Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
murder ^ Luk_23_19 (Who <3748> for <2258> (5713) <1223> a certain <5100> sedition <4714> made <1096> (5637) in <1722> the city <4172>, and <2532> for {murder} <5408>, was cast <0906> (5772) into <1519> prison <5438>.)

murder ^ Luk_23_25 And <1161> he released <0630> (5656) unto them <0846> him that for <1223> sedition <4714> and <2532> {murder} <5408> was cast <0906> (5772) into <1519> prison <5438>, whom <3739> they had desired <0154> (5710); but <1161> he delivered <3860> (5656) Jesus <2424> to their <0846> will <2307>.

murder ^ Mar_15_07 And <1161> there was <2258> (5713) one named <3004> (5746) Barabbas <0912>, which lay bound <1210> (5772) with <3326> them that had made insurrection with him <4955>, who <3748> had committed <4160> (5715) {murder} <5408> in <1722> the insurrection <4714>.

murder ^ Mat_19_18 He saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Which <4169>? <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627), Thou shalt do <5407> <0> no <3756> {murder} <5407> (5692), Thou shalt <3431> <0> not <3756> commit adultery <3431> (5692), Thou shalt <2813> <0> not <3756> steal <2813> (5692), Thou shalt <5576> <0> not <3756> bear false witness <5576> (5692),

murder ^ Rom_01_29 Being filled with <4137> (5772) all <3956> unrighteousness <0093>, fornication <4202>, wickedness <4189>, covetousness <4124>, maliciousness <2549>; full <3324> of envy <5355>, {murder} <5408>, debate <2054>, deceit <1388>, malignity <2550>; whisperers <5588>,

murderer ^ Act_03_14 But <1161> ye <5210> denied <0720> (5662) the Holy One <0040> and <2532> the Just <1342>, and <2532> desired <0154> (5668) a {murderer} <5406> <0435> to be granted <5483> (5683) unto you <5213>;

murderer ^ Act_28_04 And <1161> when <5613> the barbarians <0915> saw <1492> (5627) the venomous beast <2342> hang <2910> (5734) on <1537> his <0846> hand <5495>, they said <3004> (5707) among <4314> themselves <0240>, No doubt <3843> this <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) a {murderer} <5406>, whom <3739>, though he hath escaped <1295> (5685) <1537> the sea <2281>, yet vengeance <1349> suffereth <1439> (5656) not <3756> to live <2198> (5721).

murderer ^ 1Jo_03_15 Whosoever <3956> hateth <3404> (5723) his <0846> brother <0080> is <2076> (5748) a murderer <0443>: and <2532> ye know <1492> (5758) that <3754> no <3756> <3956> {murderer} <0443> hath <2192> (5719) eternal <0166> life <2222> abiding <3306> (5723) in <1722> him <0846>.

murderer ^ 1Jo_03_15 Whosoever <3956> hateth <3404> (5723) his <0846> brother <0080> is <2076> (5748) a {murderer} <0443>: and <2532> ye know <1492> (5758) that <3754> no <3756> <3956> murderer <0443> hath <2192> (5719) eternal <0166> life <2222> abiding <3306> (5723) in <1722> him <0846>.

murderer ^ Joh_08_44 Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) of <1537> your father <3962> the devil <1228>, and <2532> the lusts <1939> of your <5216> father <3962> ye will <2309> (5719) do <4160> (5721). He <1565> was <2258> (5713) a {murderer} <0443> from <0575> the beginning <0746>, and <2532> abode <2476> (5707) (5758) not <3756> in <1722> the truth <0225>, because <3754> there is <2076> (5748) no <3756> truth <0225> in <1722> him <0846>. When <3752> he speaketh <2980> (5725) a lie <5579>, he speaketh <2980> (5719) of <1537> his own <2398>: for <3754> he is <2076> (5748) a liar <5583>, and <2532> the father <3962> of it <0846>.

murderer ^ 1Pe_04_15 But <1063> let <3958> <0> none <3361> <5100> of you <5216> suffer <3958> (5720) as <5613> a {murderer} <5406>, or <2228> as a thief <2812>, or <2228> as an evildoer <2555>, or <2228> as <5613> a busybody in other men's matters <0244>.

murderers ^ Rev_22_15 For <1161> without <1854> are dogs <2965>, and <2532> sorcerers <5333>, and <2532> whoremongers <4205>, and <2532> {murderers} <5406>, and <2532> idolaters <1496>, and <2532> whosoever <3956> loveth <5368> (5723) and <2532> maketh <4160> (5723) a lie <5579>.

murderers ^ Act_21_38 Art <1488> (5748) not <3756> thou <4771> <0686> that Egyptian <0124>, which before <4253> these <5130> days <2250> madest an uproar <0387> (5660), and <2532> leddest out <1806> (5631) into <1519> the wilderness <2048> four thousand <5070> men <0435> that were {murderers} <4607>?

murderers ^ 1Ti_01_09 Knowing <1492> (5761) this <5124>, that <3754> the law <3551> is <2749> <0> not <3756> made <2749> (5736) for a righteous man <1342>, but <1161> for the lawless <0459> and <2532> disobedient <0506>, for the ungodly <0765> and <2532> for sinners <0268>, for unholy <0462> and <2532> profane <0952>, for murderers of fathers <3964> and <2532> {murderers} of mothers <3389>, for manslayers <0409>,

murderers ^ 1Ti_01_09 Knowing <1492> (5761) this <5124>, that <3754> the law <3551> is <2749> <0> not <3756> made <2749> (5736) for a righteous man <1342>, but <1161> for the lawless <0459> and <2532> disobedient <0506>, for the ungodly <0765> and <2532> for sinners <0268>, for unholy <0462> and <2532> profane <0952>, for {murderers} of fathers <3964> and <2532> murderers of mothers <3389>, for manslayers <0409>,

murderers ^ Act_07_52 Which <5101> of the prophets <4396> have <1377> <0> not <3756> your <5216> fathers <3962> persecuted <1377> (5656)? and <2532> they have slain <0615> (5656) them which <3588> shewed before <4293> (5660) of <4012> the coming <1660> of the Just One <1342>; of whom <3739> ye <5210> have been <1096> (5769) now <3568> the betrayers <4273> and <2532> {murderers} <5406>:

murderers ^ Mat_22_07 But <1161> when the king <0935> heard <0191> (5660) thereof, he was wroth <3710> (5681): and <2532> he sent forth <3992> (5660) his <0846> armies <4753>, and destroyed <0622> (5656) those <1565> {murderers} <5406>, and <2532> burned up <1714> (5656) their <0846> city <4172>.

murderers ^ Rev_21_08 But <1161> the fearful <1169>, and <2532> unbelieving <0571>, and <2532> the abominable <0948> (5772), and <2532> {murderers} <5406>, and <2532> whoremongers <4205>, and <2532> sorcerers <5332>, and <2532> idolaters <1496>, and <2532> all <3956> liars <5571>, shall have their <0846> part <3313> in <1722> the lake <3041> which <3588> burneth <2545> (5746) with fire <4442> and <2532> brimstone <2303>: which is <3603> (5748) the second <1208> death <2288>.

murders ^ Gal_05_21 Envyings <5355>, {murders} <5408>, drunkenness <3178>, revellings <2970>, and <2532> such <5125> like <3664>: of the which <3739> I tell <4302> <0> you <5213> before <4302> (5719), as <2531> I have <4277> <0> also <2532> told you in time past <4277> (5627), that <3754> they which do <4238> (5723) such things <5108> shall <2816> <0> not <3756> inherit <2816> (5692) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

murders ^ Mar_07_21 For <1063> from within <2081>, out of <1537> the heart <2588> of men <0444>, proceed <1607> (5736) evil <2556> thoughts <1261>, adulteries <3430>, fornications <4202>, {murders} <5408>,

murders ^ Mat_15_19 For <1063> out of <1537> the heart <2588> proceed <1831> (5736) evil <4190> thoughts <1261>, {murders} <5408>, adulteries <3430>, fornications <4202>, thefts <2829>, false witness <5577>, blasphemies <0988>:

murders ^ Rev_09_21 Neither <2532> <3756> repented they <3340> (5656) of <1537> their <0846> {murders} <5408>, nor <3777> of <1537> their <0846> sorceries <5331>, nor <3777> of <1537> their <0846> fornication <4202>, nor <3777> of <1537> their <0846> thefts <2809>.