serpents Num_21_06 /^{serpents /among the people , and they bit the people ; and much people of Israel died . serpents Rev_09_19 /${serpents /and had heads , and with them they do hurt . serpents Mat_10_16 /${serpents /and harmless as doves . serpents Mar_16_18 /${serpents /and if they drink any deadly thing , it shall not hurt them ; they shall lay hands on the sick , and they shall recover . serpents Jam_03_07 /${serpents /and of things in the sea , is tamed , and hath been tamed of mankind : serpents Deu_08_15 /^{serpents /and scorpions , and drought , where there was no water ; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint ; serpents Luk_10_19 /${serpents /and scorpions , and over all the power of the enemy : and nothing shall by any means hurt you . serpents Exo_07_12 /^{serpents /but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods . serpents Jer_08_17 /^{serpents /cockatrices , among you, which will not be charmed , and they shall bite you, saith the LORD . serpents Num_21_07 /^{serpents /from us. And Moses prayed for the people . serpents Deu_32_24 /^{serpents /of the dust . serpents Mat_23_33 /${serpents /ye generation of vipers , how can ye escape the damnation of hell ?