purpose ......... do I purpose 1011 -bouleuo-> purpose ......... purpose , that he might know 1097 -ginosko-> purpose ......... purpose , that ye might know 1097 -ginosko-> purpose ......... purpose , to make 4400 -procheirizomai-> purpose ......... purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... purpose have I raised 1825 -exegeiro-> purpose ......... purpose is this 3778 -houtos-> purpose ......... purpose the Son 5207 -huios-> purpose ......... that the purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... that with purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... the things that I purpose 1011 -bouleuo-> purpose ......... their purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... them from their purpose 1013 -boulema-> purpose ......... to his purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purpose ......... to the purpose 4286 -prothesis-> purposed ......... he hath purposed 4388 -protithemai-> purposed ......... he purposed 1106 -gnome-> purposed ......... he purposed 4160 -poieo-> purposed ......... I purposed 4388 -protithemai-> purposed ......... purposed 5087 -tithemi-> purposeth ......... as he purposeth 4255 -proaireomai->