Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
this abundance which is administered by us 2Co_08_20

this adulterous Mar_08_38

this also Ecc_03_01

this also Ecc_03_15

this also Ecc_03_21

this also ECC3 -:24

this also ECC3 -:26

this also ECC6 -:16

this also Ecc_08_06

this also Ecc_09_14

this also Exo_07_23

this also Job_31_28

this also Neh_13_22

this also cometh forth from Isa_28_29

this also is vexation Ecc_02_17

this also shall not be Amo_07_06

this also we wish 2Co_13_09

this answer Est_04_15

this be inquired Eze_36_37

this beginning Joh_02_11

this behalf 2Co_09_03

this blessedness then upon Rom_04_09

this boasting 2Co_11_10

this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son Gen_21_10

this book 2Ki_22_13

this book Deu_28_58

this book Deu_29_21

this book Deu_29_27

this book Deu_30_10

this book Jer_25_13

this book Joh_20_30

this book Jos_01_08

this book Rev_22_10

this book Rev_22_18

this book Rev_22_18

this book Rev_22_19

this book Rev_22_07

this book Rev_22_09

this book shall lie upon him Deu_29_20

this bread Joh_06_51

this bread shall live for ever Joh_06_58

this broken reed Isa_36_06

this bruised reed 2Ki_18_21

this building Heb_09_11

this burden Eze_12_10

this came out first Gen_38_28

this chamber Eze_40_45

this charge 1Ti_01_17

this chariot Act_08_29

this city 1Sa_09_06

this city 2Ki_02_19

this city Act_18_10

this city Eze_11_02

this city Eze_11_06

this city Ezr_04_15

this city Ezr_04_19

this city Gen_19_20

this city Jer_19_11

this city Jer_20_05

this city Jer_21_06

this city Jer_27_19

this city Jer_29_16

this city Jer_33_04

this city Jer_34_22

this city Jer_38_04

this city Mat_10_23

this city at Act_22_03

this city be not builded Ezr_04_21

this city from Jer_21_07

this city kings Jer_17_25

this city on Jer_17_24

this city out 2Ki_20_06

this city out Isa_38_06

this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant Jer_26_09

this city shall die by Jer_21_09

this city shall die by Jer_38_02

this city shall not be burned with fire Jer_38_17

this city shall not be delivered into 2Ki_18_30

this city shall not be delivered into Isa_36_15

this city shall remain for Jer_17_25

this city shall surely be given into Jer_38_03

this cometh Joh_15_25

this commandment Mal_02_01

this commandment have Joh_10_18

this commandment have we from him 1Jo_04_21

this company 1Sa_30_15

this company 1Sa_30_15

this concourse Act_19_40

this condemnation Jde_01_04

this confidence 2Co_01_15

this confidence 2Co_11_17

this continued 2Ch_29_28

this continued by Act_19_10

this covenant 2Ki_23_21

this covenant Deu_29_09

this covenant Jer_11_02

this covenant Jer_11_03

this covenant Jer_11_06

this covenant Jer_11_08

this covenant tha 2Ki_23_03

this cup Luk_22_20

this cup is 1Co_11_25

this curse Deu_29_19

this day 1Ch_13_11

this day 1Ki_08_24

this day 2Ch_35_25

this day 2Ch_06_15

this day 2Ki_19_03

this day 2Ki_07_09

this day 2Sa_06_08

this day 2Sa_07_06

this day Deu_10_15

this day Deu_02_18

this day Deu_02_30

this day Deu_26_16

this day Deu_29_28

this day Deu_04_20

this day Deu_04_38

this day Deu_08_18

this day Ezr_09_15

this day Gen_22_14

this day Gen_50_20

this day Isa_37_03

this day Isa_38_19

this day Jer_11_05

this day Jer_25_18

this day Jos_23_14

this day Jud_10_15

this day Mar_14_30

this day Neh_08_09

this day Neh_09_10

this day as Deu_01_10

this day came ye out Exo_13_04

this day fourscore Jos_14_10

this day fourscore years old 2Sa_19_35

this day have Act_13_33

this day have Heb_01_05

this day have Jos_05_09

this day have Pro_07_14

this day have Psa_02_07

this day have they offered their sin offering Lev_10_19

this day is Act_27_33

this day is salvation come Luk_19_09

this day is this scripture fulfilled Luk_04_21

this day king over israel 2Sa_19_22

this day make thee go up 2Sa_15_20

this day shall be unto you for Exo_12_14

this day they Jer_44_02

this day thine eyes have seen how 1Sa_24_10

this day thou art become Deu_27_09

this day we perceive Jos_22_31

this day weak 2Sa_03_39

this day will 1Sa_17_46

this day will Deu_02_25

this day will Jos_03_07

this day with our father Gen_42_13

this day with our father Gen_42_32

this death Rom_07_24

this defileth Mat_15_11

this did not abraham Joh_08_40

this did she many days Act_16_18

this dis 2Ki_08_09

this disease 2Ki_01_02

this disease 2Ki_08_08

this do 1Co_11_24

this do Gen_42_18

this do Luk_10_28

this do Luk_22_19

this do Num_16_06

this do ye 1Co_11_25

this do ye Gen_45_17

this do ye Gen_45_19

this dream Dan_04_18

this dream Gen_37_10

this dream which Gen_37_06

this dreamer cometh Gen_37_19

this end Luk_18_01

this end also did 2Co_02_09

this end christ both died Rom_14_09

this end was Joh_18_37

this epistle be read unto all 1Th_05_27

this evidence Jer_32_14

this evidence which is open Jer_32_14

this evil 2Ki_06_33

this evil 2Sa_13_16

this evil against thy people Exo_32_12

this evil congregation Num_14_27

this evil family Jer_08_03

this evil generation see Deu_01_35

this evil people Jer_13_10

this ezra went up from babylon Ezr_07_06

this flame Luk_16_24

this fold Joh_10_16

this freedom Act_22_28

this fruit Mat_26_29

this fury at my hand Jer_25_15

this gate Psa_118_20

this gate before Eze_46_03

this gate shall be shut Eze_44_02

this generation Gen_07_01

this generation Luk_11_30

this generation Luk_11_31

this generation Luk_11_50

this generation Luk_11_51

this generation Luk_17_25

this generation Luk_07_31

this generation shall not pass Mar_13_30

this generation shall not pass Mat_24_34

this generation shall not pass away Luk_21_32

this good land 1Ki_14_15

this gospel Mat_24_14

this grace also 2Co_08_07

this great Psa_104_25

this great anger Deu_29_24

this great image Dan_02_31

this great multitude 2Ch_20_15

this great shout 1Sa_04_06

this hath been by your means Mal_01_09

this hath more rest than Ecc_07_05

this hath touched thy lips Isa_06_07

this have ECC8 -:27

this have we found Gen_37_32

this have ye done again Mal_02_13

this he ordained Psa_81_05

this he said Joh_12_33

this he said Joh_12_06

this he said Joh_06_06

this head Dan_02_38

this heap Gen_31_48

this heap Gen_31_52

this his power unto his god Hab_01_11

this honey 1Sa_14_29

this honour have all his saints Psa_149_09

this horn Dan_07_08

this host Oba_01_20

this house 1Ki_08_31

this house 1Ki_08_33

this house 1Ki_08_43

this house 1Ki_09_07

this house 1Ki_09_08

this house 2Ch_20_09

this house 2Ch_33_07

this house 2Ch_06_22

this house 2Ch_06_24

this house 2Ch_06_29

this house 2Ch_06_32

this house 2Ch_07_20

this house 2Ch_07_21

this house 2Ki_21_07

this house Ezr_06_16

this house Ezr_06_17

this house Ezr_06_07

this house Ezr_06_08

this house Ezr_07_24

this house Gen_40_14

this house Hag_01_04

this house Jer_07_10

this house Luk_10_05

this house Luk_19_09

this house Zec_04_09

this house kings sitting upon Jer_22_04

this house shall be like shiloh Jer_26_09

this house shall become Jer_22_05

this house than Gen_39_09

this house was finished on Ezr_06_15

this house was laid before their eyes Ezr_03_12

this house which thou art 1Ki_06_12

this ignorance god winked at Act_17_30

this image Mar_12_16

this image Mat_22_20

this image's head Dan_02_32

this is 1Jo_02_25

this is 1Jo_04_03

this is 1Jo_05_11

this is 1Jo_05_14

this is 1Jo_05_20

this is 1Jo_05_04

this is 1Pe_01_25

this is 1Pe_05_12

this is 2Jo_01_06

this is 2Jo_01_07

this is 2Ki_03_18

this is 2Sa_23_05

this is Act_21_28

this is Act_04_11

this is Eph_05_32

this is Exo_38_21

this is Eze_47_17

this is Eze_47_18

this is Eze_47_19

this is Ezr_08_01

this is Heb_08_01

this is Jer_34_08

this is Joh_01_19

this is Joh_01_34

this is Joh_21_24

this is Joh_03_19

this is Joh_06_14

this is Joh_06_29

this is Joh_06_39

this is Joh_06_40

this is Joh_06_50

this is Joh_06_58

this is Joh_07_26

this is Joh_07_41

this is Luk_01_36

this is Luk_20_14

this is Luk_23_38

this is Luk_07_27

this is Luk_07_39

this is Mar_12_07

this is Mar_14_69

this is Mar_06_35

this is Mat_14_15

this is Mat_21_38

this is Mat_21_42

this is Mat_22_38

this is Num_28_10

this is Psa_118_23

this is Psa_52_07

this is Psa_68_16

this is Rev_20_14

this is Tit_03_08

this is also vanity ECC3 -:23

this is an evil generation Luk_11_29

this is an hard saying Joh_06_60

this is done Exo_13_08

this is elias Mat_11_14

this is good for 1Co_07_26

this is he 1Jo_05_06

this is he Act_07_38

this is he Joh_01_30

this is he Joh_09_09

this is he which received seed by Mat_13_19

this is his commandment 1Jo_03_23

this is indeed Joh_04_42

this is jesus Mat_21_11

this is jesus Mat_27_37

this is john Mat_14_02

this is life eternal Joh_17_03

this is love 2Jo_01_06

this is my beloved son 2Pe_01_17

this is my beloved son Luk_09_35

this is my beloved son Mar_09_07

this is my beloved son Mat_17_05

this is my beloved son Mat_03_17

this is my blood Mar_14_24

this is my body 1Co_11_24

this is my body Mar_14_22

this is my body Mat_26_26

this is my body which is given for you Luk_22_19

this is my commandment Joh_15_12

this is now Joh_21_14

this is offered 1Co_10_28

this is our son Joh_09_20

this is very christ Act_09_22

this isle shall say Isa_20_06

this jesus Act_17_03

this jesus Act_06_14

this jesus hath god raised up Act_02_32

this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession Lev_25_13

this judgment shall it be done unto him Exo_21_31

this just person Mat_27_24

this kind can come forth by nothing Mar_09_29

this king Psa_24_08

this kingdom Dan_07_24

this know Luk_12_39

this know also 2Ti_03_01

this land Deu_03_12

this land Deu_04_22

this land Eze_36_35

this land Gen_26_03

this land Jer_13_13

this land Jer_14_15

this land Jer_16_03

this land Jer_16_06

this land Jer_24_06

this land Jer_24_08

this land Jer_32_15

this land Jer_32_43

this land Jer_42_10

this land Jer_42_13

this land Jud_02_02

this land Num_14_14

this land assuredly with my whole heart Jer_32_41

this land before thy people israel 2Ch_20_07

this land into Jer_16_13

this land shall be your possession before Num_32_22

this land shall fall unto you for inheritance Eze_47_14

this land unto Gen_50_24

this latter house shall be greater than Hag_02_09

this law Deu_17_18

this law Deu_17_19

this law Deu_27_26

this law Deu_27_03

this law Deu_28_58

this law Deu_28_61

this law Deu_29_29

this law Deu_31_12

this law Deu_31_24

this law Deu_32_46

this law very plainly Deu_27_08

this lebanon even unto Jos_01_04

this letter Est_09_26

this life 1Co_06_03

this life 1Co_06_04

this life Act_05_20

this life Luk_21_34

this life is 1Jo_05_11

this life only we have hope 1Co_15_19

this man Act_23_09

this man Act_09_13

this man Jer_26_11

this man Jer_26_16

this man Joh_21_21

this man Joh_09_02

this man Luk_23_04

this man Luk_07_39

this man Neh_01_11

this man began Luk_14_30

this man ceaseth not Act_06_13

this man coniah Jer_22_28

this man doeth nothing worthy Act_26_31

this man doth send unto me 2Ki_05_07

this man have somewhat also Heb_08_03

this man is Act_08_10

this man is Joh_09_24

this man is come into mine house Jud_19_23

this man is not Joh_09_16

this man might have been set at liberty Act_26_32

this man receiveth sinners Luk_15_02

this man shall be blessed Jam_01_25

this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him Luk_23_14

this man was Job_01_03

this man was also with him Luk_22_56

this man was instructed Act_18_25

this man was taken Act_23_27

this man went down Luk_18_14

this man went up out 1Sa_01_03

this man were true Joh_10_41

this man's disciples Joh_18_17

this man's religion Jam_01_26

this man's seed hath god according Act_13_23

this manner be killed Rev_11_05

this matter 1Sa_30_24

this matter Act_15_06

this matter Act_08_21

this matter Dan_01_14

this matter Dan_03_16

this matter Dan_04_17

this matter Deu_22_26

this matter Deu_03_26

this may be Jos_04_06

this measure shalt thou measure Eze_45_03

this ministration they glorify god for your professed subjection unto 2Co_09_13

this ministry Act_01_17

this month Exo_12_02

this month Neh_09_01

this month Num_28_17

this month Num_09_03

this month they shall take Exo_12_03

this mortal 1Co_15_53

this mortal shall have put on immortality 1Co_15_54

this moses Exo_32_01

this moses Exo_32_23

this moses whom they refused Act_07_35

this mount Deu_01_06

this mount zion Psa_74_02

this mountain Isa_25_07

this mountain Joh_04_20

this mountain Joh_04_21

this mountain Psa_78_54

this mountain shall Isa_25_10

this mountain shall Isa_25_06

this my joy therefore is fulfilled Joh_03_29

this my lord talk with this my lord Dan_10_17

this mystery Rom_11_25

this mystery among Col_01_27

this name Act_04_17

this name Act_05_28

this naomi Rut_01_19

this nation Exo_33_13

this nation before me Hag_02_14

this night Mar_14_30

this night Mat_26_34

this night thy soul shall be required Luk_12_20

this oath Deu_29_14

this one Gen_19_09

this one thing 2Pe_03_08

this only have ECC8 -:29

this only would Gal_03_02

this our bread we took hot Jos_09_12

this our son Deu_21_20

this parable spake jesus unto them Joh_10_06

this parched 1Sa_17_17

this passover was holden 2Ki_23_23

this pattern 1Ch_28_19

this paul hath persuaded Act_19_26

this people 2Ch_10_06

this people 2Ch_10_07

this people 2Ch_10_09

this people 2Sa_16_18

this people Act_13_17

this people Deu_05_28

this people Deu_09_27

this people Exo_18_18

this people Exo_05_23

this people Hag_02_14

this people Isa_28_11

this people Isa_08_11

this people Jer_04_11

this people Jer_09_15

this people Mic_02_11

this people Zec_08_12

this people Zec_08_06

this people according unto Num_14_19

this people as Zec_08_11

this people as one man Num_14_15

this people cause Isa_09_16

this people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth Mat_15_08

this people fat Isa_06_10

this people hath transgressed my covenant which Jud_02_20

this people have Isa_43_21

this people have sinned Exo_32_31

this people honoureth me with Mar_07_06

this people is waxed gross Act_28_27

this people may know 1Ki_18_37

this people say Hag_01_02

this people shall be meat for Jer_07_33

this people turn again unto their lord 1Ki_12_27

this people was not Isa_23_13

this people will rise up Deu_31_16

this people wood Jer_05_14

this persuasion Gal_05_08

this philistine 1Sa_17_37

this pillar unto me Gen_31_52

this place 1Ki_13_16

this place 1Ki_13_08

this place 1Sa_12_08

this place 2Ch_06_40

this place 2Ch_07_15

this place Act_21_28

this place Act_07_07

this place Gen_19_12

this place Gen_19_14

this place Gen_20_11

this place Gen_28_16

this place Gen_28_17

this place Jer_14_13

this place Jer_16_02

this place Jer_16_03

this place Jer_16_09

this place Jer_19_07

this place Jer_22_11

this place Jer_22_03

this place Jer_27_22

this place Jer_29_10

this place Jer_33_10

this place Jer_33_12

this place Jer_44_29

this place Jer_07_03

this place Jer_07_06

this place Jer_07_07

this place Luk_23_05

this place into Jer_24_05

this place is Mat_12_06

this place jeconiah Jer_28_04

this place shall no more be called tophet Jer_19_06

this place will Hag_02_09

this plat 2Ki_09_26

this poor man cried Psa_34_06

this poor widow hath cast Luk_21_03

this poor widow hath cast more Mar_12_43

this present time Luk_18_30

this present time Rom_08_18

this present world Tit_02_12

this promise Neh_05_12

this prophecy Rev_01_03

this prophecy Rev_22_19

this psalm 1Ch_16_07

this punishment 2Co_02_06

this rejoice not Luk_10_20

this respect 2Co_03_10

this rock Jud_06_26

this rock Num_20_10

this ruin Isa_03_06

this rule Gal_06_16

this rumour Luk_07_17

this said 1Ki_03_22

this salvation sent Act_13_26

this same confident boasting 2Co_09_04

this same day Eze_24_02

this same hezekiah also stopped 2Ch_32_30

this same jesus Act_01_11

this same shall reign over my people 1Sa_09_17

this saying Rom_13_09

this saying is commonly reported among Mat_28_15

this saying was hid from them Luk_18_34

this scripture must needs have been fulfilled Act_01_16

this second epistle 2Pe_03_01

this secret is not revealed Dan_02_30

this selfsame day have Exo_12_17

this service not only supplieth 2Co_09_12

this seventh month Lev_23_27

this seventh month Lev_23_34

this seventh month an holy convocation Num_29_07

this shall be Deu_18_03

this shall be Exo_16_08

this shall be Exo_28_17

this shall be Exo_29_42

this shall be Lev_14_02

this shall be Lev_17_07

this shall be Psa_11_06

this shall be Zec_14_12

this shall be Zec_14_19

this shall be an everlasting statute unto you Lev_16_34

this shall be an holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations Exo_30_31

this shall be his uncleanness Lev_15_03

this shall be no grief unto thee 1Sa_25_31

this shall be thine Num_18_09

this shall be written for Psa_102_18

this shall be your land with Num_34_12

this shall be your north border Num_34_07

this shall be your north border Num_34_09

this shall be your south coast Jos_15_04

this shall be your west border Num_34_06

this shall go with thee Jud_07_04

this shall not be thine heir Gen_15_04

this shall not be unto thee Mat_16_22

this shall they have for their pride Zep_02_10

this shall turn Php_01_19

this shall ye have Isa_50_11

this sickness is not unto death Joh_11_04

this sign shalt thou have 2Ki_20_09

this son Lev_24_10

this song 2Sa_22_01

this song Deu_31_30

this song Psa_18_01

this song may be Deu_31_19

this song shall testify against them as Deu_31_21

this sore travail hath god given Ecc_02_13

this sort Ezr_04_08

this sort are they which creep into houses 2Ti_03_06

this spake he Joh_21_19

this spake he not Joh_11_51

this stone Gen_28_22

this stone shall be Jos_24_27

this sun 2Sa_12_11

this sword is sharpened Eze_21_11

this tabernacle 2Pe_01_13

this taxing was first made when cyrenius was governor Luk_02_02

this their way Psa_49_13

this then is 1Jo_01_05

this there shall be for Eze_45_02

this they begin Gen_11_06

this they did 2Co_08_05

this they said Joh_08_06

this they shall give Exo_30_13

this thine oath which thou hast made us swear Jos_02_17

this thing 1Sa_26_16

this thing 2Ki_05_18

this thing 2Sa_24_03

this thing Exo_18_14

this thing Ezr_10_13

this thing Gen_44_07

this thing Neh_02_19

this thing became 1Ki_12_30

this thing became sin unto 1Ki_13_34

this thing unto my lord 2Sa_14_15

this thing ye did not believe Deu_01_32

this thou art not just Job_33_12

this thou hast done unto me Gen_29_25

this thou hast done unto us Gen_26_10

this thou knowest 2Ti_01_15

this thou shalt know Exo_07_17

this thy day Luk_19_42

this thy kindness 2Sa_16_17

this thy might Jud_06_14

this thy stature is like Son_07_07

this thy voice 1Sa_24_16

this thy voice 1Sa_26_17

this thy wickedness Act_08_22

this time Mar_10_30

this time Mat_24_21

this time it shall be said Num_23_23

this title then read many Joh_19_20

this trespass Ezr_09_02

this tumult 1Sa_04_14

this twenty years Gen_31_38

this uncircumcised philistine 1Sa_17_26

this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one 1Sa_17_36

this very thing Php_01_06

this vine did bend her roots toward him Eze_17_07

this voice came not because Joh_12_30

this voice which came from heaven we heard 2Pe_01_18

this voyage will be with hurt Act_27_10

this wall Neh_05_16

this was 1Ch_17_17

this was Eze_16_49

this was Mar_12_11

this was done three times Act_11_10

this was done thrice Act_10_16

this was he Joh_01_15

this was known Act_19_17

this was manifested 1Jo_04_09

this was my portion Ecc_03_10

this was yet 2Sa_07_19

this waste Mat_26_08

this water Num_05_22

this water shall thirst again Joh_04_13

this way Act_09_02

this way Gen_28_20

this we commanded you 2Th_03_10

this we groan 2Co_05_02

this we will do Jos_09_20

this wherein thou trustest 2Ki_18_19

this wherein thou trustest Isa_36_04

this which is given unto him Mar_06_02

this whole land shall be Jer_25_11

this whole nation Mal_03_09

this wicked haman Est_07_06

this wilderness Num_14_02

this wilderness Num_14_29

this wilderness Num_14_32

this wilderness they shall be consumed Num_14_35

this will Luk_12_18

this will be 1Sa_08_11

this will we consent unto you Gen_34_15

this will we do Heb_06_03

this wisdom Mat_13_54

this wisdom descendeth not from above Jam_03_15

this wisdom have Ecc_10_13

this witness is true Tit_01_13

this woman dwell 1Ki_03_17

this woman for 1Sa_02_20

this woman hath done Mat_26_13

this woman said unto me 2Ki_06_28

this woman shall bear her iniquity Num_05_31

this woman was delivered also 1Ki_03_18

this woman was full Act_09_36

this woman was taken Joh_08_04

this woman's child died 1Ki_03_19

this word 2Sa_19_14

this word Ezr_10_05

this word Isa_08_20

this word came unto jeremiah from Jer_36_01

this work Num_08_04

this work goeth fast on Ezr_05_08

this work was wrought Neh_06_16

this world 1Co_01_20

this world 1Co_01_20

this world 1Co_02_06

this world 1Co_02_06

this world 1Co_03_18

this world 1Co_05_10

this world 1Jo_04_17

this world 1Ti_06_17

this world Eph_01_21

this world Eph_02_02

this world Eph_06_12

this world Joh_11_09

this world Joh_12_31

this world Joh_18_36

this world Joh_18_36

this world Joh_08_23

this world Joh_08_23

this world Mar_04_19

this world Mat_12_32

this world Mat_13_22

this world Mat_13_40

this world Rom_12_02

this world are Luk_16_08

this world are become Rev_11_15

this world be cast out Joh_12_31

this world cometh Joh_14_30

this world hath blinded 2Co_04_04

this world is foolishness with god 1Co_03_19

this world is judged Joh_16_11

this world knew 1Co_02_08

this world marry Luk_20_34

this world passeth away 1Co_07_31

this world rich Jam_02_05

this world shall keep it unto life eternal Joh_12_25

this world unto Joh_13_01

this writing was written Dan_05_24

this year thou shalt die Jer_28_16

this young man Zec_02_04

this young woman Rut_04_12

this your fathers have blasphemed me Eze_20_27

this your joyous Isa_23_07

this your younger brother Gen_43_29

this youth 1Sa_17_55

thistle shall come up on their altars Hos_10_08

thistles shall it bring forth Gen_03_18