Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word.

Greek Cross References translated from English

ensue 1377 dioko * {ensue} , {1377 dioko } ,

issue 0131 haimorrheo * {issue} , {0131 haimorrheo } , 4511 rhusis , 4690 sperma ,

issue 4511 rhusis * {issue} , 0131 haimorrheo , {4511 rhusis } , 4690 sperma ,

issue 4690 sperma * {issue} , 0131 haimorrheo , 4511 rhusis , {4690 sperma } ,

issued 1607 ekporeuomai * {issued} , {1607 ekporeuomai } ,

sue 2919 krino * {sue} , {2919 krino } ,