Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

2090 + make + Make + ready + prepare + to make + Prepare + prepared + hath made + to prepare + and prepare + and prepared + unto him Make + hath prepared + were prepared + it is prepared + I have prepared + use and prepared + they had prepared + might be prepared + thou hast prepared + thou hast provided + thou that we prepare + them ; and they made + for he hath prepared + unto them and they made +/ . hetoimazo {het-oy-mad'-zo}; from 2092 + ready + is ready + are ready + to be ready + and prepared + and be ready + are they ready + of things made + might be ready + in a readiness + things are ready + and they that were ready +/ ; to prepare: --prepare, provide, make ready . Compare 2680 + made + prepared + ordained + is builded + shall prepare + was a preparing + as he who hath builded + man ; but he that built +/ .

2092 + ready + is ready + are ready + to be ready + and prepared + and be ready + are they ready + of things made + might be ready + in a readiness + things are ready + and they that were ready +/ . hetoimos {het-oy'-mos}; from an old noun heteos (fitness); adjusted, i .e . ready: --prepared, (made) ready(-iness, to our hand) .

2093 + for I am ready + time I am ready + to him that is ready +/ . hetoimos {het'-oy-moce}; adverb from 2092 + ready + is ready + are ready + to be ready + and prepared + and be ready + are they ready + of things made + might be ready + in a readiness + things are ready + and they that were ready +/ ; in readiness: --ready .

4288 + mind + ready + of mind + readiness + a willing + the forwardness + of it ; that as there was a readiness +/ . prothumia {proth-oo-mee'-ah}; from 4289 + is ready + is willing + but of a ready + as in me is I am ready +/ ; predisposition, i .e . alacrity: --forwardness of mind, readiness (of mind), ready (willing) mind .