apiece , 1KI , 7:15 apiece , EZE , 10:21 , EZE , 41:24 apiece , JOH , 2:6 apiece , LU , 9:3 apiece , NU , 3:47 , NU , 7:86 , NU , 17:6 piece , 1CH , 16:3 piece , 1SA , 2:36 , 1SA , 2:36 , 1SA , 30:12 piece , 2KI , 3:19 , 2KI , 3:25 piece , 2SA , 6:19 , 2SA , 11:21 , 2SA , 23:11 piece , AM , 3:12 , AM , 4:7 , AM , 4:7 piece , EX , 37:7 piece , EZE , 24:4 , EZE , 24:6 , EZE , 24:6 piece , GE , 15:10 piece , JER , 37:21 piece , JG , 9:53 piece , JOB , 41:24 , JOB , 42:11 piece , LU , 5:36 , LU , 5:36 , LU , 14:18 , LU , 15:8 , LU , 15:9 , LU , 24:42 piece , MR , 2:21 , MR , 2:21 piece , MT , 9:16 , MT , 17:27 piece , NE , 3:11 , NE , 3:19 , NE , 3:20 , NE , 3:21 , NE , 3:24 , NE , 3:27 , NE , 3:30 piece , NU , 10:2 piece , PR , 6:26 , PR , 28:21 piece , SOS , 4:3 , SOS , 6:7 pieces , 1KI , 11:30 , 1KI , 11:31 , 1KI , 18:23 , 1KI , 18: 33 , 1KI , 19:11 pieces , 1SA , 2:10 , 1SA , 11:7 , 1SA , 15:33 pieces , 2CH , 23:17 , 2CH , 25:12 , 2CH , 28:24 , 2CH , 31:1 , 2CH , 34:4 pieces , 2KI , 2:12 , 2KI , 5:5 , 2KI , 6:25 , 2KI , 6:25 , 2KI , 11:18 , 2KI , 18:4 , 2KI , 23:14 , 2KI , 24:13 , 2KI , 25:13 pieces , AC , 19:19 , AC , 23:10 , AC , 27:44 pieces , DA , 2:5 , DA , 2:34 , DA , 2:35 , DA , 2:40 , DA , 2:40 , DA , 2:44 , DA , 2:45 , DA , 3:29 , DA , 6:24 , DA , 7:7 , DA , 7:19 , DA , 7:23 pieces , EX , 15:6 , EX , 22:13 , EX , 28:7 , EX , 28:25 , EX , 29:17 , EX , 29:17 pieces , EZE , 4:14 , EZE , 13:19 , EZE , 24:4 pieces , GE , 15:17 , GE , 20:16 , GE , 33:19 , GE , 37:28 , GE , 37:33 , GE , 44:28 , GE , 45:22 pieces , HO , 3:2 , HO , 8:6 , HO , 10:14 , HO , 13:16 pieces , ISA , 3:15 , ISA , 8:9 , ISA , 8:9 , ISA , 8:9 , ISA , 13:16 , ISA , 13:18 , ISA , 30:14 , ISA , 45:2 pieces , JER , 5:6 , JER , 23:29 , JER , 50:2 , JER , 50:2 , JER , 51:20 , JER , 51:21 , JER , 51:21 , JER , 51:22 , JER , 51:22 , JER , 51:22 , JER , 51:23 , JER , 51:23 , JER , 51: 23 pieces , JG , 9:4 , JG , 16:5 , JG , 19:29 , JG , 20:6 pieces , JOB , 16:12 , JOB , 19:2 , JOB , 34:24 , JOB , 40:18 pieces , JOS , 24:32 pieces , LA , 3:11 pieces , LE , 1:6 , LE , 1:12 , LE , 2:6 , LE , 6:21 , LE , 8:20 , LE , 8:20 , LE , 9:13 pieces , LU , 15:8 pieces , MIC , 1:7 , MIC , 3:3 , MIC , 4:13 , MIC , 5:8 pieces , MR , 5:4 pieces , MT , 26:15 , MT , 27:3 , MT , 27:5 , MT , 27:6 , MT , 27:9 pieces , NA , 2:1 , NA , 2:12 , NA , 3:10 pieces , PS , 2:9 , PS , 7:2 , PS , 50:22 , PS , 58:7 , PS , 68:30 , PS , 72:4 , PS , 74:14 , PS , 89:10 , PS , 94:5 pieces , SOS , 8:11 pieces , ZEC , 11:12 , ZEC , 11:13 , ZEC , 11:16 , ZEC , 12:3 shoulderpieces , EX , 39:4 , EX , 39:18 Compare 5568 # psalmos {psal-mos'}; from 5567; a set piece of music, i.e. a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice, harp or other instrument; a "psalm"); collectively, the book of the Psalms: -- psalm. {Compare} 5603.[ql Peter 4074 # Petros {pet'-ros}; apparently a primary word; a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037); as a name, Petrus, an apostle: -- {Peter}, rock. Compare 2786.[ql apiece 0303 # ana {an-ah'}; a primary preposition and adverb; properly, up; but (by extension) used (distributively) severally, or (locally) at (etc.): -- and, {apiece}, by, each, every (man), in, through. In compounds (as a prefix) it often means (by implication) repetition, intensity, reversal, etc.[ql broken 2801 # klasma {klas'-mah}; from 2806; a piece (bit): -- {broken}, fragment.[ql cloth 4470 # rhakos {hrak'-os}; from 4486; a "rag," i.e. piece of cloth: -- {cloth}.[ql country 0068 # agros {ag-ros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- {country}, farm, piece of ground, land.[ql farm 0068 # agros {ag-ros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, {farm}, piece of ground, land.[ql fill 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to {fill} up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql filled 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that {filled} up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql fragment 2801 # klasma {klas'-mah}; from 2806; a piece (bit): -- broken, {fragment}.[ql fulfilling 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, {fulfilling}, full, fulness.[ql full 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, {full}, fulness.[ql fulness 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, {fulness}.[ql ground 0068 # agros {ag-ros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, piece of {ground}, land.[ql in 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put {in} to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql is 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which {is} put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql land 0068 # agros {ag-ros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, piece of ground, {land}.[ql money 4715 # stater {stat-air'}; from the base of 2746; a stander (standard of value), i.e. (specifically) a stater or certain coin: -- piece of {money}.[ql money 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- {money}, (piece of) silver (piece).[ql of 0068 # agros {agros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, piece {of} ground, land.[ql of 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- money, (piece {of}) silver (piece).[ql of 1406 # drachme {drakh-may'}; from 1405; a drachma or (silver) coin (as handled): -- piece ({of} silver).[ql ***. dremo. See 5143.[ql of 4715 # stater {stat-air'}; from the base of 2746; a stander (standard of value), i.e. (specifically) a stater or certain coin: -- piece {of} money.[ql piece 1915 # epiblema {ep-ib'-lay-mah}; from 1911; a patch: -- {piece}.[ql piece 1406 # drachme {drakh-may'}; from 1405; a drachma or (silver) coin (as handled): -- {piece} (of silver).[ql ***. dremo. See 5143.[ql piece 4715 # stater {stat-air'}; from the base of 2746; a stander (standard of value), i.e. (specifically) a stater or certain coin: -- {piece} of money.[ql piece 0068 # agros {ag-ros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, {piece} of ground, land.[ql piece 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- money, (piece of) silver ({piece}).[ql piece 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- money, ({piece} of) silver (piece).[ql piece 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, {piece} that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql piece 3313 # meros {mer'-os}; from an obsolete but more primary form of meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively, in a wide application): -- behalf, course, coast, craft, particular (+ -ly), part (+ -ly), {piece}, portion, respect, side, some sort(-what).[ql psalm 5568 # psalmos {psal-mos'}; from 5567; a set piece of music, i.e. a sacred ode (accompanied with the voice, harp or other instrument; a "psalm"); collectively, the book of the Psalms: -- {psalm}. Compare 5603.[ql put 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is {put} in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql rock 4074 # Petros {pet'-ros}; apparently a primary word; a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037); as a name, Petrus, an apostle: -- Peter, {rock}. Compare 2786.[ql silver 1406 # drachme {drakh-may'}; from 1405; a drachma or (silver) coin (as handled): -- piece (of {silver}).[ql ***. dremo. See 5143.[ql silver 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- money, (piece of) {silver} (piece).[ql that 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece {that} filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql to 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in {to} fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql up 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled {up}, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql up 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill {up}, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql which 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- {which} is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql piece Interlinear Index Study piece GEN 015 010 And he took <03947 +laqach > unto him all <03605 +kol > these <00428 +>el - leh > , and divided <01334 +bathar > them in the midst <08432 +tavek > , and laid <05414 +nathan > each <00376 +>iysh > {piece} <01335 +bether > one against <07125 +qir>ah > another <07453 +rea< > : but the birds <06833 +tsippowr > divided <01334 +bathar > he not . piece EXO 037 007 And he made <06213 + two <08147 +sh@nayim > cherubims <03742 +k@ruwb > [ of ] gold <02091 +zahab > , beaten <04749 +miqshah > out of one {piece} <04749 +miqshah > made <06213 + he them , on the two <08147 +sh@nayim > ends <07098 +qatsah > of the mercy <03727 +kapporeth > seat ; piece NUM 010 002 Make <06213 + thee two <08147 +sh@nayim > trumpets <02689 +chatsots@rah > of silver <03701 +keceph > ; of a whole <04749 +miqshah > {piece} shalt thou make <06213 + them : that thou mayest use them for the calling <04744 +miqra> > of the assembly <05712 + , and for the journeying <04550 +macca< > of the camps <04264 +machaneh > . piece JUDG 009 053 And a certain <00259 +>echad > woman <00802 +>ishshah > cast <07993 +shalak > a {piece} <06400 +pelach > of a millstone <07393 +rekeb > upon Abimelech s <40> head <07218 +ro>sh > , and all to brake <07533 +ratsats > his skull <01538 +gulgoleth > . piece 1SA 002 036 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass , [ that ] every <03605 +kol > one that is left <03498 +yathar > in thine house <01004 +bayith > shall come <00935 +bow> > [ and ] crouch <07812 +shachah > to him for a piece <95> of silver <03701 +keceph > and a morsel <03603 +kikkar > of bread <03899 +lechem > , and shall say <00559 +>amar > , Put <05596 +caphach > me , I pray <04994 +na> > thee , into <00413 +>el > one <00259 +>echad > of the priests <03548 +kohen > offices , that I may eat <00398 +>akal > a {piece} <06595 +path > of bread <03899 +lechem > . piece 1SA 002 036 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass , [ that ] every <03605 +kol > one that is left <03498 +yathar > in thine house <01004 +bayith > shall come <00935 +bow> > [ and ] crouch <07812 +shachah > to him for a {piece} <95> of silver <03701 +keceph > and a morsel <03603 +kikkar > of bread <03899 +lechem > , and shall say <00559 +>amar > , Put <05596 +caphach > me , I pray <04994 +na> > thee , into <00413 +>el > one <00259 +>echad > of the priests <03548 +kohen > offices , that I may eat <00398 +>akal > a piece <06595 +path > of bread <03899 +lechem > . piece 1SA 030 012 And they gave <05414 +nathan > him a {piece} <06400 +pelach > of a cake <01690 +d@belah > of figs , and two <08147 +sh@nayim > clusters <06778 +tsammuwq > of raisins <06778 +tsammuwq > : and when he had eaten <00398 +>akal > , his spirit <07307 +ruwach > came <07725 +shuwb > again <07725 +shuwb > to him : for he had eaten <00398 +>akal > no <03808 +lo> > bread <03899 +lechem > , nor <03808 +lo> > drunk <08354 +shathah > [ any ] water <04325 +mayim > , three <07969 +shalowsh > days <03117 +yowm > and three <07969 +shalowsh > nights <03915 +layil > . piece 2SA 006 019 And he dealt <02505 +chalaq > among all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 + , [ even ] among the whole <03605 +kol > multitude <01995 +hamown > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , as well to the women <00802 +>ishshah > as men <00376 +>iysh > , to every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh > a cake <02471 +challah > of bread <03899 +lechem > , and a good {piece} <00829 +>eshpar > [ of flesh <00829 +>eshpar > ] , and a flagon <00809 +>ashiyshah > [ of wine ] . So all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 + departed <03212 +yalak > every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh > to his house <01004 +bayith > . piece 2SA 011 021 Who <04310 +miy > smote <05221 +nakah > Abimelech <40> the son <01121 +ben > of Jerubbesheth <03380 +Y@rubbesheth > ? did not a woman <00802 +>ishshah > cast <07993 +shalak > a {piece} <06400 +pelach > of a millstone <07393 +rekeb > upon him from the wall <02346 +chowmah > , that he died <04191 +muwth > in Thebez <08405 +Tebets > ? why <04100 +mah > went <05066 +nagash > ye nigh <05066 +nagash > the wall <02346 +chowmah > ? then say <00559 +>amar > thou , Thy servant <05650 + Uriah <00223 +>Uwriyah > the Hittite <02850 +Chittiy > is dead <04191 +muwth > also <01571 +gam > . piece 2SA 023 011 And after <00310 +>achar > him [ was ] Shammah <08048 +Shammah > the son <01121 +ben > of Agee <89> the Hararite <02043 +Harariy > . And the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > were gathered <00622 +>acaph > together into a troop <02416 +chay > , where <08033 +sham > was a {piece} <02513 +chelqah > of ground <07704 +sadeh > full <04392 +male> > of lentiles <05742 + : and the people <05971 + fled <01272 +barach > from the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > . piece 2KI 003 019 And ye shall smite <05221 +nakah > every <03605 +kol > fenced <04013 +mibtsar > city <05892 + , and every <03605 +kol > choice <04005 +mibchar > city <05892 + , and shall fell <05307 +naphal > every <03605 +kol > good <02896 +towb > tree <06086 + , and stop <05640 +catham > all <03605 +kol > wells <04599 +ma of water <04325 +mayim > , and mar <03510 +ka>ab > every <03605 +kol > good <02896 +towb > {piece} <02513 +chelqah > of land with stones <68> . piece 2KI 003 025 And they beat <02040 +harac > down <02040 +harac > the cities <05892 + , and on every <03605 +kol > good <02896 +towb > {piece} <02513 +chelqah > of land cast <07993 +shalak > every man <00376 +>iysh > his stone <68> , and filled <04390 +male> > it ; and they stopped <05640 +catham > all <03605 +kol > the wells <04599 +ma of water <04325 +mayim > , and felled <05307 +naphal > all <03605 +kol > the good <02896 +towb > trees <06086 + : only in Kirharaseth <07025 +Qiyr Cheres > left <07604 +sha>ar > they the stones <68> thereof ; howbeit the slingers <07051 +qalla< > went <05437 +cabab > about <05437 +cabab > [ it ] , and smote <05221 +nakah > it . piece 1CH 016 003 And he dealt <02505 +chalaq > to every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , both man <00376 +>iysh > and woman <00802 +>ishshah > , to every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh > a loaf <03603 +kikkar > of bread <03899 +lechem > , and a good {piece} <00829 +>eshpar > of flesh <00829 +>eshpar > , and a flagon <00809 +>ashiyshah > [ of wine ] . piece NEH 003 011 Malchijah <04441 +Malkiyah > the son <01121 +ben > of Harim <02766 +Charim > , and Hashub <02815 +Chashshuwb > the son <01121 +ben > of Pahathmoab <06355 +Pachath Mow>ab > , repaired <02388 +chazaq > the other <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > , and the tower <04026 +migdal > of the furnaces <08574 +tannuwr > . piece NEH 003 019 And next to him repaired <02388 +chazaq > Ezer <05829 + the son <01121 +ben > of Jeshua <03442 +Yeshuwa< > , the ruler <08269 +sar > of Mizpah <04709 +Mitspah > , another <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > over <05048 +neged > against <05048 +neged > the going <05927 + up to the armoury <05402 +nesheq > at the turning <04740 +maqtsowa< > [ of the wall ] . piece NEH 003 020 After <00310 +>achar > him Baruch <01263 +Baruwk > the son <01121 +ben > of Zabbai <02079 +Zabbay > earnestly <02734 +charah > repaired <02388 +chazaq > the other <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > , from the turning <04740 +maqtsowa< > [ of the wall ] unto the door <06607 +pethach > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Eliashib <00475 +>Elyashiyb > the high <01419 +gadowl > priest <03548 +kohen > . piece NEH 003 021 After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388 +chazaq > Meremoth <04822 +M@remowth > the son <01121 +ben > of Urijah <00223 +>Uwriyah > the son <01121 +ben > of Koz <06976 +Qowts > another <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > , from the door <06607 +pethach > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Eliashib <00475 +>Elyashiyb > even to the end <08503 +takliyth > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Eliashib <00475 +>Elyashiyb > . piece NEH 003 024 After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388 +chazaq > Binnui <01131 +Binnuwy >the son <01121 +ben > of Henadad <02582 +Chenadad > another <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > , from the house <01004 +bayith > of Azariah <05838 + unto the turning <04740 +maqtsowa< > [ of the wall ] , even unto the corner <06438 +pinnah > . piece NEH 003 027 After <00310 +>achar > them the Tekoites <08621 +T@qow repaired <02388 +chazaq > another <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > , over <05048 +neged > against <05048 +neged > the great <01419 +gadowl > tower <04026 +migdal > that lieth <03318 +yatsa> > out , even unto the wall <02346 +chowmah > of Ophel <06077 + . piece NEH 003 030 After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388 +chazaq > Hananiah <02608 +Chananyah > the son <01121 +ben > of Shelemiah <08018 +Shelemyah > , and Hanun <02586 +Chanuwn > the sixth <08345 +shishshiy > son <01121 +ben > of Zalaph , another <08145 +sheniy > {piece} <04060 +middah > . After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388 +chazaq > Meshullam <04918 +M@shullam > the son <01121 +ben > of Berechiah <01296 +Berekyah > over <05048 +neged > against <05048 +neged > his chamber <05393 +nishkah > . piece JOB 041 024 His heart <03820 +leb > is as firm <03332 +yatsaq > as a stone <68> ; yea , as hard <03332 +yatsaq > as a {piece} <06400 +pelach > of the nether <08482 +tachtiy > [ millstone ] . piece JOB 042 011 Then came <00935 +bow> > there unto him all <03605 +kol > his brethren <00251 +>ach > , and all <03605 +kol > his sisters <00269 +>achowth > , and all <03605 +kol > they that had been of his acquaintance <03045 +yada< > before <06440 +paniym > , and did eat <00398 +>akal > bread <03899 +lechem > with him in his house <01004 +bayith > : and they bemoaned <05110 +nuwd > him , and comforted <05162 +nacham > him over <05921 + all <03605 +kol > the evil <07451 +ra< > that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had brought <00935 +bow> > upon him : every man <00376 +>iysh > also gave <05414 +nathan > him a {piece} of money <07192 +q@siytah > , and every <00376 +>iysh > one <00376 +>iysh > an earring <05141 +nexem > of gold <02091 +zahab > . piece PRO 006 026 For by means <01157 +b@ of a whorish <02181 +zanah > woman <00802 +>ishshah > [ a man is brought ] to a {piece} <03603 +kikkar > of bread <03899 +lechem > : and the adulteress will hunt <06679 +tsuwd > for the precious <03368 +yaqar > life <05315 +nephesh > . piece PRO 028 021 . To have respect <05234 +nakar > of persons <06440 +paniym > [ is ] not good <02896 +towb > : for for a {piece} <06595 +path > of bread <03899 +lechem > [ that ] man <01397 +geber > will transgress <06586 +pasha< > . piece SON 004 003 Thy lips <08193 +saphah > [ are ] like a thread <02339 +chuwt > of scarlet <08144 +shaniy > , and thy speech <04057 +midbar > [ is ] comely <05000 +na>veh > : thy temples <07451 +ra< > [ are ] like a {piece} <06400 +pelach > of a pomegranate <07416 +rimmown > within <01157 +b@ thy locks <06777 +tsammah > . piece SON 006 007 As a {piece} <06400 +pelach > of a pomegranate <07416 +rimmown > [ are ] thytemples <07451 +ra< > within <01157 +b@ thy locks <06777 +tsammah > . piece JER 037 021 Then Zedekiah <06667 +Tsidqiyah > the king <04428 +melek > commanded <06680 +tsavah > that they should commit <06458 +pacal > Jeremiah <03414 +Yirm@yah > into the court <02691 +chatser > of the prison <04307 +mattara> > , and that they should give <05414 +nathan > him daily <03117 +yowm > a {piece} <03603 +kikkar > of bread <03899 +lechem > out of the bakers <00644 +>aphah > street <02351 +chuwts > , until <05704 + all <03605 +kol > the bread <03899 +lechem > in the city <05892 + were spent <08552 +tamam > . Thus Jeremiah <03414 +Yirm@yah > remained <03427 +yashab > in the court <02691 +chatser > of the prison <04307 +mattara> > . piece EZE 024 004 Gather <00622 +>acaph > the pieces <05409 +nethach > thereof into it , [ even ] every <03605 +kol > good <02896 +towb > {piece} <05409 +nethach > , the thigh <03409 +yarek > , and the shoulder <03802 +katheph > ; fill <04390 +male> > [ it ] with the choice <04005 +mibchar > bones <06106 + . piece EZE 024 006 Wherefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Woe <00188 +>owy > to the bloody <01818 +dam > city <05892 + , to the pot <05518 +ciyr > whose <00834 +>aher > scum <02457 +chel>ah > [ is ] therein , and whose scum <02457 +chel>ah > is not gone <03318 +yatsa> > out of it ! bring <03318 +yatsa> > it out piece <05409 +nethach > by {piece} <05409 +nethach > ; let no <03808 +lo> > lot <01486 +gowral > fall <05307 +naphal > upon it . piece EZE 024 006 Wherefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Woe <00188 +>owy > to the bloody <01818 +dam > city <05892 + , to the pot <05518 +ciyr > whose <00834 +>aher > scum <02457 +chel>ah > [ is ] therein , and whose scum <02457 +chel>ah > is not gone <03318 +yatsa> > out of it ! bring <03318 +yatsa> > it out {piece} <05409 +nethach > by piece <05409 +nethach > ; let no <03808 +lo> > lot <01486 +gowral > fall <05307 +naphal > upon it . piece AMO 003 012 Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ; As the shepherd <07462 +ra taketh <05337 +natsal > out of the mouth <06310 +peh > of the lion <00738 +>ariy > two <08147 +sh@nayim > legs <03767 +kara< > , or <00176 +>ow > a {piece} <00915 +badal > of an ear <00241 +>ozen > ; so <03651 +ken > shall the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > be taken <05337 +natsal > out that dwell <03427 +yashab > in Samaria <08111 +Shom@rown > in the corner <06285 +pe>ah > of a bed <04296 +mittah > , and in Damascus <01834 +Dammeseq > [ in ] a couch <06210 + . piece AMO 004 007 And also <01571 +gam > I have withholden <04513 +mana< > the rain <01653 +geshem > from you , when [ there were ] yet <05750 + three <07969 +shalowsh > months <02320 +chodesh > to the harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > : and I caused it to rain <04305 +matar > upon one <00259 +>echad > city <05892 + , and caused it not to rain <04305 +matar > upon another <00259 +>echad > city <05892 + : one <00259 +>echad > piece was rained <04305 +matar > upon , and the {piece} whereupon it rained <04305 +matar > not withered <03001 +yabesh > . piece AMO 004 007 And also <01571 +gam > I have withholden <04513 +mana< > the rain <01653 +geshem > from you , when [ there were ] yet <05750 + three <07969 +shalowsh > months <02320 +chodesh > to the harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > : and I caused it to rain <04305 +matar > upon one <00259 +>echad > city <05892 + , and caused it not to rain <04305 +matar > upon another <00259 +>echad > city <05892 + : one <00259 +>echad > {piece} was rained <04305 +matar > upon , and the piece whereupon it rained <04305 +matar > not withered <03001 +yabesh > . piece MAT 009 016 No <3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -oudeis -> putteth <1911 -epiballo -> a {piece} <1915 -epiblema -> of new <0046 -agnaphos -> cloth <4470 -rhakos -> unto an old <3820 - palaios -> garment <2440 -himation -> , for that which is put in to fill <4138 -pleroma -> it up taketh <0142 -airo -> from the garment <2440 -himation -> , and the rent <4978 -schisma -> is made <1096 -ginomai -> worse <5501 -cheiron -> . piece MAT 017 027 Notwithstanding , lest <3361 -me -> we should offend <4624 -skandalizo -> them , go <4198 -poreuomai -> thou to the sea <2281 -thalassa -> , and cast <0906 -ballo -> an hook <0044 -agkistron -> , and take <0142 -airo -> up the fish <2486 - ichthus -> that first <4413 -protos -> cometh <0305 -anabaino -> up ; and when thou hast opened <0455 -anoigo -> his mouth <4750 - stoma -> , thou shalt find <2147 -heurisko -> a {piece} of money <4715 -stater -> : that take <2983 -lambano -> , and give <1325 - didomi -> unto them for me and thee . piece MAR 002 021 No <3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -oudeis -> also <2532 -kai -> seweth <1976 -epirrhapto -> a piece <1915 - epiblema -> of new <0046 -agnaphos -> cloth <4470 -rhakos -> on <1909 -epi -> an old <3820 -palaios -> garment <2440 -himation - > : else <1490 -ei de me ( ge ) -> the new <2537 -kainos -> {piece} <4138 -pleroma -> that filled <4138 -pleroma -> it up taketh <0142 -airo -> away <0142 -airo -> from the old <3820 - palaios -> , and the rent <4978 -schisma -> is made <1096 - ginomai -> worse <5501 -cheiron -> . piece MAR 002 021 No <3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -oudeis -> also <2532 -kai -> seweth <1976 -epirrhapto -> a {piece} <1915 - epiblema -> of new <0046 -agnaphos -> cloth <4470 -rhakos -> on <1909 -epi -> an old <3820 -palaios -> garment <2440 -himation - > : else <1490 -ei de me ( ge ) -> the new <2537 -kainos -> piece <4138 -pleroma -> that filled <4138 -pleroma -> it up taketh <0142 -airo -> away <0142 -airo -> from the old <3820 - palaios -> , and the rent <4978 -schisma -> is made <1096 - ginomai -> worse <5501 -cheiron -> . piece LUK 005 036 And he spake 3004 -lego - also 2532 -kai - a parable 3850 -parabole - unto them ; No 3762 -oudeis - man 3762 - oudeis - putteth 1911 -epiballo - a piece 1915 -epiblema - of a new 2537 -kainos - garment 2440 -himation - upon an old 3820 - palaios - ; if 1490 -ei de me ( ge ) - otherwise 1490 -ei de me ( ge ) - , then both 2532 -kai - the new 2537 -kainos - maketh 4977 -schizo - a rent 4977 -schizo - , and the {piece} 1915 - epiblema - that was [ taken ] out of the new 2537 -kainos - agreeth 4856 -sumphoneo - not with the old 3820 -palaios - . piece LUK 005 036 And he spake 3004 -lego - also 2532 -kai - a parable 3850 -parabole - unto them ; No 3762 -oudeis - man 3762 - oudeis - putteth 1911 -epiballo - a {piece} 1915 -epiblema - of a new 2537 -kainos - garment 2440 -himation - upon an old 3820 - palaios - ; if 1490 -ei de me ( ge ) - otherwise 1490 -ei de me ( ge ) - , then both 2532 -kai - the new 2537 -kainos - maketh 4977 -schizo - a rent 4977 -schizo - , and the piece 1915 - epiblema - that was [ taken ] out of the new 2537 -kainos - agreeth 4856 -sumphoneo - not with the old 3820 -palaios - . piece LUK 014 018 And they all 3956 -pas - with one 3391 -mia - [ consent ] began 0756 -archomai - to make 3868 -paraiteomai - excuse 3868 -paraiteomai - . The first 4413 -protos - said 2036 - epo - unto him , I have bought LUK 0059 -agorazo - a {piece} of ground LUK 0068 -agros - , and I must 2192 -echo - needs LUK 0318 -anagke - go 1831 -exerchomai - and see 1492 -eido - it : I pray 2065 -erotao - thee have 2192 -echo - me excused 3868 - paraiteomai - . piece LUK 015 008 Either 2228 -e - what 5101 -tis - woman 1135 - gune - having 2192 -echo - ten 1176 -deka - pieces 1406 -drachme - of silver 1406 -drachme - , if 1437 -ean - she lose LUK 0622 - apollumi - one 3391 -mia - {piece} 1406 -drachme - , doth not light LUK 0681 -hapto - a candle 3088 -luchnos - , and sweep 4563 -saroo - the house 3614 -oikia - , and seek 2212 -zeteo - diligently 1960 -epimelos - till 2193 -heos - she find 2147 - heurisko - [ it ] ? piece LUK 015 009 And when she hath found 2147 -heurisko - [ it ] , she calleth 4779 -sugkaleo - [ her ] friends 5384 -philos - and [ her ] neighbours 1069 -geiton - together 4779 -sugkaleo - , saying 3004 -lego - , Rejoice 4796 -sugchairo - with me ; for I have found 2147 -heurisko - the {piece} 1406 -drachme - which 3739 -hos - I had lost LUK 0622 -apollumi - . piece LUK 024 042 And they gave 1929 -epididomi - him a {piece} 3313 -meros - of a broiled 3702 -optos - fish 2486 -ichthus - , and of an honeycomb 3193 -melissios - . another piece over against bring it out piece by piece laid each piece one against another one piece made he them one piece was rained upon piece whereupon it rained not w piece which tekoites repaired another piece thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by whole piece shalt thou make them - apiece , 0259 , * apiece , 0303 , - piece , 0095 , 0829 , 0915 , 1335 , 2513 , 3603 , 4060 , 4749 , 5409 , 6400 , 6595 , * piece , 1915 , 4138 , apiece NUM 003 047 Thou shalt even take <03947 +laqach > five <02568 +chamesh > shekels <08255 +sheqel > {apiece} by the poll <01538 +gulgoleth > , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel > of the sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > shalt thou take <03947 +laqach > [ them ] : ( the shekel <08255 +sheqel > [ is ] twenty <06242 + gerahs <01626 +gerah > : ) apiece NUM 007 086 The golden <02091 +zahab > spoons <03709 +kaph > [ were ] twelve , full <04392 +male> > of incense <07004 +q@toreth > , [ weighing ] ten <06235 + [ shekels ] {apiece} , after the shekel <08255 +sheqel > of the sanctuary <06944 +qodesh > : all <03605 +kol > the gold <02091 +zahab > of the spoons <03709 +kaph > [ was ] an hundred <03967 +me>ah > and twenty <06242 + [ shekels ] . apiece NUM 017 006 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > spake <01696 +dabar > unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and every <03605 +kol > one of their princes <05387 +nasiy> > gave <05414 +nathan > him a rod <04294 +matteh > {apiece} , for each prince <05387 +nasiy> > one <00259 +>echad > , according to their fathers <1> houses <01004 +bayith > , [ even ] twelve rods <04294 +matteh > : and the rod <04294 +matteh > of Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > [ was ] among <08432 +tavek > their rods <04294 +matteh > . piece GEN 015 010 And he took <03947 +laqach > unto him all <03605 +kol > these <00428 +>el - leh > , and divided <01334 +bathar > them in the midst <08432 +tavek > , and laid <05414 +nathan > each <00376 +>iysh > {piece} <01335 +bether > one against <07125 +qir>ah > another <07453 +rea< > : but the birds <06833 +tsippowr > divided <01334 +bathar > he not . piece EXO 037 007 And he made <06213 + two <08147 +sh@nayim > cherubims <03742 +k@ruwb > [ of ] gold <02091 +zahab > , beaten <04749 +miqshah > out of one {piece} <04749 +miqshah > made <06213 + he them , on the two <08147 +sh@nayim > ends <07098 +qatsah > of the mercy <03727 +kapporeth > seat ; piece NUM 010 002 Make <06213 + thee two <08147 +sh@nayim > trumpets <02689 +chatsots@rah > of silver <03701 +keceph > ; of a whole <04749 +miqshah > {piece} shalt thou make <06213 + them : that thou mayest use them for the calling <04744 +miqra> > of the assembly <05712 + , and for the journeying <04550 +macca< > of the camps <04264 +machaneh > . pieces GEN 015 017 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , that , when <01961 +hayah > the sun <08121 +shemesh > went <00935 +bow> > down <00935 +bow> > , and it was dark <05939 + , behold <02009 +hinneh > a smoking <06227 + furnace <08574 +tannuwr > , and a burning <00784 +>esh > lamp <03940 +lappiyd > that passed <05674 + between <00996 +beyn > those <00428 +>el - leh > {pieces} <01506 +gezer > . pieces GEN 020 016 And unto Sarah <08283 +Sarah > he said <00559 +>amar > , Behold <02009 +hinneh > , I have given <05414 +nathan > thy brother <00251 +>ach > a thousand <00505 +>eleph > [ {pieces} ] of silver <03701 +keceph > : behold <02009 +hinneh > , he [ is ] to thee a covering <03682 +k@cuwth > of the eyes <05869 + , unto all <03605 +kol > that [ are ] with thee , and with all <03605 +kol > [ other ] : thus she was reproved <03198 +yakach > . pieces GEN 033 019 And he bought <07069 +qanah > a parcel <02513 +chelqah > of a field <07704 +sadeh > , where <00834 +>aher > he had spread <05186 +natah > his tent <00168 +>ohel > , at the hand <03027 +yad > of the children <01121 +ben > of Hamor <02544 +Chamowr > , Shechem s <07927 +Sh@kem > father <1> , for an hundred <03967 +me>ah > {pieces} of money <07192 +q@siytah > . pieces GEN 037 028 Then there passed <05674 + by Midianites <04084 +Midyaniy > merchantmen <05503 +cachar > ; and they drew <04900 +mashak > and lifted <05927 + up Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > out of the pit <00953 +bowr > , and sold <04376 +makar > Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > to the Ishmeelites <03459 +Yishmaliy > for twenty <06242 + [ {pieces} ] of silver <03701 +keceph > : and they brought <00935 +bow> > Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > into Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > . pieces GEN 037 033 And he knew <05234 +nakar > it , and said <00559 +>amar > , [ It is ] my son s <01121 +ben > coat <03801 +k@thoneth > ; an evil <07451 +ra< > beast <02416 +chay > hath devoured <00398 +>akal > him ; Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > is without <02963 +taraph > doubt rent <02963 +taraph > in {pieces} . pieces GEN 044 028 And the one <00259 +>echad > went <03318 +yatsa> > out from me , and I said <00559 +>amar > , Surely <00389 +>ak > he is torn <02963 +taraph > in {pieces} ; and I saw <07200 +ra>ah > him not since <02008 +hennah > : pieces GEN 045 022 To all <03605 +kol > of them he gave <05414 +nathan > each man <00376 +>iysh > changes <02487 +chaliyphah > of raiment <08071 +simlah > ; but to Benjamin <01144 +Binyamiyn > he gave <05414 +nathan > three <07969 +shalowsh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > [ {pieces} ] of silver <03701 +keceph > , and five <02568 +chamesh > changes <02487 +chaliyphah > of raiment <08071 +simlah > . pieces EXO 015 006 Thy right <03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , is become <00142 +>adar > glorious <00142 +>adar > in power <03581 +koach > : thy right <03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , hath dashed <07492 +ra in {pieces} the enemy <00341 +>oyeb > . pieces EXO 022 013 If <00518 +>im > it be torn <02963 +taraph > in {pieces} , [ then ] let him bring <00935 +bow> > it [ for ] witness <05707 + , [ and ] he shall not make good <07999 +shalam > that which was torn <02966 +t@rephah > . pieces EXO 029 017 And thou shalt cut <05408 +nathach > the ram <00352 +>ayil > in pieces <05409 +nethach > , and wash <07364 +rachats > the inwards <07130 +qereb > of him , and his legs <03767 +kara< > , and put <05414 +nathan > [ them ] unto his {pieces} <05409 +nethach > , and unto his head <07218 +ro>sh > . pieces EXO 029 017 And thou shalt cut <05408 +nathach > the ram <00352 +>ayil > in {pieces} <05409 +nethach > , and wash <07364 +rachats > the inwards <07130 +qereb > of him , and his legs <03767 +kara< > , and put <05414 +nathan > [ them ] unto his pieces <05409 +nethach > , and unto his head <07218 +ro>sh > . pieces LEV 001 006 And he shall flay <06584 +pashat > the burnt <05930 + offering , and cut <05408 +nathach > it into his {pieces} <05409 +nethach > . pieces LEV 001 012 And he shall cut <05408 +nathach > it into his {pieces} <05409 +nethach > , with his head <07218 +ro>sh > and his fat <06309 +peder > : and the priest <03548 +kohen > shall lay them in order <06186 + on <05921 + the wood <06086 + that [ is ] on <05921 + the fire <00784 +>esh > which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] upon the altar <04196 +mizbeach > : pieces LEV 002 006 Thou shalt part <06626 +pathath > it in {pieces} <06595 +path > , and pour <03332 +yatsaq > oil <08081 +shemen > thereon <05921 + : it [ is ] a meat offering <04503 +minchah > . pieces LEV 006 021 In a pan <04227 +machabath > it shall be made <06213 + with oil <08081 +shemen > ; [ and when it is ] baken <07246 +rabak > , thou shalt bring <00935 +bow> > it in : [ and ] the baken <08601 +tuphiyn > {pieces} <06595 +path > of the meat offering <04503 +minchah > shalt thou offer <07126 +qarab > [ for ] a sweet <05207 +nichowach > savour <07381 +reyach > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > . pieces LEV 008 020 And he cut <05408 +nathach > the ram <00352 +>ayil > into pieces <05409 +nethach > ; and Moses <04872 +Mosheh > burnt <06999 +qatar > the head <07218 +ro>sh > , and the {pieces} <05409 +nethach > , and the fat <06309 +peder > . pieces LEV 008 020 And he cut <05408 +nathach > the ram <00352 +>ayil > into {pieces} <05409 +nethach > ; and Moses <04872 +Mosheh > burnt <06999 +qatar > the head <07218 +ro>sh > , and the pieces <05409 +nethach > , and the fat <06309 +peder > . pieces LEV 009 013 And they presented <04672 +matsa> > the burnt <05930 + offering unto him , with the {pieces} <05409 +nethach > thereof , and the head <07218 +ro>sh > : and he burnt <06999 +qatar > [ them ] upon the altar <04196 +mizbeach > . shoulderpieces EXO 028 007 It shall have <01961 +hayah > the two <08147 +sh@nayim > {shoulderpieces} <03802 +katheph > thereof joined <02266 +chabar > at <00413 +>el > the two <08147 +sh@nayim > edges <07098 +qatsah > thereof ; and [ so ] it shall be joined <02266 +chabar > together . shoulderpieces EXO 028 025 And [ the other ] two <08147 +sh@nayim > ends <07098 +qatsah > of the two <08147 +sh@nayim > wreathen <05688 + [ chains ] thou shalt fasten <05414 +nathan > in the two <08147 +sh@nayim > ouches <04865 +mishb@tsah > , and put <05414 +nathan > [ them ] on <05921 + the {shoulderpieces} <03802 +katheph > of the ephod <00646 +>ephowd > before it . shoulderpieces EXO 039 004 They made <06213 + {shoulderpieces} <03802 +katheph > for it , to couple <02266 +chabar > [ it ] together : by the two <08147 +sh@nayim > edges <07099 +qetsev > was it coupled <02266 +chabar > together . shoulderpieces EXO 039 018 And the two <08147 +sh@nayim > ends <07098 +qatsah > of the two <08147 +sh@nayim > wreathen <05688 + chains <05688 + they fastened <05414 +nathan > in the two <08147 +sh@nayim > ouches <04865 +mishb@tsah > , and put <05414 +nathan > them on <05921 + the {shoulderpieces} <03802 +katheph > of the ephod <00646 +>ephowd > , before it . * apiece , 0303 ana , * piece , 1915 epiblema , 4138 pleroma , apiece -0303 {apiece}, every, through, piece -1915 {piece}, piece -4138 fill, filled, full, fulness, {piece}, pieces -1288 asunder, {pieces}, plucked, pulled, apiece -0259 alike , alone , altogether , another , any , {apiece} , certain , each , every , few , first , once , one , only , other , some , the , together , piece -0095 {piece} , piece -0829 flesh , {piece} , piece -0915 {piece} , piece -1335 parts , {piece} , piece -2513 field , flattering , flattery , ground , parcel , part , {piece} , plat , portion , slippery , smooth , smoother , piece -3603 loaf , loaves , morsel , {piece} , plain , talent , talents , piece -4060 garments , measure , measures , measuring , meteyard , {piece} , size , stature , tribute , why , wide , piece -4749 beaten , {piece} , upright , whole , work , piece -5409 parts , {piece} , pieces , piece -6400 looks , {piece} , piece -6595 meat , morsel , morsels , {piece} , pieces , pieces -1506 parts , {pieces} , pieces -1917 {pieces} , pieces -5409 parts , piece , {pieces} , pieces -6595 meat , morsel , morsels , piece , {pieces} , pieces -7168 {pieces} , rags , pieces -7518 {pieces} , shoulderpieces -3802 arm , corner , shoulder , {shoulderpieces} , shoulders , side , sides , undersetters , apiece 0259 -- /echad -- a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(- thing), {apiece}, acertain, [dai-]ly, each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, aman, once, one, only, other, some, together, apiece 2568 -- chamesh -- fif[-teen], fifth, five (X {apiece}). apiece 5982 -- \ammuwd -- X {apiece}, pillar. apiece 0303 ** ana ** and, {apiece}, by, each, every (man), in, through. piece 0095 -- /agowrah -- {piece} [of] silver. piece 0650 -- /aphiyq -- brook, channel, mighty, river, + scale, stream, strong{piece}. piece 0829 -- /eshpar -- good {piece} (of flesh). piece 0915 -- badal -- {piece}. piece 1335 -- bether -- part, {piece}. piece 1506 -- gezer -- part, {piece}. piece 1917 -- haddam -- {piece}. piece 2513 -- chelqah -- field, flattering(-ry), ground, parcel, part, {piece} of land[ground], plat, portion, slippery place, smooth (thing). piece 3603 -- kikkar -- loaf, morsel, {piece}, plain, talent piece 3802 -- katheph -- arm, corner, shoulder({-piece}), side, undersetter. piece 4060 -- middah -- garment, measure(-ing, meteyard, {piece}, size, (great)stature, tribute, wide. piece 4736 -- miqnah -- (he that is) bought, possession, {piece}, purchase. piece 4749 -- miqshah -- beaten (out of one piece, work), upright, whole {piece}. piece 4749 -- miqshah -- beaten (out of one {piece}, work), upright, whole piece. piece 5409 -- nethach -- part, {piece}. piece 6400 -- pelach -- {piece}. piece 6595 -- path -- meat, morsel, {piece}. piece 7168 qera\ -- -- {piece}, rag. piece 7192 q@siytah -- -- {piece} of money (silver). piece 7518 rats -- -- {piece}. piece 8601 -- tuphiyn -- baked {piece}. piece 0068 ** agros ** country, farm, {piece} of ground, land. piece 0694 ** argurion ** money, (piece of) silver ({piece}). piece 0694 ** argurion ** money, ({piece} of) silver (piece). piece 1406 ** drachme ** {piece} (of silver). piece 1915 ** epiblema ** {piece}. piece 3313 ** meros ** behalf, course, coast, craft, particular (+ -ly), part (+-ly), {piece}, portion, respect, side, some sort(-what). piece 4138 ** pleroma ** which is put in to fill up, {piece} that filled up,fulfilling, full, fulness. piece 4715 ** stater ** {piece} of money. pieces 1234 -- baqa\ -- make a breach, break forth (into, out, in {pieces}, through,up), be ready to burst, cleave (asunder), cut out, divide, hatch, rend(asunder), rip up, tear, win. pieces 1751 -- duwq -- be broken to {pieces}. pieces 1792 -- daka/ -- beat to pieces, break (in {pieces}), bruise, contrite,crush, destroy, humble, oppress, smite. pieces 1792 -- daka/ -- beat to {pieces}, break (in pieces), bruise, contrite,crush, destroy, humble, oppress, smite. pieces 1854 -- daqaq -- beat in {pieces} (small), bruise, make dust, (into) Xpowder, (be, very) small, stamp (small). pieces 1855 -- d@qaq -- break to {pieces}. pieces 2963 -- taraph -- catch, X without doubt, feed, ravin, rend in pieces, Xsurely, tear (in {pieces}). pieces 2963 -- taraph -- catch, X without doubt, feed, ravin, rend in {pieces}, Xsurely, tear (in pieces). pieces 2966 -- t@rephah -- ravin, (that which was) torn (of beasts, in {pieces}). pieces 3807 -- kathath -- beat (down, to pieces), break in {pieces}, crushed, destroy,discomfit, smite, stamp. pieces 3807 -- kathath -- beat (down, to {pieces}), break in pieces, crushed, destroy,discomfit, smite, stamp. pieces 4135 -- muwl -- circumcise(-ing), selves), cut down (in {pieces}), destroy,X must needs. pieces 5310 -- naphats -- be beaten in sunder, break (in pieces), broken, dash (in{pieces}), cause to be discharged, dispersed, be overspread, scatter. pieces 5310 -- naphats -- be beaten in sunder, break (in {pieces}), broken, dash (inpieces), cause to be discharged, dispersed, be overspread, scatter. pieces 5408 -- nathach -- cut (in pieces), divide, hew in {pieces}. pieces 5408 -- nathach -- cut (in {pieces}), divide, hew in pieces. pieces 6327 -- puwts -- break (dash, shake) in (to) {pieces}, cast (abroad),disperse (selves), drive, retire, scatter (abroad), spread abroad. pieces 6561 -- paraq -- break (off), deliver, redeem, rend (in pieces), tear in{pieces}. pieces 6561 -- paraq -- break (off), deliver, redeem, rend (in {pieces}), tear inpieces. pieces 6566 -- paras -- break, chop in {pieces}, lay open, scatter, spread (abroad,forth, selves, out), stretch (forth, out). pieces 6582 -- pashach -- pull in {pieces}. pieces 7112 qatsats -- -- cut (asunder, in {pieces}, in sunder, off), X utmost. pieces 7376 ratash -- -- dash (in {pieces}). pieces 7489 ra\a\ -- -- afflict, associate selves , break (down, in {pieces}), +displease, (be, bring, do) evil (doer, entreat, man), show self friendly doharm, (do) hurt, (behave self, deal) ill, X indeed, do mischief, punish,still, vex, (do) wicked (doer, -ly), be (deal, do) worse. pieces 7492 ra\ats -- -- dash in {pieces}, vex. pieces 7616 shabab -- -- broken in {pieces}. pieces 7665 shabar -- -- break (down, off, in {pieces}, up), broken([-hearted]),bring to the birth, crush, destroy, hurt, quench, X quite, tear, view. pieces 8158 -- shacaph -- hew in {pieces}. pieces 8295 -- sarat -- cut in pieces, make [cuttings] {pieces}. pieces 8295 -- sarat -- cut in {pieces}, make [cuttings] pieces. pieces 1288 ** diaspao ** pluck asunder, pull in {pieces}. pieces 4937 ** suntribo ** break (in {pieces}), broken to shivers (+ -hearted), bruise. apiece ......... apiece 0303 -ana-> piece ......... a piece 1915 -epiblema-> piece ......... a piece of ground 0068 -agros-> piece ......... a piece of money 4715 -stater-> piece ......... and the piece 1915 -epiblema-> piece ......... him a piece 3313 -meros-> piece ......... piece 1406 -drachme-> piece ......... piece 4138 -pleroma-> piece ......... the piece 1406 -drachme-> pieces ......... broken pieces of the ship 4493 -rhipe-> pieces ......... in pieces 1288 -diaspao-> pieces ......... in pieces : neither 3762 -oudeis-> pieces ......... pieces , and said 2036 -epo-> pieces ......... pieces 1406 -drachme-> pieces ......... pieces of silver 0694 -argurion-> pieces ......... the pieces of silver 0694 -argurion-> apiece 0259 ## >echad {ekh-awd'}; a numeral from 258; properly, united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first: -- a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(-thing), {apiece}, a certain, [dai-]ly, each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once, one, only, other, some, together, [ql apiece 2568 ## chamesh {khaw-maysh'}; masculine chamishshah {kham-ish-shaw}; a primitive numeral; five: -- fif[-teen], fifth, five (X {apiece}). [ql apiece 5982 ## agowrah {ag-o-raw'}; from the same as 94; properly, something gathered, i.e. perhaps a grain or berry; used only of a small (silver) coin: -- {piece} [of] silver. [ql piece 0650 ## >aphiyq {aw-feek'}; from 622; properly, containing, i.e. a tube; also a bed or valley of a stream; also a strong thing or a hero: -- brook, channel, mighty, river, + scale, stream, strong {piece}. [ql piece 0829 ## >eshpar {esh-pawr'}; of uncertain derivation; a measured portion: -- good {piece} (of flesh). [ql piece 0915 ## badal {baw-dawl'}; from 914; a part: -- {piece}. [ql piece 1335 ## bether {beh'-ther}; from 1334; a section: -- part, {piece}. [ql piece 1506 ## gezer {gheh'-zer}; from 1504; something cut off; a portion: -- part, {piece}. [ql piece 1917 ## haddam (Aramaic) {had-dawm'}; from a root corresponding to that of 1916; something stamped to pieces, i.e. a bit: -- {piece}. [ql piece 2513 ## chelqah {khel-kaw'}; feminine of 2506; properly, smoothness; figuratively, flattery; also an allotment: -- field, flattering(-ry), ground, parcel, part, {piece} of land [ground], plat, portion, slippery place, smooth (thing). [ql piece 3603 ## kikkar {kik-kawr'}; from 3769; a circle, i.e . (by implication) a circumjacent tract or region, expec. the Ghor or valley of the Jordan; also a (round) loaf; also a talent (or large [round] coin): -- loaf, morsel, {piece}, plain, talent [ql piece 4060 ## middah {mid-daw'}; feminine of 4055; properly, extension, i.e. height or breadth; also a measure (including its standard); hence a portion (as measured) or a vestment; specifically, tribute (as measured): -- garment, measure(-ing, meteyard, {piece}, size, (great) stature, tribute, wide.[ql piece 4736 ## miqnah {mik-naw'}; feminine of 4735; properly, a buying, i.e. acquisition; concretely, a piece of property (land or living); also the sum paid: -- (he that is) bought, possession, {piece}, purchase.[ql piece 4749 ## miqshah {mik-shaw'}; feminine of 4748; rounded work, i.e. moulded by hammering (repousse): -- beaten (out of one piece, work), upright, whole {piece}.[ql piece 4749 ## miqshah {mik-shaw'}; feminine of 4748; rounded work, i.e. moulded by hammering (repousse): -- beaten (out of one {piece}, work), upright, whole piece.[ql piece 5409 ## nethach {nay'-thakh}; from 5408; a fragment: -- part, {piece}.[ql piece 6400 ## pelach {peh'-lakh}; from 6398; a slice: -- {piece}. [ql piece 6595 ## path {path}; from 6626; a bit: -- meat, morsel, {piece}.[ql piece 7168 ## qera< {keh'-rah}; from 7167; a rag: -- {piece}, rag.[ql piece 7192 ## q@siytah {kes-ee-taw'}; from an unused root (probably meaning to weigh out); an ingot (as definitely estimated and stamped for a coin): -- {piece} of money (silver). [ql piece 7518 ## rats {rats}; contracted from 7533; a fragment: -- {piece}.[ql piece 8601 ## tuphiyn {too-feen'}; from 644; cookery, i.e. (concretely) a cake: -- baked {piece}.[ql piece 0068 # agros {ag-ros'}; from 71; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, {piece} of ground, land.[ql piece 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- money, (piece of) silver ({piece}).[ql piece 0694 # argurion {ar-goo'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 696; silvery, i.e. (by implication) cash; specially, a silverling (i.e. drachma or shekel): -- money, ({piece} of) silver (piece).[ql piece 1406 # drachme {drakh-may'}; from 1405; a drachma or (silver) coin (as handled): -- {piece} (of silver).[ql ***. dremo. See 5143.[ql piece 1915 # epiblema {ep-ib'-lay-mah}; from 1911; a patch: -- {piece}.[ql piece 3313 # meros {mer'-os}; from an obsolete but more primary form of meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively, in a wide application): -- behalf, course, coast, craft, particular (+ -ly), part (+ -ly), {piece}, portion, respect, side, some sort(-what).[ql piece 4138 # pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, {piece} that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.[ql piece 4715 # stater {stat-air'}; from the base of 2746; a stander (standard of value), i.e. (specifically) a stater or certain coin: -- {piece} of money.[ql piece 3802 ## katheph {kaw-thafe'}; from an unused root meaning to clothe; the shoulder (proper, i.e . upper end of the arm; as being the spot where the garments hang); figuratively, side- piece or lateral projection of anything: -- arm, corner, shoulder({-piece}), side, undersetter. [ql pieces 1234 ## baqa< {baw-kah'}; a primitive root; to cleave; generally, to rend, break, rip or open: -- make a breach, break forth (into, out, in {pieces}, through, up), be ready to burst, cleave (asunder), cut out, divide, hatch, rend (asunder), rip up, tear, win. [ql pieces 1751 ## duwq (Aramaic) {dook}; corresponding to 1854; to crumble: -- be broken to {pieces}. [ql pieces 1792 ## daka> {daw-kaw'}; a primitive root (compare 1794); to crumble; transitively, to bruise (literally or figuratively): -- beat to pieces, break (in {pieces}), bruise, contrite, crush, destroy, humble, oppress, smite. [ql pieces 1792 ## daka> {daw-kaw'}; a primitive root (compare 1794); to crumble; transitively, to bruise (literally or figuratively): -- beat to {pieces}, break (in pieces), bruise, contrite, crush, destroy, humble, oppress, smite. [ql pieces 1854 ## daqaq {daw-kak'}; a primitive root [compare 1915]; to crush (or intransitively) crumble: -- beat in {pieces} (small), bruise, make dust, (into) X powder, (be, very) small, stamp (small). [ql pieces 1855 ## d@qaq (Aramaic) {dek-ak'}; corresponding to 1854; to crumble or (trans.) crush: -- break to {pieces}. [ql pieces 2963 ## taraph {taw-raf'}; a primitive root; to pluck off or pull to pieces; causatively to supply with food (as in morsels): -- catch, X without doubt, feed, ravin, rend in pieces, X surely, tear (in {pieces}). [ql pieces 2963 ## taraph {taw-raf'}; a primitive root; to pluck off or pull to pieces; causatively to supply with food (as in morsels): -- catch, X without doubt, feed, ravin, rend in {pieces}, X surely, tear (in pieces). [ql pieces 2966 ## t@rephah {ter-ay-faw'}; feminine (collectively) of 2964; prey, i.e. flocks devoured by animals: -- ravin, (that which was) torn (of beasts, in {pieces}). [ql pieces 3807 ## kathath {kaw-thath'}; a primitive root; to bruise or violently strike: -- beat (down, to pieces), break in {pieces}, crushed, destroy, discomfit, smite, stamp. [ql pieces 3807 ## kathath {kaw-thath'}; a primitive root; to bruise or violently strike: -- beat (down, to {pieces}), break in pieces, crushed, destroy, discomfit, smite, stamp. [ql pieces 4135 ## muwl {mool}; a primitive root; to cut short, i.e. curtail (specifically the prepuce, i.e. to circumcise); by implication, to blunt; figuratively, to destroy: -- circumcise(- ing), selves), cut down (in {pieces}), destroy, X must needs.[ql pieces 5310 ## naphats {naw-fats'}; a primitive root; to dash to pieces, or scatter: -- be beaten in sunder, break (in pieces), broken, dash (in {pieces}), cause to be discharged, dispersed, be overspread, scatter.[ql pieces 5310 ## naphats {naw-fats'}; a primitive root; to dash to pieces, or scatter: -- be beaten in sunder, break (in {pieces}), broken, dash (in pieces), cause to be discharged, dispersed, be overspread, scatter.[ql pieces 5408 ## nathach {naw-thakh'}; a primitive root; to dismember: -- cut (in pieces), divide, hew in {pieces}.[ql pieces 5408 ## nathach {naw-thakh'}; a primitive root; to dismember: -- cut (in {pieces}), divide, hew in pieces.[ql pieces 6327 ## puwts {poots}; a primitive root; to dash in pieces, literally or figuratively (especially to disperse): -- break (dash, shake) in (to) {pieces}, cast (abroad), disperse (selves), drive, retire, scatter (abroad), spread abroad.[ql pieces 6561 ## paraq {paw-rak'}; a primitive root; to break off or crunch; figuratively, to deliver: -- break (off), deliver, redeem, rend (in pieces), tear in {pieces}.[ql pieces 6561 ## paraq {paw-rak'}; a primitive root; to break off or crunch; figuratively, to deliver: -- break (off), deliver, redeem, rend (in {pieces}), tear in pieces.[ql pieces 6566 ## paras {paw-ras'}; a primitive root; to break apart, disperse, etc.: -- break, chop in {pieces}, lay open, scatter, spread (abroad, forth, selves, out), stretch (forth, out).[ql pieces 6582 ## pashach {paw-shakh'}; a primitive root; to tear in pieces: -- pull in {pieces}.[ql pieces 7112 ## qatsats {kaw-tsats'}; a primitive root; to chop off (literally or figuratively): -- cut (asunder, in {pieces}, in sunder, off), X utmost.[ql pieces 7376 ## ratash {raw-tash'}; a primitive root; to dash down: -- dash (in {pieces}).[ql pieces 7489 ## ra And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each {piece} one against another: but the birds divided he not. piece And he made two cherubims [of] gold, beaten out of one {piece} made he them, on the two ends of the mercy seat; piece Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole {piece} shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps. piece And a certain woman cast a {piece} of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to brake his skull. piece <1SA2 -36> And it shall come to pass, [that] every one that is left in thine house shall come [and] crouch to him for a {piece} of silver and a morsel of bread, and shall say, Put me, I pray thee, into one of the priests' offices, that I may eat a p iece of bread. piece <1SA2 -36> And it shall come to pass, [that] every one that is left in thine house shall come [and] crouch to him for a piece of silver and a morsel of bread, and shall say, Put me, I pray thee, into one of the priests' offices, that I may eat a {pi ece} of bread. piece <1SA30 -12> And they gave him a {piece} of a cake of figs, and two clusters of raisins: and when he had eaten, his spirit came again to him: for he had eaten no bread, nor drunk [any] water, three days and three nights. piece <2SA6 -19> And he dealt among all the people, [even] among the whole multitude of Israel, as well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, and a good {piece} [of flesh], and a flagon [of wine]. So all the people departed every one to his h ouse. piece <2SA11 -21> Who smote Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? did not a woman cast a {piece} of a millstone upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez? why went ye nigh the wall? then say thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also. piece <2SA23 -11> And after him [was] Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a {piece} of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines. piece <2KI3 -19> And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good {piece} of land with stones. piece <2KI3 -25> And they beat down the cities, and on every good {piece} of land cast every man his stone, and filled it; and they stopped all the wells of water, and felled all the good trees: only in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof; howbeit th e slingers went about [it], and smote it. piece <1CH16 -3> And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good {piece} of flesh, and a flagon [of wine]. piece Malchijah the son of Harim, and Hashub the son of Pahathmoab, repaired the other {piece}, and the tower of the furnaces. piece And next to him repaired Ezer the son of Jeshua, the ruler of Mizpah, another {piece} over against the going up to the armoury at the turning [of the wall]. piece After him Baruch the son of Zabbai earnestly repaired the other {piece}, from the turning [of the wall] unto the door of the house of Eliashib the high priest. piece After him repaired Meremoth the son of Urijah the son of Koz another {piece}, from the door of the house of Eliashib even to the end of the house of Eliashib. piece After him repaired Binnui the son of Henadad another {piece}, from the house of Azariah unto the turning [of the wall], even unto the corner. piece After them the Tekoites repaired another {piece}, over against the great tower that lieth out, even unto the wall of Ophel. piece After him repaired Hananiah the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun the sixth son of Zalaph, another {piece}. After him repaired Meshullam the son of Berechiah over against his chamber. piece His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a {piece} of the nether [millstone]. piece Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a {piece} of money, and every one an earring of gold. piece For by means of a whorish woman [a man is brought] to a {piece} of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. piece To have respect of persons [is] not good: for for a {piece} of bread [that] man will transgress. piece Thy lips [are] like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech [is] comely: thy temples [are] like a {piece} of a pomegranate within thy locks. piece As a {piece} of a pomegranate [are] thy temples within thy locks. piece Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit Jeremiah into the court of the prison, and that they should give him daily a {piece} of bread out of the bakers' street, until all the bread in the city were spent. Thus Jeremiah r emained in the court of the prison. piece Gather the pieces thereof into it, [even] every good {piece}, the thigh, and the shoulder; fill [it] with the choice bones. piece Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum [is] therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out piece by {piece}; let no lot fall upon it. piece Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum [is] therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! bring it out {piece} by piece; let no lot fall upon it. piece Thus saith the LORD; As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the lion two legs, or a {piece} of an ear; so shall the children of Israel be taken out that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed, and in Damascus [in] a couch. piece And also I have withholden the rain from you, when [there were] yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon, and the {piece} whereupon it ra ined not withered. piece And also I have withholden the rain from you, when [there were] yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one {piece} was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it ra ined not withered. piece No man putteth a {piece} of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. piece Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a {piece} of money: that take, and give unto them for me a nd thee. piece No man also seweth a {piece} of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. piece No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new {piece} that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. piece And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a {piece} of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken] out of the new agreeth not with the old. piece And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both the new maketh a rent, and the {piece} that was taken] out of the new agreeth not with the old. piece And they all with one consent] began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a {piece} of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. piece Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one {piece}, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it]? piece And when she hath found it], she calleth her] friends and her] neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the {piece} which I had lost. piece And they gave him a {piece} of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.