Nahor 024 015 Gen /^{Nahor /Abraham's brother , with her pitcher upon her shoulder . Nahor 022 023 Gen /^{Nahor /Abraham's brother . Nahor 011 026 Gen /^{Nahor /and Haran . Nahor 011 027 Gen /^{Nahor /and Haran ; and Haran begat Lot . Nahor 029 005 Gen /^{Nahor /And they said , We know him. Nahor 011 025 Gen /^{Nahor /lived after he begat Terah an hundred and nineteen years , and begat sons and daughters . Nahor 011 024 Gen /^{Nahor /lived nine and twenty years , and begat Terah : Nahor 001 026 ICh /^{Nahor /Terah , Nahor 031 053 Gen /^{Nahor /the God of their father , judge betwixt us. And Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac . Nahor 011 029 Gen /^{Nahor /took them wives : the name of Abram's wife was Sarai ; and the name of Nahor's wife , Milcah , the daughter of Haran , the father of Milcah , and the father of Iscah . Nahor 011 023 Gen /^{Nahor /two hundred years , and begat sons and daughters . Nahor's 024 047 Gen /^{Nahor's /son , whom Milcah bare unto him: and I put the earring upon her face , and the bracelets upon her hands . Nahor's 011 029 Gen /^{Nahor's /wife , Milcah , the daughter of Haran , the father of Milcah , and the father of Iscah .