against moab thus saith also thus said <1KI1 -:48 > as he thus spake for himself as they thus spake be thus minded because thou hast judged thus because we thus judge <2CO5 -:14 > but if he thus say <2SA15 -:26 > but if they say thus <1SA14 -:10 > but now thus saith but thus do unto them but thus saith but thus shall ye deal with them do ye thus requite even thus be he shaken out even thus shall even thus shall it be for thus amos saith for thus hath for thus hath for thus hath for thus hath for thus hath for thus hath ahithophel counselled against you <2SA17 -:21 > for thus he weakeneth for thus it becometh us for thus it is written by for thus saith <1KI11 -:31 > for thus saith <1KI17 -:14 > for thus saith <2KI18 -:31 > for thus saith <2KI3 -:17 > for thus saith <2KI4 -:43 > for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus saith for thus shall if they say thus unto us <1SA14 -:9 > if thou deal thus with me if we let him thus alone lord done thus unto this great city lord done thus unto this land lord done thus unto this land <1KI9 -:8 > lord done thus unto this land <2CH7 -:21 > may not tarry thus with thee <2SA18 -:14 > now therefore thus saith <2KI1 -:4 > now therefore thus saith now therefore thus saith now therefore thus shalt thou say unto my servant david <1CH17 -:7 > now when these things were thus ordained prayed thus with himself record thus written said thus unto him said thus unto him said thus unto him said thus unto them sat thus on say thou thus unto them say thus unto <1SA20 -:22 > suffer ye thus far surely thus saith then thus came therefore now thus saith therefore thus saith <2KI19 -:32 > therefore thus saith <2KI21 -:12 > therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus saith therefore thus will therefore was thus minded <2CO1 -:17 > they said thus unto it though we thus speak thus all israel brought up <1CH15 -:28 > thus are <1CO14 -:25 > thus came they thus cleansed thus david <1CH29 -:26 > thus dealeth micah with me thus did ahithophel counsel absalom <2SA17 -:15 > thus did all thus did he make for all thus did he unto all <2SA12 -:31 > thus did he unto them thus did hezekiah throughout all judah <2CH31 -:20 > thus did moses thus did noah thus did urijah <2KI16 -:16 > thus did your fathers thus did zimri destroy all <1KI16 -:12 > thus dwelt esau thus edom refused thus esau despised thus ezekiel is unto you thus far thus far thus gave solomon <1KI5 -:11 > thus god hath taken away thus god rendered thus hath <2KI1 -:11 > thus hath thus hath thus hath thus have <2SA17 -:15 > thus have thus have thus have they done thus have they loved thus have we obeyed thus have ye made thus have ye said thus he answered me <1KI2 -:30 > thus he did thus he said <2SA18 -:33 > thus he said thus he showed me thus he spake <1SA9 -:9 > thus his father wept for him thus israel dwelt thus it behoved christ thus it is written thus it must be thus jehu destroyed baal out <2KI10 -:28 > thus jeremiah remained thus joash <2CH24 -:22 > thus judah was carried away captive out thus judgment springeth up as hemlock thus melzar took away thus might we procure great evil against our souls thus my heart was grieved thus said <2KI5 -:4 > thus said thus said joab <1KI2 -:30 > thus said shimei when he cursed <2SA16 -:7 > thus saith <1CH17 -:4 > thus saith <1CH17 -:7 > thus saith <1CH21 -:10 > thus saith <1CH21 -:11 > thus saith <1KI12 -:24 > thus saith <1KI13 -:21 > thus saith <1KI13 -:2 > thus saith <1KI14 -:7 > thus saith <1KI2 -:30 > thus saith <1KI20 -:13 > thus saith <1KI20 -:14 > thus saith <1KI20 -:42 > thus saith <1KI20 -:28 > thus saith <1KI21 -:19 > thus saith <1KI21 -:19 > thus saith <1KI22 -:11 > thus saith <1KI22 -:27 > thus saith <1SA10 -:18 > thus saith <1SA15 -:2 > thus saith <1SA2 -:27 > thus saith <2CH11 -:4 > thus saith <2CH12 -:5 > thus saith <2CH18 -:10 > thus saith <2CH18 -:26 > thus saith <2CH20 -:15 > thus saith <2CH21 -:12 > thus saith <2CH34 -:23 > thus saith <2CH34 -:24 > thus saith <2CH34 -:26 > thus saith <2KI1 -:16 > thus saith <2KI1 -:6 > thus saith <2KI18 -:19 > thus saith <2KI18 -:29 > thus saith <2KI19 -:20 > thus saith <2KI19 -:6 > thus saith <2KI2 -:21 > thus saith <2KI20 -:1 > thus saith <2KI20 -:5 > thus saith <2KI22 -:15 > thus saith <2KI22 -:16 > thus saith <2KI22 -:18 > thus saith <2KI3 -:16 > thus saith <2KI7 -:1 > thus saith <2KI9 -:12 > thus saith <2KI9 -:18 > thus saith <2KI9 -:19 > thus saith <2KI9 -:3 > thus saith <2KI9 -:6 > thus saith <2SA12 -:11 > thus saith <2SA12 -:7 > thus saith <2SA24 -:12 > thus saith <2SA7 -:5 > thus saith <2SA7 -:8 > thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith thus saith balak thus saith benhadad <1KI20 -:2 > thus saith cyrus king <2CH36 -:23 > thus saith cyrus king thus saith god <2CH24 -:20 > thus saith god thus saith hezekiah <2KI19 -:3 > thus saith hezekiah thus saith jephthah thus saith pharaoh thus saith sennacherib king <2CH32 -:10 > thus saith thy brother israel thus saith thy lord thus saith thy son joseph thus saying thou reproachest us also thus shall thus shall aaron come into thus shall babylon sink thus shall he deliver thus shall he do thus shall he do thus shall it be done for one bullock thus shall it be done unto thus shall it be done unto them thus shall it be for them both thus shall mine anger be accomplished thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured thus shall they cleanse thus shall they know thus shall they prepare thus shall ye do <2CH19 -:9 > thus shall ye eat it thus shall ye say <1SA18 -:25 > thus shall ye say <1SA25 -:6 > thus shall ye say <2KI19 -:6 > thus shall ye say <2KI22 -:18 > thus shall ye say thus shall ye say thus shall ye say every one thus shall ye say unto <1SA11 -:9 > thus shall ye say unto him thus shall ye say unto them thus shall ye say unto your master thus shall ye say unto your masters thus shall ye separate thus shall ye speak <2KI19 -:10 > thus shall ye speak thus shall ye speak unto my lord esau thus shalt thou answer <2CH10 -:10 > thus shalt thou cleanse thus shalt thou do six days thus shalt thou do unto thus shalt thou do unto aaron thus shalt thou do unto all thus shalt thou do unto them thus shalt thou make for all thus shalt thou say thus shalt thou say thus shalt thou say unto thus shalt thou say unto thus shalt thou say unto her <1KI14 -:5 > thus shalt thou say unto him thus shalt thou say unto joab <2SA11 -:25 > thus shalt thou say unto them <1KI12 -:10 > thus shalt thou say unto them <2CH10 -:10 > thus shalt thou separate thus shalt thou speak unto this people <1KI12 -:10 > thus she committed her whoredoms with them thus she was reproved thus solomon finished <2CH7 -:11 > thus solomon made all these vessels <2CH4 -:18 > thus spake thus spake he <2KI9 -:12 > thus speak blasphemies thus speak unto thus speaketh thus speaketh thus speaketh thus speaketh thus speaketh thus speaketh thus speaketh benhadad <1KI20 -:5 > thus they changed their glory into thus they gave thus they have despised my people thus they made thus they provoked thus they returned us answer thus they spake before <1KI3 -:22 > thus thou calledst thus thou shalt say unto thus thou shalt speak thus was all thus was he fair thus was midian subdued before thus wast thou decked with gold thus were both thus were they defiled with their own works thus were they divided by lot <1CH24 -:5 > thus were they numbered thus will thus will thus will thus will thus will thus will thus will thus will thus will thus with violence shall thus with your mouth ye have boasted against me thus ye also shall offer an heave offering unto thus ye brought an offering thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses thus ye speak thy servant jacob saith thus when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he had thus spoken when he thus had spoken when jesus had thus said when she had thus said when thus it shall be wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants wherefore doth my lord thus pursue after his servant <1SA26 -: 18 > wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face wherefore thus saith wherefore thus saith wherefore thus saith wherefore thus saith wherein was written thus while he thus spake whom art thou thus like why askest thou thus after my name why hast thou made me thus why hast thou served us thus why hast thou thus dealt with us why then are ye thus altogether vain will speak thus will yet be more vile than thus <2SA6 -:22 > yet thus saith yet thus shall they be cut down