loft ......... loft 5152 -tristegon-> oft ......... and oft 4178 -pollakis-> oft ......... for he oft 4178 -pollakis-> oft ......... oft 4178 -pollakis-> oft ......... oft 4183 -polus-> oft ......... oft 4212 -posakis-> oft ......... oft 4435 -pugme-> oft ......... them oft 4178 -pollakis-> oft ......... ye , as oft 3740 -hosakis-> often ......... as often 3740 -hosakis-> often ......... For as often 3740 -hosakis-> often ......... he often 4178 -pollakis-> often ......... often 4178 -pollakis-> often ......... often 4212 -posakis-> often ......... often 4437 -puknos-> often ......... that he had been often 4178 -pollakis-> often ......... unto thee , how often 4212 -posakis-> often ......... you often 4183 -polus-> oftener ......... for him the oftener 4437 -puknos-> oftentimes ......... For oftentimes 5550 -chronos-> oftentimes ......... oftentimes 4178 -pollakis-> oftentimes ......... that oftentimes 4178 -pollakis-> oftentimes ......... we have oftentimes 4178 -pollakis-> ofttimes ......... And ofttimes 4178 -pollakis-> ofttimes ......... for ofttimes 4178 -pollakis-> ofttimes ......... ofttimes 4178 -pollakis-> soft ......... in soft 3120 -malakos-> soft ......... soft 3120 -malakos-> softly ......... softly 5285 -hupopneo->