Adramyttium ......... of Adramyttium 0098 -Adramuttenos-> army ......... his army 4753 -strateuma-> army ......... I with an army 4753 -strateuma-> army ......... of the army 4753 -strateuma-> blasphemy ......... and blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... and I know the blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... blasphemy 0987 -blasphemeo-> blasphemy ......... blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... but the blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... his blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... in blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... of blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... the blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia-> blasphemy ......... thee not ; but for blasphemy 0988 - blasphemia-> enemy ......... enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... him not as an enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... his enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... is the enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... of the enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... The enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... thou enemy 2190 -echthros-> enemy ......... unto them , An enemy 2190 -echthros-> Jeremy ......... by Jeremy 2408 -Hieremias-> my ......... among them , and for my vesture 2441 -himatismos-> my ......... among them , and upon my vesture 2441 -himatismos-> my ......... and for my name s 3686 -onoma-> my ......... and he shall be my son 5207 -huios-> my ......... and I will write upon him my new 2537 -kainos-> my ......... and my blood 0129 -haima-> my ......... and my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... and my burden 5413 -phortion-> my ......... and my children 3813 -paidion-> my ......... and my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... and my fatlings 4619 -sitistos-> my ......... and my feet 4228 -pous-> my ......... and my fellowprisoners 4869 -sunaichmalotos-> my ......... and my God 2316 -theos-> my ......... and my goods 0018 -agathos-> my ......... and my head 2776 -kephale-> my ......... and my hope 1680 -elpis-> my ......... and my judgment 2920 -krisis-> my ......... and my preaching 2782 -kerugma-> my ......... and my reward 3408 -misthos-> my ......... and my servant 3816 -pais-> my ......... and my sister 0079 -adelphe-> my ......... And my speech 3056 -logos-> my ......... and my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... And my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... And my temptation 3986 -peirasmos-> my ......... and my tongue 1100 -glossa-> my ......... and that my service 1248 -diakonia-> my ......... and then at my coming 2064 -erchomai-> my ......... and they shall be my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... and to my God 2316 -theos-> my ......... and to my servant 1401 -doulos-> my ......... are my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... are my fellowworkers 4904 -sunergos-> my ......... are not ye my work 2041 -ergon-> my ......... as my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... as unto my children 5043 -teknon-> my ......... away : but my words 3056 -logos-> my ......... away my Lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... be my disciple 3101 -mathetes-> my ......... be unto you : as my Father 3962 -pater-> My ......... be with you . 24 My love 0026 -agape-> my ......... but as my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... but my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... But my God 2316 -theos-> my ......... but my understanding 3563 -nous-> my ......... but my words 3056 -logos-> my ......... but taking my leave 0657 -apotassomai-> my ......... by my bonds 1199 -desmon-> my ......... by my mouth 4750 -stoma-> my ......... by my works 2041 -ergon-> my ......... did my heart 2588 -kardia-> my ......... doth my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... down my life 5590 -psuche-> my ......... fast my name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... for , my joy 5479 -chara-> my ......... for me by my coming 3952 -parousia-> my ......... for my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... for my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... for my feet 4228 -pous-> my ......... For my flesh 4561 -sarx-> my ......... for my lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... for my name s 3686 -onoma-> my ......... for my sake 1752 -heneka-> my ......... for my sake ? Verily 0281 -amen-> my ......... for my time 2540 -kairos-> my ......... For my yoke 2218 -zugos-> my ......... for thee : for my strength 1411 -dunamis-> my ......... for them of my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... from my forefathers 4269 -progonos-> my ......... from my God 2316 -theos-> my ......... from my youth 3503 -neotes-> my ......... Hath not my hand 5495 -cheir-> my ......... have for my life 5590 -psuche-> my ......... he is my partner 2844 -koinonos-> My ......... he unto them , My soul 5590 -psuche-> my ......... him to my father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... I and my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... I my life 5590 -psuche-> my ......... I take my journey 4198 -poreuomai-> my ......... in , that my house 3624 -oikos-> my ......... in me , and my words 4487 -rhema-> my ......... in my absence 0666 -apousia-> my ......... in my blood 0129 -haima-> my ......... in my body 4983 -soma-> my ......... in my bonds 1199 -desmon-> my ......... In my Father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... in my Father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... in my flesh 4561 -sarx-> my ......... in my folly 0877 -aphrosune-> my ......... in my heart 2588 -kardia-> my ......... in my house 3624 -oikos-> my ......... in my infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> my ......... in my kingdom 0932 -basileia-> my ......... in my love 0026 -agape-> my ......... in my members 3196 -melos-> my ......... In my name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... in my name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... in my prayers 4335 -proseuche-> my ......... in my right 1188 -dexios-> my ......... in my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... in my sufferings 3804 -pathema-> my ......... in my vineyard 0290 -ampelon-> my ......... in my womb 2836 -koilia-> my ......... in my word 3056 -logos-> my ......... in my wrath 3709 -orge-> my ......... in thee , and that my name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... is in my members 3196 -melos-> my ......... is my beloved 0027 -agapetos-> my ......... is my blood 0129 -haima-> my ......... is my body 4983 -soma-> my ......... is my boldness 3954 -parrhesia-> my ......... is my brother 0080 -adephos-> my ......... is my commandment 1785 -entole-> my ......... is my covenant 1242 -diatheke-> my ......... is my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... is my flesh 4561 -sarx-> my ......... is my footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> my ......... is my glorying 2746 -kauchesis-> my ......... is my helper 0998 -boethos-> my ......... is my kingdom 0932 -basileia-> my ......... is my liberty 1657 -eleutheria-> my ......... is my mother 3384 -meter-> my ......... is my neighbour 4139 -plesion-> my ......... is my record 3144 -martus-> my ......... is my reward 3408 -misthos-> my ......... is my soul 5590 -psuche-> my ......... is my throne 2362 -thronos-> my ......... is my witness 3144 -martus-> my ......... it , my belly 2836 -koilia-> my ......... it for my burial 1779 -entaphiazo-> my ......... it is my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... it unto thee , but my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... it up ; and it was in my mouth 4750 -stoma-> my ......... man , and my wife 1135 -gune-> my ......... me , him will my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... me and my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... me from my mother s 3384 -meter-> my ......... me on my journey whithersoever 1437 -ean-> my ......... men for my name s 3686 -onoma-> my ......... my advice 1106 -gnome-> my ......... my affairs 2596 -kata-> my ......... my barn 0596 -apotheke-> my ......... my barns 0596 -apotheke-> my ......... my beloved 0027 -agapetos-> my ......... my blood 0129 -haima-> my ......... my body 4983 -soma-> my ......... my bonds 1199 -desmon-> my ......... my bowels 4698 -splagchnon-> my ......... my brethren 0080 -adephos-> My ......... My brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... my brother 0080 -adephos-> my ......... my child 3813 -paidion-> my ......... my church 1577 -ekklesia-> my ......... my clothes 2440 -himation-> my ......... my commandments 1785 -entole-> my ......... my course 1408 -dromos-> My ......... My daughter 2364 -thugater-> my ......... my daughter 2364 -thugater-> my ......... my day 2250 -hemera-> my ......... my dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos-> my ......... my decease 1841 -exodos-> my ......... my departing 0867 -aphixis-> my ......... my dinner 0712 -ariston-> my ......... my doctrine 1319 -didaskalia-> My ......... My doctrine 1322 -didache-> my ......... my equals 4915 -sunelikiotes-> my ......... my face 1799 -enopion-> my ......... my face 4383 -prosopon-> my ......... my faith 4102 -pistis-> My ......... My Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... my father 3962 -pater-> my ......... my Father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... my feet 4228 -pous-> my ......... my fellowlabourers 4904 -sunergos-> my ......... my fellowprisoner 4869 -sunaichmalotos-> my ......... my finger 1147 -daktulos-> my ......... my first 4413 -protos-> my ......... my flesh 4561 -sarx-> my ......... my footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> my ......... my fruits 1081 -gennema-> my ......... my fruits 2590 -karpos-> my ......... my garments 2440 -himation-> my ......... my glory 1391 -doxa-> my ......... my glorying 2745 -kauchema-> my ......... my God 2316 -theos-> My ......... My God 2316 -theos-> my ......... my goods 5224 -huparchonta-> my ......... my hand 5495 -cheir-> my ......... my handmaidens 1399 -doule-> my ......... my hands 5495 -cheir-> My ......... My head 2776 -kephale-> my ......... my heart s 2588 -kardia-> my ......... my heavenly 3770 -ouranios-> my ......... my helpers 4904 -sunergos-> my ......... my honour 1391 -doxa-> My ......... My house 3624 -oikos-> my ......... my house 3624 -oikos-> my ......... my journey 4198 -poreuomai-> my ......... my joy 5479 -chara-> my ......... my judgment 1106 -gnome-> my ......... my judgment 2920 -krisis-> My ......... My kingdom 0932 -basileia-> my ......... my kingdom 0932 -basileia-> my ......... my kinsman 4773 -suggenes-> my ......... my kinsmen 4773 -suggenes-> my ......... my knees 1119 -gonu-> my ......... my knowledge 4907 -sunesis-> my ......... my lambs 0721 -arnion-> my ......... my laws 3551 -nomos-> my ......... my left 2176 -euonumos-> my ......... my lie 5582 -pseusma-> my ......... my life 5590 -psuche-> My ......... My little 2365 -thugatrion-> My ......... My little 5040 -teknion-> my ......... my Lord 2962 -kurios-> My ......... My lord 2962 -kurios-> My ......... My manner 0981 -biosis-> my ......... my messenger 0032 -aggelos-> my ......... my money 0694 -argurion-> my ......... my mother 3384 -meter-> my ......... my mouth 4750 -stoma-> My ......... My name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... my name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... my nation 1484 -ethnos-> my ......... my own 1103 -gnesios-> my ......... my oxen 5022 -tauros-> my ......... my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... my power 1411 -dunamis-> my ......... my raiment 2440 -himation-> my ......... my reproach 3681 -oneidos-> my ......... my rest 2663 -katapausis-> my ......... my right 1188 -dexios-> my ......... my roof 4721 -stege-> my ......... my Saviour 4990 -soter-> my ......... my saying 3056 -logos-> my ......... my sayings 3056 -logos-> my ......... my sentence 2919 -krino-> my ......... my servant 1249 -diakonos-> my ......... my servant 3816 -pais-> my ......... my servants 1401 -doulos-> my ......... my sheep , and am known 1097 -ginosko-> my ......... my sheep 4263 -probaton-> My ......... My sheep 4263 -probaton-> my ......... my side 4125 -pleura-> my ......... my sight 0308 -anablepo-> my ......... my son 5043 -teknon-> my ......... my son 5207 -huios-> My ......... My son 5207 -huios-> my ......... my Son 5207 -huios-> my ......... my soul 5590 -psuche-> My ......... My soul 5590 -psuche-> my ......... my speech 2981 -lalia-> my ......... my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... my state 2596 -kata-> my ......... my tabernacle 4638 -skenoma-> my ......... my table 5132 -trapeza-> My ......... My time 2540 -kairos-> my ......... my tongue 1100 -glossa-> my ......... my tribulations 2347 -thlipsis-> my ......... my trust 3982 -peitho-> my ......... my two 1417 -duo-> my ......... my voice 5456 -phone-> my ......... my voice 5586 -psephos-> my ......... my way , and ye shall seek 2212 -zeteo-> my ......... my way to him that sent 3992 -pempo-> my ......... my ways 3598 -hodos-> my ......... my wellbeloved 0027 -agapetos-> my ......... my will 0210 -akon-> my ......... my will 2307 -thelema-> my ......... my witness 3141 -marturia-> my ......... my word 3056 -logos-> my ......... my words 3056 -logos-> my ......... my words 4487 -rhema-> my ......... my workfellow 4904 -sunergos-> my ......... my works 2041 -ergon-> my ......... my yoke 2218 -zugos-> my ......... not , my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... not , my conscience 4893 -suneidesis-> my ......... not as in my presence 3952 -parousia-> my ......... not in my covenant 1242 -diatheke-> my ......... not my Father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... not my feet 4228 -pous-> my ......... not my power 1849 -exousia-> my ......... not my sayings 3056 -logos-> my ......... not my will 2307 -thelema-> my ......... not my words 3056 -logos-> my ......... not my words 4487 -rhema-> my ......... not thou my money 0694 -argurion-> my ......... O my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... of me and of my words 3056 -logos-> my ......... of me in my bonds 1199 -desmon-> my ......... of my burying 1780 -entaphiasmos-> my ......... of my chain 0254 -halusis-> my ......... of my conversation 0391 -anastrophe-> my ......... of my cup 4221 -poterion-> my ......... of my departure 0359 -analusis-> my ......... of my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... of my father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... of my fathers 3967 -patrikos-> my ......... of my fathers 3971 -patroios-> my ......... of my God 2316 -theos-> my ......... of my goods 5224 -huparchonta-> my ......... of my grace 5485 -charis-> my ......... of my hands 5495 -cheir-> my ......... of my kingdom 0932 -basileia-> my ......... of my labour 2041 -ergon-> my ......... of my Lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... of my mind 3563 -nous-> my ......... of my mouth 4750 -stoma-> my ......... of my patience 5281 -hupomone-> my ......... of my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... of my rest 2663 -katapausis-> my ......... of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... of my supper 1173 -deipnon-> my ......... of my ways 3598 -hodos-> my ......... of thee in my prayers 1162 -deesis-> my ......... of you , my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... of you in my prayers 4335 -proseuche-> my ......... on my son 5207 -huios-> my ......... on my way 4311 -propempo-> my ......... out of her , my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... out of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... power unto my two 1417 -duo-> my ......... shall my brother 0080 -adephos-> my ......... shall my heavenly 2032 -epouranios-> my ......... shall ye be my disciples 3101 -mathetes-> my ......... that at my coming 2064 -erchomai-> my ......... that by my voice I might teach 2727 -katecheo-> my ......... that I am in my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... that in me ( that is , in my flesh 4561 -sarx-> My ......... that is to say , My God 2316 -theos-> my ......... that my bonds 1199 -desmon-> my ......... that my children 5043 -teknon-> my ......... that my joy 5479 -chara-> my ......... that my sister 0079 -adelphe-> my ......... that ye are my disciples 3101 -mathetes-> my ......... thee for my son 5043 -teknon-> my ......... thee my faith 4102 -pistis-> my ......... thee out of my mouth 4750 -stoma-> My ......... them , My Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... them my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... them out of my Father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... them out of my hand 5495 -cheir-> my ......... them which are my flesh 4561 -sarx-> my ......... then are ye my disciples 3101 -mathetes-> my ......... then would my servants 5257 -huperetes-> my ......... thing in my name 3686 -onoma-> my ......... things , my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... thou unto my lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... thy house with my disciples 3101 -mathetes-> my ......... to me of my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... to my bonds 1199 -desmon-> my ......... to my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... to my brother 0080 -adephos-> my ......... to my earnest 0603 -apokaradokia-> my ......... to my father 3962 -pater-> my ......... to my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... to my gospel 2098 -euaggelion-> my ......... to my Lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... to my nation 1484 -ethnos-> my ......... to my salvation 4991 -soteria-> my ......... to my soul 5590 -psuche-> my ......... to my trust 4100 -pisteuo-> my ......... to my wants 5532 -chreia-> my ......... to my words 4487 -rhema-> My ......... unto him , My Lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... unto him of my Father 3962 -pater-> My ......... unto me , My grace 5485 -charis-> my ......... unto me of my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... unto me of you , my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... unto my brethren 0080 -adephos-> my ......... unto my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... unto my house 3624 -oikos-> my ......... unto my Lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... unto my lord 2962 -kurios-> my ......... unto my necessities 5532 -chreia-> my ......... unto my necessity 5532 -chreia-> my ......... unto thee my son 5207 -huios-> My ......... unto them , My meat 1033 -broma-> My ......... unto them , My mother 3384 -meter-> My ......... unto them , My soul 5590 -psuche-> My ......... unto them , My time 2540 -kairos-> my ......... unto them , Ye are not my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... unto you , and ye shall be my sons 5207 -huios-> my ......... unto you , that my joy 5479 -chara-> my ......... unto you for my name s 3686 -onoma-> my ......... unto you my friends 5384 -philos-> my ......... upon my son 5207 -huios-> my ......... upon my soul 5590 -psuche-> my ......... was my faithful 4103 -pistos-> my ......... which was in my flesh 4561 -sarx-> my ......... which were not my people 2992 -laos-> my ......... with me in my temptations 3986 -peirasmos-> my ......... with me in my throne 2362 -thronos-> my ......... with my affliction 2347 -thlipsis-> my ......... with my disciples 3101 -mathetes-> my ......... with my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... with my friends 5384 -philos-> my ......... with my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> my ......... with my understanding 3563 -nous-> my ......... with you , my peace 1515 -eirene-> my ......... with you in my Father s 3962 -pater-> my ......... Ye are my friends 5384 -philos-> my ......... ye are not of my sheep 4263 -probaton-> my ......... ye in my love 0026 -agape-> my ......... ye my defence 0627 -apologia-> my ......... ye my joy 5479 -chara-> my ......... yet my record 3141 -marturia-> my ......... you , but as my beloved 0027 -agapetos-> my ......... you from my Father 3962 -pater-> my ......... you in my heart 2588 -kardia-> my ......... you in my journey 1279 -diaporeuomai-> Myra ......... to Myra 3460 -Mura-> myrrh ......... and myrrh 4666 -smurna-> myrrh ......... mingled with myrrh 4669 -smurnizo-> myrrh ......... of myrrh 4666 -smurna-> myself ......... And I myself also 2532 -kai-> myself ......... and of myself 0846 -autos-> myself ......... as I myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... by myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... for myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... for myself this 4594 -semeron-> myself ......... him as myself 1691 -eme-> myself ......... I myself serve 1398 -douleuo-> myself ......... I myself should be a castaway 0096 -adokimos-> myself ......... I of myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... it be that I myself was not burdensome 2655 - katanarkao-> myself ......... it down of myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... myself , to have 2192 -echo-> myself ......... myself . To morrow 0839 -aurion-> myself ......... myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... myself a little 3397 -mikron-> myself ......... myself beseech 3870 -parakaleo-> myself ......... myself shall come 2064 -erchomai-> myself ......... not myself to have apprehended 2638 - katalambano-> myself ......... not of myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... of myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... that it is I myself : handle 5584 -pselaphao-> myself ......... that myself 0846 -autos-> myself ......... thought I myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... to myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... unto myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... up ; I myself also 2504 -kago-> myself ......... with myself 1683 -emautou-> myself ......... you unto myself 1683 -emautou-> Mysia ......... by Mysia 3465 -Musia-> Mysia ......... to Mysia 3465 -Musia-> mysteries ......... mysteries 3466 -musterion-> mysteries ......... of the mysteries 3466 -musterion-> mysteries ......... the mysteries 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... Even the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... For the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... in a mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... in the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... is the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... mystery 3466 -musterion-> MYSTERY ......... MYSTERY 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... of the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... The mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... thee the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... unto me the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... unto us the mystery 3466 -musterion-> mystery ......... you a mystery 3466 -musterion-> Smyrna ......... and unto Smyrna 4667 -Smurna-> Smyrna ......... and unto Smyrna 4667 -Smurna-> Smyrna ......... in Smyrna 4668 -Smurnaios->