bound two talents <2KI5 -:23 > brass eighteen thousand talents <1CH29 -:7 > brought other five talents five talents went had received five talents came had received two talents came have gained beside them five talents more have gained two other talents beside them hundred talents which <2CH25 -:9 > shemer for two talents <1KI16 -:24 > silver ten thousand talents <1CH29 -:7 > silver vessels an hundred talents six hundred talents <2CH3 -:8 > six talents <1KI10 -:14 > six talents <2CH9 -:13 > take two talents <2KI5 -:23 > thou deliveredst unto me five talents thou deliveredst unto me two talents thousand talents <1CH19 -:6 > thousand talents <2KI15 -:19 > thousand thousand talents <1CH22 -:14 > three thousand talents <1CH29 -:4 > took with him ten talents <2KI5 -:5 > twenty talents <1KI10 -:10 > twenty talents <1KI9 -:28 > twenty talents <2CH9 -:9 > which owed him ten thousand talents will pay ten thousand talents