thankful 2170 # eucharistos {yoo-khar'-is-tos}; from 2095 and a derivative of 5483; well favored, i.e. (by implication) grateful: -- {thankful}.[ql unthankful 0884 # acharistos {ach-ar'-is-tos}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 5483; thankless, i.e. ungrateful: -- {unthankful}.[ql thankful Interlinear Index Study thankful PSA 100 004 Enter <00935 +bow> > into his gates <08179 +sha with thanksgiving <08426 +towdah > , [ and ] into his courts <02691 +chatser > with praise <08416 +t@hillah > : be {thankful} <03034 +yadah > unto him , [ and ] bless <01288 +barak > his name <08034 +shem > . thankful ROM 001 021 Because <1360 -dioti -> that , when they knew <1097 -ginosko -> God <2316 -theos -> , they glorified <1392 -doxazo -> [ him ] not as God <2316 -theos -> , neither <2228 -e -> were {thankful} <2168 -eucharisteo -> ; but became <3154 -mataioo -> vain <3154 -mataioo -> in their imaginations <1261 -dialogismos -> , and their foolish <0801 -asunetos -> heart <2588 -kardia -> was darkened <4654 -skotizo -> . thankful COL 003 015 And let the peace <1515 -eirene -> of God <2316 -theos -> rule <1018 -brabeuo -> in your <5216 -humon -> hearts <2588 -kardia -> , to the which <3739 -hos -> also <2532 - kai -> ye are called <2564 -kaleo -> in one <1520 -heis -> body <4983 -soma -> ; and be ye {thankful} <2170 -eucharistos -> . be thankful unto him be ye thankful * thankfulness , 2169 , * thankful , 2168 eucharisteo , 2170 eucharistos , * unthankful , 0884 acharistos , thankful -2168 thank, thanked, {thankful}, thanks, thankful -2170 {thankful}, thankfulness -2169 {thankfulness}, thanks, thanksgiving, thanksgivings, unthankful -0884 {unthankful}, thankful -3034 cast , confess , confessed , confesseth , confessing , confession , praise , praised , shoot , thank , {thankful} , thanking , thanks , thanksgiving , thankful 2170 ** eucharistos ** {thankful}. thankfulness 2169 ** eucharistia ** {thankfulness}, (giving of) thanks(-giving). unthankful 0884 ** acharistos ** {unthankful}. thankful ......... and be ye thankful 2170 -eucharistos-> thankful ......... were thankful 2168 -eucharisteo-> thankfulness ......... thankfulness 2169 -eucharistia-> unthankful ......... unthankful 0884 -acharistos-> unthankful ......... unto the unthankful 0884 -acharistos-> thankful 2170 # eucharistos {yoo-khar'-is-tos}; from 2095 and a derivative of 5483; well favored, i.e. (by implication) grateful: -- {thankful}.[ql thankfulness 2169 # eucharistia {yoo-khar-is-tee'-ah}; from 2170; gratitude; actively, grateful language (to God, as an act of worship): -- {thankfulness}, (giving of) thanks(-giving).[ql unthankful 0884 # acharistos {ach-ar'-is-tos}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 5483; thankless, i.e. ungrateful: -- {unthankful}.[ql thankful 001 021 Rom /${thankful /but became vain in their imaginations , and their foolish heart was darkened . thankful 100 004 Psa /^{thankful /unto him, and bless his name . unthankful 006 035 Luk /${unthankful /and to the evil . unthankful 003 002 IITi /${unthankful /unholy , thankful 3 - thankfulness 1 - thankfulness , AC , 24:3 thankful Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, [and] into his courts with praise: be {thankful} unto him, [and] bless his name. thankful Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him] not as God, neither were {thankful}; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. thankful And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye {thankful}.