as yet shall he remain at nob beginning shall remain <1JO2 -:24 > bodies should not remain upon for six months did joab remain there with all israel <1KI11 -: 16 > for we remain yet escaped greater part remain unto this present <1CO15 -:6 > his body shall not remain all night upon if ought remain until if there remain but few years unto if there remain ten men it remain until let her remain unmarried <1CO7 -:11 > let remain still my sacrifice remain until neither did there remain any more courage palace shall remain after remain all night until remain among you remain among you remain shall be caught up together with them <1TH4 -:17 > remain shall be scattered toward all winds remain unto <1TH4 -:15 > remain unto remain upon remain upon thee shall remain before me shalt remain by <1SA20 -:19 > them remain or escape them shall remain or escape from they may remain they shall remain things which remain this city shall remain for those things which cannot be shaken may remain those which remain shall hear those which ye let remain which is sold shall remain which remain which remain which remain among why did dan remain