Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

must 00516 ## 'Al tashcheth {al tash-kayth'} ; from 00408 and 07843 ; Thou {must} not destroy ; probably the opening words to a popular song : -- Al-taschith .

must 04135 ## muwl {mool} ; a primitive root ; to cut short , i . e . curtail (specifically the prepuce , i . e . to circumcise) ; by implication , to blunt ; figuratively , to destroy : -- circumcise (- ing) , selves) , cut down (in pieces) , destroy , X {must} needs .

must 04191 ## muwth {mooth} ; a primitive root : to die (literally or figuratively) ; causatively , to kill : -- X at all , X crying , (be) dead (body , man , one) , (put to , worthy of) death , destroy (- er) , (cause to , be like to , must) die , kill , necro [-mancer ] , X {must} needs , slay , X surely , X very suddenly , X in [no ] wise .

must 06071 ## ` aciyc {aw-sees'} ; from 06072 ; {must} or fresh grape-juice (as just trodden out) : -- juice , new (sweet) wine .

must 06099 ## ` atsuwm {aw-tsoom'} ; or` atsum {aw-tsoom'} ; passive participle of 06105 ; powerful (specifically , a paw) ; by implication , numerous : -- + feeble , great , mighty , {must} , strong .

must 07876 ## shayah {shaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to keep in memory : -- be unmindful . [Render Deuteronomy 32 : 18 , " A Rock bore thee , thou {must} recollect ; and (yet) thou hast forgotten , " etc . ]

must 08492 ## tiyrowsh {tee-roshe'} ; or tiyrosh {tee-roshe'} ; from 03423 in the sense of expulsion ; {must} or fresh grape-juice (as just squeezed out) ; by implication (rarely) fermented wine : -- (new , sweet) wine .

must 0318 - anagke {an-ang-kay'}; from 0303 and the base of 0043; constraint (literally or figuratively); by implication, distress: -- distress, {must} needs, (of) necessity(-sary), needeth, needful.

must 0992 - bleteos {blay-teh'-os}; from 0906; fit to be cast (i.e. applied): -- {must} be put.

must 1098 - gleukos {glyoo'-kos}; akin to 1099; sweet wine, i.e. (prop.) {must} (fresh juice), but used of the more saccharine (and therefore highly inebriating) fermented wine: -- new wine.

must 1163 - dei {die}; 3d person singular active present of 1210; also deon {deh-on'}; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding): -- behoved, be meet, {must} (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should.

must 2076 - esti {es-tee'}; third person singular present indicative of 1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are: -- are, be(-long), call, X can [-not], come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X {must} needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle.

must 2192 - echo {ekh'-o}; including an alternate form scheo {skheh'-o}; used in certain tenses only); a primary verb; to hold (used in very various applications, literally or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possessions; ability, contiuity, relation, or condition): -- be (able, X hold, possessed with), accompany, + begin to amend, can(+ -not), X conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, + enjoy, + fear, following, have, hold, keep, + lack, + go to law, lie, + {must} needs, + of necessity, + need, next, + recover, + reign, + rest, + return, X sick, take for, + tremble, + uncircumcised, use.

must 3784 - opheilo {of-i'-lo}; or (in certain tenses) its prolonged form opheileo {of-i-leh'-o}; probably from the base of 3786 (through the idea of accruing); to owe (pecuniarily); figuratively, to be under obligation (ought, {must}, should); morally, to fail in duty: -- behove, be bound, (be) debt(-or), (be) due(-ty), be guilty (indebted), (must) need(-s), ought, owe, should. See also 3785.

must 5534 - chre {khray}; third person singular of the same as 5530 or 5531 used impersonally; it needs ({must} or should) be: -- ought.

must 5600 - o {o}; including the oblique forms, as well as es {ace}; e {ay}; etc.; the subjunctive of 1510; (may, might, can, could, would, should, {must}, etc.; also with 1487 and its comparative, as well as with other particles) be: -- + appear, are, (may, might, should) be, X have, is, + pass the flower of her age, should stand, were.

mustard 4615 - sinapi {sin'-ap-ee}; perhaps from sinomai (to hurt, i.e. sting); mustard (the plant): -- {mustard}.

muster 05737 ## ` adar {aw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to arrange , as a battle , a vineyard (to hoe) ; hence , to {muster} and so to miss (or find wanting) : -- dig , fail , keep (rank) , lack .

muster 05739 ## ` eder {ay'- der} ; from 05737 ; an arrangement , i . e . {muster} (of animals) : -- drove , flock , herd .

muster 06485 ## paqad {paw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) ; by analogy , to oversee , {muster} , charge , care for , miss , deposit , etc . : -- appoint , X at all , avenge , bestow , (appoint to have the , give a) charge , commit , count , deliver to keep , be empty , enjoin , go see , hurt , do judgment , lack , lay up , look , make , X by any means , miss , number , officer , (make) overseer , have (the) oversight , punish , reckon , (call to) remember (- brance) , set (over) , sum , X surely , visit , want .

muster 06633 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to mass (an army or servants) : -- assemble , fight , perform , {muster} , wait upon , war .

musterion 3466 - {musterion} {moos-tay'-ree-on}; from a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or " mystery " (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites): -- mystery.