patience Rom_15_04 /${patience /and comfort of the scriptures might have hope . patience Rom_15_05 /${patience /and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus : patience 2Th_01_04 /${patience /and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure : patience Rev_02_03 /${patience /and for my name's sake hast laboured , and hast not fainted . patience Rev_02_02 /${patience /and how thou canst not bear them which are evil : and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles , and are not , and hast found them liars : patience Col_01_11 /${patience /and longsuffering with joyfulness ; patience Rev_13_10 /${patience /and the faith of the saints . patience Rev_02_19 /${patience /and thy works ; and the last to be more than the first . patience 2Pe_01_06 /${patience /and to patience godliness ; patience Rom_05_04 /${patience /experience ; and experience , hope : patience Jam_05_07 /${patience /for it , until he receive the early and latter rain . patience 2Pe_01_06 /${patience /godliness ; patience Jam_01_04 /${patience /have her perfect work , that ye may be perfect and entire , wanting nothing . patience Rev_03_10 /${patience /I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation , which shall come upon all the world , to try them that dwell upon the earth . patience 2Co_06_04 /${patience /in afflictions , in necessities , in distresses , patience 2Co_12_12 /${patience /in signs , and wonders , and mighty deeds . patience Heb_06_12 /${patience /inherit the promises . patience 1Ti_06_11 /${patience /meekness . patience 1Th_01_03 /${patience /of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ , in the sight of God and our Father ; patience Rev_01_09 /${patience /of Jesus Christ , was in the isle that is called Patmos , for the word of God , and for the testimony of Jesus Christ . patience Jam_05_11 /${patience /of Job , and have seen the end of the Lord ; that the Lord is very pitiful , and of tender mercy . patience Rev_14_12 /${patience /of the saints : here are they that keep the commandments of God , and the faith of Jesus . patience Luk_21_19 /${patience /possess ye your souls . patience Heb_10_36 /${patience /that , after ye have done the will of God , ye might receive the promise . patience Heb_12_01 /${patience /the race that is set before us , patience Rom_08_25 /${patience /wait for it. patience Mat_18_29 /${patience /with me , and I will pay thee all . patience Mat_18_26 /${patience /with me , and I will pay thee all .