Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
abstinence ^ Act_27_21 But <1161> after <5225> (5723) long <4183> {abstinence} <0776> <5119> Paul <3972> stood forth <2476> (5685) in <1722> the midst <3319> of them <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), Sirs <5599> <0435>, ye should <1163> (5713) <3303> have hearkened <3980> (5660) unto me <3427>, and not <3361> have loosed <0321> (5745) from <0575> Crete <2914>, and <5037> to have gained <2770> (5658) this <5026> harm <5196> and <2532> loss <2209>.

accepting ^ Heb_11_35 Women <1135> received <2983> (5627) their <0846> dead <3498> raised to life again <1537> <0386>: and <1161> others <0243> were tortured <5178> (5681), not <3756> {accepting} <4327> (5666) deliverance <0629>; that <2443> they might obtain <5177> (5632) a better <2909> resurrection <0386>:

Accounting ^ Heb_11_19 {Accounting} <3049> (5666) that <3754> God <2316> was able <1415> to raise him up <1453> (5721), even <2532> from <1537> the dead <3498>; from whence <3606> also <2532> he received <2865> (5668) him <0846> in <1722> a figure <3850>.

anointing ^ 1Jo_02_27 But <2532> the anointing <5545> which <3739> ye <5210> have received <2983> (5627) of <0575> him <0846> abideth <3306> (5719) in <1722> you <5213>, and <2532> ye need <5532> <2192> (5719) not <3756> that <2443> any man <5100> teach <1321> (5725) you <5209>: but <0235> as <5613> the same <0846> {anointing} <5545> teacheth <1321> (5719) you <5209> of <4012> all things <3956>, and <2532> is <2076> (5748) truth <0227>, and <2532> is <2076> (5748) no <3756> lie <5579>, and <2532> even as <2531> it hath taught <1321> (5656) you <5209>, ye shall abide <3306> (5692) in <1722> him <0846>.

anointing ^ 1Jo_02_27 But <2532> the {anointing} <5545> which <3739> ye <5210> have received <2983> (5627) of <0575> him <0846> abideth <3306> (5719) in <1722> you <5213>, and <2532> ye need <5532> <2192> (5719) not <3756> that <2443> any man <5100> teach <1321> (5725) you <5209>: but <0235> as <5613> the same <0846> anointing <5545> teacheth <1321> (5719) you <5209> of <4012> all things <3956>, and <2532> is <2076> (5748) truth <0227>, and <2532> is <2076> (5748) no <3756> lie <5579>, and <2532> even as <2531> it hath taught <1321> (5656) you <5209>, ye shall abide <3306> (5692) in <1722> him <0846>.

anointing ^ Jam_05_14 Is <0770> <0> any <5100> sick <0770> (5719) among <1722> you <5213>? let him call <4341> (5663) for the elders <4245> of the church <1577>; and <2532> let them pray <4336> (5663) over <1909> him <0846>, {anointing} <0218> (5660) him <0846> with oil <1637> in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>:

backbitings ^ 2Co_12_20 For <1063> I fear <5399> (5736), lest <3381> <4458>, when I come <2064> (5631), I shall <2147> <0> not <3756> find <2147> (5632) you <5209> such as <3634> I would <2309> (5719), and that I <2504> shall be found <2147> (5686) unto you <5213> such as <3634> ye would <2309> (5719) not <3756>: lest <3381> <4458> there be debates <2054>, envyings <2205>, wraths <2372>, strifes <2052>, {backbitings} <2636>, whisperings <5587>, swellings <5450>, tumults <0181>:

banquetings ^ 1Pe_04_03 For <1063> the time <5550> past <3928> (5756) of our life <0979> may suffice <0713> us <2254> to have wrought <2716> (5664) the will <2307> of the Gentiles <1484>, when we walked <4198> (5768) in <1722> lasciviousness <0766>, lusts <1939>, excess of wine <3632>, revellings <2970>, {banquetings} <4224>, and <2532> abominable <0111> idolatries <1495>:

beating ^ Act_21_32 Who <3739> immediately <1824> took <3880> (5631) soldiers <4757> and <2532> centurions <1543>, and ran down <2701> (5627) unto <1909> them <0846>: and <1161> when they saw <1492> (5631) the chief captain <5506> and <2532> the soldiers <4757>, they left <3973> (5668) {beating} <5180> (5723) of Paul <3972>.

beating ^ Mar_12_05 And <2532> again <3825> he sent <0649> (5656) another <0243>; and him <2548> they killed <0615> (5656), and <2532> many <4183> others <0243>; <3303> {beating} some <1194> (5723), and <1161> killing some <0615> (5723).

Blotting ^ Col_02_14 {Blotting} out <1813> (5660) the handwriting <5498> of ordinances <1378> that was against <2596> us <2257>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) contrary <5227> to us <2254>, and <2532> took <0142> (5758) it <0846> out of <1537> the way <3319>, nailing <4338> (5660) it <0846> to his cross <4716>;

boasting ^ Act_05_36 For <1063> before <4253> these <5130> days <2250> rose up <0450> (5627) Theudas <2333>, {boasting} <3004> (5723) himself <1438> to be <1511> (5750) somebody <5100>; to whom <3739> a number <0706> of men <0435>, about <5616> four hundred <5071>, joined themselves <4347> (5681): who <3739> was slain <0337> (5681); and <2532> all <3956>, as many as <3745> obeyed <3982> (5712) him <0846>, were scattered <1262> (5681), and <2532> brought <1096> (5633) to <1519> nought <3762>.

boasting ^ 2Co_11_17 That which <3739> I speak <2980> (5719), I speak <2980> (5719) it not <3756> after <2596> the Lord <2962>, but <0235> as <5613> it were foolishly <1722> <0877>, in <1722> this <5026> confidence <5287> of {boasting} <2746>.

boasting ^ Rom_03_27 Where <4226> is {boasting} <2746> then <3767>? It is excluded <1576> (5681). By <1223> what <4169> law <3551>? of works <2041>? Nay <3780>: but <0235> by <1223> the law <3551> of faith <4102>.

boasting ^ 2Co_07_14 For <3754> if I have boasted <2744> (5766) any thing <1536> to him <0846> of <5228> you <5216>, I am <2617> <0> not <3756> ashamed <2617> (5681); but <0235> as <5613> we spake <2980> (5656) all things <3956> to you <5213> in <1722> truth <0225>, even <2532> so <3779> our <2257> {boasting} <2746>, which <3588> I made before <1909> Titus <5103>, is found <1096> (5675) a truth <0225>.

boasting ^ 2Co_08_24 Wherefore <3767> shew ye <1731> (5669) to <1519> them <0846>, and <2532> before <1519> <4383> the churches <1577>, the proof <1732> of your <5216> love <0026>, and <2532> of our <2257> {boasting} <2746> on <5228> <0> your <5216> behalf <5228>.

boasting ^ 2Co_10_15 Not <3756> {boasting} <2744> (5740) of things without <1519> our measure <0280>, that is, of <1722> other men's <0245> labours <2873>; but <1161> having <2192> (5723) hope <1680>, when your <5216> faith <4102> is increased <0837> (5746), that we shall be enlarged <3170> (5683) by <1722> you <5213> according <2596> to our <2257> rule <2583> abundantly <1519> <4050>,

boasting ^ 2Co_11_10 As the truth <0225> of Christ <5547> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> me <1698>, <3754> no man <3756> shall stop <4972> (5695) (5625) <5420> (5691) me <1519> <1691> of this <3778> {boasting} <2746> in <1722> the regions <2824> of Achaia <0882>.

boasting ^ 2Co_09_04 Lest <3381> haply <4458> if <1437> they of Macedonia <3110> come <2064> (5632) with <4862> me <1698>, and <2532> find <2147> (5632) you <5209> unprepared <0532>, we <2249> (that <3363> <0> we say <3004> (5725) not <3363>, ye <5210>) should be ashamed <2617> (5686) in <1722> this same <5026> confident <5287> {boasting} <2746>.

boasting ^ 2Co_09_03 Yet <1161> have I sent <3992> (5656) the brethren <0080>, lest <3363> our <2257> {boasting} <2745> of <5228> you <5216> should be in vain <2758> (5686) in <1722> this <5129> behalf <3313>; that <2443>, as <2531> I said <3004> (5707), ye may be <5600> (5753) ready <3903> (5772):

boastings ^ Jam_04_16 But <1161> now <3568> ye rejoice <2744> (5736) in <1722> your <5216> {boastings} <0212>: all <3956> such <5108> rejoicing <2746> is <2076> (5748) evil <4190>.

Casting ^ 1Pe_05_07 {Casting} <1977> (5660) all <3956> your <5216> care <3308> upon <1909> him <0846>; for <3754> he <0846> careth <3199> (5719) for <4012> you <5216>.

Casting ^ 2Co_10_05 {Casting} down <2507> (5723) imaginations <3053>, and <2532> every <3956> high thing <5313> that exalteth itself <1869> (5734) against <2596> the knowledge <1108> of God <2316>, and <2532> bringing into captivity <0163> (5723) every <3956> thought <3540> to <1519> the obedience <5218> of Christ <5547>;

casting ^ Mar_15_24 And <2532> when they had crucified <4717> (5660) him <0846>, they parted <1266> (5707) his <0846> garments <2440>, {casting} <0906> (5723) lots <2819> upon <1909> them <0846>, what <5101> every man <5101> should take <0142> (5661).

casting ^ Mat_27_35 And <1161> they crucified <4717> (5660) him <0846>, and parted <1266> (5668) his <0846> garments <2440>, {casting} <0906> (5723) lots <2819>: that <2443> it might be fulfilled <4137> (5686) which <3588> was spoken <4483> (5685) by <5259> the prophet <4396>, They parted <1266> (5668) my <3450> garments <2440> among them <1438>, and <2532> upon <1909> my <3450> vesture <2441> did they cast <0906> (5627) lots <2819>.

casting ^ Mar_09_38 And <1161> John <2491> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Master <1320>, we saw <1492> (5627) one <5100> {casting} out <1544> (5723) devils <1140> in thy <4675> name <3686>, and <3739> he followeth <0190> (5719) not <3756> us <2254>: and <2532> we forbad <2967> (5656) him <0846>, because <3754> he followeth <0190> (5719) not <3756> us <2254>.

casting ^ Mar_10_50 And <1161> he, {casting} away <0577> (5631) his <0846> garment <2440>, rose <0450> (5631), and came <2064> (5627) to <4314> Jesus <2424>.

casting ^ Mar_01_16 Now <1161> as he walked <4043> (5723) by <3844> the sea <2281> of Galilee <1056>, he saw <1492> (5627) Simon <4613> and <2532> Andrew <0406> his <0846> brother <0080> {casting} <0906> (5723) a net <0293> into <1722> the sea <2281>: for <1063> they were <2258> (5713) fishers <0231>.

casting ^ Rom_11_15 For <1063> if <1487> the {casting} away <0580> of them <0846> be the reconciling <2643> of the world <2889>, what <5101> shall the receiving <4356> of them be, but <1508> life <2222> from <1537> the dead <3498>?

casting ^ Mat_04_18 And <1161> Jesus <2424>, walking <4043> (5723) by <3844> the sea <2281> of Galilee <1056>, saw <1492> (5627) two <1417> brethren <0080>, Simon <4613> called <3004> (5746) Peter <4074>, and <2532> Andrew <0406> his <0846> brother <0080>, {casting} <0906> (5723) a net <0293> into <1519> the sea <2281>: for <1063> they were <2258> (5713) fishers <0231>.

casting ^ Luk_21_02 And <1161> he saw <1492> (5627) also <2532> a certain <5100> poor <3998> widow <5503> {casting} <0906> (5723) in thither <1563> two <1417> mites <3016>.

casting ^ Luk_09_49 And <1161> John <2491> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), Master <1988>, we saw <1492> (5627) one <5100> {casting} out <1544> (5723) devils <1140> in <1909> thy <4675> name <3686>; and <2532> we forbad <2967> (5656) him <0846>, because <3754> he followeth <0190> (5719) not <3756> with <3326> us <2257>.

casting ^ Luk_21_01 And <1161> he looked up <0308> (5660), and saw <1492> (5627) the rich men <4145> {casting} <0906> (5723) their <0846> gifts <1435> into <1519> the treasury <1049>.

casting ^ Luk_11_14 And <2532> he was <2258> (5713) {casting} out <1544> (5723) a devil <1140>, and <2532> it <0846> was <2258> (5713) dumb <2974>. And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), when the devil <1140> was gone out <1831> (5631), the dumb <2974> spake <2980> (5656); and <2532> the people <3793> wondered <2296> (5656).

consenting ^ Act_22_20 And <2532> when <3753> the blood <0129> of thy <4675> martyr <3144> Stephen <4736> was shed <1632> (5712), I <0846> also <2532> was <2252> (5713) standing by <2186> (5761), and <2532> {consenting} <4909> (5723) unto his <0846> death <0336>, and <2532> kept <5442> (5723) the raiment <2440> of them that slew <0337> (5723) him <0846>.

consenting ^ Act_08_01 And <1161> Saul <4569> was <2258> (5713) {consenting} <4909> (5723) unto his <0846> death <0336>. And <1161> at <1722> that <1565> time <2250> there was <1096> (5633) a great <3173> persecution <1375> against <1909> the church <1577> which <3588> was at <1722> Jerusalem <2414>; and <5037> they were <1289> <0> all <3956> scattered abroad <1289> (5681) throughout <2596> the regions <5561> of Judaea <2449> and <2532> Samaria <4540>, except <4133> the apostles <0652>.

continual ^ Rom_09_02 That <3754> I <3427> have <2076> (5748) great <3173> heaviness <3077> and <2532> {continual} <0088> sorrow in <3601> my <3450> heart <2588>.

continual ^ Luk_18_05 Yet <1065> because <1223> this <5026> widow <5503> troubleth <3930> (5721) <2873> me <3427>, I will avenge <1556> (5692) her <0846>, lest <3363> by <1519> her {continual} <5056> coming <2064> (5740) she weary <5299> (5725) me <3165>.

continually ^ Rom_13_06 For <1063> for <1223> <0> this <5124> cause <1223> pay ye <5055> (5719) tribute <5411> also <2532>: for <1063> they are <1526> (5748) God's <2316> ministers <3011>, attending {continually} <4342> (5723) upon <1519> this <5124> very thing <0846>.

continually ^ Heb_13_15 By <1223> him <0846> therefore <3767> let us offer <0399> (5725) the sacrifice <2378> of praise <0133> to God <2316> {continually} <1275>, that is <5123> (5748), the fruit <2590> of our lips <5491> giving thanks <3670> (5723) to his <0846> name <3686>.

continually ^ Luk_24_53 And <2532> were <2258> (5713) {continually} <1275> in <1722> the temple <2411>, praising <0134> (5723) and <2532> blessing <2127> (5723) God <2316>. Amen <0281>.

continually ^ Act_10_07 And <1161> when <5613> the angel <0032> which <3588> spake <2980> (5723) unto Cornelius <2883> was departed <0565> (5627), he called <5455> (5660) two <1417> of his <0846> household servants <3610>, and <2532> a devout <2152> soldier <4757> of them that waited on <4342> <0> him <0846> {continually} <4342> (5723);

continually ^ Heb_10_01 For <1063> the law <3551> having <2192> (5723) a shadow <4639> of good things <0018> to come <3195> (5723), and not <3756> the very <0846> image <1504> of the things <4229>, can <1410> (5736) never <3763> with those <0846> sacrifices <2378> which <3739> they offered <4374> (5719) year by year <2596> <1763> {continually} <1519> <1336> make <5048> <0> the comers thereunto <4334> (5740) perfect <5048> (5658).

continually ^ Heb_07_03 Without father <0540>, without mother <0282>, without descent <0035>, having <2192> (5723) neither <3383> beginning <0746> of days <2250>, nor <3383> end <5056> of life <2222>; but <1161> made like <0871> (5772) unto the Son <5207> of God <2316>; abideth <3306> (5719) a priest <2409> {continually} <1519> <1336>.

continually ^ Act_06_04 But <1161> we <2249> will give ourselves {continually} <4342> (5692) to prayer <4335>, and <2532> to the ministry <1248> of the word <3056>.

continuance ^ Rom_02_07 To them who by <3303> <2596> patient {continuance} <5281> in well <0018> doing <2041> seek <2212> (5723) for glory <1391> and <2532> honour <5092> and <2532> immortality <0861>, eternal <0166> life <2222>:

Continue ^ Col_04_02 {Continue} <4342> (5720) in prayer <4335>, and watch <1127> (5723) in <1722> the same <0846> with <1722> thanksgiving <2169>;

continue ^ 2Pe_03_04 And <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) the promise <1860> of his <0846> coming <3952>? for <1063> since <0575> <3739> the fathers <3962> fell asleep <2837> (5681), all things <3956> {continue} <3779> <1265> (5719) as they were from <0575> the beginning <0746> of the creation <2937>.

continue ^ 1Ti_04_16 Take heed <1907> (5720) unto thyself <4572>, and <2532> unto the doctrine <1319>; {continue} <1961> (5720) in them <0846>: for <1063> in doing <4160> (5723) this <5124> thou shalt <4982> <0> both <2532> save <4982> (5692) thyself <4572>, and <2532> them that hear <0191> (5723) thee <4675>.

continue ^ 1Jo_02_24 Let <3306> <0> that therefore <3767> abide <3306> (5720) in <1722> you <5213>, which <3739> ye <5210> have heard <0191> (5656) from <0575> the beginning <0746>. If <1437> that which <3739> ye have heard <0191> (5656) from <0575> the beginning <0746> shall remain <3306> (5661) in <1722> you <5213>, ye <5210> also <2532> shall {continue} <3306> (5692) in <1722> the Son <5207>, and <2532> in <1722> the Father <3962>.

continue ^ 1Ti_02_15 Notwithstanding <1161> she shall be saved <4982> (5701) in <1223> childbearing <5042>, if <1437> they {continue} <3306> (5661) in <1722> faith <4102> and <2532> charity <0026> and <2532> holiness <0038> with <3326> sobriety <4997>.

continue ^ Heb_13_01 Let <3306> <0> brotherly love <5360> {continue} <3306> (5720).

continue ^ Joh_08_31 Then <3767> said <3004> (5707) Jesus <2424> to <4314> those Jews <2453> which <3588> believed <4100> (5761) on him <0846>, If <1437> ye <5210> {continue} <3306> (5661) in <1722> my <1699> word <3056>, then are ye <2075> (5748) my <3450> disciples <3101> indeed <0230>;

continue ^ Joh_15_09 As <2531> the Father <3962> hath loved <0025> (5656) me <3165>, so <2504> <0> have <0025> <0> I <2504> loved <0025> (5656) you <5209>: {continue} ye <3306> (5657) in <1722> my <1699> love <0026>.

continue ^ Jam_04_13 Go to <0033> (5720) now <3568>, ye that say <3004> (5723), To day <4594> or <2532> to morrow <0839> we will go <4198> (5667) into <1519> such <3592> a city <4172>, and <2532> {continue} <4160> (5661) (5625) <4160> (5692) there <1563> a <1520> year <1763>, and <2532> buy and sell <1710> (5667) (5625) <1710> (5695), and <2532> get gain <2770> (5661) (5625) <2770> (5692):

continue ^ Gal_02_05 To whom <3739> we gave place <1502> (5656) by subjection <5292>, no, not <3761> for <4314> an hour <5610>; that <2443> the truth <0225> of the gospel <2098> might {continue} <1265> (5661) with <4314> you <5209>.

continue ^ Heb_07_23 And <2532> they <1526> <0> truly <3303> were <1526> (5748) <1096> (5756) many <4119> priests <2409>, because they were not suffered <2967> (5745) to {continue} <3887> (5721) by reason of <1223> death <2288>:

continue ^ Mat_15_32 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> called <4341> (5666) his <0846> disciples <3101> unto him, and said <2036> (5627), I have compassion <4697> (5736) on <1909> the multitude <3793>, because <3754> they {continue} <4357> (5719) with me <3427> now <2235> three <5140> days <2250>, and <2532> have <2192> (5719) nothing <3756> <5101> to eat <5315> (5632): and <2532> I will <2309> (5719) not <3756> send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5658) fasting <3523>, lest <3379> they faint <1590> (5686) in <1722> the way <3598>.

continue ^ Php_01_25 And <2532> having this <5124> confidence <3982> (5756), I know <1492> (5758) that <3754> I shall abide <3306> (5692) and <2532> {continue} <4839> (5692) with you <5213> all <3956> for <1519> your <5216> furtherance <4297> and <2532> joy <5479> of faith <4102>;

continue ^ Rev_13_05 And <2532> there was given <1325> (5681) unto him <0846> a mouth <4750> speaking <2980> (5723) great things <3173> and <2532> blasphemies <0988>; and <2532> power <1849> was given <1325> (5681) unto him <0846> to {continue} <4160> (5658) forty <5062> and two <1417> months <3376>.

continue ^ 2Ti_03_14 But <1161> {continue} <3306> (5720) thou <4771> in <1722> the things which <3739> thou hast learned <3129> (5627) and <2532> hast been assured of <4104> (5681), knowing <1492> (5761) of <3844> whom <5101> thou hast learned <3129> (5627) them;

continue ^ Act_13_43 Now <1161> when the congregation <4864> was broken up <3089> (5685), many <4183> of the Jews <2453> and <2532> religious <4576> (5740) proselytes <4339> followed <0190> (5656) Paul <3972> and <2532> Barnabas <0921>: who <3748>, speaking <4354> (5723) to them <0846>, persuaded <3982> (5707) them <0846> to {continue} <1961> (5721) in the grace <5485> of God <2316>.

continue ^ Act_14_22 Confirming <1991> (5723) the souls <5590> of the disciples <3101>, and exhorting them <3870> (5723) to {continue} <1696> (5721) in the faith <4102>, and <2532> that <3754> we <2248> must <1163> (5748) through <1223> much <4183> tribulation <2347> enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

continue ^ Col_01_23 If <1489> ye {continue} <1961> (5719) in the faith <4102> grounded <2311> (5772) and <2532> settled <1476>, and <2532> be not <3361> moved away <3334> (5746) from <0575> the hope <1680> of the gospel <2098>, which <3739> ye have heard <0191> (5656), and which <3588> was preached <2784> (5685) to <1722> every <3956> creature <2937> which is under <5259> heaven <3772>; whereof <3739> I <1473> Paul <3972> am made <1096> (5633) a minister <1249>;

continue ^ Act_26_22 Having <5177> <0> therefore <3767> obtained <5177> (5631) help <1947> of <3844> God <2316>, I {continue} <2476> (5758) unto <0891> this <5026> day <2250>, witnessing <3140> (5746) both <5037> to small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>, saying <3004> (5723) none other things <3762> than <1622> those which <3739> <5037> the prophets <4396> and <2532> Moses <3475> did say <2980> (5656) should <3195> (5723) come <1096> (5738):

continue ^ Rev_17_10 And <2532> there are <1526> (5748) seven <2033> kings <0935>: five <4002> are fallen <4098> (5627), and <2532> one <1520> is <2076> (5748), and the other <0243> is <2064> <0> not yet <3768> come <2064> (5627); and <2532> when <3752> he cometh <2064> (5632), he <0846> must <1163> (5748) {continue} <3306> (5658) a short space <3641>.

continue ^ Rom_06_01 What <5101> shall we say <2046> (5692) then <3767>? Shall we {continue} <1961> (5692) in sin <0266>, that <2443> grace <5485> may abound <4121> (5661)?

continue ^ Rom_11_22 Behold <1492> (5657) therefore <3767> the goodness <5544> and <2532> severity <0663> of God <2316>: on <1909> them which fell <4098> (5631) <3303>, severity <0663>; but <1161> toward <1909> thee <4571>, goodness <5544>, if <1437> thou {continue} <1961> (5661) in his goodness <5544>: otherwise <1893> thou <4771> also <2532> shalt be cut off <1581> (5691).

continued ^ Joh_08_07 So <1161> when <5613> they {continued} <1961> (5707) asking <2065> (5723) him <0846>, he lifted up himself <0352> (5660), and said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, He that is without sin <0361> among you <5216>, let him <0906> <0> first <4413> cast <0906> (5628) a stone <3037> at <1909> her <0846>.

continued ^ Joh_02_12 After <3326> this <5124> he went down <2597> (5627) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>, he <0846>, and <2532> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> his <0846> brethren <0080>, and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>: and <2532> they {continued} <3306> (5656) there <1563> not <3756> many <4183> days <2250>.

continued ^ Act_27_33 And <1161> while <0891> <3739> the day <2250> was coming <1096> (5738) on <3195> (5707), Paul <3972> besought <3870> (5707) them all <0537> to take <3335> (5629) meat <5160>, saying <3004> (5723), This day <4594> is the fourteenth <5065> day <2250> that ye have tarried <4328> (5723) and {continued} <1300> (5719) fasting <0777>, having taken <4355> (5642) nothing <3367>.

continued ^ Heb_08_09 Not <3756> according to <2596> the covenant <1242> that <3739> I made with <4160> (5656) their <0846> fathers <3962> in <1722> the day <2250> when I took <1949> (5637) them <0846> by the hand <3450> <5495> to lead <1806> (5629) them <0846> out of <1537> the land <1093> of Egypt <0125>; because <3754> they <0846> {continued} <1696> (5656) not <3756> in <1722> my <3450> covenant <1242>, and I <2504> regarded <0272> <0> them <0846> not <0272> (5656), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>.

continued ^ Joh_11_54 Jesus <2424> therefore <3767> walked <4043> (5707) no more <3765> openly <3954> among <1722> the Jews <2453>; but <0235> went <0565> (5627) thence <1564> unto <1519> a country <5561> near <1451> to the wilderness <2048>, into <1519> a city <4172> called <3004> (5746) Ephraim <2187>, and there <2546> {continued} <1304> (5707) with <3326> his <0846> disciples <3101>.

continued ^ Luk_06_12 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633) in <1722> those <5025> days <2250>, that he went out <1831> (5627) into <1519> a mountain <3735> to pray <4336> (5664), and <2532> {continued} all night <1273> (5723) <2258> (5713) in <1722> prayer <4335> to God <2316>.

continued ^ Luk_22_28 <1161> Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) they which have {continued} <1265> (5761) with <3326> me <1700> in <1722> my <3450> temptations <3986>.

continued ^ Act_20_07 And <1161> upon <1722> the first <3391> day of the week <4521>, when the disciples <3101> came together <4863> (5772) to break <2806> (5658) bread <0740>, Paul <3972> preached <1256> (5711) unto them <0846>, ready <3195> (5723) to depart <1826> (5750) on the morrow <1887>; and <5037> {continued} <3905> (5707) his speech <3056> until <3360> midnight <3317>.

continued ^ 1Jo_02_19 They went out <1831> (5627) from <1537> us <2257>, but <0235> they were <2258> (5713) not <3756> of <1537> us <2257>; for <1063> if <1487> they had been <2258> (5713) of <1537> us <2257>, they would <0302> no doubt have {continued} <3306> (5715) with <3326> us <2257>: but <0235> they went out, that <2443> they might be made manifest <5319> (5686) that <3754> they were <1526> (5748) not <3756> all <3956> of <1537> us <2257>.

continued ^ Act_19_10 And <1161> this <5124> {continued} <1096> (5633) by the space <1909> of two <1417> years <2094>; so <5620> that all <3956> they which dwelt in <2730> (5723) Asia <0773> heard <0191> (5658) the word <3056> of the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>, both <5037> Jews <2453> and <2532> Greeks <1672>.

continued ^ Act_18_11 And <5037> he {continued} <2523> (5656) there a year <1763> and <2532> six <1803> months <3376>, teaching <1321> (5723) the word <3056> of God <2316> among <1722> them <0846>.

continued ^ Act_01_14 These <3778> all <3956> {continued} <2258> (5713) <4342> (5723) with one accord <3661> in prayer <4335> and <2532> supplication <1162>, with <4862> the women <1135>, and <2532> Mary <3137> the mother <3384> of Jesus <2424>, and <2532> with <4862> his <0846> brethren <0080>.

continued ^ Act_02_42 And <1161> they {continued} <2258> (5713) stedfastly <4342> (5723) in the apostles <0652> doctrine <1322> and <2532> fellowship <2842>, and <2532> in breaking <2800> of bread <0740>, and <2532> in prayers <4335>.

continued ^ Act_08_13 Then <1161> Simon <4613> himself <0846> believed <4100> (5656) also <2532>: and <2532> when he was baptized <0907> (5685), he {continued} <2258> (5713) <4342> (5723) with Philip <5376>, and <5037> wondered <1839> (5710), beholding <2334> (5723) the miracles <1411> and <2532> signs <4592> <3173> which were done <1096> (5740) (5625) <1096> (5740).

continued ^ Act_12_16 But <1161> Peter <4074> {continued} <1961> (5707) knocking <2925> (5723): and <1161> when they had opened <0455> (5660) the door, and saw <1492> (5627) him <0846>, <2532> they were astonished <1839> (5627).

continued ^ Act_15_35 Paul <3972> also <1161> and <2532> Barnabas <0921> {continued} <1304> (5707) in <1722> Antioch <0490>, teaching <1321> (5723) and <2532> preaching <2097> (5734) the word <3056> of the Lord <2962>, with <3326> many <4183> others <2087> also <2532>.

continueth ^ 1Ti_05_05 Now <1161> she that is a widow <5503> indeed <3689>, and <2532> desolate <3443> (5772), trusteth <1679> (5758) in <1909> God <2316>, and <2532> {continueth} <4357> (5719) in supplications <1162> and <2532> prayers <4335> night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>.

continueth ^ Jam_01_25 But <1161> whoso looketh <3879> (5660) into <1519> the perfect <5046> law <3551> of liberty <1657>, and <2532> {continueth} <3887> (5660) therein, he <3778> being <1096> (5637) not <3756> a forgetful <1953> hearer <0202>, but <0235> a doer <4163> of the work <2041>, this man <3778> shall be <2071> (5704) blessed <3107> in <1722> his <0846> deed <4162>.

continueth ^ Gal_03_10 For <1063> as many as <3745> are <1526> (5748) of <1537> the works <2041> of the law <3551> are <1526> (5748) under <5259> the curse <2671>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), Cursed <1944> is every one <3956> that <3739> {continueth} <1696> (5719) not <3756> in <1722> all things <3956> which <3588> are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the book <0975> of the law <3551> to do <4160> (5658) them <0846>.

continueth ^ Heb_07_24 But <1161> this man, because <1223> he <0846> {continueth} <3306> (5721) ever <1519> <0165>, hath <2192> (5719) an unchangeable <0531> priesthood <2420>.

continuing ^ Act_02_46 And <5037> they, {continuing} <4342> (5723) daily <2596> <2250> with one accord <3661> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <5037> breaking <2806> (5723) bread <0740> from <2596> house to house <3624>, did eat <3335> (5707) their meat <5160> with <1722> gladness <0020> and <2532> singleness <0858> of heart <2588>,

continuing ^ Heb_13_14 For <1063> here <5602> have we <2192> (5719) no <3756> {continuing} <3306> (5723) city <4172>, but <0235> we seek one <1934> (5719) to come <3195> (5723).

continuing ^ Rom_12_12 Rejoicing <5463> (5723) in hope <1680>; patient <5278> (5723) in tribulation <2347>; {continuing} instant <4342> (5723) in prayer <4335>;

contradicting ^ Act_13_45 But <1161> when the Jews <2453> saw <1492> (5631) the multitudes <3793>, they were filled <4130> (5681) with envy <2205>, and <2532> spake against <0483> (5707) those things which were spoken <3004> (5746) by <5259> Paul <3972>, {contradicting} <0483> (5723) and <2532> blaspheming <0987> (5723).

craftiness ^ 1Co_03_19 For <1063> the wisdom <4678> of this <5127> world <2889> is <2076> (5748) foolishness <3472> with <3844> God <2316>. For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), He taketh <1405> (5740) the wise <4680> in <1722> their own <0846> {craftiness} <3834>.

craftiness ^ Luk_20_23 But <1161> he perceived <2657> (5660) their <0846> {craftiness} <3834>, and said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Why <5101> tempt ye <3985> (5719) me <3165>?

craftiness ^ 2Co_04_02 But <0235> have renounced <0550> (5639) the hidden things <2927> of dishonesty <0152>, not <3361> walking <4043> (5723) in <1722> {craftiness} <3834>, nor <3366> handling <1389> <0> the word <3056> of God <2316> deceitfully <1389> (5723); but <0235> by manifestation <5321> of the truth <0225> commending <4921> (5723) ourselves <1438> to <4314> every <3956> man's <0444> conscience <4893> in the sight <1799> of God <2316>.

craftiness ^ Eph_04_14 That <2443> we henceforth be <5600> (5753) no more <3371> children <3516>, tossed to and fro <2831> (5740), and <2532> carried about with <4064> (5746) every <3956> wind <0417> of doctrine <1319>, by <1722> the sleight <2940> of men <0444>, and cunning {craftiness} <1722> <3834>, whereby <4314> they lie in wait <3180> to deceive <4106>;

cutting ^ Mar_05_05 And <2532> always <1275>, night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>, he was <2258> (5713) in <1722> the mountains <3735>, and <2532> in <1722> the tombs <3418>, crying <2896> (5723), and <2532> {cutting} <2629> (5723) himself <1438> with stones <3037>.

departing ^ Mar_06_33 And <2532> the people <3793> saw <1492> (5627) them <0846> {departing} <5217> (5723), and <2532> many <4183> knew <1921> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> ran <4936> (5627) afoot <3979> thither <1563> out of <0575> all <3956> cities <4172>, and <2532> outwent <4281> (5627) them <0846>, and <2532> came together <4905> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>.

departing ^ Mar_07_31 And <2532> again <3825>, {departing} <1831> (5631) from <1537> the coasts <3725> of Tyre <5184> and <2532> Sidon <4605>, he came <2064> (5627) unto <4314> the sea <2281> of Galilee <1056>, through <0303> the midst <3319> of the coasts <3725> of Decapolis <1179>.

departing ^ Act_20_29 For <1063> I <1473> know <1492> (5758) this <5124>, that <3754> after <3326> my <3450> {departing} <0867> shall grievous <0926> wolves <3074> enter in <1525> (5695) among <1519> you <5209>, not <3361> sparing <5339> (5740) the flock <4168>.

departing ^ Act_13_13 Now <1161> when Paul <3972> and his company <4012> loosed <0321> (5685) from <0575> Paphos <3974>, they came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Perga <4011> in Pamphylia <3828>: and <1161> John <2491> {departing} <0672> (5660) from <0575> them <0846> returned <5290> (5656) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>.

departing ^ Heb_03_12 Take heed <0991> (5720), brethren <0080>, lest <3379> there be <2071> (5704) in <1722> any <5100> of you <5216> an evil <4190> heart <2588> of unbelief <0570>, in <1722> {departing} <0868> (5629) from <0575> the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>.

departing ^ Heb_11_22 By faith <4102> Joseph <2501>, when he died <5053> (5723), made mention <3421> (5656) of <4012> the {departing} <1841> of the children <5207> of Israel <2474>; and <2532> gave commandment <1781> (5662) concerning <4012> his <0846> bones <3747>.

disputing ^ Act_24_12 And <2532> they neither <3777> found <2147> (5627) me <3165> in <1722> the temple <2411> {disputing} <1256> (5740) with <4314> any man <5100>, neither <2228> raising up <1999> <0> <4160> (5723) the people <3793> <1999>, neither <3777> in <1722> the synagogues <4864>, nor <3777> in <2596> the city <4172>:

disputing ^ Act_06_09 Then <1161> there arose <0450> (5656) certain <5100> of <1537> the synagogue <4864>, which <3588> is called <3004> (5746) the synagogue of the Libertines <3032>, and <2532> Cyrenians <2956>, and <2532> Alexandrians <0221>, and <2532> of them of <0575> Cilicia <2791> and <2532> of Asia <0773>, {disputing} <4802> (5723) with Stephen <4736>.

disputing ^ Act_15_07 And <1161> when there had been <1096> (5637) much <4183> {disputing} <4803>, Peter <4074> rose up <0450> (5631), and said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, ye <5210> know <1987> (5736) how that <3754> a good <0744> while <2250> ago <0575> God <2316> made choice <1586> (5668) among <1722> us <2254>, that the Gentiles <1484> by <1223> my <3450> mouth <4750> should hear <0191> (5658) the word <3056> of the gospel <2098>, and <2532> believe <4100> (5658).

disputing ^ Act_19_09 But <1161> when <5613> divers <5100> were hardened <4645> (5712), and <2532> believed not <0544> (5707), but spake evil <2551> (5723) of that way <3598> before <1799> the multitude <4128>, he departed <0868> (5631) from <0575> them <0846>, and separated <0873> (5656) the disciples <3101>, {disputing} <1256> (5740) daily <2596> <2250> in <1722> the school <4981> of one <5100> Tyrannus <5181>.

disputing ^ Act_19_08 And <1161> he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the synagogue <4864>, and spake boldly <3955> (5711) for the space <1909> of three <5140> months <3376>, {disputing} <1256> (5740) and <2532> persuading <3982> (5723) the things concerning <4012> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

disputings ^ Php_02_14 Do <4160> (5720) all things <3956> without <5565> murmurings <1112> and <2532> {disputings} <1261>:

disputings ^ 1Ti_06_05 Perverse {disputings} <3859> of men <0444> of corrupt <1311> (5772) minds <3563>, and <2532> destitute <0650> (5772) of the truth <0225>, supposing <3543> (5723) that gain <4200> is <1511> (5750) godliness <2150>: from <0575> such <5108> withdraw thyself <0868> (5737).

distinction ^ 1Co_14_07 And even <3676> things without life <0895> giving <1325> (5723) sound <5456>, whether <1535> pipe <0836> or <1535> harp <2788>, except <3362> they give <1325> (5632) a {distinction} <1293> in the sounds <5353>, how <4459> shall it be known <1097> (5701) what is piped <0832> (5746) or <2228> harped <2789> (5746)?

Distributing ^ Rom_12_13 {Distributing} <2841> (5723) to the necessity <5532> of saints <0040>; given <1377> (5723) to hospitality <5381>.

doting ^ 1Ti_06_04 He is proud <5187> (5769), knowing <1987> (5740) nothing <3367>, but <0235> {doting} <3552> (5723) about <4012> questions <2214> and <2532> strifes of words <3055>, whereof <1537> <3739> cometh <1096> (5736) envy <5355>, strife <2054>, railings <0988>, evil <4190> surmisings <5283>,

doubting ^ 1Ti_02_08 I will <1014> (5736) therefore <3767> that men <0435> pray <4336> (5738) every <1722> <3956> where <5117>, lifting up <1869> (5723) holy <3741> hands <5495>, without <5565> wrath <3709> and <2532> {doubting} <1261>.

doubting ^ Act_10_20 Arise <0450> (5631) therefore <0235>, and get thee down <2597> (5628), and <2532> go <4198> (5737) with <4862> them <0846>, {doubting} <1252> (5734) nothing <3367>: for <1360> I <1473> have sent <0649> (5758) them <0846>.

doubting ^ Joh_13_22 Then <3767> the disciples <3101> looked <0991> (5707) one on another <1519> <0240>, {doubting} <0639> (5734) of <4012> whom <5101> he spake <3004> (5719).

doubting ^ Act_11_12 And <1161> the Spirit <4151> bade <2036> (5627) me <3427> go with <4905> (5629) them <0846>, nothing <3367> {doubting} <1252> (5734). Moreover <1161> <2532> these <3778> six <1803> brethren <0080> accompanied <4862> <2064> (5627) me <1698>, and <2532> we entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the man's <0435> house <3624>:

eating ^ 1Co_08_04 As concerning <4012> therefore <3767> the {eating} <1035> of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols <1494>, we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> an idol <1497> is nothing <3762> in <1722> the world <2889>, and <2532> that <3754> there is none <3762> other <2087> God <2316> but <1508> one <1520>.

eating ^ 1Co_11_21 For <1063> in <1722> {eating} <5315> (5629) every one <1538> taketh before <4301> (5719) other his own <2398> supper <1173>: and <2532> one <3739> <3303> is hungry <3983> (5719), and <1161> another <3739> is drunken <3184> (5719).

eating ^ Luk_10_07 And <1161> in <1722> the same <0846> house <3614> remain <3306> (5720), {eating} <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723) such things as <3844> <0> they <0846> give <3844>: for <1063> the labourer <2040> is <2076> (5748) worthy <0514> of his <0846> hire <3408>. Go <3327> (5720) not <3361> from <1537> house <3614> to <1519> house <3614>.

eating ^ Luk_07_34 The Son <5207> of man <0444> is come <2064> (5754) {eating} <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723); and <2532> ye say <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628) a gluttonous <5314> man <0444>, and <2532> a winebibber <3630>, a friend <5384> of publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>!

eating ^ Luk_07_33 For <1063> John <2491> the Baptist <0910> came <2064> (5754) neither <3383> {eating} <2068> (5723) bread <0740> nor <3383> drinking <4095> (5723) wine <3631>; and <2532> ye say <3004> (5719), He hath <2192> (5719) a devil <1140>.

eating ^ Mat_11_18 For <1063> John <2491> came <2064> (5627) neither <3383> {eating} <2068> (5723) nor <3383> drinking <4095> (5723), and <2532> they say <3004> (5719), He hath <2192> (5719) a devil <1140>.

eating ^ Mat_11_19 The Son <5207> of man <0444> came <2064> (5627) {eating} <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723), and <2532> they say <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628) a man <0444> gluttonous <5314>, and <2532> a winebibber <3630>, a friend <5384> of publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>. But <2532> wisdom <4678> is justified <1344> (5681) of <0575> her <0846> children <5043>.

eating ^ Mat_24_38 For <1063> as <5618> in <1722> the days <2250> that were <2258> (5713) before <4253> the flood <2627> they were {eating} <5176> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723), marrying <1060> (5723) and <2532> giving in marriage <1547> (5723), until <0891> the day <2250> that <3739> Noe <3575> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the ark <2787>,

eating ^ Mat_26_26 And <1161> as they <0846> were {eating} <2068> (5723), Jesus <2424> took <2983> (5631) bread <0740>, and <2532> blessed <2127> (5660) it, and brake <2806> (5656) it, and <2532> gave <1325> (5707) it to the disciples <3101>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Take <2983> (5628), eat <5315> (5628); this <5124> is <2076> (5748) my <3450> body <4983>.

everlasting ^ Rev_14_06 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) another <0243> angel <0032> fly <4072> (5740) in <1722> the midst of heaven <3321>, having <2192> (5723) the {everlasting} <0166> gospel <2098> to preach <2097> (5658) unto them that dwell <2730> (5723) on <1909> the earth <1093>, and <2532> to every <3956> nation <1484>, and <2532> kindred <5443>, and <2532> tongue <1100>, and <2532> people <2992>,

everlasting ^ Mat_25_46 And <2532> these <3778> shall go away <0565> (5695) into <1519> {everlasting} <0166> punishment <2851>: but <1161> the righteous <1342> into <1519> life <2222> eternal <0166>.

everlasting ^ Mat_25_41 Then <5119> shall he say <2046> (5692) also <2532> unto them on <1537> the left hand <2176>, Depart <4198> (5737) from <0575> me <1700>, ye cursed <2672> (5772), into <1519> {everlasting} <0166> fire <4442>, prepared <2090> (5772) for the devil <1228> and <2532> his <0846> angels <0032>:

everlasting ^ Rom_06_22 But <1161> now <3570> being made free <1659> (5685) from <0575> sin <0266>, and <1161> become servants <1402> (5685) to God <2316>, ye have <2192> (5719) your <5216> fruit <2590> unto <1519> holiness <0038>, and <1161> the end <5056> {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>.

everlasting ^ Rom_16_26 But <1161> now <3568> is made manifest <5319> (5685), and <5037> by <1223> the scriptures <1124> of the prophets <4397>, according <2596> to the commandment <2003> of the {everlasting} <0166> God <2316>, made known <1107> (5685) to <1519> all <3956> nations <1484> for <1519> the obedience <5218> of faith <4102>:

everlasting ^ Mat_19_29 And <2532> every <3956> one <3739> that hath forsaken <0863> (5656) houses <3614>, or <2228> brethren <0080>, or <2228> sisters <0079>, or <2228> father <3962>, or <2228> mother <3384>, or <2228> wife <1135>, or <2228> children <5043>, or <2228> lands <0068>, for my <3450> name's <3686> sake <1752>, shall receive <2983> (5695) an hundredfold <1542>, and <2532> shall inherit <2816> (5692) {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>.

everlasting ^ Mat_18_08 Wherefore <1161> if <1487> thy <4675> hand <5495> or <2228> thy <4675> foot <4228> offend thee <4624> (5719), cut <1581> <0> them <0846> off <1581> (5657), and <2532> cast <0906> (5628) them from <0575> thee <4571> <4675>: it is <2076> (5748) better <2570> for thee <4671> to enter into <1525> (5629) <1519> life <2222> halt <5560> or <2228> maimed <2948>, rather than <2228> having <2192> (5723) two <1417> hands <5495> or <2228> two <1417> feet <4228> to be cast <0906> (5683) into <1519> {everlasting} <0166> fire <4442>.

everlasting ^ Luk_18_30 Who <3739> shall <0618> <0> not <3364> receive <0618> (5632) manifold more <4179> in <1722> this <5129> present time <2540>, and <2532> in <1722> the world <0165> to come <2064> (5740) life <2222> {everlasting} <0166>.

everlasting ^ 2Pe_01_11 For <1063> so <3779> an entrance <1529> shall be ministered <2023> (5701) unto you <5213> abundantly <4146> into <1519> the {everlasting} <0166> kingdom <0932> of our <2257> Lord <2962> and <2532> Saviour <4990> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

everlasting ^ Gal_06_08 For <3754> he that soweth <4687> (5723) to <1519> his <1438> flesh <4561> shall <2325> <0> of <1537> the flesh <4561> reap <2325> (5692) corruption <5356>; but <1161> he that soweth <4687> (5723) to <1519> the Spirit <4151> shall <2325> <0> of <1537> the Spirit <4151> reap <2325> (5692) life <2222> {everlasting} <0166>.

everlasting ^ Joh_12_50 And <2532> I know <1492> (5758) that <3754> his <0846> commandment <1785> is <2076> (5748) life <2222> {everlasting} <0166>: whatsoever <3739> I <1473> speak <2980> (5719) therefore <3767>, even as <2531> the Father <3962> said <2046> (5758) unto me <3427>, so <3779> I speak <2980> (5719).

everlasting ^ 1Ti_01_16 Howbeit <0235> for this <5124> cause <1223> I obtained mercy <1653> (5681), that <2443> in <1722> me <1698> first <4413> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> might shew forth <1731> (5672) all <3956> longsuffering <3115>, for <4314> a pattern <5296> to them which should hereafter <3195> (5723) believe <4100> (5721) on <1909> him <0846> to <1519> life <2222> {everlasting} <0166>.

everlasting ^ 1Ti_06_16 Who <3588> only <3441> hath <2192> (5723) immortality <0110>, dwelling <3611> (5723) in the light <5457> which no man <3762> can approach unto <0676>; whom <3739> no man <0444> hath seen <1492> (5627), nor <3761> can <1410> (5736) see <1492> (5629): to whom <3739> be honour <5092> and <2532> power <2904> {everlasting} <0166>. Amen <0281>.

everlasting ^ Heb_13_20 Now <1161> the God <2316> of peace <1515>, that brought again <0321> (5631) from <1537> the dead <3498> our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>, that great <3173> shepherd <4166> of the sheep <4263>, through <1722> the blood <0129> of the {everlasting} <0166> covenant <1242>,

everlasting ^ Jde_01_06 And <5037> the angels <0032> which kept <5083> (5660) not <3361> their <1438> first estate <0746>, but <0235> left <0620> (5631) their own <2398> habitation <3613>, he hath reserved <5083> (5758) in {everlasting} <0126> chains <1199> under <5259> darkness <2217> unto <1519> the judgment <2920> of the great <3173> day <2250>.

everlasting ^ Luk_16_09 And I <2504> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Make <4160> (5657) to yourselves <1438> friends <5384> of <1537> the mammon <3126> of unrighteousness <0093>; that <2443>, when <3752> ye fail <1587> (5632), they may receive <1209> (5667) you <5209> into <1519> {everlasting} <0166> habitations <4633>.

everlasting ^ Act_13_46 Then <1161> Paul <3972> and <2532> Barnabas <0921> waxed bold <3955> (5666), and said <2036> (5627), It was <2258> (5713) necessary <0316> that the word <3056> of God <2316> should <2980> <0> first <4412> have been spoken <2980> (5683) to you <5213>: but <1161> seeing <1894> ye put <0683> <0> it <0846> from you <0683> (5736), and <2532> judge <2919> (5719) yourselves <1438> unworthy <3756> <0514> of {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>, lo <2400> (5628), we turn <4762> (5743) to <1519> the Gentiles <1484>.

everlasting ^ 2Th_01_09 Who <3748> shall be punished <1349> <5099> (5692) with {everlasting} <0166> destruction <3639> from <0575> the presence <4383> of the Lord <2962>, and <2532> from <0575> the glory <1391> of his <0846> power <2479>;

everlasting ^ 2Th_02_16 Now <1161> our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> himself <0846>, and <2532> God <2316>, even <2532> our <2257> Father <3962>, which <3588> hath loved <0025> (5660) us <2248>, and <2532> hath given <1325> (5631) us {everlasting} <0166> consolation <3874> and <2532> good <0018> hope <1680> through <1722> grace <5485>,

everlasting ^ Joh_06_27 Labour <2038> (5737) not <3361> for the meat <1035> which <3588> perisheth <0622> (5734), but <0235> for that meat <1035> which <3588> endureth <3306> (5723) unto <1519> {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>, which <3739> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall give <1325> (5692) unto you <5213>: for <1063> him <5126> hath <4972> <0> God <2316> the Father <3962> sealed <4972> (5656).

everlasting ^ Joh_06_40 And <1161> this <5124> is <2076> (5748) the will <2307> of him that sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>, that <2443> every one <3956> which <3588> seeth <2334> (5723) the Son <5207>, and <2532> believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> him <0846>, may have <2192> (5725) {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>: and <2532> I <1473> will raise <0450> <0> him <0846> up <0450> (5692) at the last <2078> day <2250>.

everlasting ^ Joh_06_47 Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> me <1691> hath <2192> (5719) {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>.

everlasting ^ Joh_05_24 Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> He that heareth <0191> (5723) my <3450> word <3056>, and <2532> believeth <4100> (5723) on him that sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>, hath <2192> (5719) {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>, and <2532> shall <2064> <0> not <3756> come <2064> (5736) into <1519> condemnation <2920>; but <0235> is passed <3327> (5758) from <1537> death <2288> unto <1519> life <2222>.

everlasting ^ Joh_04_14 But <1161> whosoever <3739> <0302> drinketh <4095> (5632) of <1537> the water <5204> that <3739> I <1473> shall give <1325> (5692) him <0846> shall <1372> <0> never <1519> <0165> <3364> thirst <1372> (5661); but <0235> the water <5204> that <3739> I shall give <1325> (5692) him <0846> shall be <1096> (5695) in <1722> him <0846> a well <4077> of water <5204> springing up <0242> (5740) into <1519> {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>.

everlasting ^ Joh_03_16 For <1063> God <2316> so <3779> loved <0025> (5656) the world <2889>, that <5620> he gave <1325> (5656) his <0846> only begotten <3439> Son <5207>, that <2443> whosoever <3956> believeth <4100> (5723) in <1519> him <0846> should <0622> <0> not <3361> perish <0622> (5643), but <0235> have <2192> (5725) {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>.

everlasting ^ Joh_03_36 He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> the Son <5207> hath <2192> (5719) {everlasting} <0166> life <2222>: and <1161> he that believeth not <0544> (5723) the Son <5207> shall <3700> <0> not <3756> see <3700> (5695) life <2222>; but <0235> the wrath <3709> of God <2316> abideth <3306> (5719) on <1909> him <0846>.

exhorting ^ 1Pe_05_12 By <1223> Silvanus <4610>, a faithful <4103> brother <0080> unto you <5213>, as <5613> I suppose <3049> (5736), I have written <1125> (5656) briefly <1223> <3641>, {exhorting} <3870> (5723), and <2532> testifying <1957> (5723) that this <5026> is <1511> (5750) the true <0227> grace <5485> of God <2316> wherein <1519> <3739> ye stand <2476> (5758).

exhorting ^ Act_14_22 Confirming <1991> (5723) the souls <5590> of the disciples <3101>, and {exhorting} them <3870> (5723) to continue <1696> (5721) in the faith <4102>, and <2532> that <3754> we <2248> must <1163> (5748) through <1223> much <4183> tribulation <2347> enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

exhorting ^ Act_18_27 And <1161> when he <0846> was disposed <1014> (5740) to pass <1330> (5629) into <1519> Achaia <0882>, the brethren <0080> wrote <1125> (5656), {exhorting} <4389> (5671) the disciples <3101> to receive <0588> (5664) him <0846>: who <3739>, when he was come <3854> (5637), helped them <4820> (5639) much <4183> which had believed <4100> (5761) through <1223> grace <5485>:

exhorting ^ Heb_10_25 Not <3361> forsaking <1459> (5723) the assembling <1997> <0> of ourselves <1438> together <1997>, as <2531> the manner <1485> of some <5100> is; but <0235> {exhorting} <3870> (5723) one another: and <2532> so much <5118> the more <3123>, as <3745> ye see <0991> (5719) the day <2250> approaching <1448> (5723).

expecting ^ Act_03_05 And <1161> he gave heed <1907> (5707) unto them <0846>, {expecting} <4328> (5723) to receive <2983> (5629) something <5100> of <3844> them <0846>.

expecting ^ Heb_10_13 From henceforth <3063> {expecting} <1551> (5740) till <2193> his <0846> enemies <2190> be made <5087> (5686) his <0846> footstool <5286> <4228>.

fasting ^ Act_14_23 And <1161> when they had ordained <5500> (5660) them <0846> elders <4245> in every <2596> church <1577>, and had prayed <4336> (5666) with <3326> {fasting} <3521>, they commended <3908> (5639) them <0846> to the Lord <2962>, on <1519> whom <3739> they believed <4100> (5715).

fasting ^ Mar_09_29 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, This <5124> kind <1085> can <1410> (5736) come forth <1831> (5629) by <1722> nothing <3762>, but <1508> by <1722> prayer <4335> and <2532> {fasting} <3521>.

fasting ^ Mat_15_32 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> called <4341> (5666) his <0846> disciples <3101> unto him, and said <2036> (5627), I have compassion <4697> (5736) on <1909> the multitude <3793>, because <3754> they continue <4357> (5719) with me <3427> now <2235> three <5140> days <2250>, and <2532> have <2192> (5719) nothing <3756> <5101> to eat <5315> (5632): and <2532> I will <2309> (5719) not <3756> send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5658) {fasting} <3523>, lest <3379> they faint <1590> (5686) in <1722> the way <3598>.

fasting ^ Mat_17_21 Howbeit <1161> this <5124> kind <1085> goeth <1607> <0> not <3756> out <1607> (5736) but <1508> by <1722> prayer <4335> and <2532> {fasting} <3521>.

fasting ^ Act_27_33 And <1161> while <0891> <3739> the day <2250> was coming <1096> (5738) on <3195> (5707), Paul <3972> besought <3870> (5707) them all <0537> to take <3335> (5629) meat <5160>, saying <3004> (5723), This day <4594> is the fourteenth <5065> day <2250> that ye have tarried <4328> (5723) and continued <1300> (5719) {fasting} <0777>, having taken <4355> (5642) nothing <3367>.

fasting ^ Mar_08_03 And <2532> if <1437> I send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5661) {fasting} <3523> to <1519> their own <0846> houses <3624>, they will faint <1590> (5701) by <1722> the way <3598>: for <1063> divers <5100> of them <0846> came <2240> (5758) from far <3113>.

fasting ^ Act_10_30 And <2532> Cornelius <2883> said <5346> (5713), Four <5067> days <2250> ago <0575> I was <2252> (5713) {fasting} <3522> (5723) until <3360> this <5026> hour <5610>; and <2532> at the ninth <1766> hour <5610> I prayed <4336> (5740) in <1722> my <3450> house <3624>, and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a man <0435> stood <2476> (5627) before <1799> me <3450> in <1722> bright <2986> clothing <2066>,

fasting ^ 1Co_07_05 Defraud ye <0650> (5720) not <3361> one the other <0240>, except <1509> <0302> it be <5100> with <1537> consent <4859> for <4314> a time <2540>, that <2443> ye may give yourselves <4980> (5725) to {fasting} <3521> and <2532> prayer <4335>; and <2532> come <4905> (5741) together <1909> <0846> again <3825>, that <3363> <0> Satan <4567> tempt <3985> (5725) you <5209> not <3363> for <1223> your <5216> incontinency <0192>.

fastings ^ Luk_02_37 And <2532> she <3778> was a widow <5503> of about <5613> fourscore <3589> and four <5064> years <2094>, which <3739> departed <0868> (5711) not <3756> from <0575> the temple <2411>, but served <3> (5723) God with {fastings} <3521> and <2532> prayers <1162> night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>.

fastings ^ 2Co_11_27 In <1722> weariness <2873> and <2532> painfulness <3449>, in <1722> watchings <0070> often <4178>, in <1722> hunger <3042> and <2532> thirst <1373>, in <1722> {fastings} <3521> often <4178>, in <1722> cold <5592> and <2532> nakedness <1132>.

fastings ^ 2Co_06_05 In <1722> stripes <4127>, in <1722> imprisonments <5438>, in <1722> tumults <0181>, in <1722> labours <2873>, in <1722> watchings <0070>, in <1722> {fastings} <3521>;

fightings ^ 2Co_07_05 For <1063> <2532>, when we <2257> were come <2064> (5631) into <1519> Macedonia <3109>, our <2257> flesh <4561> had <2192> (5758) no <3762> rest <0425>, but <0235> we were troubled <2346> (5746) on <1722> every side <3956>; without <1855> were {fightings} <3163>, within <2081> were fears <5401>.

fightings ^ Jam_04_01 From whence <4159> come wars <4171> and <2532> {fightings} <3163> among <1722> you <5213>? come they not <3756> hence <1782>, even of <1537> your <5216> lusts <2237> that war <4754> (5734) in <1722> your <5216> members <3196>?

forgetting ^ Php_03_13 Brethren <0080>, I <1473> count <3049> (5736) not <3756> myself <1683> to have apprehended <2638> (5760): but <1161> this one thing <1520> I do, {forgetting} <1950> (5740) those things <3303> which are behind <3694>, and <1161> reaching forth unto <1901> (5740) those things which are before <1715>,

greeting ^ Jam_01_01 James <2385>, a servant <1401> of God <2316> and <2532> of the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, to the twelve <1427> tribes <5443> which <1722> are scattered abroad <1290>, {greeting} <5463> (5721).

greeting ^ Act_15_23 And they wrote <1125> (5660) letters by <1223> them <5495> <0846> after this manner <3592>; The apostles <0652> and <2532> elders <4245> and <2532> brethren <0080> send {greeting} <5463> (5721) unto the brethren <0080> which <3588> are of <1537> the Gentiles <1484> in <2596> Antioch <0490> and <2532> Syria <4947> and <2532> Cilicia <2791>:

greeting ^ Act_23_26 Claudius <2804> Lysias <3079> unto the most excellent <2903> governor <2232> Felix <5344> sendeth {greeting} <5463> (5721).

greetings ^ Luk_20_46 Beware <4337> (5720) of <0575> the scribes <1122>, which <3588> desire <2309> (5723) to walk <4043> (5721) in <1722> long robes <4749>, and <2532> love <5368> (5723) {greetings} <0783> in <1722> the markets <0058>, and <2532> the highest seats <4410> in <1722> the synagogues <4864>, and <2532> the chief rooms <4411> at <1722> feasts <1173>;

greetings ^ Mat_23_07 And <2532> {greetings} <0783> in <1722> the markets <0058>, and <2532> to be called <2564> (5745) of <5259> men <0444>, Rabbi <4461>, Rabbi <4461>.

greetings ^ Luk_11_43 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, Pharisees <5330>! for <3754> ye love <0025> (5719) the uppermost seats <4410> in <1722> the synagogues <4864>, and <2532> {greetings} <0783> in <1722> the markets <0058>.

handwriting ^ Col_02_14 Blotting out <1813> (5660) the {handwriting} <5498> of ordinances <1378> that was against <2596> us <2257>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) contrary <5227> to us <2254>, and <2532> took <0142> (5758) it <0846> out of <1537> the way <3319>, nailing <4338> (5660) it <0846> to his cross <4716>;

hasting ^ 2Pe_03_12 Looking for <4328> (5723) and <2532> {hasting} <4692> (5723) unto the coming <3952> of the day <2250> of God <2316>, wherein <1223> <3739> the heavens <3772> being on fire <4448> (5746) shall be dissolved <3089> (5701), and <2532> the elements <4747> shall melt <5080> (5743) with fervent heat <2741> (5746)?

hating ^ Jde_01_23 And <1161> others <3739> save <4982> (5720) with <1722> fear <5401>, pulling <0726> (5723) them out of <1537> the fire <4442>; {hating} <3404> (5723) even <2532> the garment <5509> spotted <4695> (5772) by <0575> the flesh <4561>.

hating ^ Tit_03_03 For <1063> we ourselves <2249> also <2532> were <2258> (5713) <0453> <0> sometimes <4218> foolish <0453>, disobedient <0545>, deceived <4105> (5746), serving <1398> (5723) divers <4164> lusts <1939> and <2532> pleasures <2237>, living <1236> (5723) in <1722> malice <2549> and <2532> envy <5355>, hateful <4767>, and {hating} <3404> (5723) one another <0240>.

imputing ^ 2Co_05_19 To wit <5613>, that <3754> God <2316> was <2258> (5713) in <1722> Christ <5547>, reconciling <2644> (5723) the world <2889> unto himself <1438>, not <3361> {imputing} <3049> (5740) their <0846> trespasses <3900> unto them <0846>; and <2532> hath committed <5087> (5642) unto <1722> us <2254> the word <3056> of reconciliation <2643>.

incontinent ^ 2Ti_03_03 Without natural affection <0794>, trucebreakers <0786>, false accusers <1228>, {incontinent} <0193>, fierce <0434>, despisers of those that are good <0865>,

incontinency ^ 1Co_07_05 Defraud ye <0650> (5720) not <3361> one the other <0240>, except <1509> <0302> it be <5100> with <1537> consent <4859> for <4314> a time <2540>, that <2443> ye may give yourselves <4980> (5725) to fasting <3521> and <2532> prayer <4335>; and <2532> come <4905> (5741) together <1909> <0846> again <3825>, that <3363> <0> Satan <4567> tempt <3985> (5725) you <5209> not <3363> for <1223> your <5216> {incontinency} <0192>.

instructing ^ 2Ti_02_25 In <1722> meekness <4236> {instructing} <3811> (5723) those that oppose themselves <0475> (5734); if <3379> <0> God <2316> peradventure <3379> will give <1325> (5632) them <0846> repentance <3341> to <1519> the acknowledging <1922> of the truth <0225>;

jesting ^ Eph_05_04 Neither <2532> filthiness <0151>, nor <2532> foolish talking <3473>, nor <2228> {jesting} <2160>, which <3588> are <0433> <0> not <3756> convenient <0433> (5723): but <0235> rather <3123> giving of thanks <2169>.

Latin ^ Joh_19_20 This <5126> title <5102> then <3767> read <0314> (5627) many <4183> of the Jews <2453>: for <3754> the place <5117> where <3699> Jesus <2424> was crucified <4717> (5681) was <2258> (5713) nigh <1451> to the city <4172>: and <2532> it was <2258> (5713) written <1125> (5772) in Hebrew <1447>, and Greek <1676>, and {Latin} <4515>.

Latin ^ Luk_23_38 And <1161> a superscription <1923> also <2532> was <2258> (5713) written <1125> (5772) over <1909> him <0846> in letters <1121> of Greek <1673>, and <2532> {Latin} <4513>, and <2532> Hebrew <1444>, THIS <3778> IS <2076> (5748) THE KING <0935> OF THE JEWS <2453>.

Libertines ^ Act_06_09 Then <1161> there arose <0450> (5656) certain <5100> of <1537> the synagogue <4864>, which <3588> is called <3004> (5746) the synagogue of the {Libertines} <3032>, and <2532> Cyrenians <2956>, and <2532> Alexandrians <0221>, and <2532> of them of <0575> Cilicia <2791> and <2532> of Asia <0773>, disputing <4802> (5723) with Stephen <4736>.

lifting ^ 1Ti_02_08 I will <1014> (5736) therefore <3767> that men <0435> pray <4336> (5738) every <1722> <3956> where <5117>, {lifting} up <1869> (5723) holy <3741> hands <5495>, without <5565> wrath <3709> and <2532> doubting <1261>.

lighting ^ Mat_03_16 And <2532> Jesus <2424>, when he was baptized <0907> (5685), went up <0305> (5627) straightway <2117> out of <0575> the water <5204>: and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), the heavens <3772> were opened <0455> (5681) unto him <0846>, and <2532> he saw <1492> (5627) the Spirit <4151> of God <2316> descending <2597> (5723) like <5616> a dove <4058>, and <2532> {lighting} <2064> (5740) upon <1909> him <0846>:

naughtiness ^ Jam_01_21 Wherefore <1352> lay apart <0659> (5642) all <3956> filthiness <4507> and <2532> superfluity <4050> of {naughtiness} <2549>, and receive <1209> (5663) with <1722> meekness <4240> the engrafted <1721> word <3056>, which <3588> is able <1410> (5740) to save <4982> (5658) your <5216> souls <5590>.

neglecting ^ Col_02_23 Which things <3748> have <2192> (5723) indeed <3303> a shew <2076> (5748) <3056> of wisdom <4678> in <1722> will worship <1479>, and <2532> humility <5012>, and <2532> {neglecting} <0857> of the body <4983>; not <3756> in <1722> any <5100> honour <5092> to <4314> the satisfying <4140> of the flesh <4561>.

perfecting ^ 2Co_07_01 Having <2192> (5723) therefore <3767> these <5025> promises <1860>, dearly beloved <0027>, let us cleanse <2511> (5661) ourselves <1438> from <0575> all <3956> filthiness <3436> of the flesh <4561> and <2532> spirit <4151>, {perfecting} <2005> (5723) holiness <0042> in <1722> the fear <5401> of God <2316>.

perfecting ^ Eph_04_12 For <4314> the {perfecting} <2677> of the saints <0040>, for <1519> the work <2041> of the ministry <1248>, for <1519> the edifying <3619> of the body <4983> of Christ <5547>:

persecuting ^ Php_03_06 Concerning <2596> zeal <2205>, {persecuting} <1377> (5723) the church <1577>; touching <2596> the righteousness <1343> which <3588> is in <1722> the law <3551>, <1096> (5637) blameless <0273>.

perverting ^ Luk_23_02 And <1161> they began <0756> (5662) to accuse <2723> (5721) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), We found <2147> (5627) this <5126> fellow {perverting} <1294> (5723) the nation <1484>, and <2532> forbidding <2967> (5723) to give <1325> (5721) tribute <5411> to Caesar <2541>, saying <3004> (5723) that he himself <1438> is <1511> (5750) Christ <5547> a King <0935>.

plaiting ^ 1Pe_03_03 Whose <3739> adorning <2889> let it <2077> <0> not <3756> be <2077> (5749) that outward <1855> adorning of {plaiting} <1708> the hair <2359>, and <2532> of wearing <4025> of gold <5553>, or <2228> of putting on <1745> of apparel <2440>;

prating ^ 3Jo_01_10 Wherefore <1223> <5124>, if <1437> I come <2064> (5632), I will remember <5279> (5692) his <0846> deeds <2041> which <3739> he doeth <4160> (5719), {prating} against <5396> (5723) us <2248> with malicious <4190> words <3056>: and <2532> not <3361> content <0714> (5746) therewith <1909> <5125>, neither <3777> doth <1926> <0> he himself <0846> receive <1926> (5736) the brethren <0080>, and <2532> forbiddeth <2967> (5719) them that would <1014> (5740), and <2532> casteth <1544> (5719) them out of <1537> the church <1577>.

predestinate ^ Rom_08_30 Moreover <1161> whom <3739> he did {predestinate} <4309> (5656), them <5128> he <2564> <0> also <2532> called <2564> (5656): and <2532> whom <3739> he called <2564> (5656), them <5128> he <1344> <0> also <2532> justified <1344> (5656): and <1161> whom <3739> he justified <1344> (5656), them <5128> he <1392> <0> also <2532> glorified <1392> (5656).

predestinate ^ Rom_08_29 For <3754> whom <3739> he did foreknow <4267> (5656), he <4309> <0> also <2532> did {predestinate} <4309> (5656) to be conformed <4832> to the image <1504> of his <0846> Son <5207>, that <1519> he <0846> might be <1511> (5750) the firstborn <4416> among <1722> many <4183> brethren <0080>.

predestinated ^ Eph_01_05 Having {predestinated} <4309> (5660) us <2248> unto <1519> the adoption of children <5206> by <1223> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> to <1519> himself <0846>, according <2596> to the good pleasure <2107> of his <0846> will <2307>,

predestinated ^ Eph_01_11 In <1722> whom <3739> also <2532> we have obtained an inheritance <2820> (5681), being {predestinated} <4309> (5685) according to <2596> the purpose <4286> of him who worketh <1754> (5723) all things <3956> after <2596> the counsel <1012> of his own <0846> will <2307>:

profiting ^ 1Ti_04_15 Meditate upon <3191> (5720) these things <5023>; give thyself <2468> (5749) wholly to <1722> them <5125>; that <2443> thy <4675> {profiting} <4297> may <5600> (5753) appear <5318> to <1722> all <3956>.

putting ^ Rom_15_15 Nevertheless <1161>, brethren <0080>, I have written <1125> (5656) the more boldly <5112> unto you <5213> in <0575> some sort <3313>, as <5613> {putting} <1878> <0> you <5209> in mind <1878> (5723), because <1223> of the grace <5485> that is given <1325> (5685) to me <3427> of <5259> God <2316>,

putting ^ Col_02_11 In <1722> whom <3739> also <2532> ye are circumcised <4059> (5681) with the circumcision <4061> made without hands <0886>, in <1722> {putting} off <0555> the body <4983> of the sins <0266> of the flesh <4561> by <1722> the circumcision <4061> of Christ <5547>:

putting ^ Eph_04_25 Wherefore <1352> {putting} away <0659> (5642) lying <5579>, speak <2980> (5720) every man <1538> truth <0225> with <3326> his <0846> neighbour <4139>: for <3754> we are <2070> (5748) members <3196> one of another <0240>.

putting ^ Act_19_33 And <1161> they drew <4264> (5656) Alexander <0223> out of <1537> the multitude <3793>, the Jews <2453> {putting} <4261> <0> him <0846> forward <4261> (5660) (5625) <4261> (5723). And <1161> Alexander <0223> beckoned <2678> (5660) with the hand <5495>, and would <2309> (5707) have made his defence <0626> (5738) unto the people <1218>.

putting ^ Act_09_12 And <2532> hath seen <1492> (5627) in <1722> a vision <3705> a man <0435> named <3686> Ananias <0367> coming in <1525> (5631), and <2532> {putting} <2007> <0> his hand <5495> on <2007> (5631) him <0846>, that <3704> he might receive his sight <0308> (5661).

putting ^ Act_09_17 And <1161> Ananias <0367> went his way <0565> (5627), and <2532> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3614>; and <2532> {putting} <2007> (5631) his hands <5495> on <1909> him <0846> said <2036> (5627), Brother <0080> Saul <4549>, the Lord <2962>, even Jesus <2424>, that appeared <3700> (5685) unto thee <4671> in <1722> the way <3598> as <3739> thou camest <2064> (5711), hath sent <0649> (5758) me <3165>, that <3704> thou mightest receive thy sight <0308> (5661), and <2532> be filled with <4130> (5686) the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

putting ^ 2Ti_01_06 Wherefore <1223> <3739> <0156> I put <0363> <0> thee <4571> in remembrance <0363> (5719) that thou stir up <0329> (5721) the gift <5486> of God <2316>, which <3739> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> thee <4671> by <1223> the {putting} on <1936> of my <3450> hands <5495>.

putting ^ 2Pe_01_13 Yea <1161>, I think it <2233> (5736) meet <1342>, as long as <1909> <3745> I am <1510> (5748) in <1722> this <5129> tabernacle <4638>, to stir <1326> <0> you <5209> up <1326> (5721) by <1722> {putting} you in remembrance <5280>;

putting ^ 1Ti_01_12 And <2532> I thank <2192> (5719) <5485> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424> our <2257> Lord <2962>, who <3588> hath enabled <1743> (5660) me <3165>, for <3754> that he counted <2233> (5662) me <3165> faithful <4103>, {putting} me <5087> (5642) into <1519> the ministry <1248>;

putting ^ 1Pe_03_03 Whose <3739> adorning <2889> let it <2077> <0> not <3756> be <2077> (5749) that outward <1855> adorning of plaiting <1708> the hair <2359>, and <2532> of wearing <4025> of gold <5553>, or <2228> of {putting} on <1745> of apparel <2440>;

putting ^ 1Th_05_08 But <1161> let <3525> <0> us <2249>, who are <5607> (5752) of the day <2250>, be sober <3525> (5725), {putting} on <1746> (5671) the breastplate <2382> of faith <4102> and <2532> love <0026>; and <2532> for an helmet <4030>, the hope <1680> of salvation <4991>.

putting ^ 1Pe_03_21 The like figure <0499> whereunto <3739> even baptism <0908> doth <4982> <0> also <2532> now <3568> save <4982> (5719) us <2248> (not <3756> the {putting} away <0595> of the filth <4509> of the flesh <4561>, but <0235> the answer <1906> of a good <0018> conscience <4893> toward <1519> God <2316>,) by <1223> the resurrection <0386> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>:

rioting ^ Rom_13_13 Let us walk <4043> (5661) honestly <2156>, as <5613> in <1722> the day <2250>; not <3361> in {rioting} <2970> and <2532> drunkenness <3178>, not <3361> in chambering <2845> and <2532> wantonness <0766>, not <3361> in strife <2054> and <2532> envying <2205>.

setting ^ Luk_04_40 Now <1161> when the sun <2246> was {setting} <1416> (5723), all <3956> they that <3745> had <2192> (5707) any sick <0770> (5723) with divers <4164> diseases <3554> brought <0071> (5627) them <0846> unto <4314> him <0846>; and <1161> he laid <2007> <0> his hands <5495> on <2007> (5631) every <1538> one <1520> of them <0846>, and healed <2323> (5656) them <0846>.

setting ^ Mat_27_66 So <1161> they went <4198> (5679), and made <0805> <0> the sepulchre <5028> sure <0805> (5662), sealing <4972> (5660) the stone <3037>, and {setting} <3326> a watch <2892>.

sitting ^ Rev_04_04 And <2532> round about <2943> the throne <2362> were four <5064> and <2532> twenty <1501> seats <2362>: and <2532> upon <1909> the seats <2362> I saw <1492> (5627) four <5064> and <2532> twenty <1501> elders <4245> {sitting} <2521> (5740), clothed <4016> (5772) in <1722> white <3022> raiment <2440>; and <2532> they had <2192> (5627) on <1909> their <0846> heads <2776> crowns <4735> of gold <5552>.

sitting ^ Mat_27_61 And <1161> there <1563> was <2258> (5713) Mary <3137> Magdalene <3094>, and <2532> the other <0243> Mary <3137>, {sitting} <2521> (5740) over against <0561> the sepulchre <5028>.

sitting ^ Mat_26_64 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Thou <4771> hast said <2036> (5627): nevertheless <4133> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Hereafter <0737> <0575> shall ye see <3700> (5695) the Son <5207> of man <0444> {sitting} <2521> (5740) on <1537> the right hand <1188> of power <1411>, and <2532> coming <2064> (5740) in <1909> the clouds <3507> of heaven <3772>.

sitting ^ Mat_27_36 And <2532> {sitting} down <2521> (5740) they watched <5083> (5707) him <0846> there <1563>;

sitting ^ Mat_21_05 Tell ye <2036> (5628) the daughter <2364> of Sion <4622>, Behold <2400> (5628), thy <4675> King <0935> cometh <2064> (5736) unto thee <4671>, meek <4239>, and <2532> {sitting} <1910> (5761) upon <1909> an ass <3688>, and <2532> a colt <4454> the foal <5207> of an ass <5268>.

sitting ^ Luk_07_32 They are <1526> (5748) like <3664> unto children <3813> {sitting} <2521> (5740) in <1722> the marketplace <0058>, and <2532> calling <4377> (5719) (5723) one to another <0240>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5719) (5723), We have piped <0832> (5656) unto you <5213>, and <2532> ye have <3738> <0> not <3756> danced <3738> (5662); we have mourned <2354> (5656) to you <5213>, and <2532> ye have <2799> <0> not <3756> wept <2799> (5656).

sitting ^ Mat_11_16 But <1161> whereunto <5101> shall I liken <3666> (5692) this <5026> generation <1074>? It is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto children <3808> {sitting} <2521> (5740) in <1722> the markets <0058>, and <2532> calling <4377> (5723) unto their <0846> fellows <2083>,

sitting ^ Mat_09_09 And as <2532> Jesus <2424> passed forth <3855> (5723) from thence <1564>, he saw <1492> (5627) a man <0444>, named <3004> (5746) Matthew <3156>, {sitting} <2521> (5740) at <1909> the receipt of custom <5058>: and <2532> he saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>. And <2532> he arose <0450> (5631), and followed <0190> (5656) him <0846>.

sitting ^ Mat_20_30 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), two <1417> blind men <5185> {sitting} <2521> (5740) by the way <3598> side <3844>, when they heard <0191> (5660) that <3754> Jesus <2424> passed by <3855> (5719), cried out <2896> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Have mercy <1653> (5657) on us <2248>, O Lord <2962>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>.

sitting ^ Mar_16_05 And <2532> entering <1525> (5631) into <1519> the sepulchre <3419>, they saw <1492> (5627) a young man <3495> {sitting} <2521> (5740) on <1722> the right side <1188>, clothed <4016> (5772) in a long white <3022> garment <4749>; and <2532> they were affrighted <1568> (5681).

sitting ^ Joh_12_15 Fear <5399> (5732) (5737) not <3361>, daughter <2364> of Sion <4622>: behold <2400> (5628), thy <4675> King <0935> cometh <2064> (5736), {sitting} <2521> (5740) on <1909> an ass's <3688> colt <4454>.

sitting ^ Act_02_02 And <2532> suddenly <0869> there came <1096> (5633) a sound <2279> from <1537> heaven <3772> as <5618> of a rushing <5342> (5730) mighty <0972> wind <4157>, and <2532> it filled <4137> (5656) all <3650> the house <3624> where <3757> they were <2258> (5713) {sitting} <2521> (5740).

sitting ^ Act_08_28 <5037> Was <2258> (5713) returning <5290> (5723), and <2532> {sitting} <2521> (5740) in <1909> his <0846> chariot <0716> <2532> read <0314> (5707) Esaias <2268> the prophet <4396>.

sitting ^ Act_25_06 And <1161> when he had tarried <1304> (5660) among <1722> them <0846> more <4119> than <2228> ten <1176> days <2250>, he went down <2597> (5631) unto <1519> Caesarea <2542>; and the next day <1887> {sitting} <2523> (5660) on <1909> the judgment seat <0968> commanded <2753> (5656) Paul <3972> to be brought <0071> (5683).

sitting ^ Joh_02_14 And <2532> found <2147> (5627) in <1722> the temple <2411> those that sold <4453> (5723) oxen <1016> and <2532> sheep <4263> and <2532> doves <4058>, and <2532> the changers of money <2773> {sitting} <2521> (5740):

sitting ^ Joh_20_12 And <2532> seeth <2334> (5719) two <1417> angels <0032> in <1722> white <3022> {sitting} <2516> (5740), the one <1520> at <4314> the head <2776>, and <2532> the other <1520> at <4314> the feet <4228>, where <3699> the body <4983> of Jesus <2424> had lain <2749> (5711).

sitting ^ Luk_02_46 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> they found <2147> (5627) him <0846> in <1722> the temple <2411>, {sitting} <2516> (5740) in <1722> the midst <3319> of the doctors <1320>, both <2532> hearing <0191> (5723) them <0846>, and <2532> asking <1905> <0> them <0846> questions <1905> (5723).

sitting ^ Luk_05_17 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633) on <1722> a certain <3391> day <2250>, as <2532> he <0846> was <2258> (5713) teaching <1321> (5723), that <2532> there were <2258> (5713) Pharisees <5330> and <2532> doctors of the law <3547> {sitting} by <2521> (5740), which <3739> were <2258> (5713) come <2064> (5756) out of <1537> every <3956> town <2968> of Galilee <1056>, and <2532> Judaea <2449>, and <2532> Jerusalem <2419>: and <2532> the power <1411> of the Lord <2962> was <2258> (5713) present to <1519> heal <2390> (5738) them <0846>.

sitting ^ Luk_05_27 And <2532> after <3326> these things <5023> he went forth <1831> (5627), and <2532> saw <2300> (5662) a publican <5057>, named <3686> Levi <3018>, {sitting} <2521> (5740) at <1909> the receipt of custom <5058>: and <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>.

sitting ^ Luk_08_35 Then <1161> they went out <1831> (5627) to see <1492> (5629) what was done <1096> (5756); and <2532> came <2064> (5627) to <4314> Jesus <2424>, and <2532> found <2147> (5627) the man <0444>, out of <0575> whom <3739> the devils <1140> were departed <1831> (5715), {sitting} <2521> (5740) at <3844> the feet <4228> of Jesus <2424>, clothed <2439> (5772), and <2532> in his right mind <4993> (5723): and <2532> they were afraid <5399> (5675).

sitting ^ Luk_10_13 Woe <3759> unto thee <4671>, Chorazin <5523>! woe <3759> unto thee <4671>, Bethsaida <0966>! for <3754> if <1487> the mighty works <1411> had been done <1096> (5633) in <1722> Tyre <5184> and <2532> Sidon <4605>, which <3588> have been done <1096> (5637) in <1722> you <5213>, they had <3340> <0> a great while ago <3819> repented <3340> (5656), {sitting} <2521> (5740) in <0302> <1722> sackcloth <4526> and <2532> ashes <4700>.

sitting ^ Mar_14_62 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748): and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) the Son <5207> of man <0444> {sitting} <2521> (5740) on <1537> the right hand <1188> of power <1411>, and <2532> coming <2064> (5740) in <3326> the clouds <3507> of heaven <3772>.

sitting ^ Mar_05_15 And <2532> they come <2064> (5736) to <4314> Jesus <2424>, and <2532> see <2334> (5719) him that was possessed with the devil <1139> (5740), and had <2192> (5761) the legion <3003>, {sitting} <2521> (5740), and <2532> clothed <2439> (5772), and <2532> in his right mind <4993> (5723): and <2532> they were afraid <5399> (5675).

sitting ^ Mar_02_14 And <2532> as he passed by <3855> (5723), he saw <1492> (5627) Levi <3018> the son of Alphaeus <0256> {sitting} <2521> (5740) at <1909> the receipt of custom <5058>, and <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>. And <2532> he arose <0450> (5631) and followed <0190> (5656) him <0846>.

sitting ^ Mar_02_06 But <1161> there were <2258> (5713) certain <5100> of the scribes <1122> {sitting} <2521> (5740) there <1563>, and <2532> reasoning <1260> (5740) in <1722> their <0846> hearts <2588>,

sporting ^ 2Pe_02_13 And shall receive <2865> (5697) the reward <3408> of unrighteousness <0093>, as they that count <2233> (5740) it pleasure <2237> to riot <5172> in <1722> the day time <2250>. Spots <4696> they are and <2532> blemishes <3470>, {sporting} themselves <1792> (5723) with <1722> their own <0846> deceivings <0539> while they feast <4910> (5740) with you <5213>;

sting ^ 1Co_15_55 O death <2288>, where <4226> is thy <4675> {sting} <2759>? O grave <0086>, where <4226> is thy <4675> victory <3534>?

sting ^ 1Co_15_56 <1161> The {sting} <2759> of death <2288> is sin <0266>; and <1161> the strength <1411> of sin <0266> is the law <3551>.

stings ^ Rev_09_10 And <2532> they had <2192> (5719) tails <3769> like <3664> unto scorpions <4651>, and <2532> there were <2258> (5713) {stings} <2759> in <1722> their <0846> tails <3769>: and <2532> their <0846> power <1849> was to hurt <0091> (5658) men <0444> five <4002> months <3376>.

stinketh ^ Joh_11_39 Jesus <2424> said <3004> (5719), Take ye away <0142> (5657) the stone <3037>. Martha <3136>, the sister <0079> of him that was dead <2348> (5761), saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, by this time <2235> he {stinketh} <3605> (5719): for <1063> he hath been <2076> (5748) dead four days <5066>.

Submitting ^ Eph_05_21 {Submitting} yourselves <5293> (5746) one to another <0240> in <1722> the fear <5401> of God <2316>.

subverting ^ 2Ti_02_14 Of these things <5023> put them in remembrance <5279> (5720), charging <1263> (5740) them before <1799> the Lord <2962> that they strive <3054> <0> not <3361> about words <3054> (5721) to <1519> no <3762> profit <5539>, but to <1909> the {subverting} <2692> of the hearers <0191> (5723).

subverting ^ Act_15_24 Forasmuch as <1894> we have heard <0191> (5656), that <3754> certain <5100> which went out <1831> (5631) from <1537> us <2257> have troubled <5015> (5656) you <5209> with words <3056>, {subverting} <0384> (5723) your <5216> souls <5590>, saying <3004> (5723), Ye must be circumcised <4059> (5745), and <2532> keep <5083> (5721) the law <3551>: to whom <3739> we gave <1291> <0> no <3756> such commandment <1291> (5668):

surfeiting ^ Luk_21_34 And <1161> take heed <4337> (5720) to yourselves <1438>, lest at any time <3379> your <5216> hearts <2588> be overcharged <0925> (5686) with <1722> {surfeiting} <2897>, and <2532> drunkenness <3178>, and <2532> cares <3308> of this life <0982>, and <2532> so that <1565> day <2250> come <2186> (5632) upon <1909> you <5209> unawares <0160>.

tempting ^ Mar_08_11 And <2532> the Pharisees <5330> came forth <1831> (5627), and <2532> began <0756> (5662) to question <4802> (5721) with him <0846>, seeking <2212> (5723) of <3844> him <0846> a sign <4592> from <0575> heaven <3772>, {tempting} <3985> (5723) him <0846>.

tempting ^ Mat_22_35 Then <2532> one <1520> of <1537> them <0846>, which was a lawyer <3544>, asked <1905> (5656) him a question, {tempting} <3985> (5723) him <0846>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723),

tempting ^ Mat_19_03 The Pharisees <5330> also <2532> came <4334> (5656) unto him <0846>, {tempting} <3985> (5723) him <0846>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Is it lawful <1487> <1832> (5748) for a man <0444> to put away <0630> (5658) his <0846> wife <1135> for <2596> every <3956> cause <0156>?

tempting ^ Mat_16_01 The Pharisees <5330> also <2532> with the Sadducees <4523> came <4334> (5631), and <2532> {tempting} <3985> (5723) desired <1905> (5656) him <0846> that he would shew <1925> (5658) them <0846> a sign <4592> from <1537> heaven <3772>.

tempting ^ Luk_11_16 And <1161> others <2087>, {tempting} <3985> (5723) him, sought <2212> (5707) of <3844> him <0846> a sign <4592> from <1537> heaven <3772>.

tempting ^ Joh_08_06 <1161> This <5124> they said <3004> (5707), {tempting} <3985> (5723) him <0846>, that <2443> they might have <2192> (5725) to accuse <2723> (5721) him <0846>. But <1161> Jesus <2424> stooped <2955> (5660) down <2736>, and with his finger <1147> wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the ground <1093>, as though he heard <4364> (5740) them not <3361>.

tempting ^ Mar_10_02 And <2532> the Pharisees <5330> came to him <4334> (5631), and asked <1905> (5656) him <0846>, Is it <1487> lawful <1832> (5748) for a man <0435> to put away <0630> (5658) his wife <1135>? {tempting} <3985> (5723) him <0846>.

tinkling ^ 1Co_13_01 Though <1437> I speak <2980> (5725) with the tongues <1100> of men <0444> and <2532> of angels <0032>, and <1161> have <2192> (5725) not <3361> charity <0026>, I am become <1096> (5754) as sounding <2278> (5723) brass <5475>, or <2228> a {tinkling} <0214> (5723) cymbal <2950>.

waiting ^ Rom_08_23 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> they, but <0235> ourselves <0846> also <2532>, which have <2192> (5723) the firstfruits <0536> of the Spirit <4151>, even <2532> we <2249> ourselves <0846> groan <4727> (5719) within <1722> ourselves <1438>, {waiting} <0553> (5740) for the adoption <5206>, to wit, the redemption <0629> of our <2257> body <4983>.

waiting ^ Joh_05_03 In <1722> these <5025> lay <2621> (5711) a great <4183> multitude <4128> of impotent folk <0770> (5723), of blind <5185>, halt <5560>, withered <3584>, {waiting} for <1551> (5740) the moving <2796> of the water <5204>.

waiting ^ Luk_08_40 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, when <1722> Jesus <2424> was returned <5290> (5658), the people <3793> gladly received <0588> (5662) him <0846>: for <1063> they were <2258> (5713) all <3956> {waiting} for <4328> (5723) him <0846>.

waiting ^ 2Th_03_05 And <1161> the Lord <2962> direct <2720> (5659) your <5216> hearts <2588> into <1519> the love <0026> of God <2316>, and <2532> into <1519> the patient {waiting} <5281> for Christ <5547>.

waiting ^ 1Co_01_07 So that <5620> ye <5209> come behind <5302> (5745) in <1722> no <3361> <3367> gift <5486>; {waiting} for <0553> (5740) the coming <0602> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>:

waiting ^ Luk_02_25 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), there was <2258> (5713) a man <0444> in <1722> Jerusalem <2419>, whose <3739> name <3686> was Simeon <4826>; and <2532> the same <3778> man <0444> was just <1342> and <2532> devout <2126>, {waiting} <4327> (5740) for the consolation <3874> of Israel <2474>: and <2532> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> was <2258> (5713) upon <1909> him <0846>.

wanting ^ Jam_01_04 But <1161> let <2192> <0> patience <5281> have <2192> (5720) her perfect <5046> work <2041>, that <2443> ye may be <5600> (5753) perfect <5046> and <2532> entire <3648>, {wanting} <3007> (5746) nothing <1722> <3367>.

wanting ^ Tit_01_05 For this <5127> cause <5484> left I <2641> (5627) thee <4571> in <1722> Crete <2914>, that <2443> thou shouldest set in order <1930> (5672) the things that are {wanting} <3007> (5723), and <2532> ordain <2525> (5661) elders <4245> in every <2596> city <4172>, as <5613> I <1473> had appointed <1299> (5668) thee <4671>:

wanting ^ Tit_03_13 Bring <4311> <0> Zenas <2211> the lawyer <3544> and <2532> Apollos <0625> on their journey <4311> (5657) diligently <4709>, that <2443> nothing <3367> be {wanting} <3007> (5725) unto them <0846>.

writing ^ Joh_19_19 And <1161> <2532> Pilate <4091> wrote <1125> (5656) a title <5102>, and <2532> put <5087> (5656) it on <1909> the cross <4716>. And <1161> the {writing} <1125> (5772) was <2258> (5713), JESUS <2424> OF NAZARETH <3480> THE KING <0935> OF THE JEWS <2453>.

writing ^ Luk_01_63 And <2532> he asked for <0154> (5660) a {writing} table <4093>, and wrote <1125> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), His <0846> name <3686> is <2076> (5748) John <2491>. And <2532> they marvelled <2296> (5656) all <3956>.

writing ^ Mat_05_31 <1161> It hath been said <4483> (5681) <3754>, Whosoever <3739> <0302> shall put away <0630> (5661) his <0846> wife <1135>, let him give <1325> (5628) her <0846> a {writing} of divorcement <0647>:

writing ^ Mat_19_07 They say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Why <5101> did Moses <3475> then <3767> command <1781> (5662) to give <1325> (5629) a {writing} <0975> of divorcement <0647>, and <2532> to put <0630> <0> her <0846> away <0630> (5658)?

writings ^ Joh_05_47 But <1161> if <1487> ye believe <4100> (5719) not <3756> his <1565> {writings} <1121>, how <4459> shall ye believe <4100> (5692) my <1699> words <4487>?