-Adramuttenos- ......... of Adramyttium 0098 -Adramuttenos- > -anastenazo- ......... And he sighed 0389 -anastenazo- > -anastenazo- ......... deeply 0389 -anastenazo- > -anastenazo- ......... upside 0389 -anastenazo- > -atenizo- ......... and earnestly 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... And when he looked 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... behold 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... beholding 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... could not stedfastly 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... earnestly 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... fastening 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... look 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... looked 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... looking 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... not stedfastly 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... set 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... stedfastly 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... they looked 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... up stedfastly 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... were fastened 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... when I had fastened 0816 -atenizo- > -atenizo- ......... ye so earnestly 0816 -atenizo- > -ekteneia- ......... instantly 1616 -ekteneia- > -ektenes- ......... ceasing 1618 -ektenes- > -ektenes- ......... fervent 1618 -ektenes- > -ektenes- ......... without 1618 -ektenes- > -ektenesteron- ......... earnestly 1617 -ektenesteron- > -ektenesteron- ......... more 1617 -ektenesteron- > -ektenos- ......... fervently 1619 -ektenos- > -katenanti- ......... against 2713 -katenanti- > -katenanti- ......... before 2713 -katenanti- > -katenanti- ......... over 2713 -katenanti- > -katenopion- ......... before 2714 -katenopion- > -katenopion- ......... in his sight 2714 -katenopion- > -katenopion- ......... in the sight 2714 -katenopion- > -katenopion- ......... the presence 2714 -katenopion- > -ktenos- ......... and beasts 2934 -ktenos- > -ktenos- ......... beast 2934 -ktenos- > -ktenos- ......... of beasts 2934 -ktenos- > -ktenos- ......... them beasts 2934 -ktenos- > -maten- ......... But in vain 3155 -maten- > -maten- ......... Howbeit in vain 3155 -maten- > -ptenon- ......... of birds 4421 -ptenon- > -stenagmos- ......... for us with groanings 4726 -stenagmos- > -stenagmos- ......... their groaning 4726 -stenagmos- > -stenazo- ......... and not with grief 4727 -stenazo- > -stenazo- ......... do groan 4727 -stenazo- > -stenazo- ......... Grudge 4727 -stenazo- > -stenazo- ......... he sighed 4727 -stenazo- > -stenazo- ......... we groan 4727 -stenazo- > -stenazo- ......... we ourselves groan 4727 -stenazo- > -stenochoreo- ......... in us , but ye are straitened 4729 - stenochoreo- > -stenochoreo- ......... not distressed 4729 -stenochoreo- > -stenochoreo- ......... Ye are not straitened 4729 -stenochoreo- > -stenochoria- ......... and anguish 4730 -stenochoria- > -stenochoria- ......... distress 4730 -stenochoria- > -stenochoria- ......... in distresses 4730 -stenochoria- > -stenos- ......... strait 4728 -stenos- > -stenos- ......... the strait 4728 -stenos- > -sustenazo- ......... groaneth 4959 -sustenazo- > attend ......... and that ye may attend 2145 -euprosedros-> attendance ......... attendance 4337 -prosecho-> attendance ......... give attendance 4337 -prosecho-> attended ......... that she attended 4337 -prosecho-> attending ......... attending 4342 -proskartereo-> attentive ......... attentive 1582 -ekkremamai-> beaten ......... and beaten 1194 -dero-> beaten ......... shall be beaten 1194 -dero-> beaten ......... unto them , They have beaten 1194 -dero-> beaten ......... was I beaten 4463 -rhabdizo-> beaten ......... ye shall be beaten 1194 -dero-> begotten ......... begotten 3439 -monogenes-> begotten ......... begotten 4416 -prototokos-> begotten ......... hath begotten 0313 -anagennao-> begotten ......... have I begotten 1080 -gennao-> begotten ......... I have begotten 1080 -gennao-> begotten ......... not ; but he that is begotten 1080 -gennao-> begotten ......... that is begotten 1080 -gennao-> chasten ......... and chasten 3811 -paideuo-> chastened ......... as chastened 3811 -paideuo-> chastened ......... chastened 3811 -paideuo-> chastened ......... we are chastened 3811 -paideuo-> chasteneth ......... chasteneth 3811 -paideuo-> chasteneth ......... he chasteneth 3811 -paideuo-> chastening ......... chastening 3809 -paideia-> chastening ......... not thou the chastening 3809 -paideia-> contend ......... contend 1864 -epagonizomai-> contended ......... contended 1252 -diakrino-> contending ......... contending 1252 -diakrino-> content ......... and be content 0714 -arkeo-> content ......... and not content 0714 -arkeo-> content ......... any falsely ; and be content 0714 -arkeo-> content ......... content 0714 -arkeo-> content ......... therewith to be content 0842 -autarkes-> content ......... to content 4160 -poieo-> contention ......... And the contention 3948 -paroxusmos-> contention ......... contention 0073 -agon-> contention ......... of contention 2052 -eritheia-> contentions ......... and contentions 2054 -eris-> contentions ......... that there are contentions 2054 -eris-> contentious ......... But unto them that are contentious 2052 - eritheia-> contentious ......... to be contentious 5380 -philoneikos-> contentment ......... with contentment 0841 -autarkeia-> countenance ......... and his countenance 3799 -opsis-> countenance ......... countenance 4659 -skuthropos-> countenance ......... His countenance 2397 -idea-> countenance ......... of his countenance 4383 -prosopon-> countenance ......... with thy countenance 4383 -prosopon-> eaten ......... and above unto them that had eaten 0977 - bibrosko-> eaten ......... and eaten 1089 -geuomai-> eaten ......... and he was eaten 4662 -skolekobrotos-> eaten ......... And they that had eaten 2068 -esthio-> eaten ......... And they that had eaten 5315 -phago-> eaten ......... And when they had eaten 2880 -korennumi-> eaten ......... as I had eaten 5315 -phago-> eaten ......... eaten 5315 -phago-> eaten ......... hath eaten 2719 -katesthio-> eaten ......... have eaten 1089 -geuomai-> eaten ......... I have eaten 5315 -phago-> eaten ......... We have eaten 5315 -phago-> enlightened ......... being enlightened 5461 -photizo-> enlightened ......... enlightened 5461 -photizo-> fastened ......... and fastened 2510 -kathapto-> fastened ......... were fastened 0816 -atenizo-> fastened ......... when I had fastened 0816 -atenizo-> fastening ......... fastening 0816 -atenizo-> firstbegotten ......... in the firstbegotten 4416 -prototokos-> forgotten ......... And ye have forgotten 1585 -eklanthanomai-> forgotten ......... of them is forgotten 1950 -epilanthanomai-> forgotten ......... off , and hath forgotten 2983 -lambano-> forgotten ......... the disciples had forgotten 1950 - epilanthanomai-> forgotten ......... they had forgotten 1950 -epilanthanomai-> gotten ......... and them that had gotten the victory 3528 - nikao-> gotten ......... we were gotten 0645 -apospao-> impenitent ......... and impenitent 0279 -ametanoetos-> impotent ......... done to the impotent 0772 -asthenes-> impotent ......... impotent 0102 -adunatos-> impotent ......... of impotent 0770 -astheneo-> impotent ......... The impotent 0770 -astheneo-> intend ......... and intend 1014 -boo -lom -ahee-> intend ......... ye intend 3195 -mello-> intending ......... him ; intending 1011 -bouleuo-> intending ......... intending 3195 -mello-> intending ......... of you , intending 2309 -thelo-> intent ......... for that intent , that he might bring 0071 -ago- > intent ......... intent 3056 -logos-> intent ......... intent he spake 2036 -epo-> intent ......... to the intent 2443 -hina-> intent ......... To the intent 2443 -hina-> intent ......... to the intent we should not lust 1938 - epithumetes-> intents ......... and intents 1771 -ennoia-> lighten ......... did lighten 5461 -photizo-> lighten ......... to lighten 0602 -apokalupsis-> lightened ......... day they lightened 1546 -ekbloe-> lightened ......... they lightened 2893 -kouphizo-> lightened ......... was lightened 5461 -photizo-> lighteneth ......... that lighteneth 0797 -astrapto-> motheaten ......... are motheaten 4598 -setobrotos-> often ......... as often 3740 -hosakis-> often ......... For as often 3740 -hosakis-> often ......... he often 4178 -pollakis-> often ......... often 4178 -pollakis-> often ......... often 4212 -posakis-> often ......... often 4437 -puknos-> often ......... that he had been often 4178 -pollakis-> often ......... unto thee , how often 4212 -posakis-> often ......... you often 4183 -polus-> oftener ......... for him the oftener 4437 -puknos-> oftentimes ......... For oftentimes 5550 -chronos-> oftentimes ......... oftentimes 4178 -pollakis-> oftentimes ......... that oftentimes 4178 -pollakis-> oftentimes ......... we have oftentimes 4178 -pollakis-> omnipotent ......... omnipotent 3841 -pantokrator-> Potentate ......... Potentate 1413 -dunastes-> pretence ......... and for a pretence 4392 -prophasis-> pretence ......... in pretence 4392 -prophasis-> sentence ......... gave sentence 1948 -epikrino-> sentence ......... my sentence 2919 -krino-> sentence ......... the sentence 0610 -apokrima-> shortened ......... had shortened 2856 -koloboo-> shortened ......... he hath shortened 2856 -koloboo-> shortened ......... shall be shortened 2856 -koloboo-> shortened ......... should be shortened 2856 -koloboo-> smitten ......... me to be smitten 5180 -tupto-> smitten ......... was smitten 4141 -plesso-> straitened ......... am I straitened 4912 -sunecho-> straitened ......... in us , but ye are straitened 4729 - stenochoreo-> straitened ......... Ye are not straitened 4729 -stenochoreo-> sustenance ......... sustenance 5527 -chortasma-> ten ......... and ten , and spearmen 1187 -dexiolabos-> ten ......... and ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... And the ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... And when the ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... are ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... him ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... him ten 3463 -murioi-> ten ......... his ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... of them was ten 3461 -murias-> ten ......... ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... ten 3463 -murioi-> ten ......... them ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... times ten 3461 -murias-> ten ......... unto ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... Were there not ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... with ten 1176 -deka-> ten ......... with ten 3461 -murias-> tender ......... and of tender 3629 -oiktirmon-> tender ......... tender 0527 -apalos-> tender ......... the tender 4698 -splagchnon-> tenderhearted ......... tenderhearted 2155 -eusplagchnos-> tenth ......... and the tenth 1182 -dekatos-> tenth ......... gave a tenth 1181 -dekate-> tenth ......... the tenth 1181 -dekate-> tenth ......... the tenth 1182 -dekatos-> tentmakers ......... they were tentmakers 4635 -skenopoios-> threaten ......... threaten 0546 -apeileo-> threatened ......... he threatened 0546 -apeileo-> threatened ......... when they had further threatened 4324 - prosapeileo-> threatening ......... threatening 0547 -apeile-> threatenings ......... out threatenings 0547 -apeile-> threatenings ......... their threatenings 0547 -apeile-> written ......... According as it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... and from the things which are written 1125 - grapho-> written ......... and it was written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... and they are written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... are not written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... are written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... As it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... as it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... but , as it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... But as it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... but they which are written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... by us , written 1449 -eggrapho-> written ......... for I have written 1989 -epistello-> written ......... For it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... for it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... for us : for it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... have written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... I have not written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... I have written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... It is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... it was not written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... it was written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... of them ; as it is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... that are written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... that is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... that it was written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... that should be written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... that was written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... them , Is it not written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... they should be written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... things : neither have I written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... things have I written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... things that are written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... things were written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... things were written 4270 -prographo-> written ......... things which are written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... things which were written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... this is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... unto him , It is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... unto him hath written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... unto them , Is it not written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... unto them , It is written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... was written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... was written 1924 -epigrapho-> written ......... we have written 1989 -epistello-> written ......... were not written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... were written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... were written 4270 -prographo-> written ......... which are written 0583 -apographo-> written ......... written 1121 -gramma-> written ......... written 1123 -graptos-> written ......... written 1125 -grapho-> written ......... written 1449 -eggrapho-> written ......... written 1924 -epigrapho-> written ......... you , as it is written 1125 -grapho->