build up thy throne cast his throne down glorious high throne from he hath prepared his throne for judgment his throne as his throne as his throne is upholden by mercy his throne shall be established his throne shall be established for evermore <1CH17 -:14 > his throne shall be established for ever make his throne greater than <1KI1 -:37 > make his throne greater than thy throne <1KI1 -:47 > sat on his throne unto set his throne above <2KI25 -:28 > set his throne above seven spirits which are before his throne sit on his throne sit on my throne this day <1KI1 -:48 > sit upon david's throne sit upon my throne <1KI1 -:35 > sitteth upon his throne their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore them on his throne <2CH18 -:9 > they shall set every one his throne at throne be established throne had six steps <1KI10 -:19 > throne is established by righteousness throne judging right throne on their faces throne proceeded lightnings throne said throne shall dwell among them throne shall feed them throne was set throne where he might judge <1KI7 -:7 > throne will thy throne thy throne thy throne thy throne thy throne from generation thy throne shall be established for ever <2SA7 -:16 > will exalt my throne above will set his throne upon these stones will set my throne will set upon thy throne <1KI5 -:5 > will stablish his throne for ever <1CH17 -:12 >