-anazopureo- ......... that thou stir 0329 -anazopureo- > -pur- ......... a fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... and fiery 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... and fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... and the fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... and with fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... as by fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... as it were fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... as of fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... by fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... by the fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... her with fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... in the fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... is a fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... it with fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... not , and the fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... of fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... the fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... them , fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... them out of the fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... unto fire 4442 -pur- > -pur- ......... with fire 4442 -pur- > -pura- ......... a fire 4443 -pura- > -pura- ......... the fire 4443 -pura- > -puresso- ......... and sick 4445 -puresso- > -puresso- ......... of a fever 4445 -puresso- > -puresso- ......... sick 4445 -puresso- > -puretos- ......... and the fever 4446 -puretos- > -puretos- ......... fever 4446 -puretos- > -puretos- ......... sick of a fever 4446 -puretos- > -puretos- ......... the fever 4446 -puretos- > -purgos- ......... a tower 4444 -purgos- > -purgos- ......... and beggarly 4444 -purgos- > -purgos- ......... the tower 4444 -purgos- > -purinos- ......... of fire 4447 -purinos- > -puroo- ......... and I burn 4448 -puroo- > -puroo- ......... as if they burned 4448 -puroo- > -puroo- ......... being on fire 4448 -puroo- > -puroo- ......... the fiery 4448 -puroo- > -puroo- ......... to burn 4448 -puroo- > -puroo- ......... tried 4448 -puroo- > -purosis- ......... of her burning 4451 -purosis- > -purosis- ......... the fiery 4451 -purosis- > -purrhazo- ......... is red 4449 -purrhazo- > -purrhos- ......... red 4450 -purrhos- > -purrhos- ......... that was red 4450 -purrhos- > -spuris- ......... baskets 4711 -spuris- > -spuris- ......... in a basket 4711 -spuris- > purchase ......... purchase 4046 -peripoieomai-> purchased ......... he hath purchased 4046 -peripoieomai-> purchased ......... man purchased 2932 -ktaomai-> purchased ......... may be purchased 2932 -ktaomai-> purchased ......... of the purchased 4047 -peripoiesis-> pure ......... are pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... are the pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... as he is pure 0053 -hagnos-> pure ......... in a pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... in pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... me a pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... out of a pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... pure 0053 -hagnos-> pure ......... pure 1506 -eilikrines-> pure ......... pure 2513 -katharos-> Pure ......... Pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... that I am pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... things are pure 0053 -hagnos-> pure ......... things are pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... Unto the pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... was pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... with a pure 2513 -katharos-> pure ......... with pure 2513 -katharos-> pureness ......... By pureness 0054 -hagnotes-> purge ......... purge 1245 -diakatharizo-> Purge ......... Purge 1571 -ekkathairo-> purge ......... purge 1571 -ekkathairo-> purge ......... purge 2511 -katharizo-> purged ......... purged 2508 -kathairo-> purged ......... purged 2511 -katharizo-> purged ......... purged 2512 -katharismos-> purged ......... that he was purged 2512 -katharismos-> purgeth ......... he purgeth 2508 -kathairo-> purging ......... purging 2511 -katharizo-> purification ......... of her purification 2512 -katharismos-> purification ......... of purification 0049 -hagnismos-> purified ......... me purified 0048 -hagnizo-> purified ......... Seeing ye have purified 0048 -hagnizo-> purified ......... should be purified 2511 -katharizo-> purifieth ......... in him purifieth 0048 -hagnizo-> purify ......... and purify 0048 -hagnizo-> purify ......... and purify 2511 -katharizo-> purify ......... to purify 0048 -hagnizo-> purifying ......... purifying 0048 -hagnizo-> purifying ......... purifying 2512 -katharismos-> purifying ......... the manner of the purifying 2512 - katharismos-> purifying ......... to the purifying 2514 -katharotes-> purifying ......... us and them , purifying 2511 -katharizo-> purity ......... in purity 0047 -hagneia-> purity ......... purity 0047 -hagneia-> purloining ......... Not purloining 3557 -nosphizomai-> purple ......... and purple 4209 -porphura-> purple ......... and purple 4210 -porphurous-> purple ......... and the purple 4210 -porphurous-> purple ......... him a purple 4210 -porphurous-> purple ......... him with purple 4209 -porphura-> purple ......... in purple 4209 -porphura-> purple ......... of purple 4211 -porphuropolis-> purple ......... the purple 4209 -porphura-> purpose ......... do I purpose 1011 -bouleuo-> purpose ......... purpose , that he might know 1097 -ginosko-> purpose ......... purpose , that ye might know 1097 -ginosko-> purpose ......... purpose , to make 4400 -procheirizomai-> purpose ......... purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... purpose have I raised 1825 -exegeiro-> purpose ......... purpose is this 3778 -houtos-> purpose ......... purpose the Son 5207 -huios-> purpose ......... that the purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... that with purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... the things that I purpose 1011 -bouleuo-> purpose ......... their purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... them from their purpose 1013 -boulema-> purpose ......... to his purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... to the purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purposed ......... he hath purposed 4388 -protithemai-> purposed ......... he purposed 1106 -gnome-> purposed ......... he purposed 4160 -poieo-> purposed ......... I purposed 4388 -protithemai-> purposed ......... purposed 5087 -tithemi-> purposeth ......... as he purposeth 4255 -proaireomai-> purse ......... a purse 0905 -balantion-> purse ......... in their purse 2223 -zone-> purse ......... purse 0905 -balantion-> purses ......... purses 2223 -zone->