abound 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) {abound}, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql above 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and {above}).[ql abundant 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) {abundant}, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql abundance 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) {abundance} (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql and 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough {and} to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql and 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over {and} above).[ql be 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, {be} left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql be 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, {be} the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql be 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance ({be} more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql better 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the {better}, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql bushel 3426 # modios {mod'-ee-os}; of Latin origin; a modius, i. e. certain measure for things dry (the quantity or the utensil): -- {bushel}.[ql exceed 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, {exceed}, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql excel 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, {excel}, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql have 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, {have} more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql have 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, ({have}, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql increase 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, {increase}, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql left 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be {left}, redound, remain (over and above).[ql make 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- ({make}, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql more 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have {more}) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql more 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be {more}) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql more 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, {more}) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql over 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain ({over} and above).[ql redound 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, {redound}, remain (over and above).[ql remain 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, {remain} (over and above).[ql spare 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to {spare}, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql the 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be {the} better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql to 4052 # perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and {to} spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).[ql