abomination ......... abomination 0946 -bdelugma-> abomination ......... is abomination 0946 -bdelugma-> abomination ......... the abomination 0946 -bdelugma-> ABOMINATIONS ......... AND ABOMINATIONS 0946 -bdelugma-> abominations ......... of abominations 0946 -bdelugma-> condemnation ......... condemnation 2631 -katakrima-> condemnation ......... condemnation 2917 -krima-> condemnation ......... condemnation 2920 -krisis-> condemnation ......... condemnation 5272 -hupokrisis-> condemnation ......... is the condemnation 2920 -krisis-> condemnation ......... of condemnation 2633 -katakrisis-> condemnation ......... the condemnation 2917 -krima-> condemnation ......... to condemnation 2631 -katakrima-> condemnation ......... unto condemnation 2917 -krima-> damnation ......... damnation 2917 -krima-> damnation ......... damnation 2920 -krisis-> damnation ......... not , and their damnation 0684 -apoleia-> damnation ......... of damnation 2920 -krisis-> damnation ......... the damnation 2920 -krisis-> divination ......... of divination 4436 -Puthon-> examination ......... that , after examination 0351 -anakrisis-> imagination ......... in the imagination 1271 -dianoia-> imaginations ......... imaginations 3053 -logismos-> imaginations ......... in their imaginations 1261 -dialogismos-> indignation ......... indignation 2205 -zelos-> indignation ......... indignation 2372 -thumos-> indignation ......... it , they had indignation 0023 -aganakteo-> indignation ......... of his indignation 3709 -orge-> indignation ......... that had indignation 0023 -aganakteo-> indignation ......... what indignation 0024 -aganaktesis-> indignation ......... with indignation 0023 -aganakteo-> indignation ......... with indignation 2205 -zelos-> nation ......... and nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... And not for that nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... And the nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... by nation 1085 -genos-> nation ......... For nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... for that nation 1484 -ethnos-> Nation ......... he unto them , Nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... my nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... nation 0246 -allophulos-> nation ......... nation 1074 -genea-> nation ......... nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... our nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... own nation 1085 -genos-> nation ......... own nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... the nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... to a nation 1484 -ethnos-> nation ......... to my nation 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... and nations 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... And the nations 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... nations 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... of nations 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... of the nations 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... the nations 1484 -ethnos-> nations ......... things do the nations 1484 -ethnos->