aaron thy brother aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet aaron thy brother shall speak unto pharaoh abel thy brother abraham thy father abraham thy father abraham thy friend for ever <2CH20 -:7 > absalom thy brother <1KI2 -:7 > absalom thy son <2SA16 -:8 > accept thy burnt sacrifice according unto thy word according unto thy word according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled adonijah thy brother <1KI2 -:21 > after this manner did thy servant afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people against thy rivers against thy sons against thy two friends ahab thy master <2KI9 -:7 > ahimaaz thy son <2SA15 -:27 > all israel have transgressed thy law all kings thy glory all these thy prophets <1KI22 -:23 > all these thy servants shall come down unto me all thy bands all thy bands all thy billows all thy borders all thy borders all thy brethren all thy children all thy cities all thy coast seven days all thy commandments all thy commandments all thy commandments wh deu all thy company all thy company all thy company all thy company before all thy company which all thy estimations shall be according all thy father's house <1SA22 -:16 > all thy father's household all thy fortresses shall be spoiled all thy friends all thy friends all thy garments all thy gates all thy gates all thy gates all thy gates all thy gates throughout all thy land all thy goods <2CH21 -:14 > all thy house into all thy house shall be saved all thy household stuff all thy labours all thy lovers all thy lovers have forgotten thee all thy men all thy neighbours <2KI4 -:3 > all thy people all thy people israel <2CH6 -:29 > all thy quarters all thy righteousness all thy rivers all thy rulers are fled together all thy servants <2SA19 -:14 > all thy servants <2SA19 -:5 > all thy servants all thy strong holds all thy treasures all thy trees all thy tribes all thy wants all thy waves all thy ways all thy ways all thy ways acknowledge him all thy wondrous works all thy work all thy works all thy works shall praise thee almighty shall be thy defence also hast slain thy brethren <2CH21 -:13 > also thou hast delivered thy soul also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do likewise also will recompense thy way upon altar with thy finger among thy honourable women among thy merchandise among thy people an oath among thy people ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke any case bring them again unto thy brother any wise rebuke thy neighbour appoint me thy wages arm redeemed thy people arvad were thy mariners as aaron thy brother died as aaron thy brother was gathered as david thy father walked <1KI9 -:4 > as david thy father walked <2CH7 -:17 > as filthy rags as for sarai thy wife as he hath sworn unto thy fathers as he hath sworn unto thy fathers as he hath sworn unto thy fathers as thy days as thy father david did walk <1KI3 -:14 > as thy life was much set by this day <1SA26 -:24 > as thy servant hath heard <1SA23 -:11 > as thy servant said <2SA13 -:35 > as thy servant was busy here <1KI20 -:40 > as thy soul desireth <1SA2 -:16 > as thy sword hath made women childless <1SA15 -:33 > ashurites have made thy benches ask thy father ask thy young men <1SA25 -:8 > assuredly solomon thy son shall reign after me <1KI1 -:13 > assuredly solomon thy son shall reign after me <1KI1 -:17 > assuredly solomon thy son shall reign after me <1KI1 -:30 > at any time thy commandment at thy blood which hath been at thy coming at thy rebuke at thy rebuke they fled at thy right hand be called thy son be called thy son be destroyed before thy foes <1CH21 -:12 > be gathered unto thy people be lacking from thy meat offering be lord over thy brethren be not rash with thy mouth be smitten before thy face be surety for thy servant for good be thy god be thy sail be thy wife <2SA12 -:10 > bear thine own shame for thy sins bear thy shame because for thy sake because he loved thy fathers because it was certainly told thy servants because mine enemies have forgotten thy words because no man was found worthy because they keep not thy law because they kept not thy word because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable things because thou hast destroyed thy land because thou hast left thy first love because thou hast put thy trust because thou sore longedst after thy father's house because thy filthiness was poured out because thy god loved israel <2CH9 -:8 > because thy lovingkindness because thy mercy because thy rage against me <2KI19 -:28 > because thy rage against me because thy seat will be empty <1SA20 -:18 > because thy servant <2SA19 -:26 > because thy soul longeth befell thee from thy yo <2SA19 -:7 > before all thy people before thy people <2SA7 -:23 > before thy wickedness was discovered behold thy father behold thy gods <1KI12 -:28 > behold thy mother behold thy servant <2SA9 -:6 > behold thy son besought thy disciples bethuel thy mother's father between thy seed bind on thy sandals bind them about thy neck bind them upon thy fingers birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee bless thy people israel blessed be thy glorious name blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake both thy bondmen both thy lewdness bow thy heavens break not thy covenant with us break off thy sins by righteousness break thy league with baasha king <1KI15 -:19 > break thy league with baasha king <2CH16 -:3 > bring forth therefore fruits worthy bring out thy son bring thy son hither bring thy sons from far brother timothy is set at liberty bruising thy teats by build up thy throne burst thy bands bury therefore thy dead bury thy dead bury thy father but after thy hardness but as soon as this thy son was come but behold thy servant chimham <2SA19 -:37 > but fear thy god but for thy great mercies but go thou thy way till but go thy way but go thy way but hold now thy peace <2SA13 -:20 > but if he be poorer than thy estimation but if it be not worthy but if thy brother be grieved with but israel shall be thy name but let thy servant rejoice but lift thou up thy rod but mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat bread alway at my table <2SA9 -:10 > but not by thy covenant but now thy kingdom shall not continue <1SA13 -:14 > but put thou on thy robes <1KI22 -:30 > but put thou on thy robes <2CH18 -:29 > but shalt fear thy god but shalt fear thy god but sinned against thy judgments but solomon thy servant hath he not called <1KI1 -:19 > but teach them thy sons but they obeyed not thy voice but they which shall be accounted worthy but they which were bidden were not worthy but thine eyes shall see thy teachers but thou givest thy gifts but thou hast delivered thy soul but thou hast delivered thy soul but thou shalt call thy walls salvation but thou shalt fear thy god but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself but thy disciples fast not but thy disciples fast not but thy law do but thy life shall be for but thy life will but thy name shall be abraham but thy right hand but thy servants will pass over but thy son <1KI3 -:23 > but thy son <1KI8 -:19 > but thy son which shall come forth out <2CH6 -:9 > but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury but unto thy father which is but unto thy name give glory but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek but why dost thou judge thy brother but without thy mind would buy food are thy servants come by all thy people israel <1KI8 -:38 > by driving out nations from before thy people <1CH17 -:21 > by thy favour thou hast made my mountain by thy great wisdom by thy messengers thou hast reproached <2KI19 -:23 > by thy name by thy name by thy name by thy servants hast thou reproached by thy stretched out arm by thy strong hand by thy sword shalt thou live by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches by thy words thou shalt be condemned by thy wrath are we troubled call not on thy name call not thy friends call on thy name call thy husband call upon thy god called by thy name called upon thy name calleth upon thy name can thy servant taste what <2SA19 -:35 > canst thou lift up thy voice cast me behind thy back cast me not away from thy presence cast thy bread upon cast thy burden upon cast thy garment about thee cast thy law behind their backs cause thy belly cause thy face cause thy face cause thy face cause thy face cause thy flesh cause thy multitude chain on thy neck chains about thy neck change thy way chasten thy son while there is hope chasten thyself before thy god children shall make known thy truth children which god hath graciously given thy servant city which is called by thy name come for thy words command thee this day for thy good commit thy way unto commit thy works unto confess thy name <1KI8 -:35 > confess thy name <1KI8 -:33 > confess thy name <2CH6 -:24 > confess thy name <2CH6 -:26 > confirm thy words <1KI1 -:14 > consider thy heavens consulted against thy hidden ones correct thy son covered thy nakedness curse shall go into thy bowels dasheth thy little ones against david doth honour thy father <2SA10 -:3 > david doth honour thy father <1CH19 -:3 > david seeketh thy hurt <1SA24 -:9 > david thy father <1KI9 -:5 > david thy father <2CH21 -:12 > david thy father <2KI20 -:5 > david thy father david thy servant <1CH17 -:24 > david thy servant <2CH6 -:42 > day shall thy cattle feed day shall thy mouth be opened day shalt thou make thy plant day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings day thou wast born thy navel was not cut day thy servant knoweth <2SA14 -:22 > deal bountifully with thy servant deal thy bread deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy deal with thy servants debate thy cause with thy neighbour deckedst thy high places with divers colours declared thy wondrous works despise not thy mother when she is old destroy not him with thy meat destroy not thy people destroy thy cities destroy thy pleasant houses devils are subject unto us through thy name devise not evil against thy neighbour did not thy father eat didst increase thy perfumes didst rend thy clothes <2CH34 -:27 > didst send thy messengers far off dip thy morsel discover thy skirts upon thy face do all thy work do all thy work do not forget thy commandments do not forget thy law do not prostitute thy daughter do not thy brethren feed do thee good at thy latter end do thy diligence <2TI4 -:21 > do thy diligence <2TI4 -:9 > do thy will do thy will do thy will do thy will do whatsoever thy hand doing thy pleasure on my holy day done thy commandments doth rebel against thy commandment doves' eyes within thy locks draw thy sword <1CH10 -:4 > draw thy sword <1SA31 -:4 > draw thy sword drink thy water with trembling drink thy wine with dwell at thy left hand dwelleth at thy right hand eagle mount up at thy command earth by thy great power earth may know thy name <1KI8 -:43 > earth may know thy name <2CH6 -:33 > earth thy glory eat at thy table <1KI2 -:7 > eat thy bread with joy eat thy bread with quaking egyptians thy neighbours enemy blaspheme thy name for ever enlarge thy baldness as enlarge thy borders enter into thy closet enter not into judgment with thy servant enter thou into thy chambers entice thy husband entreated thy favour with err from thy statutes err from thy ways erred not from thy precepts esau thy brother esau thy firstborn escape for thy life even as thy soul prospereth <3JO1 -:2 > even by departing from thy precepts even there also will thy servant be <2SA15 -:21 > even there shall thy hand lead me even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels even thy right hand every firstling among thy cattle faithful among all thy servants as david <1SA22 -:14 > far country for thy great name's sake <2CH6 -:32 > far country for thy name's sake <1KI8 -:41 > fear thy god fear thy name fear thy name fear thy name fear thy name feed thy kids beside feed thy people with thy rod female thy estimation fill thy bowels with this roll filthy communication out filthy conversation <2PE2 -:7 > filthy garments from him filthy lucre <1TI3 -:3 > filthy lucre <1TI3 -:8 > filthy lucre fire may devour thy cedars fire shall devour thy bars flee from thy presence foolish people have blasphemed thy name for all thy commandments for all thy lovers are destroyed for all thy sins for by me thy days shall be multiplied for by thy sorceries were all nations deceiv for by thy words thou shalt be justified for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war for even thy brethren for filthy lucre's sake for god now accepteth thy works for how long shall thy journey be for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time for if thou lift up thy tool upon it for mine eyes have seen thy salvation for then shalt thou have thy delight for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous for they have observed thy word for they hear thy words for they seek not thy statutes for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me for they will turn away thy son from following me for this saying go thy way for this thy brother was dead for thou hast brought thy servant into <1SA20 -:8 > for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back for thou hast hid thy face from us for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name for thou knowest thy servant <1CH17 -:18 > for though thy people israel be as for thy breach for thy camels also for thy cattle for thy city for thy clothing for thy daughter for thy day is come for thy dew for thy god helpeth thee <1CH12 -:18 > for thy good for thy greatness is grown for thy handmaid for thy harvest is fallen for thy heart is not right for thy hired servant for thy judgments for thy judgments are made manifest for thy land <2SA7 -:23 > for thy law for thy light is come for thy love for thy lovingkindness for thy lovingkindness for thy maid for thy maker for thy merchants were for thy mercy for thy mercy for thy mercy for thy mouth hath testified against thee <2SA1 -:16 > for thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity for thy name <2CH20 -:9 > for thy name's sake for thy name's sake for thy name's sake for thy name's sake for thy name's sake for thy name's sake for thy people for thy people for thy people for thy people israel didst thou make thine own people for ever <1CH17 -:22 > for thy people which thou hast brought forth out for thy pleasure they are for thy prayer is heard for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out for thy sake for thy sake are we killed all for thy sake we are killed all for thy se <2SA14 -:19 > for thy servant for thy servant became surety for for thy servant david's sake turn not away for thy servant doth know <2SA19 -:20 > for thy servant heareth <1SA3 -:9 > for thy servant heareth <1SA3 -:10 > for thy servant knew nothing <1SA22 -:15 > for thy servant said <2SA19 -:26 > for thy servant vowed <2SA15 -:8 > for thy servant will henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice unto other gods <2KI5 -:17 > for thy servant's sake <1CH17 -:19 > for thy servants for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks for thy servants take pleasure for thy sister sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth for thy son <1KI17 -:13 > for thy sons are taken captives for thy speech bewrayeth thee for thy stranger for thy testimonies for thy truth for thy truth's sake for thy waste for thy word hath quickened me for thy word's sake <2SA7 -:21 > for thy work shall be rewarded for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually for we have forsaken thy commandments for when thy judgments for who can judge this thy people <2CH1 -:10 > for why should thy servant dwell <1SA27 -:5 > forget thy precepts forgive thy people <1KI8 -:50 > forgive thy people which have sinned against thee <2CH6 -:39 > forsake thy law forsook not thy precepts fortify thy strong holds found not thy daughter from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee from me is thy fruit found from thy dwelling place <2CH6 -:33 > from thy dwelling place <2CH6 -:39 > from thy face shall from thy father's house from thy fear from thy houses from thy judgments from thy kindred from thy kindred from thy people from thy servant from thy servants from thy state shall he pull thee down from thy youth from whom thy mind is alienated from whom thy mind is alienated fulfil all thy counsel gather thy cattle gather up thy wares out gave thee thy master's house <2SA12 -:8 > gentiles shall see thy righteousness gird thy sword upon gird up now thy loins like gird up thy loins <2KI4 -:29 > gird up thy loins <2KI9 -:1 > gird up thy loins now like give hire for thy servants according <1KI5 -:6 > give me thy son <1KI17 -:19 > give me thy vineyard <1KI21 -:2 > give me thy vineyard for money <1KI21 -:6 > give not thy strength unto women give rain upon thy land <1KI8 -:36 > give thanks unto thy holy name give therefore thy servant an understanding heart <1KI3 -:9 > give thy daughter <2CH25 -:18 > give thy daughter <2KI14 -:9 > give thy rewards give thy son <2KI6 -:28 > give thy son <2KI6 -:29 > give thy strength unto thy servant give unto thy fathers gladness above thy fellows gladness above thy fellows glorify thy name glorify thy name glorify thy son go from thy spirit go not empty unto thy mother go thou with phurah thy servant down go thy way <1SA20 -:22 > go thy way <2KI4 -:29 > go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way go thy way for this time go thy way forth by go thy way into thine house go unto thy tents go with thy servants <2KI6 -:3 > goats' milk enough for thy food god by thy blood out god hath numbered thy kingdom god hath showed me also thy seed goeth at thy bidding <1SA22 -:14 > gold about thy nec good before thy saints grace is poured into thy lips grace unto thy head grant me thy law graciously grant unto thy servants grant us thy salvation great peace have they which love thy law ground for thy sake hallowed be thy name hallowed be thy name hardened our heart from thy fear hast bereaved thy nations hast brought forth thy people israel out hast brought thy people forth out hast cast me behind thy back <1KI14 -:9 > hast increased thy whoredoms hast justified thy sisters hast made me glad through thy work hast made thy beauty hast not told me wherein thy great strength hast not withheld thy son hast opened thy feet hast promised this goodness unto thy servant <1CH17 -:26 > hast rent thy clothes <2KI22 -:19 > hast scattered thy ways hast thou gathered thy company hast told thy servant <1CH17 -:25 > hatest thy friends <2SA19 -:6 > hath amnon thy brother been with thee <2SA13 -:20 > hath taken away thy blessing hath thy soul loathed zion have accepted thy person <1SA25 -:35 > have believed thy commandments have broken thy yoke have built for thy name <1KI8 -:44 > have built for thy name <2CH6 -:34 > have chosen thy precepts have covenanted with david thy father <2CH7 -:18 > have declared thy faithfulness have declared unto them thy name have delivered him into thy hand have even called thee by thy name have gathered thy children together have gathered thy children together have given into thy hand have given my maid into thy bosom have given them thy word have given thy brother have given unto thy master's son all <2SA9 -:9 > have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against have heard thy prayer <1KI9 -:3 > have heard thy prayer <2CH7 -:12 > have heard thy prayer <2KI20 -:5 > have heard thy prayer have heard thy speech have hearkened unto thy words which thou spakest unto me <1SA28 -:21 > have hoped for thy salvation have kept thy law have kept thy precepts have kept thy testimonies have known thy testimonies have longed after thy precepts have longed for thy salvation have made him thy lord have made thy face strong against their faces have manifested thy name unto have not called upon thy name have not concealed thy lovingkindness have not departed from thy judgments have not forgotten thy law have not found thy works perfect before god have not hid thy righteousness within my heart have remembered thy name have respect unto all thy commandments have respect unto thy ways have seen thy face have seen thy face have seen thy tears <2KI20 -:5 > have seen thy tears have sent forth thy prisoners out have set watchmen upon thy walls have showed thy strength unto have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made have sought thy precepts have stuck unto thy testimonies have thy brother's wife have waited for thy salvation having thy shame naked hawk fly by thy wisdom he hath blessed thy children within thee he hath slandered thy servant unto my lord <2SA19 -:27 > he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers he might deliver him into thy hand he shall be thy servant for ever he shall be thy spokesman unto he shall bless thy bread he shall bring down thy strength from thee he shall bring forth thy righteousness as he shall bring them down before thy face he shall destroy thy strong holds he shall direct thy paths he shall give delight unto thy soul he shall judge thy people with righteousness he shall lie with thy wives <2SA12 -:11 > he shall preserve thy soul he shall slay thy people by he shall slay thy remnant he was worthy for whom he should do this he whom thou now hast is not thy husband he will bring home thy seed he will discover thy sins he will not suffer thy foot hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness hear thou from thy dwelling place <2CH6 -:21 > hear thy lovingkindness hear thy wisdom <1KI10 -:8 > hear thy wisdom <2CH9 -:7 > heard thy father speak unto esau thy brother heard thy voice hearken unto thy father hearkened not unto thy commandments heart with all thy despite against heathen for thy beauty heathen with thy hand heaven thy dwelling place <1KI8 -:30 > heaven thy dwelling place <1KI8 -:49 > heaven thy dwelling place <1KI8 -:43 > heaven thy dwelling place <1KI8 -:39 > heavens shall praise thy wonders here shall thy proud waves be stayed hid thy talent hide not thy commandments from me hide not thy face hide not thy face from me hide not thy face from me hide not thy face from thy servant hide thy face from my sins hidest thou thy face from me high is thy right hand high mountain hast thou set thy bed hills hear thy voice his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder his horses shall he tread down all thy streets his servants go with thy servant <2SA13 -:24 > his yoke from off thy neck hold not thy peace hold not thy peace hold not thy peace hold not thy peace at my tears hold thy peace hold thy peace hold thy peace hold thy peace hold thy peace hold thy peace at hold thy t holdest thy tongue when honour thy father honour thy father honour thy father honour thy father honour thy father honour thy father honour thy father honour thy father honourest thy sons above me <1SA2 -:29 > how beautiful are thy feet with shoes how fair is thy love how goodly are thy tents how great are thy works how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee how long wilt thou hide thy face from me how manifold are thy works how much better is thy love than wine how precious also are thy thoughts unto me how sweet are thy words unto my taste how thy cattle was with me how thy garments if thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment if thou be able on thy part <2KI18 -:23 > if thou be able on thy part if thou be surety for thy friend if thou save not thy life <1SA19 -:11 > if thou seek him with all thy heart if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour if thou shalt confess with thy mouth if thou turn away thy foot from if thy brother if thy brother if thy brother if thy brother if thy brother be waxen poor if thy brother be waxen poor if thy brother trespass against thee if thy children have sinned against him if thy children take heed <1KI2 -:4 > if thy children will keep my covenant if thy father at all miss me <1SA20 -:6 > if thy foot offend thee if thy hand offend thee if thy oblation if thy oblation if thy people go out <1KI8 -:44 > if thy people go out <2CH6 -:34 > if thy people israel be put <2CH6 -:24 > if thy presence go not if thy right eye offend thee if thy right hand offend thee if thy servant have found favour if thy whole body therefore incline my heart unto thy testimonies into thy bedchamber into thy hand into thy hands into thy houses into thy kneadingtroughs into thy mind into thy rest into thy resting place <2CH6 -:41 > iron upon thy neck is bought with thy money is thy counsellor perished is thy god isaac shall thy seed be called isaac shall thy seed be called isaac shall thy seed be called israel have forsaken thy covenant <1KI19 -:10 > israel have forsaken thy covenant <1KI19 -:14 > israel is slain upon thy high places <2SA1 -:19 > israel shall be thy name <1KI18 -:31 > israel thy law israel thy servants it may be well with me for thy sake it shall be abated from thy estimation it shall be thy part it shall be when thy son asketh thee it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it it shall bruise thy head it shall make thy belly bitter jacob thy father jewel on thy forehead joab thy brother <2SA2 -:22 > joy with thy countenance judge me by thy strength judge this thy so great <1KI3 -:9 > judge thy people <1KI3 -:9 > judge thy servants <1KI8 -:32 > judge thy servants <2CH6 -:23 > keep back thy servant also from presumptuous keep thy commandments <1CH29 -:19 > keep thy commandments keep thy father's commandment keep thy flock keep thy foot when thou goest keep thy heart with all diligence keep thy law continually for ever keep thy precepts keep thy precepts keep thy precepts keep thy precepts diligently keep thy solemn feasts keep thy soul diligently keep thy statutes keep thy tongue from evil keep thy word keep with thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:25 > keep with thy servant david my father <2CH6 -:16 > keepeth thy soul kept thy covenant kept thy law kept thy precepts kept thy word king greatly desire thy beauty king nebuchadnezzar thy father king thy judgments king thy lord <1SA26 -:15 > kingdoms thy shame kings like unto thee all thy days <1KI3 -:13 > kings shall be thy nursing fathers know thy abode <2KI19 -:27 > know thy abode know thy going out <2SA3 -:25 > know thy name will put their trust know thy pride <1SA17 -:28 > know thy rebellion know thy works know thy works know thy works know thy works know thy works know thy works know thy works knowest thy servant <2SA7 -:20 > knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul laban thy mother's brother land make thy father land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance land which he sware unto thy fathers land which thy fathers possessed land with thy whoredoms lay not innocent blood unto thy people lay thee down on thy bed <2SA13 -:5 > lay thine hand upon thy mouth lay thy foundations with sapphires lay thy hand upon her lay thy hands on her lead thy captivity captive leave not thy place leave there thy gift before leave thy fatherless children lengthen thy cords lest at any time thou dash thy foot against lest at any time thou dash thy foot against lest strangers be filled with thy wealth lest they depart from thy heart all lest thou dash thy foot against lest thou hear thy servant curse thee let all thy ways be established let down thy pitcher let her be thy master's son's wife let him be filthy still let it repent thee concerning thy servants let me hear thy voice let me pass through thy land let me pass through thy land let me see thy countenance let me see thy vengeance on them let me see thy vengeance on them let my sentence come forth from thy presence let my servants go with thy servants <1KI22 -:49 > let no man despise thy youth <1TI4 -:12 > let not thine anger burn against thy servant let not thy dread make me afraid let not thy god <2KI19 -:10 > let not thy god let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth let not thy soul spare for his crying let not thy thoughts trouble thee let not thy voice be heard among us let our lord now command thy servants <1SA16 -:16 > let such as love thy salvation say continually let such as love thy salvation say continually let them bring me unto thy holy hill let them not come into thy righteousness let them praise thy great let this land be given unto thy servants for let thy companies deliver thee let thy foreskin be uncovered let thy fountain be blessed let thy fountains be dispersed abroad let thy garments be always white let thy gifts be let thy hand be upon let thy head lack no ointment let thy heart cheer thee let thy house be like let thy judgments help me let thy lovingkindness let thy mercies come also unto me let thy mercy let thy mother's sons bow down let thy name be magnified for ever <2SA7 -:26 > let thy priests <2CH6 -:41 > let thy priests be clothed with righteousness let thy promise unto david my father be established <2CH1 -:9 > let thy saints rejoice <2CH6 -:41 > let thy saints shout for joy let thy salvation let thy seed possess let thy servant <2SA19 -:37 > let thy servant let thy servant abide instead let thy servants dwell let thy tender mercies come unto me let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us let thy widows trust let thy word <1KI22 -:13 > let thy word <1KI8 -:26 > let thy word be verified <2CH6 -:17 > let thy word therefore <2CH18 -:12 > let thy work appear unto thy servants let thy wrathful anger take hold levite thy brother lie again on thy right side lie thou also upon thy left side lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle lift up thy feet unto lift up thy hands toward him for lift up thy voice lift up thy voice lift up thy voice like lift up thy voice with strength lift up unto thy commandments liftest up thy voice for understanding light shall shine upon thy ways like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard like thy people <2SA7 -:23 > like thy people israel <1CH17 -:21 > like unto thy works likewise will go with thee into thy lot little wine for thy stomach's sake <1TI5 -:23 > locusts into thy coast longed for thy commandments look down from thy holy habitation look how thy brethren fare <1SA17 -:18 > loose thy shoe from off thy foot lord also hath put away thy sin <2SA12 -:13 > lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings lord by thy estimation lord called thy name lord doth make thy thigh lord fulfil all thy petitions lord hath blessed me for thy sake lord hath broken thy works <2CH20 -:37 > lord hath heard thy affliction lord hath not called thy name pashur lord hath rejected thy confidences lord hath said unto thy servants lord hath taken away thy judgments lord have established thy kingdom upon israel for ever <1SA13 - :13 > lord is upon thy cattle which lord pardon thy servant <2KI5 -:18 > lord perform thy words which thou hast prophesied lord recompense thy work lord shall be thy confidence lord shall be thy rereward lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow lord shall preserve thy going out lord shall return thy wickedness upon thine own head <1KI2 -: 44 > lord smite thy people <2CH21 -:14 > lord sware unto thy fathers lord sware unto thy fathers lord sware unto thy fathers lord thy god <1CH22 -:11 > lord thy god <1CH22 -:12 > lord thy god <1KI10 -:9 > lord thy god <1KI13 -:6 > lord thy god <1KI2 -:3 > lord thy god <1SA12 -:19 > lord thy god <1SA13 -:13 > lord thy god <1SA15 -:15 > lord thy god <1SA15 -:21 > lord thy god <1SA15 -:30 > lord thy god <1SA25 -:29 > lord thy god <2CH16 -:7 > lord thy god <2CH9 -:8 > lord thy god <2CH9 -:8 > lord thy god <2SA14 -:11 > lord thy god <2SA18 -:28 > lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god lord thy god accept thee <2SA24 -:23 > lord thy god add unto <2SA24 -:3 > lord thy god bare thee lord thy god be kindled against thee lord thy god be with thee lord thy god blesseth thee lord thy god bringeth thee into lord thy god brought lord thy god brought thee forth out lord thy god brought thee out lord thy god brought thee out thence through lord thy god careth for lord thy god chasteneth thee lord thy god commanded his servant moses lord thy god commanded thee <1KI13 -:21 > lord thy god commanded thee lord thy god did unto miriam by lord thy god did unto pharaoh lord thy god do unto all lord thy god doth drive them out from before thee lord thy god doth drive them out from before thee lord thy god doth give thee lord thy god enlarge thy coast lord thy god for lord thy god for any vow lord thy god from lord thy god from lord thy god gather thee lord thy god giveth t deu lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee lord thy god giveth thee not this good land lord thy god hardened his spirit lord thy god hateth lord thy god hath blessed thee lord thy god hath blessed thee lord thy god hath blessed thee lord thy god hath blessed thee lord thy god hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him lord thy god hath brought thee lord thy god hath cast them out from before thee lord thy god hath chosen lord thy god hath chosen lord thy god hath chosen him out lord thy god hath chosen thee lord thy god hath commanded thee lord thy god hath commanded thee lord thy god hath commanded thee lord thy god hath commanded thee lord thy god hath cut off lord thy god hath delivered it into thine hands lord thy god hath delivered them into thine hands lord thy god hath destroyed them from among you lord thy god hath divided unto all nations unde deu lord thy god hath driven thee lord thy god hath forbidden thee lord thy god hath given thee lord thy god hath given thee lord thy god hath given thee lord thy god hath given thee lord thy god hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about lord thy god hath given unto thee lord thy god hath heard <2KI19 -:4 > lord thy god hath heard lord thy god hath made thee as lord thy god hath not suffered thee so lord thy god hath pronounced this evil upon this place lord thy god hath scattered thee lord thy god hath set lord thy god led thee these forty years lord thy god liveth <1KI17 -:12 > lord thy god liveth <1KI18 -:10 > lord thy god loved thee lord thy god maketh with thee this day lord thy god may bless thee lord thy god may bless thee lord thy god may bless thee lord thy god may show us lord thy god promised him lord thy god redeemed thee lord thy god redeemed thee thence lord thy god require lord thy god said unto thee <1CH11 -:2 > lord thy god shall bless thee lord thy god shall bless thee lord thy god shall bless thee lord thy god shall bless thee lord thy god shall bring thee into lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall choose lord thy god shall cut off lord thy god shall deliver thee lord thy god shall deliver them before thee lord thy god shall deliver them unto thee lord thy god shall enlarge thy border lord thy god shall have brought thee into lord thy god shall keep unto thee lord thy god shall send thee lord thy god thrice lord thy god turned lord thy god unto thine handmaid <1KI1 -:17 > lord thy god upon lord thy god walketh lord thy god which he hath given thee lord thy god which he hath given thee lord thy god which teacheth thee lord thy god will be with thee <2SA14 -:17 > lord thy god will bring thee into lord thy god will circumcise thine heart lord thy god will hear lord thy god will hear all <2KI19 -:4 > lord thy god will hold thy right hand lord thy god will make thee plenteous lord thy god will put all these curses upon thine enemies lord thy god will put out those nations before thee by little lord thy god will raise up unto thee lord thy god will send lord thy god will set thee on high above all nations lord thy god will surely require it lord thy god will turn thy captivity lord thy god with lord thy god with all thine heart lord thy god with all thine heart lord thy god with all thine heart lord thy god with all thy heart lord thy god with all thy heart lord thy god with all thy heart lord thy god with all thy heart lord thy god with joyfulness lord thy god would not hearken unto balaam lord thy god year by year lord thy maker lord thy redeemer lord will make thy plagues wonderful lord will take away thy master from thy head <2KI2 -:3 > lord will take away thy master from thy head <2KI2 -:5 > lord with thy substance lord's thy god lose thy sweet words love thy commandments above gold love thy name love thy name be joyful love thy precepts love thy testimonies loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy lubim were thy helpers made thy forehead madest known unto them thy holy sabbath make fat thy bones make his throne greater than thy throne <1KI1 -:47 > make known thy faithfulness make not thy life as <1KI19 -:2 > make sure thy friend make thee understand what shall befall thy people make them afraid with thy storm make thine enemies thy footstool make thine enemies thy footstool make thine enemies thy footstool make thine enemies thy footstool make thine enemies thy footstool make thy battle more strong against <2SA11 -:25 > make thy bed make thy face make thy face make thy foes thy footstool make thy land desolate make thy league with me <2SA3 -:12 > make thy lewdness make thy name great make thy name known make thy seed as make thy servant know <2SA7 -:21 > make thy shadow as make thy sons go make thy supplication make thy way straight before my face makest thy boast makest thy boast makest thy nest man among thy children shalt thou redeem manasseh stir up thy strength may declare all thy works may know thy testimonies may learn thy commandments may praise thy name may show forth all thy praise me thy servant <1KI1 -:26 > meditate on all thy works meet thy god men are dead which sought thy life mercy unto thy servants <2CH6 -:14 > mercy which he sware unto thy fathers mercy with thy servants <1KI8 -:23 > might keep thy word might learn thy statutes mine eyes fail for thy salvation mine eyes fail for thy word money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after moreover by them is thy servant warned moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee moreover thou hast taken thy sons moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife morning shalt thou make thy seed morning since thy days morning sow thy seed morning with thy master's servants <1SA29 -:10 > moses thy servant <1KI8 -:53 > moses thy servant most high god gave nebuchadnezzar thy father mountains flowed down at thy presence mountains might flow down at thy presence much elder than thy father multiply thee above thy fathers multiply thy seed for my servant abraham's sake must abide at thy house my horses as thy horses <1KI22 -:4 > my mouth shall show forth thy praise my mouth shall show forth thy righteousness my people as thy people <1KI22 -:4 > my people as thy people <2CH18 -:3 > my people as thy people <2KI3 -:7 > my servants shall be with thy servants <1KI5 -:6 > my sin before thy father <1SA20 -:1 > my soul fainteth for thy salvation my soul hath kept thy testimonies my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul naboth shall dogs lick thy blood <1KI21 -:19 > nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known nations may tremble at thy presence nations thy nakedness needs bring thy son again unto needy praise thy name neither bereave thy nations any more neither blot out their sin from thy sight neither did thy fathers know neither did thy foot swell neither go into thy brother's house neither hast thou delivered thy people at all neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices neither have our steps declined from thy way neither have we hearkened unto thy servants neither hearken unto thy voice neither shall any man desire thy land neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling neither shall thy land any more be termed desolate neither shall thy moon withdraw itself neither shall thy name any more be called abram neither shall thy tears run down neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour neither shalt thou cause thy nations neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife neither shalt thou swear by thy head neither thy kinsmen never open thy mouth any more because night for thy son's mandrakes night thy hand was heavy upon me no man take thy crown nor hearkened unto thy commandments nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son nor lend him thy victuals for increase nor let thy countenance be changed nor prune thy vineyard nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant nor thy brethren nor thy cattle nor thy daughter nor thy daughter nor thy fat deu nor thy fathers' fathers have seen nor thy feet put into fetters <2SA3 -:34 > nor thy freewill offerings nor thy kingdom <1SA20 -:31 > nor thy maidservant nor thy maidservant nor thy manservant nor thy son nor thy son nor thy sons with thee nor thy stranger nor thy stranger nor thy ways nor with thy bow not after thy law not but for thy covetousness not decline from thy testimonies not declined from thy law not for filthy lucre <1PE5 -:2 > not for thy righteousness not forget thy law not forget thy statutes not he thy father not thy brother not thy wickedness great not with thy sword now also thy breasts shall be as clusters now joshua was clothed with filthy garments now let thy words come now lettest thou thy servant depart now therefore behold thy wife now thy mouth now thy shepherds which were with us <1SA25 -:7 > now thy two sons o continue thy lovingkindness unto them o let me not wander from thy commandments o satisfy us early with thy mercy o send out thy light o visit me with thy salvation occupy thy merchandise offer for thy cleansing offer for thy cleansing those things which moses commanded offer it now unto thy governor offer thy gift offer thy sin offering oh save me for thy mercies' sake on all thy father's house <1SA9 -:20 > on thy gates on thy glory on thy side <1CH12 -:18 > one generation shall praise thy works one hour is thy judgment come one on thy right hand one on thy right hand only let us be called by thy name only thy holy things which thou hast open thy doors open thy mouth open thy mouth open thy mouth for open thy mouth wide or abide by thy crib or accept thy person or against thy servants or for whatsoever thy soul desireth or thy daughter or thy friend or thy son or thy work or why dost thou set at nought thy brother or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens or wilt thou leave thy labour other on thy left hand our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary our fathers understood not thy wonders our feet shall stand within thy gates our sepulchres bury thy dead over thy head shall be brass paddle upon thy weapon paintedst thy eyes pass after all thy wickedness pass through thy land pass through thy land as pass when we came up unto thy servant my father passover at thy house with my disciples pay thy debt <2KI4 -:7 > pay thy vows unto peace be within thy walls people for thy life people might lightly have lien with thy wife people shall be separated from thy bowels people shall entreat thy favour perform thy statutes alway perform thy vows perish at thy presence pieces is come up before thy face pieces thy people pit cannot hope for thy truth place for thy dwelling for ever <2CH6 -:2 > plead thy cause pledge from thy brother for nought poll thee for thy delicate children possess it for thy righteousness posts hast thou set up thy remembrance pour out thy fury upon pour out thy wrath upon pouredst out thy fornications on every one praise thy glorious name <1CH29 -:13 > praise thy god praise thy name for ever praise thy name for thy lovingkindness praise thy power pray for thy servants unto <1SA12 -:19 > prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee <2CH6 -:19 > prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place <2CH6 -:20 > prayer which thy servant shall make toward this place <1KI8 -: 29 > prepare thy work without prosper thy way prove thy servants purely purge away thy dross put away evil from thy flesh put away thy wine from thee <1SA1 -:14 > put bracelets upon thy hands put forth thy riddle put hooks into thy jaws put it upon thy loins put not thy servant away put now thine hand into thy bosom put off thy shoe from thy foot put off thy shoes from off thy feet put off thy shoes from thy feet put on thy beautiful garments put on thy shoes upon thy feet put on thy strength put them upon thy neck put thine hand into thy bosom again put thou my tears into thy bottle put thy raiment upon thee put thy right hand upon his head put thy trust on egypt for chariots <2KI18 -:24 > put thy trust on egypt for chariots put up again thy sword into his place put up thy sword into put up thyself into thy scabbard puttest thy bottle quicken me after thy lovingkindness rain unto thy land raised up thy sons reach hither thy finger reach hither thy hand rebuke thy disciples receive thy brother's blood from thy hand receive thy sight receive thy sight redeem us for thy mercies' sake refrain thy foot from their path refrain thy voice from weeping rejoice at thy word remember all thy offerings remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom remember now thy creator remember thy congregation remember thy servants remove thy foot from evil remove thy stroke away from me remove thy way far from her restore thee unto thy place return for thy servants' sake return on thy way <1KI19 -:15 > return thou after thy sister return unto thy country return unto thy rest revive thy work righteous shall give thanks unto thy name sackcloth from off thy loins saith thy god saith thy god same time shall things come into thy mind sanctify them through thy truth sanctuary therein for thy name <2CH20 -:8 > sarah thy wife sarah thy wife shall bear thee sarah thy wife shall have satisfy thy soul saul thy father <2SA3 -:8 > saul thy father <2SA9 -:7 > save me for thy mercies' sake save thy people save thy people save thy servant savest by thy right hand them which put their trust say not unto thy neighbour say unto thy brethren scatter them by thy power sea by thy strength sea shall be troubled at thy departure see thy face see thy power see thy way see whether it be well with thy brethren seeing thou hast not withheld thy son seek thy face seek thy face seek thy life seek thy life seek thy life seek thy master <2KI2 -:16 > seek thy precepts seek thy servant seek thy soul <1SA25 -:29 > seeketh my life seeketh thy life <1SA22 -:23 > seen with joy thy people <1CH29 -:17 > sell me this day thy birthright send me david thy son <1SA16 -:19 > send my messenger before thy face send my messenger before thy face send my messenger before thy face send rain upon thy land <2CH6 -:27 > serve with thy sins served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters set darkness upon thy land set not thy mind on them <1SA9 -:20 > set thy face against set thy face against set thy face against gog set thy face against it set thy face against mount seir set thy face against pharaoh king set thy face against zidon set thy face toward set thy face toward set thy face toward jerusalem set upon thy throne settest me before thy face for ever seventy weeks are determined upon thy people shall break down thy high places shall bring thy destruction among shall come upon thy two sons <1SA2 -:34 > shall declare thy mighty acts shall have learned thy righteous judgments shall it declare thy truth shall keep thy foot from being taken shall keep thy law shall keep thy testimonies shall take away all thy labour shall take thy fair jewels shall thy god rejoice over thee shall thy jealousy burn like fire shall thy lovingkindness be declared shall thy seed also be numbered shall thy sons marry thee shall thy wonders be known shall thy wrath burn like fire shalt lift up thy face unto god shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings shalt serve thy brother she hath also born children unto thy brother nahor she shall be thy wife she thy companion shine upon thy sanctuary shine upon thy servant shine upon thy servant should thy lies make men hold their peace should we again break thy commandments shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant shouting for thy summer fruits show forth thy lovingkindness show me now thy way show me thy faith without thy works show me thy glory show me thy ways show thy marvellous lovingkindness show thy servant thy greatness show us thy mercy shut thy doors about thee sickle unto thy neighbour's standing corn silver into thy treasures sin worthy sing praise unto thy name for ever sing praises unto thy name sing praises unto thy name sing unto thy name six days thou shalt do thy work six years for thy cattle six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard six years thou shalt sow thy field six years thou shalt sow thy land slack not thy hand from thy servants slain thy people slain thy prophets with <1KI19 -:14 > slain thy prophets with <1KI19 -:10 > slew thy prophets which testified against them so didst thou lead thy people so persecute them with thy tempest so shall they be life unto thy soul so shall thy barns be filled with plenty so shall thy mother be childless among women <1SA15 -:33 > so shall thy poverty come so shall thy poverty come as one so shall thy seed be so shall thy seed be so shall thy servant do <2SA9 -:11 > so they shall bring out all thy wives so we thy people so will thy servant do <1KI2 -:38 > sodom thy sister hath not done solomon better than thy name <1KI1 -:47 > solomon thy son <1CH28 -:6 > son timothy <1TI1 -:17 > spake unto david thy father <1KI6 -:12 > spakest with thy mouth <2CH6 -:15 > spare thy people speak comfortably unto thy servants <2SA19 -:7 > speak unto aaron thy brother speakest against thy brother speckled shall be thy wages speech hath thy servant joab done this thing <2SA14 -:20 > spoiler is fallen upon thy summer fruits spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid stablish thy word unto thy servant stamp with thy foot stand by thy burnt offering stand here by thy burnt offering stand upon thy feet stand upon thy feet stand upright on thy feet stick unto thy scales stranger shall not drink thy wine strangers shall build up thy walls stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over stretch forth thy hand stretch out thy rod strong is thy dwellingplace strong is thy hand suffer not thy mouth suffer thy terrors sun shall be no more thy light by day surely thou shalt know what thy servant can do <1SA28 -:2 > surely we will return with thee unto thy people sware unto abraham thy father sword shall devour thy young lions sword shall pierce through thy own soul also sword thy daughters take away all thy tin take away thy coat take away thy fair jewels take back thy brethren <2SA15 -:20 > take not thy holy spirit from me take now for thy brethren an ephah <1SA17 -:17 > take now thy son take thou thy lord's servants <2SA20 -:6 > take thou unto thee aaron thy brother take thy take thy bill take thy bill take thy father's young bullock take thy rod take thy rod take thy wife take unto thee mary thy wife take up thy bed take up thy bed take up thy bed take up thy bed take up thy bed take up thy bed take up thy couch take up thy son <2KI4 -:36 > taketh away thy cloak forbid not taketh away thy goods ask tamar thy daughter teach me thy judgments teach me thy paths teach me thy statutes teach me thy statutes teach me thy statutes teach me thy statutes teach me thy statutes teach me thy statutes teach me thy way teach me thy way teach transgressors thy ways tell thy lord <1KI18 -:11 > tell thy lord <1KI18 -:14 > tell thy lord <1KI18 -:8 > tell thy servant <1SA23 -:11 > tell thy servants ten thousand at thy right hand thee one portion above thy brethren thee thy calkers thee thy great power their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore their daughters unto thy sons their queens thy nursing mothers them which have buried thy husband then had thy peace been as then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place <2CH6 -:30 > then shall thy light break forth as then shall thy light rise then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day then they will be thy servants for ever <1KI12 -:7 > then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure then thou shalt remember thy ways then thou shalt say unto thy son then thy brother should seem vile unto thee then thy elders then thy estimation shall be then thy estimation shall be then thy estimation shall be according then thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels then thy soul shall live there be with thy servants fifty strong men <2KI2 -:16 > there is no straw given unto thy servants there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings there thy mother brought thee forth therefore bear thou also thy lewdness therefore for thy name's sake lead me therefore hath thy servant found <2SA7 -:27 > therefore if thou bring thy gift therefore let thy words be few therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee therefore remove sorrow from thy heart therefore shall thy camp be holy therefore thou hast forsaken thy people therefore thou shalt deal kindly with thy servant <1SA20 -:8 > therefore thou shalt set thy face toward therefore thy gates shall be open continually therefore thy life shall go for his life <1KI20 -:42 > therefore thy servant hath found <1CH17 -:25 > therefore thy servant loveth it thereof unto thy estimation these thy cities these thy prophets <2CH18 -:22 > these thy servants <1KI10 -:8 > these thy servants <2CH9 -:7 > they are altogether become filthy they are cut off from thy hand they are far from thy law they hanged their shields upon thy walls round about they have cast fire into thy sanctuary they have kept thy word they have killed thy prophets they have made all thy they have made thy beauty perfect they have made void thy law they have seen thy goings they have taken crafty counsel against thy people they hear thy words they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom they may eat within thy gates they may seek thy name they might not obey thy voice they sat down at thy feet they serve not thy gods they set forth thy comeliness they shall break down thy walls they shall bring thy sons they shall cut down thy choice cedars they shall defile thy brightness they shall drink thy milk they shall eat thy fruit they shall eat up thy flocks they shall eat up thy vines they shall fill thy houses they shall impoverish thy fenced cities they shall keep thy charge they shall lay thy stones they shall make holy garments for aaron thy brother they shall take away thy nose they shall take thy sons they shall teach jacob thy judgments they should not enter into thy congregation they were counted worthy they were not called by thy name they which commit such things are worthy they will be thy servants for ever <2CH10 -:7 > thine eye be evil against thy poor brother thine hand unto thy servants <1SA25 -:8 > thine hand upon thy mouth thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice <1SA28 -:21 > thine iniquity are thy skirts discovered this evil against thy people this hath touched thy lips this land before thy people israel <2CH20 -:7 > this man doeth nothing worthy this night thy soul shall be required this thy day this thy kindness <2SA16 -:17 > this thy might this thy stature is like this thy voice <1SA24 -:16 > this thy voice <1SA26 -:17 > this thy wickedness thither cause thy mighty ones thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people thou art worthy thou art worthy thou camest forth with thy rivers thou commandedst thy servant moses thou didst blow with thy wind thou didst hide thy face thou draw out thy soul thou gavest also thy good spirit thou givest thy mouth thou hast also taken thy fair jewels thou hast appointed for thy servant gen thou hast been favourable unto thy land thou hast borne thy lewdness thou hast built thy high place at every head thou hast caused thy days thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason thou hast dealt well with thy servant thou hast declared thy strength among thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by thou hast done unto thy mother thou hast enlarged thy bed thou hast gained thy brother thou hast justified thy thou hast laid thy body as thou hast left thy father thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance thou hast made thy servant king instead <1KI3 -:7 > thou hast magnified thy mercy thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication thou hast multiplied thy merchants above thou hast opened thy mouth unto thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant <2SA7 -:28 > thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm thou hast showed thy people hard things thou hast showed unto thy servant david my father great mercy <1KI3 -:6 > thou hast spoken concerning thy servant <2SA7 -:25 > thou hast spoken concerning thy servant <1CH17 -:23 > thou hast stricken thy hand with thou hast taken away all thy wrath thou hidest thy face thou knowest thy father <2SA17 -:8 > thou leddest thy people like thou lose thy life thou makest thy ways perfect thou mayest bury thy dead thou mayest not eat within thy gates thou mightest bring them again unto thy law thou mightest receive thy sight thou offer not thy burnt offerings thou puttest thy nest thou renewest thy witnesses against me thou saidst unto thy servants thou saidst unto thy servants thou sellest thy people for nought thou sendest forth thy spirit thou sentest forth thy wrath thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets thou shalt be gathered into thy grave <2KI22 -:20 > thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck thou shalt bring thy father thou shalt come from thy place out thou shalt cover thy face thou shalt deliver me thy silver <1KI20 -:5 > thou shalt eat it within thy gates thou shalt guide me with thy counsel thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts thou shalt lie upon thy side thou shalt love thy neighbour thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself thou shalt make holy garments for aaron thy brother for glory thou shalt make thy prayer unto him thou shalt neither sow thy field thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever <1SA20 -:15 > thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury thou shalt not glean thy vineyard thou shalt not hate thy brother thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother thou shalt pay thy vows thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles thou shalt put them upon aaron thy brother thou shalt remove from thy place thou shalt see thy children's children thou shalt show thy son thou shalt sleep with thy fathers thou shalt sleep with thy fathers <2SA7 -:12 > thou shalt stretch forth thy hands thou shalt take thy rest thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children thou shalt visit thy habitation thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants thou spakest also with thy mouth <1KI8 -:24 > thou stretchedst out thy right hand thou therefore gird up thy loins thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies thou turnest thy spirit against god thou which hast kept with thy servant david my father <2CH6 -: 15 > thou wouldest deliver thy servant into <1KI18 -:9 > thou wouldest put thy name there <2CH6 -:20 > though thou rentest thy face with painting though thou set thy nest among though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as though thy beginning was small thousand shall fall at thy side through thy country through thy knowledge shall <1CO8 -:11 > through thy land into my place through thy name will we tread them under through thy precepts throw down all thy strong holds thus saith thy brother israel thus saith thy lord thus saith thy son joseph thy abominations thy acts <1KI10 -:6 > thy advice <1SA25 -:33 > thy backslidings shall reprove thee thy bag divers weights thy barn thy basket thy basket thy beard thy beautiful flock thy beauty thy bedchamber <2KI6 -:12 > thy bedchamber thy belly thy belly thy beloved may be delivered thy beloved may be delivered thy beloved more than thy beloved more than thy benefit should not be as it were thy billows are gone over me thy birth thy blessing thy blood <2SA1 -:16 > thy blood thy blood thy blood thy blood thy blood thy blood shall be thy blood shall be upon thine own head <1KI2 -:37 > thy body thy body thy body thy body thy body also thy body are consumed thy body will thy bondmaids thy bondwoman thy bone <1CH11 -:1 > thy bones thy book thy book all thy book which thou hast written thy border thy borders thy borders thy bosom <1KI1 -:2 > thy bosom thy bosom thy bosom thy bosom thy bow thy bow was made quite naked thy bowels <2CH21 -:15 > thy bowels <2SA7 -:12 > thy bowels thy bowels like thy bracelets thy bread thy bread thy bread have laid thy breasts thy brethren <1SA17 -:17 > thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren thy brethren also thy brethren are come unto thee thy brethren indeed come thy brethren stand without thy brethren stand without thy brethren within any thy brethren without seek for thee thy brightness thy brother <2SA13 -:20 > thy brother thy brother thy brother thy brother thy brother thy brother thy brother thy brother thy brother amnon's house <2SA13 -:7 > thy brother benhadad <1KI20 -:33 > thy brother came with subtlety thy brother esau thy brother esau thy brother hath ought against thee thy brother is come thy brother may live with thee thy brother shall rise again thy brother's thy brother's blood crieth unto me from thy brother's eye thy brother's eye thy brother's eye thy brother's nakedness thy brother's wife thy brow brass thy bruise thy bruise thy builders have perfected thy beauty thy bullock thy burnt offering thy burnt offerings thy calamity thy calf thy calkers thy camp thy camp thy captains as thy captives thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls thy carcase shall not come unto <1KI13 -:22 > thy casting down thy cattle thy cattle thy cattle thy cattle thy cattle thy chariot <1KI18 -:44 > thy chariots thy charity before <3JO1 -:6 > thy chastening thy cheeks are comely with rows thy children <1KI20 -:3 > thy children <1KI20 -:5 > thy children <2CH21 -:14 > thy children <2KI10 -:30 > thy children <2KI4 -:7 > thy children thy children thy children thy children thy children thy children thy children have forsaken me thy children like olive plants round about thy table thy children shall come again thy children shall make haste thy children take heed <1KI8 -:25 > thy children take heed <2CH6 -:16 > thy children walking <2JO1 -:4 > thy children within thee thy children's children thy children's for ever thy choicest valleys shall be full thy chosen thy circumcision is made uncircumcision thy cities thy cities are thy gods thy cities shall be laid waste thy cities shall not return thy cities were thy gods thy clemency thy clothes thy clothes thy cloud standeth over them thy coming <1SA29 -:6 > thy coming <2KI19 -:27 > thy coming <2SA3 -:25 > thy coming thy coming thy coming thy coming out thy coming unto <1SA29 -:6 > thy commandment thy commandments thy commandments thy commandments thy commandments thy commandments thy companion thy companions thy companions with thee thy con <2SA19 -:5 > thy conception thy concubines thy confederacy have brought thee thy confidence thy congregation hath dwelt therein thy congregations thy corn thy corn thy corn thy corn thy corn thy corn thy counsel determined before thy counsellors as at thy counsels thy countenance thy countenance thy countenance thy countenance thy countenance thy countenance sad thy countenance upon us thy country thy country thy country thy country thy courts thy courts thy cousin elisabeth thy covenant thy covenant thy covenant thy covering thy covetousness thy crowned thy cry thy cry hath filled thy curse thy curse unto them thy darkness thy daughter thy daughter thy daughter thy daughter thy daughter thy daughter is dead thy daughter is dead thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son thy daughter's daughter thy daughters <2SA19 -:5 > thy daughters thy daughters thy daughters thy daughters thy daughters thy daughters thy daughters thy daughters captives thy daughters shall be carried upon thy daughters shall be nursed at thy daughters shall fall by thy daughters shall return thy daughters should eat thy daughters with thee thy daughters with thee thy daughters with thee thy days <1KI11 -:12 > thy days <1SA25 -:28 > thy days thy days thy days thy days approach thy days as thy days may be lengthened thy days may be long upon thy days may be prolonged thy days may be prolonged thy dead thy desire thy desolate places thy destroyers thy destruction thy deu thy disciples thy disciples thy disciples also may see thy disciples do thy dogs thy doings thy doings thy doings thy doings have procured these thy dominion thy dominion thy dream thy due thy due thy dust thy dwelling thy dwelling shall be thy dwelling shall be with thy elders thy elect sister greet thee <2JO1 -:13 > thy estimation thy estimation thy estimation it shall stand thy estimation shall be thy estimation unto it thy estimation unto it thy ewes thy exceeding great reward thy excellency thy expectation shall not be cut off thy face thy face thy face thy face shalt thou eat bread thy fairs thy fairs thy fairs thy fairs with chief thy fairs with emeralds thy fairs with horses thy faith thy faith fail not thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath made thee whole thy faith hath saved thee thy faith hath saved thee thy faith may become effectual by thy faithfulness thy faithfulness thy faithfulness thy faithfulness thy faithfulness also thy faithfulness answer me thy faithfulness every night thy faithfulness round about thee thy faithfulness shalt thou establish thy fall thy fall thy fall thy father <1CH28 -:9 > thy father <1KI12 -:4 > thy father <1KI15 -:19 > thy father <1SA2 -:27 > thy father <1SA2 -:30 > thy father <1SA20 -:8 > thy father <2CH10 -:4 > thy father <2CH16 -:3 > thy father <2KI3 -:13 > thy father <2SA16 -:21 > thy father <2SA17 -:10 > thy father <2SA17 -:8 > thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father thy father all <1SA2 -:28 > thy father answer thee roughly <1SA20 -:10 > thy father certainly knoweth <1SA20 -:3 > thy father did command before he died thy father did put upon us <2CH10 -:9 > thy father hath thy father hath killed thy father hath left <1SA10 -:2 > thy father have prevailed above thy father light thy father made our yoke grievous <1KI12 -:4 > thy father made our yoke grievous <2CH10 -:4 > thy father made our yoke heavy <1KI12 -:10 > thy father made our yoke heavy <2CH10 -:10 > thy father straitly charged <1SA14 -:28 > thy father which is thy father which seeth thy father which seeth thy father's bed thy father's brother thy father's children shall bow down before thee thy father's friend thy father's house <1KI18 -:18 > thy father's house <1SA2 -:31 > thy father's house <1SA22 -:22 > thy father's house <2CH21 -:13 > thy father's house thy father's house for us thy father's house shall be destroyed thy father's house with fire thy father's house with thee shall bear thy father's nakedness thy father's near kinswoman thy father's presence <2SA16 -:19 > thy father's servant hitherto <2SA15 -:34 > thy father's sister thy father's sister thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover thy father's wife's daughter thy fathers <1KI13 -:22 > thy fathers <2CH34 -:28 > thy fathers thy fathers thy fathers thy fathers thy fathers thy fathers thy fathers thy fathers giveth thee thy fathers hath promised t deu thy fathers hath promised thee thy fathers hath said unto thee thy fathers shall be thy children thy fathers went down into egypt with threescore thy fathers which he sware unto them thy favour our horn shall be exalted thy fear thy fear thy fear thy fear will thy feast thy feet thy feet thy feet thy feet are sunk thy fellows thy fellowservant thy fellowservant thy field thy field thy field thy field when thou reapest thy fields for thy cattle thy fierce wrath goeth over me thy fifty <2KI1 -:10 > thy fifty <2KI1 -:12 > thy fig trees thy filthiness thy fingers thy first father hath sinned thy firstborn thy firstborn esau thy firstfruits green ears thy firstfruits unto thy flesh <1CH11 -:1 > thy flesh shall come again <2KI5 -:10 > thy flock thy flock thy flock thy flock thy flock have thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto thy flocks thy flocks thy flocks thy flocks multiply thy floor thy flowing valley thy folds thy foot have rest thy foot may be dipped thy foot shall not stumble thy foot unto thy footsteps are not known thy forehead strong against their foreheads thy former lovingkindnesses thy foundation shall be laid thy friend <2SA16 -:17 > thy friend thy friends thy friends have set thee on thy fury be turned away from thy city jerusalem thy fury upon jerusalem thy garments thy garments like him thy garments thou didst take thy gates thy gates thy gates thy gates thy gates thy gates thy gates out thy gates praise thy gates whatsoever deu thy gates which thy gentleness hath made me great <2SA22 -:36 > thy gentleness hath made me great thy glittering spear thy glory thy glory thy glory thy glory thy glory thy glory thy glory thy glory above all thy glory unto their children thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god thy god hath commanded thy strength thy god my god thy god reigneth thy god thy glory thy god which thy god whom thou servest continually thy gods thy gods thy gods thy gods will thy going out <1SA29 -:6 > thy going out <2KI19 -:27 > thy going out thy going out thy gold <1KI20 -:3 > thy gold <1KI20 -:5 > thy gold is multiplied thy good ointments thy name thy good pleasure unto zion thy goodness thy goodness for thy grandmother lois <2TI1 -:5 > thy grave <2CH34 -:28 > thy grave like an abominable branch thy graven images thy graven images also will thy great go thy great goodness thy great goodness thy great name <1KI8 -:42 > thy greatness thy ground thy ground thy hair thy hair thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand thy hand is lifted up thy hand presseth me sore thy hand toward ai thy hand under my thigh thy hand under my thigh thy handmaid thy handmaid had two sons <2SA14 -:6 > thy handmaid said <2SA14 -:15 > thy hands <2SA3 -:34 > thy hands thy hands thy hands thy hands thy hands thy hands have established thy hands have made me thy harps shall be no more heard thy harvest thy harvest thy harvest thou shalt not reap thy hatred against them thy head thy head thy head upon thy bed thy heart <1SA14 -:7 > thy heart thy heart thy heart thy heart thy heart thy heart thy heaven thy heels made bare thy help thy help thy herd thy herd thy herdmen thy herds thy herds thy herds thy herds thy herds or thy high places for sin thy hills thy hired servants thy holiness thy holiness have possessed thy holy child jesus thy holy cities are thy holy hill thy holy mountain thy holy name <1CH16 -:35 > thy holy one thy holy places thy holy temple thy holy temple have they defiled thy honour all thy hope thy hot displeasure thy hot displeasure thy hous thy house <1SA2 -:30 > thy house <2SA11 -:8 > thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house thy house by cutting off many people thy house into thy household thy household thy household thy household thy houses thy husband thy husband thy husband thy issue thy jaws thy judges thy judges shall come forth thy judgment <1KI20 -:40 > thy judgment thy judgment as thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments thy judgments have thy keeper thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me thy kindred thy kindred thy kindred thy kindred thy kindred thy kine thy kine thy kine thy kine thy king cometh thy king cometh unto thee thy king cometh unto thee thy king which thou shalt set over thee thy kingdom <2CH7 -:18 > thy kingdom thy kingdom thy kingdom thy kingdom thy kingdom thy kingdom thy kingdom thy kingdom come thy kingdom come thy kingdom is divided thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee <2SA7 -: 16 > thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee thy kingdom upon israel for ever <1KI9 -:5 > thy knowledge thy labour thy labour which thou takest under thy labours thy labours thy labours out thy land <2SA24 -:13 > thy land <2SA24 -:13 > thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land thy land be not defiled thy land beulah thy land powder thy land shall thy land shall be divided by line thy land shall be married thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies thy land thou shalt bring into thy land thou shalt bring unto thy land which thy land within thy gates thy latter end thy law thy law thy law thy law thy law thy law thy law thy law thy law do thy left <2SA2 -:21 > thy left hand thy lewd way thy life thy life thy life thy life thy life thy life thy life thy life thy life shall be increased thy life shall be many thy life shall hang thy lifetime receivedst thy good things thy light thy light shall we see light thy lips <2KI19 -:28 > thy lips thy lips thy lips thy lips thy lips thy lips from speaking guile thy lips may keep knowledge thy lips thou shalt keep thy lips with rejoicing thy liquors thy loins <1KI8 -:19 > thy loins <2CH6 -:9 > thy loins thy longsuffering thy lord thy lord thy lord thy lord's house thy lord's house silver or gold thy lords thy lot thy lot thy lot among us thy lot at thy love <2SA1 -:26 > thy love thy love thy lovers shall go into captivity thy lovingkindness thy lovingkindness thy lovingkindness thy lovingkindness thy lovingkindnesses thy maid thy maidservant thy maidservant thy maidservant thy majesty thy majesty thy majesty ride prosperously because thy making thy making thy manifold mercies forsookest them not thy manifold mercies thou gavest them saviours thy manner from thy youth thy manservant thy manservant thy manservant thy manservant thy mariners thy market thy market thy market thy market wheat thy martyr stephen was shed thy master <2KI18 -:27 > thy master thy master's son <2SA16 -:3 > thy master's son may have food <2SA9 -:10 > thy master's wives into thy bosom <2SA12 -:8 > thy matters <2SA15 -:3 > thy matters <2SA19 -:29 > thy measures from me thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt thy meat which thou shalt eat thy members should perish thy members should perish thy memorial thy men <1KI10 -:8 > thy men <1SA28 -:1 > thy men thy men shall fall by thy merchandise thy merchandise thy merchandise thy merchandise thy merchandise they have filled thy merchant thy merchant thy merchant by reason thy merchant by reason thy merchants thy merchants thy merchants thy merchants thy merchants thy merchants thy merchants thy merchants thy mercies thy mercies toward me thy merciful kindness be for my comfort thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy thy mercy cut off mine enemies thy mercy hast led forth thy mercy hear me thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake thy mercy toward me thy messengers shall no more be heard thy messengers which thou sentest unto me thy might thy might from among them thy mighty thy mighty thy mighty hand <2CH6 -:32 > thy mighty hand thy mighty men thy mind thy ministry <2TI4 -:5 > thy mischief <2SA16 -:8 > thy mistress thy molten images thy money perish with thee thy mother <2KI3 -:13 > thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother thy mother an hittite thy mother eunice <2TI1 -:5 > thy mother jezebel <2KI9 -:22 > thy mother shall be glad thy mother's daughter thy mother's nakedness <1SA20 -:30 > thy mother's near kinswoman thy mother's sister thy mother's sister thy mourning shall be ended thy mouth <1KI17 -:24 > thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth thy mouth fire thy mouth from her thy mouth like thy mouth sweet as honey thy nakedness be not discovered thereon thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers thy nakedness do not appear thy nakedness shall be uncovered thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name thy name be sown thy name done many wonderful works thy name have cast out devils thy name is near thy wondrous works declare thy name may be magnified for ever <1CH17 -:24 > thy name shall be called no more jacob thy name shall not be called any more jacob thy name shall they rejoice all thy name unto all thy name we go against this multitude <2CH14 -:11 > thy nation thy nativity thy nativity thy nativity thy nativity thy navel thy navel thy neck thy neck thy neck thy neck thy neck thy neck thy neck with chains thy needy thy neighbour <1SA28 -:17 > thy neighbour thy neighbour thy neighbour thy neighbour as thyself thy neighbour's thy neighbour's thy neighbour's hand thy neighbours by extortion thy neighings thy nobles shall dwell thy nose <2KI19 -:28 > thy nose thy nose thy nose like apples thy nostrils thy nostrils thy obedience thy oil thy palaces shall be spoiled thy pasture thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever thy path thy paths thy paths thy paths drop fatness thy patience thy patience thy peace offerings thy people <1CH29 -:18 > thy people <1KI8 -:51 > thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people thy people also thy people are called by thy name thy people for an inheritance <1KI8 -:36 > thy people for his people <1KI20 -:42 > thy people have found grace thy people is scattered upon thy people israel <1KI8 -:34 > thy people israel <1KI8 -:36 > thy people israel <1KI8 -:41 > thy people israel <1KI8 -:43 > thy people israel <1KI8 -:30 > thy people israel <1KI8 -:52 > thy people israel <2CH6 -:21 > thy people israel <2CH6 -:25 > thy people israel <2CH6 -:27 > thy people israel <2CH6 -:32 > thy people israel <2CH6 -:33 > thy people israel thy people may eat thy people may rejoice thy people say thy people shall exalt themselves thy people shall speak unto thee thy people still are talking against thee by thy people which thou hast chosen <1KI3 -:8 > thy people with pestilence thy person thy petition <1SA1 -:17 > thy petition thy petition thy petition thy pilots thy pilots thy pitcher thy pitcher thy place <2SA15 -:19 > thy place thy plague thy plants thy plants are gone over thy pleasures thy pomp is brought down thy poor thy poor thy poor for ever thy poor with judgment thy portion thy portion thy possession <2CH20 -:11 > thy possession thy pound thy pound hath gained five pounds thy pound hath gained ten pounds thy pouring out thy power thy power thy power thy power thy power thy power preserve thou those thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee thy praise <1CH16 -:35 > thy praise thy praise thy praise thy praise all thy praise unto thy prayer is heard thy prayers thy precepts thy precepts thy precepts thy presence <2CH20 -:9 > thy presence <2SA16 -:19 > thy presence thy presence thy presence thy presence thy presence from thy presses shall burst out with new wine thy pride thy pride thy princes thy princes eat thy princes eat thy profiting may appear <1TI4 -:15 > thy prophets thy prophets are like thy prophets have seen vain thy prosperity thy quiver thy rage against me <2KI19 -:27 > thy rage against me thy raiment thy raiment waxed not old upon thee thy ransom thy record is not true thy redeemer thy redeemer thy redeemer thy redeemer thy redeemer thy redeemer thy remembrance unto all generations thy remnant shall fall by thy renown thy renown went forth among thy request thy request thy request thy residue shall be devour thy reward shall return upon thine own head thy riches thy riches thy riches thy riches thy riches thy right hand thy right hand thy right hand thy right hand thy right hand thy right hand thy right hand hath holden me up thy right hand is full thy right hand or <2SA2 -:21 > thy right hand shall find out those thy right hand shall hold me thy right hand shall save me thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things thy right hand upholdeth me thy righteous judgments thy righteous judgments thy righteous judgments thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness thy righteousness all thy righteousness also thy righteousness as thy righteousness because thy righteousness prosperous thy righteousness shall go before thee thy righteousness shall they be exalted thy righteousness unto thy ripe fruits thy rising thy rivers thy rivers thy rivers thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales thy robe <1SA24 -:11 > thy robe <1SA24 -:11 > thy rod thy rod thy room <1KI19 -:16 > thy room <1KI5 -:5 > thy rowers have brought thee into great waters thy sacrifices thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon thy saints at jerusalem thy saints shall bless thee thy saints unto thy salutation sounded thy salvation <1SA2 -:1 > thy salvation <2SA22 -:36 > thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation thy salvation all thy salvation cometh thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice thy saving health among all nations thy saviour thy saviour thy saviour thy saying <1KI20 -:4 > thy saying thy sayings thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed thy seed after thee thy seed after thee thy seed after thee thy seed after thee thy seed after thee thy seed after thee thy seed after thee will thy seed also had been as thy seed for ever <1SA20 -:42 > thy seed for ever thy seed from thy seed from thy seed may live thy seed pass through thy seed shall all thy seed shall all thy seed shall all thy seed shall all thy seed shall be thy seed shall be as thy seed shall inherit thy seed shall possess thy seed which thou hast sown thy seed will thy seed with thee thy seed's seed thy servant <1CH17 -:18 > thy servant <1CH17 -:27 > thy servant <1CH21 -:8 > thy servant <1KI11 -:11 > thy servant <1KI3 -:8 > thy servant <1KI8 -:28 > thy servant <1KI8 -:30 > thy servant <1KI8 -:52 > thy servant <2CH6 -:19 > thy servant <2CH6 -:21 > thy servant <2KI16 -:7 > thy servant <2KI5 -:15 > thy servant <2KI8 -:13 > thy servant <2SA15 -:2 > thy servant <2SA15 -:34 > thy servant <2SA18 -:29 > thy servant <2SA24 -:10 > thy servant <2SA7 -:27 > thy servant <2SA7 -:29 > thy servant <2SA9 -:2 > thy servant <2SA9 -:8 > thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant thy servant at <1KI20 -:9 > thy servant be blessed for ever <2SA7 -:29 > thy servant benhadad saith <1KI20 -:32 > thy servant david be established before thee <2SA7 -:26 > thy servant david hast said thy servant did fear <2KI4 -:1 > thy servant did meditate thy servant fear <1KI18 -:12 > thy servant hath certainly heard <1SA23 -:10 > thy servant hath found grace thy servant hath sheepshearers <2SA13 -:24 > thy servant jacob thy servant jacob saith thus thy servant jacob's thy servant jesse <1SA17 -:58 > thy servant kept his father's sheep <1SA17 -:34 > thy servant my father thy servant my father said unto us thy servant my husband is dead <2KI4 -:1 > thy servant our father thy servant our father with sorrow thy servant shall have peace <1SA20 -:7 > thy servant slew both <1SA17 -:36 > thy servant so long as <1SA29 -:8 > thy servant solomon <1KI1 -:26 > thy servant this day thy servant two mules' burden <2KI5 -:17 > thy servant uriah <2SA11 -:21 > thy servant uriah <2SA11 -:24 > thy servant went no whither <2KI5 -:25 > thy servant went out into <1KI20 -:39 > thy servant will go <1SA17 -:32 > thy servant will go <2SA19 -:36 > thy servant's house for <1CH17 -:17 > thy servant's house for <2SA7 -:19 > thy servants <1KI2 -:39 > thy servants <1KI20 -:6 > thy servants <1KI8 -:36 > thy servants <2CH2 -:10 > thy servants <2CH34 -:16 > thy servants <2CH6 -:27 > thy servants <2KI10 -:5 > thy servants <2KI18 -:26 > thy servants <2SA15 -:15 > thy servants <2SA9 -:10 > thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants thy servants are no spies thy servants can skill <2CH2 -:8 > thy servants have cattle thy servants have gathered <2KI22 -:9 > thy servants have taken thy servants have they given thy servants it be found thy servants shall bring down thy servants shall continue thy servants should do according thy servants will do as my lord commandeth thy servants' trade hath been about cattle from our youth even until now thy shade upon thy right hand thy shame thy shame thy shame may appear thy shame shall be seen thy sharp sickle thy she goats have not cast their young thy sheep thy sheep thy sheep thy sheep thy sheep thy sheep thy sheep thy sheep thy shepherds slumber thy shield thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot thy shoes thy sickle thy siege thy sight <1SA1 -:18 > thy sight <2KI1 -:14 > thy sight <2KI20 -:3 > thy sight <2SA14 -:22 > thy sight <2SA16 -:4 > thy sight <2SA7 -:19 > thy sight <2SA7 -:9 > thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight thy sight because thy sight shall no man living be justified thy sight when once thou art angry thy signet thy silver <1KI20 -:3 > thy silver thy silver is become dross thy sin purged thy sins thy sins thy sins thy sins are forgiven thy sins are forgiven thee thy sins be forgiven thee thy sins be forgiven thee thy sins be forgiven thee thy sins were increased thy sins were increased thy sister thy sister thy sister thy sister thy sister samaria thy sister sodom thy sister's cup deep thy sisters thy skirts thy skirts is found thy slain thy sleep thy sleep shall be sweet thy son <1KI11 -:12 > thy son <1KI3 -:22 > thy son <1KI3 -:22 > thy son <1KI3 -:23 > thy son <1KI5 -:5 > thy son <2KI16 -:7 > thy son thy son thy son thy son thy son thy son thy son thy son also may glorify thee thy son benhadad king <2KI8 -:9 > thy son david <1SA25 -:8 > thy son fall <2SA14 -:11 > thy son for david my servant's sake <1KI11 -:13 > thy son joseph cometh unto thee thy son liveth <1KI17 -:23 > thy son liveth thy son liveth thy son liveth thy son solomon <1KI1 -:12 > thy son's coat or no thy son's daughter thy son's mandrakes thy son's son thy son's son thy son's son also thy son's wife thy songs thy songs thy sons <1CH17 -:11 > thy sons <1SA28 -:19 > thy sons <2KI20 -:18 > thy sons <2SA19 -:5 > thy sons <2SA9 -:10 > thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons thy sons for ever thy sons have fainted thy sons shall come from far thy sons shall sit on <2KI15 -:12 > thy sons shalt thou give unto me thy sons thou shalt redeem thy sons walk not <1SA8 -:5 > thy sons with thee thy sons with thee shall bear thy sons with thee shall keep your priest's office for every thing thy sons' due thy sons' due thy sons' sons thy sons' with thee thy sons' wives with thee thy sons' wives with thee thy sorceries thy sorceries thy sorrow thy soul <1SA23 -:20 > thy soul thy soul thy soul thy soul desireth <1KI11 -:37 > thy soul liveth <1SA1 -:26 > thy soul liveth <1SA17 -:55 > thy soul liveth <1SA20 -:3 > thy soul liveth <1SA25 -:26 > thy soul liveth <2KI2 -:2 > thy soul liveth <2KI2 -:4 > thy soul liveth <2KI2 -:6 > thy soul liveth <2KI4 -:30 > thy soul liveth <2SA14 -:19 > thy soul lusted after are departed from thee thy soul may bless me thy soul may bless me thy soul shall live thy speech thy speech agreeth thy speech shall be low out thy speech shall whisper out thy spirit thy spirit thy spirit be upon me <2KI2 -:9 > thy spoil shall be divided thy staff thy staff they comfort me thy standing images out thy statutes <1CH29 -:19 > thy statutes thy statutes thy statutes thy statutes thy statutes thy statutes have been my songs thy stead he might have ministered unto me thy steps shall not be straitened thy stewardship thy stiff neck thy sting <1CO15 -:55 > thy store thy store thy storehouses thy stranger thy stranger thy strangers thy strangers shall be like small dust thy strength <2CH6 -:41 > thy strength thy strength thy strength thy strength thy strength thy strength thy strength out thy strength unto thy holy habitation thy stretched out arm <1KI8 -:42 > thy stretched out arm <2CH6 -:32 > thy strong garrisons shall go down thy strong hand <1KI8 -:42 > thy substance thy sun shall no more go down thy supplication <1KI9 -:3 > thy supplications thy tabernacle thy tabernacle thy tabernacle for ever thy tabernacles thy tabernacles thy tabernacles thy tabernacles thy tabrets thy tacklings are loosed thy taste thy teachers have transgressed against me thy tears <2TI1 -:4 > thy teeth thy teeth thy temple thy temple at jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee thy temples thy temples within thy locks thy tender mercies thy tender mercies thy tender mercies thy tender mercies blot outmy transgres thy tent thy tents thy terrible acts thy terribleness hath deceived thee thy terrors have cut me off thy testimonies <1CH29 -:19 > thy testimonies thy testimonies thy testimonies thy testimonies thy testimonies thy testimonies thy testimonies also thy testimonies also before kings thy testimonies are very sure thy testimonies have thy thighs thy thought thy thoughts thy thoughts are very deep thy thoughts came thy thoughts shall be established thy throat thy throat from thirst thy throne thy throne thy throne thy throne thy throne from generation thy throne shall be established for ever <2SA7 -:16 > thy thummim thy thunder thy thunder they hasted away thy timber thy time thy times thy tongue deviseth mischiefs thy tongue frameth deceit thy towers thy traffic thy tranquillity thy transgressions thy transgressions be multiplied thy treasures thy treasures will thy tribes thy trouble thy trust <1TI6 -:20 > thy trust may be thy truth thy truth thy truth thy truth thy truth thy truth thy truth thy truth thy truth continually preserve me thy truth from thy truth unto thy tumult thy tumult is come up into mine ears <2KI19 -:28 > thy turtledove unto thy two breasts thy two breasts thy two daughters thy two sons also <1SA4 -:17 > thy urim thy valleys thy vanity thy vanity thy vessel thy vesture thy victory <1CO15 -:55 > thy victuals thy vine undressed thy vine undressed thy vineyard thy vineyard thy vineyard thy viols thy viols thy visitation thy visitation cometh thy visitation hath preserved my spirit thy voice <1SA25 -:35 > thy voice thy voice thy voice thy voice shall be thy vows thy vows thy vows which thou vowest thy wages thy wages thy walls thy walls are thy walls shall he bring down thy walls shall shake at thy want as an armed man thy want as an armed man thy watchmen thy watchmen shall lift up thy water thy water thy water thy waterspouts thy waves passed over me thy way thy way thy way thy way thy way thy way thy way may be known upon earth thy way safely thy ways <1SA8 -:5 > thy ways <2CH6 -:31 > thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways thy ways from thy wealth thy weapons thy whole body also is full thy whole body shall be full thy whole body shall be full thy whole body should be cast into hell thy whole body should be cast into hell thy whoredom thy whoredom thy whoredoms thy whoredoms thy whoredoms thy whoredoms thy whoredoms shall be discovered thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered thy wicked heart thy wickedness thy wickedness thy wickedness thy widowhood any more thy wife <2SA12 -:9 > thy wife thy wife thy wife thy wife thy wife thy wife thy wife thy wife thy wife elisabeth shall bear thee thy wife shall be an harlot thy will be done thy will be done thy will be done thy wine thy wine thy wine thy wine thy wine thy wine thy wine mixed with water thy winepress thy wings thy wings thy wings will thy wings will thy wisdom <1KI10 -:6 > thy wisdom <1KI10 -:7 > thy wisdom <1KI2 -:6 > thy wisdom <2CH9 -:5 > thy wisdom thy wisdom thy wisdom was not told me <2CH9 -:6 > thy wise thy wise thy wish thy wives <1KI20 -:5 > thy wives <2CH21 -:14 > thy wives <2SA19 -:5 > thy wives thy wives also <1KI20 -:3 > thy womb thy womb thy womb thy womb thy wonderful works thy wonders thy wondrous works thy wondrous works thy wood unto thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word thy word have thy word is settled thy word is truth thy word unto thy servant thy word was unto me thy words <1KI3 -:12 > thy words <1SA15 -:24 > thy words thy words thy words thy words thy words be true <2SA7 -:28 > thy words giveth light thy words have upholden him thy words were found thy words were heard thy works thy works thy works thy works thy works thy works thy works thy works thy wound thy wound is grievous thy wrath thy wrath thy wrath thy wrath thy wrath thy wrath against thy wrath is come thy wrath lieth hard upon me thy years thy years as man's days thy years shall have no end thy years shall not fail thy years unto thy young children thy younger thy younger sister thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth thy youth is renewed like thy zeal thyself thy people israel <2SA7 -:24 > tie them about thy neck till he fill thy mouth with laughing till thy people pass over time thy people shall together become filthy tookest thy broidered garments truth against thy holy child jesus truth shall go before thy face tumult arise among thy people turn away thy captivity turn away thy wrath from them turn from thy fierce wrath turned my feet unto thy testimonies uncover thy locks under thy hand under thy tongue unlearned say amen at thy giving <1CO14 -:16 > unless thy law until thy bowels fall out by reason <2CH21 -:15 > until thy brother's anger turn away from thee until thy brother's fury turn away until thy high until thy wrath be past until we be past thy borders unto thy brother's wife unto thy father's concubines <2SA16 -:21 > unto thy gates unto thy judgments at all times unto thy neighbour <2SA12 -:11 > unto thy peace unto thy people israel unto thy seed unto thy seed for ever <2KI5 -:27 > unto thy seed have unto thy seed will unto thy seed will unto thy seed will unto thy servant <1KI1 -:27 > unto thy servants unto thy soul unto thy years up within thy gates uphold me according unto thy word upon all thy servants upon thy beard upon thy bed upon thy bed upon thy belly shalt thou go upon thy father's house upon thy gates upon thy head <2SA1 -:16 > upon thy holy city upon thy loins upon thy people upon thy people upon thy people upon thy people upon thy people upon thy people upon thy right hand did stand upon thy seed for ever upon thy servants upon thy servants upon thy sons <2KI4 -:4 > upon thy strings against upon thy vintage upon thy walls round about uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens valleys with thy height verily it shall be well with thy remnant very far country thy servants are come because very worthy deeds are done unto this nation by thy providence vineyard which thy right hand hath planted violence against thy brother jacob shame shall cover thee violently taken away from before thy face wait on thy god continually walk humbly with thy god wall upon thy servants <2SA11 -:24 > war against thy walls was counted worthy wash away thy sins wash thy face wash thy feet <2SA11 -:8 > wash thy self therefore wasting nor destruction within thy borders waters thy merchandise waters with thy feet we are called by thy name we should give bread unto thy men we will call upon thy name we will not serve thy gods we will remember thy love more than wine we will show forth thy praise wealthy nation well with thy husband <2KI4 -:26 > were thy pilots what do thy eyes wink at what is thy name what wilt thou do unto thy great name when he shall enter into thy gates when it shall come for my hire before thy face when thou comest into thy neighbour's vineyard when thou dost lend thy brother any thing when thou goest on thy way <1SA28 -:22 > when thou hast shut thy door when thou hast taught me thy statutes when thou shalt receive thy sisters when thou wentest forth before thy people when thy days be expired <1CH17 -:11 > when thy days be fulfilled <2SA7 -:12 > when thy father cometh <2SA13 -:5 > when thy feet enter into <1KI14 -:12 > when thy flesh when thy king when thy king when thy lips speak right things when thy neighbour hath put thee when thy people israel be smitten down before <1KI8 -:33 > when thy sayings come when thy sisters when thy son asketh thee when thy wares went forth out where is thy father where thou sowedst thy seed whereby thy brother stumbleth wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes <2KI5 -:8 > wherefore have thy servants set my field on fire <2SA14 -:31 > wherefore hidest thou thy face wherefore hidest thou thy face wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face wherefore should god be angry at thy voice wherefore smitest thou thy fellow wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord <1SA26 -:15 > wherefore then should thy servant be yet <2SA19 -:35 > wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth wherein thy great strength which chemosh thy god giveth thee which chose me before thy father <2SA6 -:21 > which do err from thy commandments which hast judged thy sisters which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand which hath devoured thy living with harlots which he sware unto thy fathers which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release which my father took from thy father <1KI20 -:34 > which neither thou nor thy fathers have known which neither thy fathers which shall prepare thy way before thee which shall prepare thy way before thee which shall prepare thy way before thee which should be set on thy table which sought thy life <2SA4 -:8 > which this day have saved thy life <2SA19 -:5 > which thou broughtest out by thy mighty power which thou commandedst thy servant moses which thou hast commanded by thy servants which thou hast given unto thy people for an inheritance <2CH6 -:27 > which thou hast promised with thy mouth which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness which thou hast showed unto thy servant which thou hast spoken unto thy servant david <2CH6 -:17 > which thou spakest unto thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:26 > which thy fathers have laid up <2KI20 -:17 > which thy fathers have laid up which thy fathers have set which thy fathers knew not which thy servant did perversely <2SA19 -:19 > which thy servant prayeth before thee <1KI8 -:28 > whither is thy beloved gone whither is thy beloved turned aside who hast kept with thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:24 > who hast set thy glory above who healeth all thy diseases who is worthy who is worthy who redeemeth thy life from destruction who satisfieth thy mouth with good whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power whom thy brethren shall praise whoring from thy god whose belly thou fillest with thy hid whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake why are thy valiant why do thy disciples transgress why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people why is thy countenance fallen why is thy heart grieved <1SA1 -:8 > why is thy spirit so sad <1KI21 -:5 > why should he take away thy bed from under thee why shouldest thou die before thy time why trimmest thou thy way why walk not thy disciples according why wentest thou not with thy friend <2SA16 -:17 > why withdrawest thou thy hand wicked ones thy ways widow at thy father's house will add unto thy days fifteen years <2KI20 -:6 > will add unto thy days fifteen years will also draw for thy camels will also forget thy children will also make thy officers peace will also water with thy blood will be thy destruction will be thy king will be thy plagues will be thy servant <2SA15 -:34 > will be with thy mouth will be with thy mouth will behold thy face will bless thy name for ever will break his yoke from off thy neck will bring thy seed from will burst thy bonds will burst thy bonds will clothe him with thy robe will commit thy government into his hand will consider thy testimonies will consume thy filthiness out will cut off thy horses out will cut off thy prey from will declare thy greatness will declare thy name unto my brethren will declare thy name unto my brethren will declare thy righteousness will destroy thy chariots will destroy thy mother will discover thy nakedness unt will discover thy skirts upon thy face will do all thy desire concerning timber <1KI5 -:8 > will drive thee from thy station will dry up thy rivers will gather all thy lovers will gather thee unto thy fathers <2KI22 -:20 > will give it unto thy seed will give thy camels drink also will give thy camels drink also will give thy flesh unto <1SA17 -:44 > will give thy substance will give unto thy seed all these countries will glorify thy name for evermore will go into thy house with burnt offerings will greatly multiply thy sorrow will have respect unto thy statutes continually will he esteem thy riches will hedge up thy way with thorns will keep thy precepts with will keep thy righteous judgments will keep thy statutes will keep thy statutes will kill thy root with famine will lay down my life for thy sake will lay thy cities waste will lay thy flesh upon will lay thy stones with fair colours will lengthen thy days <1KI3 -:14 > will look again toward thy holy temple will make them savoury meat for thy father will make thy grave will make thy hoofs brass will make thy house like <1KI16 -:3 > will make thy name will make thy seed will make thy seed as will make thy tongue cleave will make thy windows will multiply thy seed as will multiply thy seed exceedingly will never forget thy precepts will no more give thy corn will not do it for david thy father's sake <1KI11 -:12 > will not forget thy word will not hearken unto thy words will not remember thy sins will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings will open thy mouth will pass through all thy flock will plead thy cause will pluck up thy groves out will pour my spirit upon thy seed will praise thy name will praise thy name will praise thy name for ever will raise up thy lovers against thee will raise up thy seed after thee <1CH17 -:11 > will recompense thy ways upon thee will remember thy wonders will remove thy candlestick out will restore thy judges as at will save thy children will see thy face again no more will seek thy good will serve thee seven years for rachel thy younger daughter will set thy bounds from will set up thy seed after thee <2SA7 -:12 > will set upon thy throne <1KI5 -:5 > will show forth all thy marvellous works will sing praises unto thy name <2SA22 -:50 > will slay thy son will smite all thy borders with frogs will smite thy bow out will surely show thee kindness for jonathan thy father's sake <2SA9 -:7 > will take away thy posterity <1KI21 -:21 > will take thy wives before thine eyes <2SA12 -:11 > will wait on thy name will worship toward thy holy temple wilt thou hold thy peace wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake wind shall eat up all thy pastors wisdom shall see thy name with all boldness they may speak thy word with all thy getting get understanding with all thy might with all thy mind with all thy mind with all thy mind with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy soul with all thy strength with all thy strength with all thy waves with his axes he shall break down thy towers with thy with thy blessing let <2SA7 -:29 > with thy bow <2KI6 -:22 > with thy children after thee with thy children after thee with thy children after thee for ever with thy estimation with thy estimation with thy estimation by shekels with thy fathers <1CH17 -:11 > with thy foot with thy glory with thy hand with thy heart <2KI10 -:15 > with thy holy one with thy likeness with thy lips with thy might with thy oliveyard with thy servants <2CH2 -:8 > with thy servants with thy sheep with thy spirit <2TI4 -:22 > with thy strong hand thou opposest thyself against me with thy wickedness with thy wisdom with whomsoever thou findest thy gods withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me withhold thy foot from being unshod within thy gates within thy gates within thy gates within thy gates within thy gates within thy gates within thy gates witness against thy neighbour without cause word unto thy servant workman is worthy world was not worthy world were discovered at thy rebuke worship before thy feet worship toward thy holy temple worthy is worthy man <1KI1 -:52 > worthy name by worthy portion <1SA1 -:5 > would keep thy words wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword <2KI6 -:22 > year all thy males shall appear before year shall all thy males appear before year with thy goodness yet didst thou set thy servant among them <2SA19 -:28 > yet shall not thy teachers be removed into yet thy latter end should greatly increase yet within three days shall pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter <1KI12 -:9 >