testament Interlinear Index Study testament MAT 026 028 For this <5124 -touto -> is my blood <0129 -haima -> of the new <2537 -kainos -> {testament} <1242 - diatheke -> , which <3588 -ho -> is shed <1632 -ekcheo -> for many <4183 -polus -> for the remission <0859 -aphesis -> of sins <0266 -hamartia -> . testament MAR 014 024 And he said <2036 -epo -> unto them , This <5124 -touto -> is my blood <0129 -haima -> of the new <2537 - kainos -> {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> , which <3588 -ho -> is shed <1632 -ekcheo -> for many <4183 -polus -> . testament LUK 022 020 Likewise 5615 -hosautos - also 2532 -kai - the cup 4221 -poterion - after 3326 -meta - supper 1172 -deipneo - , saying 3004 -lego - , This 5124 -touto - cup 4221 -poterion - [ is ] the new 2537 -kainos - {testament} 1242 -diatheke - in my blood LUK 0129 -haima - , which 3588 -ho - is shed 1632 - ekcheo - for you . testament 1CO 011 025 After <5615 -hosautos -> the same <5615 - hosautos -> manner <5615 -hosautos -> also <2532 -kai -> [ he took ] the cup <4221 -poterion -> , when <3326 -meta -> he had supped <1172 -deipneo -> , saying <3004 -lego -> , This <5124 - touto -> cup <4221 -poterion -> is the new <2537 -kainos -> {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> in my blood <0129 -haima -> : this <5124 -touto -> do <4160 -poieo -> ye , as oft <3740 - hosakis -> as ye drink <4095 -pino -> [ it ] , in remembrance <0364 -anamnesis -> of me . testament 2CO 003 006 . Who <3739 -hos -> also <2532 -kai -> hath made <2427 -hikanoo -> us able <2427 -hikanoo -> ministers <1249 -diakonos -> of the new <2537 -kainos -> {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> ; not of the letter <1121 -gramma -> , but of the spirit <4151 -pneuma -> : for the letter <1121 -gramma -> killeth <0615 -apokteino -> , but the spirit <4151 -pneuma -> giveth life <2227 -zoopoieo -> . testament 2CO 003 014 But their minds <3540 -noema -> were blinded <4456 -poroo -> : for until <0891 -achri -> this <4594 - semeron -> day <4594 -semeron -> remaineth <3306 -meno -> the same <0846 -autos -> vail <2571 -kaluma -> untaken <0343 - anakalupto -> away <0343 -anakalupto -> in the reading <0320 - angnosis -> of the old <3820 -palaios -> {testament} <1242 - diatheke -> ; which <3748 -hostis -> [ vail ] is done <2763 - kerameus -> away <2673 -katargeo -> in Christ <5547 -Christos -> . testament HEB 007 022 By so <5118 -tosoutos -> much <5118 - tosoutos -> was Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> made <1096 -ginomai -> a surety <1450 -egguos -> of a better <2909 -kreitton -> {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> . testament HEB 009 015 . And for this <5124 -touto -> cause <1223 -dia -> he is the mediator <3316 -mesites -> of the new <2537 - kainos -> testament <1242 -diatheke -> , that by means <1096 - ginomai -> of death <2288 -thanatos -> , for the redemption <0629 -apolutrosis -> of the transgressions <3847 -parabasis -> [ that were ] under <1909 -epi -> the first <4413 -protos -> {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> , they which are called <2564 - kaleo -> might receive <2983 -lambano -> the promise <1860 - epaggelia -> of eternal <0166 -aionios -> inheritance <2817 - kleronomia -> . testament HEB 009 015 . And for this <5124 -touto -> cause <1223 -dia -> he is the mediator <3316 -mesites -> of the new <2537 - kainos -> {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> , that by means <1096 - ginomai -> of death <2288 -thanatos -> , for the redemption <0629 -apolutrosis -> of the transgressions <3847 -parabasis -> [ that were ] under <1909 -epi -> the first <4413 -protos -> testament <1242 -diatheke -> , they which are called <2564 - kaleo -> might receive <2983 -lambano -> the promise <1860 - epaggelia -> of eternal <0166 -aionios -> inheritance <2817 - kleronomia -> . testament HEB 009 016 For where <3699 -hopou -> a {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> [ is ] , there must also of necessity <0318 - anagke -> be the death <2288 -thanatos -> of the testator <1303 - diatithemai -> . testament HEB 009 017 For a {testament} <1242 -diatheke -> [ is ] of force <0949 -bebaios -> after men are dead <3498 -nekros -> : otherwise <1893 -epei -> it is of no <3361 -me -> strength <2480 -ischuo -> at <3379 -mepote -> all <4219 -pote -> while <3753 -hote -> the testator <1303 -diatithemai -> liveth <2198 - zao -> . testament HEB 009 018 Whereupon <3606 -hothen -> neither <3761 - oude -> the first <4413 -protos -> [ {testament} ] was dedicated <1457 -egkainizo -> without <5565 -choris -> blood <0129 -haima - > . testament HEB 009 020 Saying <3004 -lego -> , This <5124 -touto - > [ is ] the blood <0129 -haima -> of the {testament} <1242 - diatheke -> which <3739 -hos -> God <2316 -theos -> hath enjoined <1781 -entellomai -> unto you . testament REV 011 019 And the temple <3485 -naos -> of God <2316 -theos -> was opened <0455 -anoigo -> in heaven <3772 -ouranos - > , and there was seen <3700 -optanomai -> in his temple <3485 - naos -> the ark <2787 -kibotos -> of his {testament} <1242 - diatheke -> : and there were lightnings <0796 -astrape -> , and voices <5456 -phone -> , and thunderings <1027 -bronte -> , and an earthquake <4578 -seismos -> , and great <3173 -megas -> hail <5464 -chalaza -> .