necks 009 016 Neh /^{necks /and hearkened not to thy commandments , necks 009 017 Neh /^{necks /and in their rebellion appointed a captain to return to their bondage : but thou art a God ready to pardon , gracious and merciful , slow to anger , and of great kindness , and forsookest them not. necks 003 016 Isa /^{necks /and wanton eyes , walking and mincing as they go , and making a tinkling with their feet : necks 005 005 Lam /^{necks /are under persecution : we labour , and have no rest . necks 017 014 IIKi /^{necks /like to the neck of their fathers , that did not believe in the LORD their God . necks 002 003 Mic /^{necks /neither shall ye go haughtily : for this time is evil . necks 022 041 IISa /^{necks /of mine enemies , that I might destroy them that hate me. necks 018 040 Psa /^{necks /of mine enemies ; that I might destroy them that hate me. necks 021 029 Eze /^{necks /of them that are slain , of the wicked , whose day is come , when their iniquity shall have an end . necks 005 030 Jug /^{necks /of them that take the spoil ? necks 010 024 Jos /^{necks /of them. necks 010 024 Jos /^{necks /of these kings . And they came near , and put their feet upon the necks of them. necks 019 015 Jer /^{necks /that they might not hear my words . necks 003 005 Neh /^{necks /to the work of their Lord . necks 027 012 Jer /^{necks /under the yoke of the king of Babylon , and serve him and his people , and live . necks 016 004 Rom /${necks /unto whom not only I give thanks , but also all the churches of the Gentiles .