about thirty persons <1SA9 -:22 > any god or man within thirty days be about thirty years breadth thereof thirty cubits <1KI7 -:6 > find thirty there from thirty years old from thirty years old from thirty years old from thirty years old from thirty years old from thirty years old from thirty years old he had thirty sons he had thirty sons he shall give unto their master thirty shekels height thereof thirty cubits <1KI7 -:2 > height thereof thirty cubits <1KI6 -:2 > israel about thirty persons israel thirty thousand footmen <1SA4 -:10 > it thirty cubits joshua chose out thirty thousand mighty men judah thirty thousand <1SA11 -:8 > levy was thirty thousand men <1KI5 -:13 > moab thirty days peleg lived thirty years rode on thirty ass colts salah lived thirty years serug lived thirty years slew thirty men so they hired thirty <1CH19 -:7 > so they weighed for my price thirty solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures <1KI4 -:22 > some thirty some thirty spear thirty <1CH12 -:34 > syria commanded his thirty <1KI22 -:31 > take from hence thirty men with thee them about thirty then shall ye give me thirty sheets then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels they brought thirty companions they covenanted with him for thirty pieces they had thirty cities they mourned for aaron thirty days thirty basins thirty broad thirty captains went down <1CH11 -:15 > thirty chambers thirty change thirty change thirty chargers thirty chief went down <2SA23 -:13 > thirty cubits thirty cubits thirty cubits did compass it round about <1KI7 -:23 > thirty cubits did compass it round about <2CH4 -:2 > thirty daughters thirty daughters from abroad for his sons thirty days thirty days thirty milch camels with their colts thirty nephews thirty pieces thirty pieces thirty priests' garments thirty shekels thirty thousand <1CH7 -:4 > thirty thousand <2CH35 -:7 > thirty thousand <2SA6 -:1 > thirty thousand thirty thousand thirty thousand thirty thousand asses thirty thousand chariots <1SA13 -:5 > thirty two <1KI20 -:15 > thirty with him <1CH11 -:42 > thirty years <1CH23 -:3 > thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years thirty years after thirty years old <2CH24 -:15 > thirty years old when he began <2SA5 -:4 > thirty years old when he stood before pharaoh king twenty or thirty furlongs was thirty <1CH23 -:3 > which had an infirmity thirty will give you thirty sheets