English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

strive 0075 ** agonizomai ** fight, labor fervently, {strive}.

strive 0118 ** athleo ** {strive}.

strive 0464 ** antagonizomai ** {strive} against.

strive 1264 ** diamachomai ** {strive}.

strive 1519 -- giyach -- {strive}.

strive 1624 -- garah -- contend, meddle, stir up, {strive}.

strive 1777 -- diyn -- contend, execute (judgment), judge, minister judgment, plead(the cause), at strife, {strive}.

strive 2051 ** erizo ** {strive}.

strive 3054 ** logomacheo ** {strive} about words.

strive 3163 ** mache ** fighting, {strive}, striving.

strive 3164 ** machomai ** fight, {strive}.

strive 3401 -- yariyb -- that content(-eth), that {strive}.

strive 4865 ** sunagonizomai ** {strive} together with.

strive 4866 ** sunathleo ** labour with, {strive} together for.

strive 5327 -- natsah -- be laid waste, runinous, {strive} (together).

strive 5389 ** philotimeomai ** labour, {strive}, study.

strive 6229 -- \asaq -- {strive} with.

strive 7378 riyb -- -- adversary, chide, complain, contend, debate, X ever, X laywait, plead, rebuke, {strive}, X thoroughly.

strive 7379 riyb -- -- + adversary, cause, chiding, contend(-tion), controversy,multitude, pleading, strife, {strive}(-ing), suit.