English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

spear 2595 -- chaniyth -- javelin, {spear}.

spear 3057 ** logche ** {spear}.

spear 3591 -- kiydown -- lance, shield, {spear}, target.

spear 3852 -- lehabah -- flame(-ming), head [of a {spear}].

spear 6767 -- ts@latsal -- cymbal, locust, shadowing, {spear}.

spear 7013 qayin -- -- {spear}.

spear 7420 romach -- -- buckler, javelin, lancet, {spear}.

spearman 1187 ** dexiolabos ** {spearman}.

spearman 7070 qaneh -- -- balance, bone, branch, calamus, cane, reed, X {spearman},stalk.