nain , LU , 7:11 Nain 3484 # Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in Palestine: -- {Nain}.[ql Nain Interlinear Index Study Nain LUK 007 011 . And it came 1096 -ginomai - to pass the day 2250 -hemera - after 1836 -hexes - , that he went 4198 - poreuomai - into 1519 -eis - a city 4172 -polis - called 2564 - kaleo - {Nain} 3484 -Nain - ; and many 2425 -hikanos - of his disciples 3101 -mathetes - went 4848 -sumporeuomai - with him , and much 4183 -polus - people 3793 -ochlos - . Nain 3484 ** Nain ** {Nain}. -Nain- ......... Nain 3484 -Nain- > Nain ......... Nain 3484 -Nain-> 3484 - Nain - Lu 07:11 Nain Nain 3484 # Nain {nah-in'}; probably of Hebrew origin [compare 4999]; Nain, a place in Palestine: -- {Nain}.[ql Nain 007 011 Luk /${Nain /and many of his disciples went with him , and much people . nain And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called {Nain}; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people.