English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

Ahimoth 0287 -- /Achiymowth -- {Ahimoth}.

Alamoth 5961 -- \Alamowth -- {Alamoth}.

Bamoth 1120 -- Bamowth -- {Bamoth}, Bamoth-baal.

Bamothbaal 1120 -- Bamowth -- Bamoth, {Bamoth-baal}.

Behemoth 0930 -- b@hemowth -- {Behemoth}.

Bethjeshimoth 1020 -- Beyth ha-Y@shiy-mowth -- {Beth-jeshimoth}.

grandmother 3125 ** mamme ** {grandmother}.

Jerimoth 3406 -- Y@riymowth -- Jermoth, {Jerimoth}, and Ramoth.

Jermoth 3406 -- Y@riymowth -- {Jermoth}, Jerimoth, and Ramoth.

Kedemoth 6932 -- Q@demowth -- {Kedemoth}.

Meremoth 4822 -- M@remowth -- {Meremoth}.

Meshillemoth 4919 -- M@shillemowth -- {Meshillemoth}.

moth 4597 ** ses ** {moth}.

moth 5580 -- cac -- {moth}.

moth 6211 -- \ash -- {moth}, grass.

motheaten 4598 ** setobrotos ** {motheaten}.

mother 0282 ** ametor ** without {mother}.

mother 0517 -- /em -- dam, {mother}, X parting.

mother 2545 -- chamowth -- {mother} in law.

mother 2859 -- chathan -- join in affinity, father in law, make marriages, {mother} inlaw, son in law.

mother 3243 -- yanaq -- milch, nurse(-ing {mother}), (give, make to) suck(-ing child, -- ling).

mother 3384 ** meter ** {mother}.

mother 3994 ** penthera ** mother in law, wife's {mother}.

mother 3994 ** penthera ** {mother} in law, wife's mother.

mothers 3389 ** metraloias ** murderer of {mothers}.

Ramoth 3406 -- Y@riymowth -- Jermoth, Jerimoth, and {Ramoth}.

Ramoth 7216 Ra/mowth -- -- {Ramoth}.

Ramoth 7418 Ramowth-Negeb -- -- south {Ramoth}, Ramath of the south.

Ramoth 7433 Ramowth -- -- Ramoth-gilead, {Ramoth} in Gilead.

Ramothgilead 7433 Ramowth -- -- {Ramoth-gilead}, Ramoth in Gilead.

Samothracia 4543 ** Samothraike ** {Samothracia}.

Shamoth 8054 -- Shammowth -- {Shamoth}.

Shelomoth 8013 -- Sh@lomowth -- Shelomith, {Shelomoth}.

Shemiramoth 8070 -- Sh@miyramowth -- {Shemiramoth}.

Siphmoth 8224 -- Siphmowth -- {Siphmoth}.

Timotheus 5095 ** Timotheos ** {Timotheus}, Timothy.

Timothy 5095 ** Timotheos ** Timotheus, {Timothy}.