English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

tear 1144 ** dakru ** {tear}.

tear 1234 -- baqa\ -- make a breach, break forth (into, out, in pieces, through,up), be ready to burst, cleave (asunder), cut out, divide, hatch, rend(asunder), rip up, {tear}, win.

tear 1497 -- gazal -- catch, consume, exercise [robbery], pluck (off), rob, spoil,take away (by force, violence), {tear}.

tear 1758 -- duwsh -- break, {tear}, thresh, tread out (down), at grass.

tear 2963 -- taraph -- catch, X without doubt, feed, ravin, rend in pieces, X surely,{tear} (in pieces).

tear 4486 ** rhegnumi ** break (forth), burst, rend, {tear}.

tear 4682 ** sparasso ** rend, {tear}.

tear 5498 -- cachab -- draw (out), {tear}.

tear 6536 -- parac -- deal, divide, have hoofs, part, {tear}.

tear 6561 -- paraq -- break (off), deliver, redeem, rend (in pieces), {tear} inpieces.

tear 7167 qara\ -- -- cut out, rend, X surely, {tear}.

tear 7665 shabar -- -- break (down, off, in pieces, up), broken([-hearted]), bring tothe birth, crush, destroy, hurt, quench, X quite, {tear}, view.

tears 1058 -- bakah -- X at all, bewail, complain, make lamentation, X more, mourn,X sore, X with {tears}, weep.

tears 1832 -- dim\ah -- {tears}.