any trees near unto bring near my righteousness bring you near but abimelech had not come near her but come not near any man upon whom but draw near hither but gehazi came near <2KI4 -:27 > came near unto moses came near unto one come near before come near by their families <1SA10 -:21 > come near hither <2SA20 -:16 > come near now come near unto him come near unto him come near unto me <1KI18 -:30 > come not near unto it come ye near unto me draw near together draw ye near hither <1SA14 -:38 > drew near unto david <1SA17 -:41 > drew near unto jesus even before he came near unto them for he uncovereth his near kin for it shall not come near thee go near unto him he brought them near unto him he came near damascus her near kinswomen his soul draweth near unto is near shall fall by is near unto him israel came near against jacob went near unto isaac his father joab's field is near mine <2SA14 -:30 > lest they come near unto thee let my cry come near before thee let us come near together let us draw near hither unto go <1SA14 -:36 > let us draw near with moses drew near unto near ashdod near destruction near friends near kinsman near kinsman near than near them near unto him near unto my house <1KI21 -:2 > near upon all one draweth near for or when they come near unto people came near unto him <1KI18 -:30 > people near unto him she drew not near so esther drew near so he came near where so they went near street near her corner summer is near then came near then drew near unto him all then judah came near unto him then let him come near then nebuchadnezzar came near then saul drew near <1SA9 -:18 > then they came near they brought him near before him they came near they came near they came near before eleazar they came near unto him they draw near unto they drew near they shall come near they shall come near they shall not come near unto me thou drewest near thou shalt be near unto me thy father's near kinswoman thy mother's near kinswoman thy name is near thy wondrous works declare time certain chaldeans came near time draweth near war draw near were near when he was come near when he was come near when he was come near when he was come near unto her <2SA20 -:17 > when they came near unto which come near which come near which shall come near whosoever cometh any thing near unto will come near ye came near unto me ye came near unto me every one