feebleminded ......... the feebleminded 3642 -oligopsuchos-> highminded ......... Be not highminded 5309 -hupselophroneo-> highminded ......... highminded 5187 -tuphoo-> highminded ......... that they be not highminded 5309 - hupselophroneo-> likeminded ......... likeminded 2473 -isopsuchos-> likeminded ......... that ye be likeminded 5426 -phroneo-> likeminded ......... you to be likeminded 5426 -phroneo-> mind ......... and of the mind 1271 -dianoia-> mind ......... do mind 5426 -phroneo-> mind ......... in her mind what 4217 -potapos-> mind ......... in mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... is the mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... is the mind 5427 -phronema-> mind ......... let us mind 5426 -phroneo-> mind ......... mind . mind ......... mind 1106 -gnome-> mind ......... mind 1271 -dianoia-> mind ......... mind 1771 -ennoia-> mind ......... mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... mind 3661 -homothumadon-> mind ......... mind 3675 -homophron-> mind ......... mind 4288 -prothumia-> mind ......... mind 4290 -prothumos-> mind ......... mind 4993 -sophroneo-> mind ......... mind 4995 -sophronismos-> mind ......... mind 5426 -phroneo-> Mind ......... Mind 5426 -phroneo-> mind ......... mind 5427 -phronema-> mind ......... mind 5590 -psuche-> mind ......... mind toward 5228 -huper-> mind ......... of mind , and with many 4183 -polus-> mind ......... of mind , meekness 4236 -praiotes-> mind ......... of mind 4288 -prothumia-> mind ......... of mind 5012 -tapeinophrosune-> mind ......... of my mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... of their mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... the mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... their mind 1271 -dianoia-> mind ......... their mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... them in mind 5279 -hupomimnesko-> mind ......... thy mind 1106 -gnome-> mind ......... thy mind 1271 -dianoia-> mind ......... to mind 0363 -anamimnesko-> mind ......... up by his fleshly mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... with the mind 3563 -nous-> mind ......... you in mind 1878 -epanamimnesko-> minded ......... I was minded 1014 -boo -lom -ahee-> minded ......... minded 1011 -bouleuo-> minded ......... minded 1374 -dipsuchos-> minded ......... minded 4993 -sophroneo-> minded ......... minded 5426 -phroneo-> minded ......... minded 5427 -phronema-> minded ......... they were minded 1014 -boo -lom -ahee-> minded ......... was minded 1014 -boo -lom -ahee-> mindful ......... that thou art mindful 3403 -mimnesko-> mindful ......... That ye may be mindful 3403 -mimnesko-> mindful ......... thee , being mindful 3403 -mimnesko-> mindful ......... they had been mindful 3421 -mnemoneuo-> minding ......... minding 3195 -mello-> minds ......... and in their minds 1271 -dianoia-> minds ......... and minds 3540 -noema-> minds ......... But their minds 3540 -noema-> minds ......... minds 1271 -dianoia-> minds ......... minds 3540 -noema-> minds ......... minds 3563 -nous-> minds ......... minds 5590 -psuche-> minds ......... the minds 3540 -noema-> minds ......... their minds , and said 3004 -lego-> minds ......... their minds 5590 -psuche->