but even their mind but without thy mind would from whom thy mind is alienated from whom thy mind is alienated her mind was alienated from them her mind what manner his mind hardened his mind unto let this mind be like as my mind was alienated from her sister mind among all mind by wicked works mind change mind let each esteem other better than themselves mind not high things mind unto isaac mind which hath wisdom same mind one toward another same time shall things come into thy mind set not thy mind on them <1SA9 -:20 > sound mind <2TI1 -:7 > their mind then my mind was alienated from her these have one mind thy mind which cometh into your mind shall not be at all who mind earthly things wicked mind will put my laws into their mind willing mind <1CH28 -:9 > willing mind <2CO8 -:12 > with all thy mind with all thy mind with all thy mind with one mind striving together for your fervent mind toward me <2CO7 -:7 >