Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Nahor 00758 ## 'Aram {arawm'} ; from the same as 00759 ; the highland ; Aram or Syria , and its inhabitants ; also the name of the son of Shem , a grandson of {Nahor} , and of an Israelite : -- Aram , Mesopotamia , Syria , Syrians .

Nahor 00938 ## Buwz {booz} ; the same as 00937 ; Buz , the name of a son of {Nahor} , and of an Israelite : -- Buz .

Nahor 01514 ## Gacham {gah'- kham} ; from an unused root meaning to burn ; flame ; Gacham , a son of {Nahor} : -- Gaham .

Nahor 05152 ## Nachowr {naw-khore'} ; from the same as 05170 ; snorer ; Nochor , the name of the grandfather and a brother of Abraham : -- {Nahor} .