Ahiramites 0298 ## >Achiyramiy {akh-ee-raw-mee'}; patronymic from 297; an Achiramite or descendant (collectively) of Achiram: -- {Ahiramites}. [ql Aramitess 0761 ## >Arammiy {ar-am-mee'}; patrial from 758; an Aramite or Aramaean: -- Syrian, {Aramitess}. [ql Carmites 3757 ## Karmiy {kar-mee'}; patronymically from 3756; a Karmite or descendant of Karmi: -- {Carmites}. [ql Edomites 0123 ## >Edom {ed-ome'}; or (fully) >Edowm {ed-ome'}; from 122; red [see Gen. 25:25]; Edom, the elder twin-brother of Jacob; hence the region (Idumaea) occupied by him: -- Edom, {Edomites}, Idumea. [ql Ephraimites 0669 ## >Ephrayim {ef-rah'-yim}; dual of masculine form of 672; double fruit; Ephrajim, a son of Joseph; also the tribe descended from him, and its territory: -- Ephraim, {Ephraimites}. [ql Huphamites 2350 ## Chuwphamiy {khoo-faw-mee'}; patronymically from 2349; a Chuphamite or descendant of Chupham: -- {Huphamites}. [ql Naamites 5280 ## Na