amethyst ......... an amethyst 0271 -amethustos-> Bithynia ......... and Bithynia 0978 -Bithunia-> Bithynia ......... Bithynia 0978 -Bithunia-> earthy ......... As is the earthy 5517 -choikos-> earthy ......... earthy 5517 -choikos-> earthy ......... of the earthy 5517 -choikos-> earthy ......... that are earthy 5517 -choikos-> filthy ......... and he which is filthy 4510 -rhupoo-> filthy ......... filthy 0148 -aischrologia-> filthy ......... filthy dreamers 1797 -enupniazomai-> filthy ......... let him be filthy 4510 -rhupoo-> filthy ......... not , for filthy 0150 -aischros-> filthy ......... not for filthy 0147 -aischrokerdos-> filthy ......... not given to filthy 0150 -aischros-> filthy ......... of filthy lucre 0146 -aischrokerdes-> filthy ......... of filthy lucre 0866 -aphilarguros-> filthy ......... with the filthy 0766 -aselgeia-> thankworthy ......... is thankworthy 5485 -charis-> thy ......... and by thy words 3056 -logos-> thy ......... and from thy kindred 4772 -suggeneia-> thy ......... And if thy right 1188 -dexios-> thy ......... and in thy heart 2588 -kardia-> thy ......... and in thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... and in thy sight 1799 -enopion-> thy ......... and not that thy whole 3650 -holos-> thy ......... and of thy brethren 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... and thy brethren 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... and thy children 5043 -teknon-> thy ......... and thy counsel 1012 -boule-> thy ......... and thy father 3962 -pater-> thy ......... and thy Father 3962 -pater-> thy ......... and thy house 3624 -oikos-> thy ......... and thy labour 2873 -kopos-> thy ......... and thy mother 3384 -meter-> thy ......... and thy neighbour 4139 -plesion-> thy ......... and thy patience 5281 -hupomone-> thy ......... and thy speech 2981 -lalia-> thy ......... and thy wife 1135 -gune-> thy ......... and thy works 2041 -ergon-> thy ......... and thy wrath 3709 -orge-> thy ......... and thy years 2094 -etos-> thy ......... And to thy seed 4690 -sperma-> thy ......... are thy judgments 2920 -krisis-> thy ......... are thy ways 3598 -hodos-> thy ......... are thy works 2041 -ergon-> thy ......... as thy soul 5590 -psuche-> thy ......... away thy coat 5509 -chiton-> thy ......... be thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... be with thy spirit 4151 -pneuma-> thy ......... but it shall be in thy mouth 4750 -stoma-> thy ......... but thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... but unto thy Father 3962 -pater-> thy ......... by thy blood 0129 -haima-> thy ......... by thy head 2776 -kephale-> thy ......... by thy providence 4307 -pronoia-> thy ......... do thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... down thy life 5590 -psuche-> thy ......... even thy God 2316 -theos-> thy ......... for by thy sorceries 5331 -pharmakeia-> thy ......... For by thy words 3056 -logos-> thy ......... for thee , that thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... for thy cleansing 2512 -katharismos-> thy ......... for thy heart 2588 -kardia-> thy ......... for thy prayer 1162 -deesis-> thy ......... for thy sake . thy ......... For thy sake 1752 -heneka-> thy ......... for thy stomach s 4751 -stomachos-> thy ......... from thy feet 4228 -pous-> thy ......... good in thy sight 1715 -emprosthen-> thy ......... hand , in thy glory 1391 -doxa-> Thy ......... he saith , Thy throne 2362 -thronos-> thy ......... here is thy pound 3414 -mna-> thy ......... him to thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... in thee : for thy merchants 1713 -emporos-> thy ......... in thy country 3968 -patris-> thy ......... in thy field 0068 -agros-> thy ......... in thy grandmother 3125 -mamme-> thy ......... in thy house 3624 -oikos-> thy ......... in thy kingdom 0932 -basileia-> thy ......... in thy love 0026 -agape-> thy ......... in thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... in thy obedience 5218 -hupakoe-> thy ......... in thy presence 1799 -enopion-> thy ......... in thy sayings 3056 -logos-> thy ......... in thy sharp 3691 -oxus-> thy ......... in thy sickle 1407 -drepanon-> thy ......... in thy sight 1715 -emprosthen-> thy ......... in thy womb 1064 -gaster-> thy ......... is not thy husband 0435 -aner-> thy ......... is thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... is thy Father 3962 -pater-> thy ......... is thy judgment 2920 -krisis-> thy ......... is thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... is thy sting 2759 -kentron-> thy ......... is thy victory 3534 -nikos-> thy ......... it , thy will 2307 -thelema-> thy ......... let him have thy cloke 2440 -himation-> thy ......... let not thy left 0710 -aristeros-> thy ......... me thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... not him with thy meat 1033 -broma-> thy ......... not thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... not thy friends 5384 -philos-> thy ......... not thy peace 4623 -siopao-> thy ......... not to take thy coat 5509 -chiton-> thy ......... of thy charity 0026 -agape-> thy ......... of thy children 5043-> thy ......... of thy children 5043-> thy ......... of thy coming 3952 -parousia-> thy ......... of thy elect 1588-> thy ......... of thy elect 1588-> thy ......... of thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... of thy fathers 3962 -pater-> thy ......... of thy hands 5495 -cheir-> thy ......... of thy hired 3407 -misthios-> thy ......... of thy holy 0040 -hagios-> thy ......... of thy kindred 4772 -suggeneia-> thy ......... of thy kingdom 0932 -basileia-> thy ......... of thy lord 2962 -kurios-> thy ......... of thy love 0026 -agape-> thy ......... of thy martyr 3144 -martus-> thy ......... of thy members 3196 -melos-> thy ......... of thy ministry 1248 -diakonia-> thy ......... of thy nakedness 1132 -gumnotes-> thy ......... of thy people 2992 -laos-> thy ......... of thy plague 3148 -mastix-> thy ......... of thy salutation 0783 -aspasmos-> thy ......... of thy saying 2981 -lalia-> thy ......... of thy servant 3816 -pais-> thy ......... of thy stewardship 3622 -oikonomia-> thy ......... of thy tears 1144 -dakru-> thy ......... of thy visitation 1984 -episkope-> thy ......... of thy womb 2836 -koilia-> thy ......... on thy fellowservant 4889 -sundoulos-> thy ......... on thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... one of them ; for thy speech 2981 -lalia-> thy ......... out of thy brother s 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... out of thy daughter 2364 -thugater-> thy ......... shall thy seed 4690 -sperma-> thy ......... that is in thy brother s 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... that thou in thy lifetime 2222 -zoe-> thy ......... that thy benefit 0018 -agathos-> thy ......... that thy brother 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... that thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... that thy Son 5207 -huios-> thy ......... that thy soul 5590 -psuche-> thy ......... the things which belong unto thy peace 1515 - eirene-> thy ......... thee , even in thy mouth 4750 -stoma-> thy ......... thee ; for thy judgments 1345 -dikaioma-> thy ......... thee out of thy country 1093 -ge-> thy ......... them in thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... them thy word 3056 -logos-> thy ......... things , and for thy pleasure 2307 -thelema-> thy ......... thou thy servant 1401 -doulos-> thy ......... thy bed 2895 -krabbatos-> thy ......... thy bed 4766 -stronnumi-> thy ......... thy belly 2836 -koilia-> thy ......... thy bill 1121 -gramma-> thy ......... thy boast 2744 -kauchaomai-> thy ......... thy body 4983 -soma-> thy ......... thy brethren 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... thy brother 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... thy brother s 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... thy candlestick 3087 -luchnia-> thy ......... thy children 5043 -teknon-> thy ......... thy circumcision 4061 -peritome-> thy ......... thy cloke 2440 -himation-> thy ......... thy closet 5009 -tameion-> thy ......... thy cousin 4773 -suggenes-> thy ......... thy crown 4735 -stephanos-> Thy ......... Thy daughter 2364 -thugater-> thy ......... thy day 2250 -hemera-> thy ......... thy diligence 4704 -spoudazo-> thy ......... thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... thy door 2374 -thura-> thy ......... thy face 4383 -prosopon-> Thy ......... Thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... thy father 3962 -pater-> thy ......... thy feet 4228 -pous-> thy ......... thy fellows 3353 -metochos-> thy ......... thy fellowservant 4889 -sundoulos-> thy ......... thy finger 1147 -daktulos-> thy ......... thy first 4413 -protos-> thy ......... thy foes 2190 -echthros-> thy ......... thy foot 4228 -pous-> thy ......... thy footstool 5286 -hupopodion-> thy ......... thy garment 2440 -himation-> thy ......... thy gift 1435 -doron-> thy ......... thy giving of thanks 2169 -eucharistia-> thy ......... thy God 2316 -theos-> thy ......... thy good 0018 -agathos-> thy ......... thy goods 4674 -sos-> thy ......... thy hand 5495 -cheir-> thy ......... thy hands 5495 -cheir-> thy ......... thy hardness 4643 -sklerotes-> thy ......... thy heart 2588 -kardia-> thy ......... thy holy 0040 -hagios-> thy ......... thy house 3624 -oikos-> thy ......... thy house with my disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... thy husband 0435 -aner-> thy ......... thy King 0935 -basileus-> Thy ......... Thy kingdom 0932 -basileia-> thy ......... thy kingdom 0932 -basileia-> thy ......... thy kinsmen 4773 -suggenes-> thy ......... thy knowledge 1108 -gnosis-> thy ......... thy left 2176 -euonumos-> thy ......... thy living 0979 -bios-> thy ......... thy mind 1106 -gnome-> thy ......... thy mind 1271 -dianoia-> Thy ......... Thy mother 3384 -meter-> thy ......... thy mother 3384 -meter-> thy ......... thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... thy neighbour 4139 -plesion-> thy ......... thy own soul 5590 -psuche-> thy ......... thy peace 5392 -phimoo-> thy ......... thy pound 3414 -mna-> thy ......... thy prayer 4335 -proseuche-> thy ......... thy prophets 4396 -prophetes-> thy ......... thy record 3141 -marturia-> thy ......... thy rich 4145 -plousios-> thy ......... thy right 1188 -dexios-> thy ......... thy salvation 4992 -soterion-> thy ......... thy sandals 4547 -sandalion-> thy ......... thy shoes 5266 -hupodema-> thy ......... thy sight 0308 -anablepo-> thy ......... thy sins 0266 -hamartia-> Thy ......... Thy sins 0266 -hamartia-> Thy ......... Thy son 3816 -pais-> thy ......... thy son 5207 -huios-> thy ......... thy Son 5207 -huios-> thy ......... thy soul 5590 -psuche-> thy ......... thy strength 2479 -ischus-> thy ......... thy sword 3162 -machaira-> thy ......... thy talent 5007 -talanton-> thy ......... thy testimony 3141 -marturia-> thy ......... thy truth 0225 -aletheia-> thy ......... thy way , sell 4453 -poleo-> thy ......... thy way , shew 1166 -deiknuo-> thy ......... thy way 3598 -hodos-> thy ......... thy way : for he is a chosen 1589 -ekloge-> thy ......... thy way : I will 2309 -thelo-> thy ......... thy way : thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... thy way : thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... thy way ; and as thou hast believed 4100 -pisteuo-> thy ......... thy way ; first 4412 -proton-> thy ......... thy way ; the devil 1140 -daimonion-> thy ......... thy way ; thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... thy way ; thy faith 4102 -pistis-> thy ......... thy way ; thy son 5207 -huios-> thy ......... thy way ; thy son 5207 -huios-> thy ......... thy way for this 3568 -nun-> thy ......... thy way into 1519 -eis-> thy ......... thy whole 3650 -holos-> thy ......... thy wickedness 2549 -kakia-> thy ......... thy wife 1135 -gune-> thy ......... thy will 2307 -thelema-> Thy ......... Thy will 2307 -thelema-> thy ......... thy word 3056 -logos-> thy ......... thy word 4487 -rhema-> thy ......... thy works 2041 -ergon-> thy ......... thy youth 3503 -neotes-> thy ......... time thy commandment 1785 -entole-> Thy ......... to him , Thy daughter 2364 -thugater-> thy ......... to thee thy great 3173 -megas-> thy ......... to them ; that thy profiting 4297 -prokope-> thy ......... to thy brother 0080 -adephos-> thy ......... to thy disciples 3101 -mathetes-> thy ......... to thy Father 3962 -pater-> thy ......... to thy friends , and tell 0312 -anaggello-> thy ......... to thy saints 0040 -hagios-> thy ......... to thy trust , avoiding 1624 -ektrepo-> thy ......... to thy word 4487 -rhema-> thy ......... unto Abraham 11> , And in thy seed 4690 -sperma-> Thy ......... unto her , Thy brother 0080 -adephos-> Thy ......... unto her , Thy sins 0266 -hamartia-> Thy ......... unto him , Thy brother 0080 -adephos-> Thy ......... unto him , Thy money 0694 -argurion-> Thy ......... unto him , Thy prayers 4335 -proseuche-> Thy ......... unto him , Thy son 5207 -huios-> thy ......... unto them thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... unto thy name 3686 -onoma-> thy ......... unto thy servants 1401 -doulos-> thy ......... up thy bed 2825 -kline-> thy ......... up thy bed 2895 -krabbatos-> thy ......... up thy couch 2826 -klinidion-> thy ......... up thy sword 3162 -machaira-> thy ......... upon thy feet 4228 -pous-> thy ......... us of thy clemency 1932 -epieikeia-> thy ......... with me , that in thy stead 5228 -huper-> thy ......... with thy countenance 4383 -prosopon-> thy ......... with thy meat 1033 -broma-> thy ......... with thy mouth 4750 -stoma-> Thyatira ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> Thyatira ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> Thyatira ......... in Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> Thyatira ......... of Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> thyine ......... thyine 2367 -thuinos-> thyself ......... as thyself 1438 -heautou-> thyself ......... as thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... but that thou thyself 0846 -autos-> thyself ......... for thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... it to thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... not thyself : for I am 1510 -eimi-> thyself ......... of thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... that thou thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... thing of thyself 1438 -heautou-> thyself ......... thou not thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... thou of thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... thou thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... thyself , and bind 5265 -hupodeo-> thyself ......... thyself , and serve 1247 -diakoneo-> thyself ......... thyself , but shalt perform 0591 -apodidomi-> thyself ......... thyself . thyself ......... thyself 0846 -autos-> thyself ......... thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... thyself ; much 4183 -polus-> thyself ......... thyself in the house 3624 -oikos-> thyself ......... thyself to this 5129 -toutoi-> thyself ......... thyself wholly 1722 -en-> thyself ......... thyself with them , and be at 1159 -dapanao-> thyself ......... unto thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... up unto thyself 4572 -seautou-> thyself ......... when thou thyself 0846 -autos-> Timothy ......... and Timothy 5095 -Timotheos-> Timothy ......... O Timothy 5095 -Timotheos-> Timothy ......... Timothy 5095 -Timotheos-> Timothy ......... To Timothy 5095 -Timotheos-> Timothy ......... Unto Timothy 5095 -Timotheos-> unworthy ......... by you , are ye unworthy 0370 -anaxios-> unworthy ......... unworthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... and worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... are not worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... be worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... for they are worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... in it is worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... is worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... it be not worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... me , is not worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... me is not worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... not worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... not worthy 2425 -hikanos-> worthy ......... That he was worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... that worthy 2570 -kalos-> worthy ......... thing worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... things are worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... things worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... was not worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... were not worthy 0514 -axios-> Worthy ......... Worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... worthy 0514 -axios-> worthy ......... worthy 0515 -axioo-> worthy ......... worthy 0516 -axios-> worthy ......... worthy 2661 -kataxioo-> worthy ......... worthy 2735 -katorthoma-> worthy ......... ye , shall he be thought worthy 0515 -axioo-> worthy ......... you worthy 0515 -axioo->