subject 013 005 Rom /${subject /not only for wrath , but also for conscience sake . subject 005 005 IPe /${subject /one to another , and be clothed with humility : for God resisteth the proud , and giveth grace to the humble . subject 002 015 Heb /${subject /to bondage . subject 005 017 Jam /${subject /to like passions as we are , and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain : and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months . subject 002 020 Col /${subject /to ordinances , subject 003 001 Tit /${subject /to principalities and powers , to obey magistrates , to be ready to every good work , subject 008 007 Rom /${subject /to the law of God , neither indeed can be . subject 014 032 ICo /${subject /to the prophets . subject 008 020 Rom /${subject /to vanity , not willingly , but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope , subject 002 018 IPe /${subject /to your masters with all fear ; not only to the good and gentle , but also to the froward . subject 005 024 Eph /${subject /unto Christ , so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing . subject 003 022 IPe /${subject /unto him . subject 015 028 ICo /${subject /unto him that put all things under him , that God may be all in all . subject 013 001 Rom /${subject /unto the higher powers . For there is no power but of God : the powers that be are ordained of God . subject 002 051 Luk /${subject /unto them : but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart . subject 010 017 Luk /${subject /unto us through thy name . subject 010 020 Luk /${subject /unto you ; but rather rejoice , because your names are written in heaven . subjected 008 020 Rom /${subjected /the same in hope , subjection 034 011 Jer /^{subjection /for servants and for handmaids . subjection 009 027 ICo /${subjection /lest that by any means , when I have preached to others , I myself should be a castaway . subjection 002 005 Gal /${subjection /no, not for an hour ; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you . subjection 002 005 Heb /${subjection /the world to come , whereof we speak . subjection 034 016 Jer /^{subjection /to be unto you for servants and for handmaids . subjection 003 001 IPe /${subjection /to your own husbands ; that , if any obey not the word , they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives ; subjection 002 008 Heb /${subjection /under him , he left nothing that is not put under him . But now we see not yet all things put under him . subjection 002 008 Heb /${subjection /under his feet . For in that he put all in subjection under him , he left nothing that is not put under him . But now we see not yet all things put under him . subjection 106 042 Psa /^{subjection /under their hand . subjection 012 009 Heb /${subjection /unto the Father of spirits , and live ? subjection 009 013 IICo /${subjection /unto the gospel of Christ , and for your liberal distribution unto them , and unto all men; subjection 003 005 IPe /${subjection /unto their own husbands : subjection 003 004 ITi /${subjection /with all gravity ;