feet Gen_24_32

men's hands 2Ki_19_18

men's hands Deu_04_28

men's hands Isa_37_19

men's hands Psa_115_04

men's hands Psa_135_15

men's hearts failing them for fear Luk_21_26

men's sacks Gen_44_01

menahem began 2Ki_15_23

menahem exacted 2Ki_15_20

menahem gave pul 2Ki_15_19

menahem slept with his fathers 2Ki_15_22

mending their nets Mat_04_21

mentioned by name Jos_21_09

moment go down Job_21_13

moment shall they die Job_34_20

ointment made Mar_14_04

ointment poured forth Son_01_03

pavement by Eze_40_18

pavement made for Eze_40_17

pavement which Eze_42_03

plowmen were ashamed Jer_14_04

raiment let us be therewith content 1Ti_06_08

shipmen deemed Act_27_27

shipmen were about Act_27_30

spearmen two hundred Act_23_23

testament which god hath enjoined unto you Heb_09_20

torment me not Luk_08_28

torment us before Mat_08_29

vehement desire 2Co_07_11

vehement east wind Jon_04_08

watchmen upon Jer_31_06

women adorn themselves 1Ti_02_09

women alive Num_31_15

women also Gen_14_16

women also Luk_23_55

women answered 1Sa_18_07

women are destroyed out Jud_21_16

women as men 2Sa_06_19

women came out 1Sa_18_06

women captives 1Sa_30_02

women children Num_31_18

women come Isa_27_11

women committed Act_08_03

women eat their fruit Lam_02_20

women go out Gen_24_11

women had said Luk_24_24

women her neighbours gave it Rut_04_17

women knead Jer_07_18

women ravished Zec_14_02

women received their dead raised Heb_11_35

women rule over them Isa_03_12

women said unto naomi Rut_04_14

women shall be Mat_24_41

women singers Ecc_03_08

women there hath not risen Mat_11_11

women there is not Luk_07_28

women therein 2Ki_15_16

women unto Est_02_13

women went out after her with timbrels Exo_15_20

women which resorted Act_16_13

women whose heart stirred them up Exo_35_26

women with child Amo_01_13

women wove hangings for 2Ki_23_07

women's house Est_02_11

workmen according 1Ch_25_01

workmen with thee 1Ch_22_15

workmen wrought 2Ch_24_13

workmen's hammer Jud_05_26