menservants Gen_30_43 /^{menservants /and camels , and asses . menservants Luk_12_45 /${menservants /and maidens , and to eat and drink , and to be drunken ; menservants Gen_24_35 /^{menservants /and maidservants , and camels , and asses . menservants Gen_12_16 /^{menservants /and maidservants , and she asses , and camels . menservants 2Ki_05_26 /^{menservants /and maidservants ? menservants Gen_20_14 /^{menservants /and womenservants , and gave them unto Abraham , and restored him Sarah his wife . menservants Gen_32_05 /^{menservants /and womenservants : and I have sent to tell my lord , that I may find grace in thy sight . menservants Deu_12_12 /^{menservants /and your maidservants , and the Levite that is within your gates ; forasmuch as he hath no part nor inheritance with you. menservants 1Sa_08_16 /^{menservants /and your maidservants , and your goodliest young men , and your asses , and put them to his work . menservants Exo_21_07 /^{menservants /do . womenservants Gen_20_14 /^{womenservants /and gave them unto Abraham , and restored him Sarah his wife . womenservants Gen_32_22 /^{womenservants /and his eleven sons , and passed over the ford Jabbok . womenservants Gen_32_05 /^{womenservants /and I have sent to tell my lord , that I may find grace in thy sight .