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Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

):touch Psa_144_05 Bow (05186 +natah ) thy heavens (08064 +shamayim ) , O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , and come (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad {):touch} (05060 +naga( ) the mountains (02022 +har ) , and they shall smoke (06225 +(ashan ) .

Touch 1Ch_16_22 [ Saying ] , {Touch} (05060 +naga( ) not mine anointed (04899 +mashiyach ) , and do my prophets (05030 +nabiy) ) no (00408 +)al ) harm (07489 +ra(a( ) .

Touch Col_02_21 ( {Touch} (0680 -haptomai -) not ; taste (1089 -geuomai -) not ; handle (2345 -thiggano -) not ;

Touch Joh_20_17 Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) saith (3004 -lego -) unto her , {Touch} (0680 -haptomai -) me not ; for I am not yet (3768 -oupo -) ascended (0305 -anabaino -) to my Father (3962 -pater -):but go (4198 -poreuomai -) to my brethren (0080 -adephos -) , and say (2036 -epo -) unto them , I ascend (0305 -anabaino -) unto my Father (3962 -pater -) , and your (5216 -humon -) Father (3962 -pater -) ; and [ to ] my God (2316 -theos -) , and your (5216 -humon -) God (2316 -theos -) .

Touch Psa_105_15 [ Saying ] , {Touch} (05060 +naga( ) not mine anointed (04899 +mashiyach ) , and do my prophets (05030 +nabiy) ) no (00408 +)al ) harm (07489 +ra(a( ) .

Touching Act_24_21 Except (2228 -e -) it be for this (5026 -taute -) one (3391 -mia -) voice (5456 -phone -) , that I cried (2896 -krazo -) standing (2476 -histemi -) among (1722 -en -) them , {Touching} (4012 -peri -) the resurrection (0386 -anastasis -) of the dead (3498 -nekros -) I am called (2919 -krino -) in question (2919 -krino -) by you this (4594 -semeron -) day (4594 -semeron -) .

Touching Job_37_23 [ {Touching} ] the Almighty (07706 +Shadday ) , we cannot (03808 +lo) ) find (04672 +matsa) ) him out:[ he is ] excellent (07689 +saggiy) ) in power (03581 +koach ) , and in judgment (04941 +mishpat ) , and in plenty (07230 +rob ) of justice (06666 +ts@daqah ):he will not afflict (06031 +(anah ) .

touch 1Co_07_01 . Now (1161 -de -) concerning (4012 -peri -) the things whereof (3739 -hos -) ye wrote (1125 -grapho -) unto me: [ It is ] good (2570 -kalos -) for a man (0444 -anthropos -) not to {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) a woman (1135 -gune -) .

touch 2Co_06_17 Wherefore (1352 -dio -) come (1831 -exerchomai -) out from among (3319 -mesos -) them , and be ye separate (0873 -aphorizo -) , saith (3004 -lego -) the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , and {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) not the unclean (0169 -akathartos -) [ thing ] ; and I will receive (1523 -eisdechomai -) you ,

touch 2Sa_14_10 And the king (04428 +melek ) said (00559 +)amar ) , Whosoever saith (01696 +dabar ) [ ought ] unto thee , bring (00935 +bow) ) him to me , and he shall not {touch} (05060 +naga( ) thee any more .

touch 2Sa_18_12 And the man (00376 +)iysh ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Joab (03097 +Yow)ab ) , Though (03863 +luw) ) I should receive (08254 +shaqal ) a thousand (00505 +)eleph ) [ shekels ] of silver (03701 +keceph ) in mine hand (03709 +kaph ) , [ yet ] would I not put (07971 +shalach ) forth (07971 +shalach ) mine hand (03027 +yad ) against (00413 +)el ) the king s (04428 +melek ) son (01121 +ben ):for in our hearing (00241 +)ozen ) the king (04428 +melek ) charged (06680 +tsavah ) thee and Abishai (52) and Ittai (00863 +)Ittay ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Beware (08104 +shamar ) that none [ {touch} ] the young (05288 +na(ar ) man Absalom (53) .

touch 2Sa_23_07 But the man (00376 +)iysh ) [ that ] shall {touch} (05060 +naga( ) them must be fenced (04390 +male) ) with iron (01270 +barzel ) and the staff (06086 +(ets ) of a spear (02595 +chaniyth ) ; and they shall be utterly burned (08313 +saraph ) with fire (00784 +)esh ) in the [ same ] place (07675 +shebeth ) .

touch Deu_14_08 And the swine (02386 +chaziyr ) , because (03588 +kiy ) it divideth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , yet cheweth not the cud (01625 +gerah ) , it [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you:ye shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of their flesh (01320 +basar ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) {touch} (05060 +naga( ) their dead (05038 +n@belah ) carcase (05038 +n@belah ) .

touch Exo_19_12 And thou shalt set bounds (01379 +gabal ) unto the people (05971 +(am ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Take heed (08104 +shamar ) to yourselves , [ that ye ] go (05927 +(alah ) [ not ] up into the mount (02022 +har ) , or {touch} (05060 +naga( ) the border (07097 +qatseh ) of it:whosoever (03605 +kol ) toucheth (05060 +naga( ) the mount (02022 +har ) shall be surely put to death (04191 +muwth ) :

touch Exo_19_13 There shall not an hand (03027 +yad ) {touch} (05060 +naga( ) it , but he shall surely (03588 +kiy ) be stoned (05619 +caqal ) , or shot (03384 +yarah ) through ; whether (00518 +)im ) [ it be ] beast (00929 +b@hemah ) or (00176 +)ow ) man (00376 +)iysh ) , it shall not live (02421 +chayah ):when the trumpet (03104 +yowbel ) soundeth long (04900 +mashak ) , they shall come (05927 +(alah ) up to the mount (02022 +har ) .

touch Gen_03_03 But of the fruit (06529 +p@riy ) of the tree (06086 +(ets ) which (00834 +)aher ) [ is ] in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of the garden (01588 +gan ) , God (00430 +)elohiym ) hath said (00559 +)amar ) , Ye shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of it , neither shall ye {touch} (05060 +naga( ) it , lest (06435 +pen ) ye die (04191 +muwth ) .

touch Gen_20_06 And God (00430 +)elohiym ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto him in a dream (02472 +chalowm ) , Yea (01571 +gam ) , I know (03045 +yada( ) that thou didst (06213 +(asah ) this (02063 +zo)th ) in the integrity (08537 +tom ) of thy heart (03824 +lebab ) ; for I also withheld (02820 +chasak ) thee from sinning (02398 +chata) ) against me:therefore suffered (05414 +nathan ) I thee not to {touch} (05060 +naga( ) her .

touch Hag_02_12 If (02005 +hen ) one bear (05375 +nasa) ) holy (06944 +qodesh ) flesh (01320 +basar ) in the skirt (03671 +kanaph ) of his garment (00899 +beged ) , and with his skirt (03671 +kanaph ) do {touch} (05060 +naga( ) bread (03899 +lechem ) , or pottage (05138 +naziyd ) , or wine (03196 +yayin ) , or oil (08081 +shemen ) , or any (03605 +kol ) meat (03978 +ma)akal ) , shall it be holy (06942 +qadash ) ? And the priests (03548 +kohen ) answered (06030 +(anah ) and said (00559 +)amar ) , No (03808 +lo) ) .

touch Hag_02_13 Then said (00559 +)amar ) Haggai (02292 +Chaggay ) , If (00518 +)im ) [ one that is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) by a dead body (05315 +nephesh ) {touch} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) of these (00428 +)el - leh ) , shall it be unclean (02930 +tame) ) ? And the priests (03548 +kohen ) answered (06030 +(anah ) and said (00559 +)amar ) , It shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) .

touch Heb_11_28 Through faith (4102 -pistis -) he kept (4160 -poieo -) the passover (3957 -pascha -) , and the sprinkling (4378 -proschusis -) of blood (0129 -haima -) , lest (3361 -me -) he that destroyed (3645 -olothreuo -) the firstborn (4416 -prototokos -) should {touch} (2345 -thiggano -) them .

touch Heb_12_20 ( For they could not endure (5342 -phero -) that which was commanded (1291 -diastellomai -) , And if so much (2579 -kan -) as a beast (2342 -therion -) {touch} (2345 -thiggano -) the mountain (3735 -oros -) , it shall be stoned (3036 -lithoboleo -) , or (2228 -e -) thrust (2700 -katatoxeuo -) through (2700 -katatoxeuo -) with a dart (1002 -bolis -) :

touch Isa_52_11 Depart (05493 +cuwr ) ye , depart (05493 +cuwr ) ye , go (03318 +yatsa) ) ye out from thence (08033 +sham ) , {touch} (05060 +naga( ) no (00408 +)al ) unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ thing ] ; go (03318 +yatsa) ) ye out of the midst (08432 +tavek ) of her ; be ye clean (01305 +barar ) , that bear (05375 +nasa) ) the vessels (03627 +k@liy ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

touch Jer_12_14 . Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) against (05921 +(al ) all (03605 +kol ) mine evil (07451 +ra( ) neighbours (07934 +shaken ) , that {touch} (05060 +naga( ) the inheritance (05159 +nachalah ) which (00834 +)aher ) I have caused my people (05971 +(am ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) to inherit (05157 +nachal ) ; Behold (02005 +hen ) , I will pluck (05428 +nathash ) them out of their land (00127 +)adamah ) , and pluck (05428 +nathash ) out the house (01004 +bayith ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) from among (08432 +tavek ) them .

touch Job_01_11 But put (07971 +shalach ) forth (07971 +shalach ) thine hand (03027 +yad ) now (04994 +na) ) , and {touch} (05060 +naga( ) all (03605 +kol ) that he hath , and he will curse (01288 +barak ) thee to thy face (06440 +paniym ) .

touch Job_02_05 But put (07971 +shalach ) forth (07971 +shalach ) thine hand (03027 +yad ) now (04994 +na) ) , and {touch} (05060 +naga( ) his bone (06106 +(etsem ) and his flesh (01320 +basar ) , and he will curse (01288 +barak ) thee to thy face (06440 +paniym ) .

touch Job_05_19 He shall deliver (05337 +natsal ) thee in six (08337 +shesh ) troubles (06869 +tsarah ):yea , in seven (07651 +sheba( ) there shall no (03808 +lo) ) evil (07451 +ra( ) {touch} (05060 +naga( ) thee .

touch Job_06_07 The things [ that ] my soul (05315 +nephesh ) refused (03985 +ma)en ) to {touch} (05060 +naga( ) [ are ] as my sorrowful (01741 +d@vay ) meat (03899 +lechem ) .

touch Jos_09_19 But all (03605 +kol ) the princes (05387 +nasiy) ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto all (03605 +kol ) the congregation (05712 +(edah ) , We have sworn (07650 +shaba( ) unto them by the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):now (06258 +(attah ) therefore we may (03201 +yakol ) not {touch} (05060 +naga( ) them .

touch Lam_04_14 They have wandered (05128 +nuwa( ) [ as ] blind (05787 +(ivver ) [ men ] in the streets (02351 +chuwts ) , they have polluted (01351 +ga)al ) themselves with blood (01818 +dam ) , so that men could (03201 +yakol ) not {touch} (05060 +naga( ) their garments (03830 +l@buwsh ) .

touch Lam_04_15 They cried (07121 +qara) ) unto them , Depart (05493 +cuwr ) ye ; [ it is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) ; depart (05493 +cuwr ) , depart (05493 +cuwr ) , {touch} (05060 +naga( ) not:when (03588 +kiy ) they fled (05132 +nuwts ) away and wandered (05128 +nuwa( ) , they said (00559 +)amar ) among the heathen (01471 +gowy ) , They shall no (03808 +lo) ) more (03254 +yacaph ) sojourn (01481 +guwr ) [ there ] .

touch Lev_05_02 Or (00176 +)ow ) if (00834 +)aher ) a soul (05315 +nephesh ) {touch} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) unclean (02931 +tame) ) thing (01697 +dabar ) , whether (00176 +)ow ) [ it be ] a carcase (05038 +n@belah ) of an unclean (02931 +tame) ) beast (02416 +chay ) , or (00176 +)ow ) a carcase (05038 +n@belah ) of unclean (02931 +tame) ) cattle (00929 +b@hemah ) , or (00176 +)ow ) the carcase (05038 +n@belah ) of unclean (02931 +tame) ) creeping (08318 +sherets ) things , and [ if ] it be hidden (05956 +(alam ) from him ; he also shall be unclean (02931 +tame) ) , and guilty (00816 +)asham ) .

touch Lev_05_03 Or (00176 +)ow ) if (03588 +kiy ) he {touch} (05060 +naga( ) the uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) of man (00120 +)adam ) , whatsoever (03605 +kol ) uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) [ it be ] that a man shall be defiled (02930 +tame) ) withal , and it be hid (05956 +(alam ) from him ; when he knoweth (03045 +yada( ) [ of it ] , then he shall be guilty (00816 +)asham ) .

touch Lev_06_27 Whatsoever (03605 +kol ) shall {touch} (05060 +naga( ) the flesh (01320 +basar ) thereof shall be holy (06942 +qadash ) : and when (00834 +)aher ) there is sprinkled (05137 +nazah ) of the blood (01818 +dam ) thereof upon any garment (00899 +beged ) , thou shalt wash (03526 +kabac ) that whereon it was sprinkled (05137 +nazah ) in the holy (06918 +qadowsh ) place (04725 +maqowm ) .

touch Lev_07_21 Moreover the soul (05315 +nephesh ) that shall {touch} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) unclean (02932 +tum)ah ) [ thing , as ] the uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) of man (00120 +)adam ) , or (00176 +)ow ) [ any ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) beast (00929 +b@hemah ) , or (00176 +)ow ) any (03605 +kol ) abominable (08263 +sheqets ) unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ thing ] , and eat (00398 +)akal ) of the flesh (01320 +basar ) of the sacrifice (02077 +zebach ) of peace (08002 +shelem ) offerings , which (00834 +)aher ) [ pertain ] unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , even that soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall be cut (03772 +karath ) off from his people (05971 +(am ) .

touch Lev_11_08 Of their flesh (01320 +basar ) shall ye not eat (00398 +)akal ) , and their carcase (05038 +n@belah ) shall ye not {touch} (05060 +naga( ) ; they [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) to you .

touch Lev_11_31 These (02088 +zeh ) [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) to you among all (03605 +kol ) that creep (08318 +sherets ) : whosoever (03605 +kol ) doth {touch} (05060 +naga( ) them , when they be dead (04194 +maveth ) , shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

touch Lev_12_04 And she shall then continue (03427 +yashab ) in the blood (01818 +dam ) of her purifying (02893 +tohorah ) three (07969 +shalowsh ) and thirty (07970 +sh@lowshiym ) days (03117 +yowm ) ; she shall {touch} (05060 +naga( ) no (03808 +lo) ) hallowed (06944 +qodesh ) thing , nor (03808 +lo) ) come (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) the sanctuary (04720 +miqdash ) , until (05704 +(ad ) the days (03117 +yowm ) of her purifying (02892 +tohar ) be fulfilled (04390 +male) ) .

touch Luk_06_19 And the whole 3956 -pas - multitude 3793 -ochlos - sought 2212 -zeteo - to {touch} 0680 -haptomai - him:for there went 1831 -exerchomai - virtue 1411 -dunamis - out of him , and healed 2390 -iaomai - [ them ] all 3956 -pas - .

touch Luk_11_46 And he said 2036 -epo - , Woe 3759 -ouai - unto you also 2532 -kai - , [ ye ] lawyers 3544 -nomikos - ! for ye lade 5412 -phortizo - men 0444 -anthropos - with burdens 5413 -phortion - grievous 1418 -dus - - to be borne 1418 -dus - - , and ye yourselves 0846 -autos - {touch} 4379 -prospsauo - not the burdens 5413 -phortion - with one 1520 -heis - of your 5216 -humon - fingers 1147 -daktulos - .

touch Luk_18_15 . And they brought 4374 -prosphero - unto him also 2532 -kai - infants 1025 -brephos - , that he would {touch} 0680 -haptomai - them:but when [ his ] disciples 3101 -mathetes - saw 1492 -eido - [ it ] , they rebuked 2008 -epitimao - them .

touch Mar_03_10 For he had healed (2323 -therapeuo -) many (4183 -polus -) ; insomuch (5620 -hoste -) that they pressed (1968 -epipipto -) upon him for to {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) him , as many (3745 -hosos -) as had (2192 -echo -) plagues (3148 -mastix -) .

touch Mar_05_28 For she said (3004 -lego -) , If (2579 -kan -) I may {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) but his clothes (2440 -himation -) , I shall be whole (4982 -sozo -) .

touch Mar_06_56 And whithersoever (0302 -an -) he entered (1531 -eisporeuomai -) , into (1519 -eis -) villages (2968 -kome -) , or (2228 -e -) cities (4172 -polis -) , or (2228 -e -) country (0068 -agros -) , they laid (5087 -tithemi -) the sick (0770 -astheneo -) in the streets (0058 -agora -) , and besought (3870 -parakaleo -) him that they might {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) if (2579 -kan -) it were but the border (2899 -kraspedon -) of his garment (2440 -himation -):and as many (3745 -hosos -) as touched (0680 -haptomai -) him were made (4982 -sozo -) whole (4982 -sozo -) .

touch Mar_08_22 . And he cometh (2064 -erchomai -) to Bethsaida (0966 -Bethsaida -) ; and they bring (5342 -phero -) a blind (5185 -tuphlos -) man unto him , and besought (3870 -parakaleo -) him to {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) him .

touch Mar_10_13 . And they brought (4374 -prosphero -) young (3813 -paidion -) children (3813 -paidion -) to him , that he should {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) them:and [ his ] disciples (3101 -mathetes -) rebuked (2008 -epitimao -) those (3588 -ho -) that brought (4374 -prosphero -) [ them ] .

touch Mat_09_21 For she said (3004 -lego -) within (1722 -en -) herself (1438 -heautou -) , If (1437 -ean -) I may but {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) his garment (2440 -himation -) , I shall be whole (4982 -sozo -) .

touch Mat_14_36 And besought (3870 -parakaleo -) him that they might only (3440 -monon -) {touch} (0680 -haptomai -) the hem (2899 -kraspedon -) of his garment (2440 -himation -):and as many (3745 -hosos -) as touched (0680 -haptomai -) were made (1295 -diasozo -) perfectly (1295 -diasozo -) whole (1295 -diasozo -) .

touch Num_04_15 And when Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) and his sons (01121 +ben ) have made an end (03615 +kalah ) of covering (03680 +kacah ) the sanctuary (06944 +qodesh ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the vessels (03627 +k@liy ) of the sanctuary (06944 +qodesh ) , as the camp (04264 +machaneh ) is to set (05265 +naca( ) forward (05265 +naca( ) ; after (00310 +)achar ) that , the sons (01121 +ben ) of Kohath (06955 +Q@hath ) shall come (00935 +bow) ) to bear (05375 +nasa) ) [ it ] :but they shall not {touch} (05060 +naga( ) [ any ] holy (06944 +qodesh ) thing , lest they die (04191 +muwth ) . These (00428 +)el - leh ) [ things are ] the burden (04853 +massa) ) of the sons (01121 +ben ) of Kohath (06955 +Q@hath ) in the tabernacle (00168 +)ohel ) of the congregation (04150 +mow(ed ) .

touch Num_16_26 And he spake (01696 +dabar ) unto the congregation (05712 +(edah ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Depart (05493 +cuwr ) , I pray (04994 +na) ) you , from the tents (00168 +)ohel ) of these (00428 +)el - leh ) wicked (07563 +rasha( ) men (00582 +)enowsh ) , and {touch} (05060 +naga( ) nothing of theirs (01992 +hem ) , lest (06435 +pen ) ye be consumed (05595 +caphah ) in all (03605 +kol ) their sins (02403 +chatta)ah ) .

touch Rut_02_09 [ Let ] thine eyes (05869 +(ayin ) [ be ] on the field (07704 +sadeh ) that they do reap (07114 +qatsar ) , and go (01980 +halak ) thou after (00310 +)achar ) them:have I not charged (06680 +tsavah ) the young (05288 +na(ar ) men that they shall not {touch} (05060 +naga( ) thee ? and when thou art athirst (06770 +tsame) ) , go (01980 +halak ) unto the vessels (03627 +k@liy ) , and drink (08354 +shathah ) of [ that ] which (00834 +)aher ) the young (05288 +na(ar ) men have drawn (07579 +sha)ab ) .

touched 1Ki_06_27 And he set (05414 +nathan ) the cherubims (03742 +k@ruwb ) within (08432 +tavek ) the inner (06442 +p@niymiy ) house (01004 +bayith ):and they stretched (06566 +paras ) forth the wings (03671 +kanaph ) of the cherubims (03742 +k@ruwb ) , so that the wing (03671 +kanaph ) of the one (00259 +)echad ) touched (05060 +naga( ) the [ one ] wall (07023 +qiyr ) , and the wing (03671 +kanaph ) of the other (08145 +sheniy ) cherub (03742 +k@ruwb ) touched (05060 +naga( ) the other (08145 +sheniy ) wall (07023 +qiyr ) ; and their wings (03671 +kanaph ) {touched} (05060 +naga( ) one (03671 +kanaph ) another (03671 +kanaph ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) .

touched 1Ki_06_27 And he set (05414 +nathan ) the cherubims (03742 +k@ruwb ) within (08432 +tavek ) the inner (06442 +p@niymiy ) house (01004 +bayith ):and they stretched (06566 +paras ) forth the wings (03671 +kanaph ) of the cherubims (03742 +k@ruwb ) , so that the wing (03671 +kanaph ) of the one (00259 +)echad ) touched (05060 +naga( ) the [ one ] wall (07023 +qiyr ) , and the wing (03671 +kanaph ) of the other (08145 +sheniy ) cherub (03742 +k@ruwb ) {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the other (08145 +sheniy ) wall (07023 +qiyr ) ; and their wings (03671 +kanaph ) touched (05060 +naga( ) one (03671 +kanaph ) another (03671 +kanaph ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) .

touched 1Ki_06_27 And he set (05414 +nathan ) the cherubims (03742 +k@ruwb ) within (08432 +tavek ) the inner (06442 +p@niymiy ) house (01004 +bayith ):and they stretched (06566 +paras ) forth the wings (03671 +kanaph ) of the cherubims (03742 +k@ruwb ) , so that the wing (03671 +kanaph ) of the one (00259 +)echad ) {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the [ one ] wall (07023 +qiyr ) , and the wing (03671 +kanaph ) of the other (08145 +sheniy ) cherub (03742 +k@ruwb ) touched (05060 +naga( ) the other (08145 +sheniy ) wall (07023 +qiyr ) ; and their wings (03671 +kanaph ) touched (05060 +naga( ) one (03671 +kanaph ) another (03671 +kanaph ) in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) .

touched 1Ki_19_05 And as he lay (07901 +shakab ) and slept (03462 +yashen ) under (08478 +tachath ) a juniper (07574 +rethem ) tree , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , then an angel (04397 +mal)ak ) {touched} (05060 +naga( ) him , and said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , Arise (06965 +quwm ) [ and ] eat (00398 +)akal ) .

touched 1Ki_19_07 And the angel (04397 +mal)ak ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) came (07725 +shuwb ) again (07725 +shuwb ) the second (08145 +sheniy ) time , and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) him , and said (00559 +)amar ) , Arise (06965 +quwm ) [ and ] eat (00398 +)akal ) ; because (03588 +kiy ) the journey (01870 +derek ) [ is ] too great (07227 +rab ) for thee .

touched 1Sa_10_26 And Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) also (01571 +gam ) went (01980 +halak ) home (01004 +bayith ) to Gibeah (01390 +Gib(ah ) ; and there went (03212 +yalak ) with him a band (02428 +chayil ) of men , whose (00834 +)aher ) hearts (03820 +leb ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) had {touched} (05060 +naga( ) .

touched 2Ki_13_21 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , as they were burying (06912 +qabar ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) , that , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , they spied (07200 +ra)ah ) a band (01416 +g@duwd ) [ of men ] ; and they cast (07993 +shalak ) the man (00376 +)iysh ) into the sepulchre (06913 +qeber ) of Elisha (00477 +)Eliysha( ):and when the man (00376 +)iysh ) was let (03212 +yalak ) down (03212 +yalak ) , and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the bones (06106 +(etsem ) of Elisha (00477 +)Eliysha( ) , he revived (02421 +chayah ) , and stood (06965 +quwm ) up on (05921 +(al ) his feet (07272 +regel ) .

touched Act_27_03 And the next (2087 -heteros -) [ day ] we {touched} (2609 -katago -) at (1519 -eis -) Sidon (4605 -Sidon -) . And Julius (2457 -Ioulios -) courteously (5364 -philanthropos -) entreated (5530 -chraomai -) Paul (3972 -Paulos -) , and gave (2010 -epitrepo -) [ him ] liberty (2010 -epitrepo -) to go (4198 -poreuomai -) unto his friends (5384 -philos -) to refresh (5177 -tugchano -) himself .

touched Dan_08_05 And as I was considering (00995 +biyn ) , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , an he goat (05795 +(ez ) came (00935 +bow) ) from the west (04628 +ma(arab ) on the face (06440 +paniym ) of the whole (03605 +kol ) earth (00776 +)erets ) , and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) not the ground (00776 +)erets ):and the goat (06842 +tsaphiyr ) [ had ] a notable (02380 +chazuwth ) horn (07161 +qeren ) between (00996 +beyn ) his eyes (05869 +(ayin ) .

touched Dan_08_18 Now as he was speaking (01696 +dabar ) with me , I was in a deep (07290 +radam ) sleep (07290 +radam ) on (05921 +(al ) my face (06440 +paniym ) toward the ground (00776 +)erets ):but he {touched} (05060 +naga( ) me , and set (05975 +(amad ) me upright (05977 +(omed ) .

touched Dan_09_21 Yea , whiles I [ was ] speaking (01696 +dabar ) in prayer (08605 +t@phillah ) , even the man (00376 +)iysh ) Gabriel (01403 +Gabriy)el ) , whom (00834 +)aher ) I had seen (07200 +ra)ah ) in the vision (02377 +chazown ) at the beginning (08462 +t@chillah ) , being caused to fly (03286 +ya(aph ) swiftly (03288 +y@aph ) , {touched} (05060 +naga( ) me about the time (06256 +(eth ) of the evening (06153 +(ereb ) oblation (04503 +minchah ) .

touched Dan_10_10 . And , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , an hand (03027 +yad ) {touched} (05060 +naga( )me , which set (05128 +nuwa( ) me upon my knees (01290 +berek ) and [ upon ] the palms (03709 +kaph ) of my hands (03027 +yad ) .

touched Dan_10_16 And , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , [ one ] like the similitude (01823 +d@muwth ) of the sons (01121 +ben ) of men (00120 +)adam ) {touched} (05060 +naga( ) my lips (08193 +saphah ):then I opened (06605 +pathach ) my mouth (06310 +peh ) , and spake (01696 +dabar ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) unto him that stood (05975 +(amad ) before (06440 +paniym ) me , O my lord (00113 +)adown ) , by the vision (04758 +mar)eh ) my sorrows (06735 +tsiyr ) are turned (02015 +haphak ) upon me , and I have retained (06113 +(atsar ) no (03808 +lo) ) strength (03581 +koach ) .

touched Dan_10_18 Then there came again (03284 +ya(anah ) and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) me [ one ] like the appearance (04758 +mar)eh ) of a man (00120 +)adam ) , and he strengthened (02388 +chazaq ) me ,

touched Est_05_02 And it was so , when the king (04428 +melek ) saw (07200 +ra)ah ) Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) the queen (04436 +malkah ) standing (05975 +(amad ) in the court (02691 +chatser ) , [ that ] she obtained (05375 +nasa) ) favour (02580 +chen ) in his sight (05869 +(ayin ):and the king (04428 +melek ) held (03447 +yashat ) out to Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) the golden (02091 +zahab ) sceptre (08275 +sharbiyt ) that [ was ] in his hand (03027 +yad ) . So Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) drew near (07126 +qarab ) , and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the top (07218 +ro)sh ) of the sceptre (08275 +sharbiyt ) .

touched Eze_03_13 [ I heard ] also the noise (06963 +qowl ) of the wings (03671 +kanaph ) of the living (02416 +chay ) creatures (02416 +chay ) that {touched} (05401 +nashaq ) one (00802 +)ishshah ) another (00269 +)achowth ) , and the noise (06963 +qowl ) of the wheels (00212 +)owphan ) over (05980 +(ummah ) against (05980 +(ummah ) them , and a noise (06963 +qowl ) of a great (01419 +gadowl ) rushing (07494 +ra(ash ) .

touched Gen_26_29 That thou wilt do (06213 +(asah ) us no (03808 +lo) ) hurt (07451 +ra( ) , as we have not {touched} (05060 +naga( ) thee , and as we have done (06213 +(asah ) unto thee nothing (07535 +raq ) but good (02896 +towb ) , and have (01961 +hayah ) sent (07971 +shalach ) thee away in peace (07965 +shalowm ):thou [ art ] now (06258 +(attah ) the blessed (01288 +barak ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

touched Gen_32_25 And when he saw (07200 +ra)ah ) that he prevailed (03201 +yakol ) not against him , he {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the hollow (03709 +kaph ) of his thigh (03409 +yarek ) ; and the hollow (03709 +kaph ) of Jacob s (03290 +Ya(aqob ) thigh (03409 +yarek ) was out of joint (03363 +yaqa( ) , as he wrestled (79) with him .

touched Gen_32_32 Therefore the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) eat (00398 +)akal ) not [ of ] the sinew (01517 +giyd ) which shrank (05384 +nasheh ) , which (00834 +)aher ) [ is ] upon the hollow (03709 +kaph ) of the thigh (03409 +yarek ) , unto this (02088 +zeh ) day (03117 +yowm ):because (03588 +kiy ) he {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the hollow (03709 +kaph ) of Jacob s (03290 +Ya(aqob ) thigh (03409 +yarek ) in the sinew (01517 +giyd ) that shrank (05384 +nasheh ) .

touched Heb_04_15 For we have (2192 -echo -) not an high (0749 -archiereus -) priest (0749 -archiereus -) which cannot (1410 -dunamai -) be {touched} (4834 -sumpatheo -) with the feeling (4834 -sumpatheo -) of our infirmities (0769 -astheneia -) ; but was in all (3956 -pas -) points tempted (3985 -peirazo -) like (3665 -homoiotes -) as [ we are , yet ] without (5565 -choris -) sin (0266 -hamartia -) .

touched Heb_12_18 . For ye are not come (4334 -proserchomai -) unto the mount (3735 -oros -) that might be {touched} (5584 -pselaphao -) , and that burned (2545 -kaio -) with fire (4442 -pur -) , nor (2532 -kai -) unto blackness (1105 -gnophos -) , and darkness (4655 -skotos -) , and tempest (2366 -thuella -) ,

touched Isa_06_07 And he laid (05060 +naga( ) [ it ] upon my mouth (06310 +peh ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , Lo (02009 +hinneh ) , this (02088 +zeh ) hath {touched} (05060 +naga( ) thy lips (08193 +saphah ) ; and thine iniquity (05771 +(avon ) is taken (05493 +cuwr ) away (05493 +cuwr ) , and thy sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) purged (03722 +kaphar ) .

touched Jer_01_09 Then the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) put (07971 +shalach ) forth (07971 +shalach ) his hand (03027 +yad ) , and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) my mouth (06310 +peh ) . And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto me , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , I have put (05414 +nathan ) my words (01697 +dabar ) in thy mouth (06310 +peh ) .

touched Job_19_21 Have pity (02603 +chanan ) upon me , have pity (02603 +chanan ) upon me , O ye my friends (07453 +rea( ) ; for the hand (03027 +yad ) of God (00433 +)elowahh ) hath {touched} (05060 +naga( ) me .

touched Jud_06_21 Then the angel (04397 +mal)ak ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) put (07971 +shalach ) forth (07971 +shalach ) the end (07097 +qatseh ) of the staff (04938 +mish(enah ) that [ was ] in his hand (03027 +yad ) , and {touched} (05060 +naga( ) the flesh (01320 +basar ) and the unleavened (04682 +matstsah ) cakes (04682 +matstsah ) ; and there rose (05927 +(alah ) up fire (00784 +)esh ) out of the rock (06697 +tsuwr ) , and consumed (00398 +)akal ) the flesh (01320 +basar ) and the unleavened (04682 +matstsah ) cakes (02471 +challah ) . Then the angel (04397 +mal)ak ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) departed (01980 +halak ) out of his sight (05869 +(ayin ) .

touched Lev_22_06 The soul (05315 +nephesh ) which (00834 +)aher ) hath {touched} (05060 +naga( ) any such shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) , and shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things , unless he wash (07364 +rachats ) his flesh (01320 +basar ) with water (04325 +mayim ) .

touched Luk_05_13 And he put 1614 -ekteino - forth 1614 -ekteino - [ his ] hand 5495 -cheir - , and {touched} 0680 -haptomai - him , saying 2036 -epo - , I will 2309 -thelo -:be thou clean 2511 -katharizo - . And immediately 2112 -eutheos - the leprosy 3014 -lepra - departed 0565 -aperchomai - from him .

touched Luk_07_14 And he came 4334 -proserchomai - and {touched} 0680 -haptomai - the bier 4673 -soros -:and they that bare 0941 -bastazo - [ him ] stood 2476 -histemi - still 2476 -histemi - . And he said 2036 -epo - , Young 3495 -neaniskos - man 3495 -neaniskos - , I say 3004 -lego - unto thee , Arise 1453 -egeiro - .

touched Luk_08_44 Came 4334 -proserchomai - behind 3693 -opisthen - [ him ] , and {touched} 0680 -haptomai - the border 2899 -kraspedon - of his garment 2440 -himation -:and immediately 3916 -parachrema - her issue 4511 -rhusis - of blood 0129 -haima - stanched 2476 -histemi - .

touched Luk_08_45 And Jesus 2424 -Iesous - said 2036 -epo - , Who 5101 -tis - touched 0680 -haptomai - me ? When all 3956 -pas - denied 0720 -arneomai - , Peter 4074 -Petros - and they that were with him said 2036 -epo - , Master 1988 -epistates - , the multitude 3793 -ochlos - throng 4912 -sunecho - thee and press 0598 -apothlibo - [ thee ] , and sayest 2036 -epo - thou , Who 5101 -tis - {touched} 0680 -haptomai - me ?

touched Luk_08_45 And Jesus 2424 -Iesous - said 2036 -epo - , Who 5101 -tis - {touched} 0680 -haptomai - me ? When all 3956 -pas - denied 0720 -arneomai - , Peter 4074 -Petros - and they that were with him said 2036 -epo - , Master 1988 -epistates - , the multitude 3793 -ochlos - throng 4912 -sunecho - thee and press 0598 -apothlibo - [ thee ] , and sayest 2036 -epo - thou , Who 5101 -tis - touched 0680 -haptomai - me ?

touched Luk_08_46 And Jesus 2424 -Iesous - said 2036 -epo - , Somebody 5100 -tis - hath {touched} 0680 -haptomai - me:for I perceive 1097 -ginosko - that virtue 1411 -dunamis - is gone 1831 -exerchomai - out of me .

touched Luk_08_47 And when the woman 1135 -gune - saw 1492 -eido - that she was not hid 2990 -lanthano - , she came 2064 -erchomai - trembling 5141 -tremo - , and falling 4363 -prospipto - down before 4363 -prospipto - him , she declared 0518 -apaggello - unto him before 1799 -enopion - all 3956 -pas - the people 2992 -laos - for what 3739 -hos - cause 0156 -aitia - she had {touched} 0680 -haptomai - him , and how 5613 -hos - she was healed 2390 -iaomai - immediately 3916 -parachrema - .

touched Luk_22_51 And Jesus 2424 -Iesous - answered 0611 -apokrinomai - and said 2036 -epo - , Suffer 1439 -eao - ye thus 5127 -toutou - far 2193 -heos - . And he {touched} 0680 -haptomai - his ear 5621 -otion - , and healed 2390 -iaomai - him .

touched Mar_01_41 And Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , moved (4697 -splagchnizomai -) with compassion (4697 -splagchnizomai -) , put (1614 -ekteino -) forth (1614 -ekteino -) [ his ] hand (5495 -cheir -) , and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) him , and saith (3004 -lego -) unto him , I will (2309 -thelo -) ; be thou clean (2511 -katharizo -) .

touched Mar_05_27 When she had heard (0191 -akouo -) of Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , came (2064 -erchomai -) in the press (3793 -ochlos -) behind (3693 -opisthen -) , and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) his garment (2440 -himation -) .

touched Mar_05_30 And Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , immediately (2112 -eutheos -) knowing (1921 -epiginosko -) in himself (1438 -heautou -) that virtue (1411 -dunamis -) had gone (1831 -exerchomai -) out of him , turned (1994 -epistrepho -) him about (1994 -epistrepho -) in the press (3793 -ochlos -) , and said (3004 -lego -) , Who (5101 -tis -) {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) my clothes (2440 -himation -) ?

touched Mar_05_31 And his disciples (3101 -mathetes -) said (3004 -lego -) unto him , Thou seest (0991 -blepo -) the multitude (3793 -ochlos -) thronging (4918 -sunthlibo -) thee , and sayest (3004 -lego -) thou , Who (5101 -tis -) {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) me ?

touched Mar_06_56 And whithersoever (0302 -an -) he entered (1531 -eisporeuomai -) , into (1519 -eis -) villages (2968 -kome -) , or (2228 -e -) cities (4172 -polis -) , or (2228 -e -) country (0068 -agros -) , they laid (5087 -tithemi -) the sick (0770 -astheneo -) in the streets (0058 -agora -) , and besought (3870 -parakaleo -) him that they might touch (0680 -haptomai -) if (2579 -kan -) it were but the border (2899 -kraspedon -) of his garment (2440 -himation -):and as many (3745 -hosos -) as {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) him were made (4982 -sozo -) whole (4982 -sozo -) .

touched Mar_07_33 And he took (0618 -apolambano -) him aside (2398 -idios -) from the multitude (3793 -ochlos -) , and put (0906 -ballo -) his fingers (1147 -daktulos -) into (1519 -eis -) his ears (3775 -ous -) , and he spit (4429 -ptuo -) , and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) his tongue (1100 -glossa -) ;

touched Mat_08_03 And Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) put (1614 -ekteino -) forth (1614 -ekteino -) [ his ] hand (5495 -cheir -) , and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) him , saying (3004 -lego -) , I will (2309 -thelo -) ; be thou clean (2511 -katharizo -) . And immediately (2112 -eutheos -) his leprosy (3014 -lepra -) was cleansed (2511 -katharizo -) .

touched Mat_08_15 And he {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) her hand (5495 -cheir -) , and the fever (4446 -puretos -) left (0863 -aphiemi -) her:and she arose (1453 -egeiro -) , and ministered (1247 -diakoneo -) unto them .

touched Mat_09_20 And , behold (2400 -idou -) , a woman (1135 -gune -) , which was diseased with an issue (0131 -haimorrheo -) of blood (0131 -haimorrheo -) twelve (1427 -dodeka -) years (2094 -etos -) , came (4334 -proserchomai -) behind (3693 -opisthen -) [ him ] , and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) the hem (2899 -kraspedon -) of his garment (2440 -himation -) :

touched Mat_09_29 Then (5119 -tote -) {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) he their eyes (3788 -ophthalmos -) , saying (3004 -lego -) , According (2596 -kata -) to your (5216 -humon -) faith (4102 -pistis -) be it unto you .

touched Mat_14_36 And besought (3870 -parakaleo -) him that they might only (3440 -monon -) touch (0680 -haptomai -) the hem (2899 -kraspedon -) of his garment (2440 -himation -):and as many (3745 -hosos -) as {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) were made (1295 -diasozo -) perfectly (1295 -diasozo -) whole (1295 -diasozo -) .

touched Mat_17_07 And Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) came (4334 -proserchomai -) and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) them , and said (2036 -epo -) , Arise (1453 -egeiro -) , and be not afraid (5399 -phobeo -) .

touched Mat_20_34 So (1161 -de -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) had compassion (4697 -splagchnizomai -) [ on them ] , and {touched} (0680 -haptomai -) their eyes:and immediately (2112 -eutheos -) their eyes (3788 -ophthalmos -) received (0308 -anablepo -) sight (0308 -anablepo -) , and they followed (0190 -akoloutheo -) him .

touched Num_19_18 And a clean (02889 +tahowr ) person shall take (03947 +laqach ) hyssop (00231 +)ezowb ) , and dip (02881 +tabal ) [ it ] in the water (04325 +mayim ) , and sprinkle (05137 +nazah ) [ it ] upon the tent (00168 +)ohel ) , and upon all (03605 +kol ) the vessels (03627 +k@liy ) , and upon the persons (05315 +nephesh ) that were there (08033 +sham ) , and upon him that {touched} (05060 +naga( ) a bone (06106 +(etsem ) , or one slain (02491 +chalal ) , or (00176 +)ow ) one dead (04191 +muwth ) , or (00176 +)ow ) a grave (06913 +qeber ) :

touched Num_31_19 And do (06213 +(asah ) ye abide (02583 +chanah ) without (02351 +chuwts ) the camp (04264 +machaneh ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ):whosoever (03605 +kol ) hath killed (02026 +harag ) any person (05315 +nephesh ) , and whosoever (03605 +kol ) hath {touched} (05060 +naga( ) any slain (02491 +chalal ) , purify (02398 +chata) ) [ both ] yourselves and your captives (07628 +sh@biy ) on the third (07992 +sh@liyshiy ) day (03117 +yowm ) , and on the seventh (07637 +sh@biy(iy ) day (03117 +yowm ) .

toucheth 1Jo_05_18 . We know (1492 -eido -) that whosoever (3588 -ho -) is born (1080 -gennao -) of God (2316 -theos -) sinneth (0264 -hamartano -) not ; but he that is begotten (1080 -gennao -) of God (2316 -theos -) keepeth (5083 -tereo -) himself (1438 -heautou -) , and that wicked (4190 -poneros -) one {toucheth} (0680 -haptomai -) him not .

toucheth Amo_09_05 And the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) [ is ] he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the land (00776 +)erets ) , and it shall melt (04127 +muwg ) , and all (03605 +kol ) that dwell therein shall mourn (56):and it shall rise (05927 +(alah ) up wholly (03605 +kol ) like a flood (02975 +y@(or ) ; and shall be drowned (08248 +shaqah ) , as [ by ] the flood (02975 +y@(or ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) .

toucheth Exo_19_12 And thou shalt set bounds (01379 +gabal ) unto the people (05971 +(am ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Take heed (08104 +shamar ) to yourselves , [ that ye ] go (05927 +(alah ) [ not ] up into the mount (02022 +har ) , or touch (05060 +naga( ) the border (07097 +qatseh ) of it:whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the mount (02022 +har ) shall be surely put to death (04191 +muwth ) :

toucheth Exo_29_37 Seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) thou shalt make an atonement (03722 +kaphar ) for the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , and sanctify (06942 +qadash ) it ; and it shall be an altar (04196 +mizbeach ) most (06944 +qodesh ) holy (06944 +qodesh ):whatsoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) shall be holy (06944 +qodesh ) .

toucheth Exo_30_29 And thou shalt sanctify (06942 +qadash ) them , that they may be most (06944 +qodesh ) holy (06944 +qodesh ):whatsoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) them shall be holy (06942 +qadash ) .

toucheth Eze_17_10 Yea , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , [ being ] planted (08362 +shathal ) , shall it prosper (06743 +tsalach ) ? shall it not utterly wither (03001 +yabesh ) , when the east (06921 +qadiym ) wind (07307 +ruwach ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) it ? it shall wither (03001 +yabesh ) in the furrows (06170 +(aruwgah ) where (05921 +(al ) it grew (06780 +tsemach ) .

toucheth Gen_26_11 And Abimelech (40) charged (06680 +tsavah ) all (03605 +kol ) [ his ] people (05971 +(am ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , He that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) this (02088 +zeh ) man (00376 +)iysh ) or his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) shall surely be put to death (04194 +maveth ) .

toucheth Hos_04_02 By swearing (00422 +)alah ) , and lying (03584 +kachash ) , and killing (07523 +ratsach ) , and stealing (01589 +ganab ) , and committing (05003 +na)aph ) adultery (05003 +na)aph ) , they break (06555 +parats ) out , and blood (01818 +dam ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) blood (01818 +dam ) .

toucheth Job_04_05 But now (06258 +(attah ) it is come (00935 +bow) ) upon thee , and thou faintest (03811 +la)ah ) ; it {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) thee , and thou art troubled (00926 +bahal ) .

toucheth Jud_16_09 Now [ there were ] men lying in wait (00693 +)arab ) , abiding (03427 +yashab ) with her in the chamber (02315 +cheder ) . And she said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , The Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) [ be ] upon thee , Samson (08123 +Shimshown ) . And he brake (05423 +nathaq ) the withs (03499 +yether ) , as a thread (06616 +pathiyl ) of tow (05296 +n@(oreth ) is broken (05423 +nathaq ) when it {toucheth} (07306 +ruwach ) the fire (00784 +)esh ) . So his strength (03581 +koach ) was not known (03045 +yada( ) .

toucheth Lev_06_18 All (03605 +kol ) the males (02145 +zakar ) among the children (01121 +ben ) of Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) shall eat (00398 +)akal ) of it . [ It shall be ] a statute (02706 +choq ) for ever (05769 +(owlam ) in your generations (01755 +dowr ) concerning the offerings of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) made by fire : every (03605 +kol ) one that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) them shall be holy (06942 +qadash ) .

toucheth Lev_07_19 And the flesh (01320 +basar ) that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ thing ] shall not be eaten (00398 +)akal ) ; it shall be burnt (08313 +saraph ) with fire (00784 +)esh ) : and as for the flesh (01320 +basar ) , all (03605 +kol ) that be clean (02889 +tahowr ) shall eat (00398 +)akal ) thereof .

toucheth Lev_11_24 And for these (00428 +)el - leh ) ye shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) : whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the carcase (05038 +n@belah ) of them shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_11_26 [ The carcases (06297 +peger ) ] of every (03605 +kol ) beast (00929 +b@hemah ) which (00834 +)aher ) divideth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , and [ is ] not clovenfooted , nor (00369 +)ayin ) cheweth (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you : every (03605 +kol ) one (00259 +)echad ) that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) them shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) .

toucheth Lev_11_27 And whatsoever (03605 +kol ) goeth (01980 +halak ) upon his paws (03709 +kaph ) , among all (03605 +kol ) manner of beasts (02416 +chay ) that go (01980 +halak ) on (05921 +(al ) [ all (03605 +kol ) ] four (00702 +)arba( ) , those (01992 +hem ) [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you : whoso (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) their carcase (05038 +n@belah ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_11_36 Nevertheless (00389 +)ak ) a fountain (04599 +ma(yan ) or pit (00953 +bowr ) , [ wherein there is ] plenty (04723 +miqveh ) of water (04325 +mayim ) , shall be clean (02889 +tahowr ) : but that which {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) their carcase (05038 +n@belah ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) .

toucheth Lev_11_39 And if (03588 +kiy ) any beast (00929 +b@hemah ) , of which (00834 +)aher ) ye may eat (00402 +)oklah ) , die (04191 +muwth ) ; he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the carcase (05038 +n@belah ) thereof shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_05 And whosoever {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) his bed (04904 +mishkab ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) . 15 : 06 And he that sitteth (03427 +yashab ) on (05921 +(al ) [ any ] thing (03627 +k@liy ) whereon he sat (03427 +yashab ) that hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_07 And he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the flesh (01320 +basar ) of him that hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_10 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) thing that was under (08478 +tachath ) him shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) : and he that beareth (05375 +nasa) ) [ any of ] those things shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_11 And whomsoever he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) that hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) , and hath not rinsed (07857 +shataph ) his hands (03027 +yad ) in water (04325 +mayim ) , he shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_12 And the vessel (03627 +k@liy ) of earth (02789 +cheres ) , that he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) which (00834 +)aher ) hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) , shall be broken (07665 +shabar ) : and every (03605 +kol ) vessel (03627 +k@liy ) of wood (06086 +(ets ) shall be rinsed (07857 +shataph ) in water (04325 +mayim ) .

toucheth Lev_15_19 . And if (03588 +kiy ) a woman (00802 +)ishshah ) have (01961 +hayah ) an issue (02100 +zuwb ) , [ and ] her issue (02101 +zowb ) in her flesh (01320 +basar ) be blood (01818 +dam ) , she shall be put (05079 +niddah ) apart (05079 +niddah ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) : and whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) her shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_21 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) her bed (04904 +mishkab ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_22 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) thing (03627 +k@liy ) that she sat (03427 +yashab ) upon shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_23 And if (00518 +)im ) it [ be ] on (05921 +(al ) [ her ] bed (04904 +mishkab ) , or (00176 +)ow ) on (05921 +(al ) any thing (03627 +k@liy ) whereon she sitteth (03427 +yashab ) , when (03588 +kiy ) he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) it , he shall be unclean until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_15_27 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) those things shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) , and shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Lev_22_04 What (00376 +)iysh ) man (00376 +)iysh ) soever of the seed (02233 +zera( ) of Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) [ is ] a leper (06879 +tsara( ) , or (00176 +)ow ) hath a running (02100 +zuwb ) issue (02100 +zuwb ) ; he shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things , until (05704 +(ad ) he be clean (02891 +taher ) . And whoso {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) thing [ that is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ by ] the dead (05315 +nephesh ) , or (00176 +)ow ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) whose (00834 +)aher ) seed goeth (03318 +yatsa) ) from him ;

toucheth Lev_22_05 Or (00176 +)ow ) whosoever {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) creeping (08318 +sherets ) thing , whereby (00834 +)aher ) he may be made unclean (02930 +tame) ) , or (00176 +)ow ) a man (00120 +)adam ) of whom (00834 +)aher ) he may take uncleanness (02930 +tame) ) , whatsoever (03605 +kol ) uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) he hath ;

toucheth Luk_07_39 Now 1161 -de - when the Pharisee 5330 -Pharisaios - which 3588 -ho - had bidden 2564 -kaleo - him saw 1492 -eido - [ it ] , he spake 2036 -epo - within 1722 -en - himself 1438 -heautou - , saying 3004 -lego - , This 3778 -houtos - man , if 1487 -ei - he were a prophet 4396 -prophetes - , would have known 1097 -ginosko - who 5101 -tis - and what 4217 -potapos - manner 4217 -potapos - of woman 1135 -gune - [ this 3588 -ho - is ] that {toucheth} 0680 -haptomai - him:for she is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos - .

toucheth Num_19_11 . He that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the dead (04191 +muwth ) body (05315 +nephesh ) of any (03605 +kol ) man (00120 +)adam ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) .

toucheth Num_19_13 Whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the dead (04191 +muwth ) body (05315 +nephesh ) of any (03605 +kol ) man (00120 +)adam ) that is dead (04191 +muwth ) , and purifieth (02398 +chata) ) not himself , defileth (02930 +tame) ) the tabernacle (04908 +mishkan ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ; and that soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall be cut (03772 +karath ) off from Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):because (03588 +kiy ) the water (04325 +mayim ) of separation (05079 +niddah ) was not sprinkled (02236 +zaraq ) upon him , he shall be unclean (02931 +tame) ) ; his uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) [ is ] yet (05750 +(owd ) upon him .

toucheth Num_19_16 And whosoever {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) one that is slain (02491 +chalal ) with a sword (02719 +chereb ) in the open (06440 +paniym ) fields (07704 +sadeh ) , or a dead (04191 +muwth ) body (05315 +nephesh ) , or a bone (06106 +(etsem ) of a man (00120 +)adam ) , or a grave (06913 +qeber ) , shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) .

toucheth Num_19_21 And it shall be a perpetual (05769 +(owlam ) statute (02708 +chuqqah ) unto them , that he that sprinkleth (05137 +nazah ) the water (04325 +mayim ) of separation (05079 +niddah ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) ; and he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the water (04325 +mayim ) of separation (05079 +niddah ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Num_19_22 And whatsoever (03605 +kol ) the unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ person ] toucheth (05060 +naga( ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) ; and the soul (05315 +nephesh ) that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) [ it ] shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Num_19_22 And whatsoever (03605 +kol ) the unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ person ] {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) ; and the soul (05315 +nephesh ) that toucheth (05060 +naga( ) [ it ] shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth Pro_06_29 So (03651 +ken ) he that goeth (00935 +bow) ) in to his neighbour s (07453 +rea( ) wife (00802 +)ishshah ) ; whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) her shall not be innocent (05352 +naqah ) .

toucheth Psa_104_32 He looketh (05027 +nabat ) on the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and it trembleth (7460):he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the hills (02022 +har ) , and they smoke (06225 +(ashan ) .

toucheth Zec_02_08 For thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) ; After (00310 +)achar ) the glory (03519 +kabowd ) hath he sent (07971 +shalach ) me unto the nations (01471 +gowy ) which spoiled (07997 +shalal ) you:for he that toucheth (05060 +naga( ) you {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the apple (00892 +babah ) of his eye (05869 +(ayin ) .

toucheth Zec_02_08 For thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) ; After (00310 +)achar ) the glory (03519 +kabowd ) hath he sent (07971 +shalach ) me unto the nations (01471 +gowy ) which spoiled (07997 +shalal ) you:for he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) you toucheth (05060 +naga( ) the apple (00892 +babah ) of his eye (05869 +(ayin ) .

touching 1Co_08_01 . Now (1161 -de -) as {touching} (4012 -peri -) things offered (1494 -eidolothuton -) unto idols (1494 -eidolothuton -) , we know (1492 -eido -) that we all (3956 -pas -) have (2192 -echo -) knowledge (1108 -gnosis -) . Knowledge (1108 -gnosis -) puffeth (5448 -phusioo -) up , but charity (0026 -agape -) edifieth (3618 -oikodomeo -) .

touching 1Co_16_12 As {touching} (4012 -peri -) [ our ] brother (0080 -adephos -) Apollos (0625 -Apollos -) , I greatly (4183 -polus -) desired (3870 -parakaleo -) him to come (2064 -erchomai -) unto you with the brethren (0080 -adephos -):but his will (2307 -thelema -) was not at (3843 -pantos -) all (3843 -pantos -) to come (2064 -erchomai -) at (3568 -nun -) this (3568 -nun -) time (3598 -hodos -) ; but he will come (2064 -erchomai -) when (3752 -hotan -) he shall have convenient (2119 -eukaireo -) time (2119 -eukaireo -) .

touching 1Sa_20_23 And [ as {touching} ] the matter (01697 +dabar ) which (00834 +)aher ) thou and I have spoken (01696 +dabar ) of , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) [ be ] between (00996 +beyn ) thee and me for ever (05769 +(owlam ) .

touching 1Th_04_09 . But as {touching} (4012 -peri -) brotherly (5360 -philadelphia -) love (5360 -philadelphia -) ye need (5532 -chreia -) not that I write (1125 -grapho -) unto you:for ye yourselves (0846 -autos -) are taught (2312 -theodidaktos and 2312 theologos -) of God (2312 -theodidaktos and 2312 theologos -) to love (0025 -agapao -) one (0240 -allelon -) another (0240 -allelon -) .

touching 2Co_09_01 . For as {touching} (4012 -peri -) the ministering (1248 -diakonia -) to the saints (0040 -hagios -) , it is superfluous (4053 -perissos -) for me to write (1125 -grapho -) to you :

touching 2Th_03_04 And we have confidence (3982 -peitho -) in the Lord (2962 -kurios -) {touching} (1909 -epi -) you , that ye both (2532 -kai -) do (4160 -poieo -) and will do (4160 -poieo -) the things which (3739 -hos -) we command (3853 -paraggello -) you .

touching Act_05_35 And said (2036 -epo -) unto them , Ye men (0435 -aner -) of Israel (2475 -Israelites -) , take heed (4337 -prosecho -) to yourselves (1438 -heautou -) what (5101 -tis -) ye intend (3195 -mello -) to do (4238 -prasso -) as {touching} (1909 -epi -) these (5125 -toutois -) men (0444 -anthropos -) .

touching Act_21_25 As {touching} (4012 -peri -) the Gentiles (1484 -ethnos -) which believe (4100 -pisteuo -) , we have written (1989 -epistello -) [ and ] concluded (2919 -krino -) that they observe (5083 -tereo -) no (3367 -medeis -) such (5108 -toioutos -) thing , save (1508 -ei me -) only that they keep (5442 -phulasso -) themselves from [ things ] offered (1494 -eidolothuton -) to idols (1494 -eidolothuton -) , and from blood (0129 -haima -) , and from strangled (4156 -pniktos -) , and from fornication (4202 -porneia -) .

touching Act_26_02 I think (2233 -hegeomai -) myself (1683 -emautou -) happy (3107 -makarios -) , king (0935 -basileus -) Agrippa (0067 -Agrippas -) , because I shall answer (0626 -apologeomai -) for myself this (4594 -semeron -) day (4594 -semeron -) before (1909 -epi -) thee {touching} (4012 -peri -) all (3956 -pas -) the things whereof (3739 -hos -) I am accused (1458 -egkaleo -) of the Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) :

touching Col_04_10 Aristarchus (0708 -Aristarchos -) my fellowprisoner (4869 -sunaichmalotos -) saluteth (0782 -aspazomai -) you , and Marcus (3138 -Markos -) , sister s (0431 -anepsios -) son (0431 -anepsios -) to Barnabas (0921 -Barnabas -) , ( {touching} (4012 -peri -) whom (3739 -hos -) ye received (2983 -lambano -) commandments (1785 -entole -):if (1437 -ean -) he come (2064 -erchomai -) unto you , receive (1209 -dechomai -) him ; )

touching Eze_07_13 For the seller (04376 +makar ) shall not return (07725 +shuwb ) to that which is sold (04465 +mimkar ) , although they were yet (05750 +(owd ) alive (02416 +chay ):for the vision (02377 +chazown ) [ is ] {touching} (00413 +)el ) the whole (03605 +kol ) multitude (01995 +hamown ) thereof , [ which ] shall not return (07725 +shuwb ) ; neither (03808 +lo) ) shall any (00376 +)iysh ) strengthen (02388 +chazaq ) himself in the iniquity (05771 +(avon ) of his life (02416 +chay ) .

touching Ezr_07_24 Also we certify (03046 +y@da( ) you , that {touching} any (03606 +kol ) of thepriests (03549 +kahen ) and Levites (03879 +Leviy ) , singers (02171 +zammar ) , porters (08652 +tara( ) , Nethinims (05412 +N@thiyn ) , or ministers (06399 +p@lach ) of this (01836 +den ) house (01005 +bayith ) of God (00426 +)elahh ) , it shall not be lawful (07990 +shalliyt ) to impose (07412 +r@mah ) toll (04061 +middah ) , tribute (01093 +b@low ) , or custom (01983 +halak ) , upon them .

touching Gen_27_42 And these words (01697 +dabar ) of Esau (06215 +(Esav ) her elder (01419 +gadowl ) son (01121 +ben ) were told (05046 +nagad ) to Rebekah (07259 +Ribqah ):and she sent (07971 +shalach ) and called (07121 +qara) ) Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) her younger (06996 +qatan ) son (01121 +ben ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , thy brother (00251 +)ach ) Esau (06215 +(Esav ) , as {touching} thee , doth comfort (05162 +nacham ) himself , [ purposing ] to kill (02026 +harag ) thee .

touching Isa_05_01 . Now (04994 +na) ) will I sing (07891 +shiyr ) to my wellbeloved (03039 +y@diyd ) a song (07892 +shiyr ) of my beloved (01730 +dowd ) {touching} his vineyard (03754 +kerem ) . My wellbeloved (03039 +y@diyd ) hath a vineyard (03754 +kerem ) in a very fruitful hill (07161 +qeren ) :

touching Jer_01_16 And I will utter (01696 +dabar ) my judgments (04941 +mishpat ) against (05921 +(al ) them {touching} (05921 +(al ) all (03605 +kol ) their wickedness (07451 +ra( ) , who have forsaken (05800 +(azab ) me , and have burned (06999 +qatar ) incense (06999 +qatar ) unto other (00312 +)acher ) gods (00430 +)elohiym ) , and worshipped (07812 +shachah ) the works (04639 +ma(aseh ) of their own (00249 +)ezrach ) hands (03027 +yad ) .

touching Jer_21_11 And {touching} the house (01004 +bayith ) of the king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , [ say ] , Hear (08085 +shama( ) ye the word (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ;

touching Jer_22_11 For thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) {touching} (00413 +)el ) Shallum (07967 +Shalluwm ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Josiah (02977 +Yo)shiyah ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , which reigned (04427 +malak ) instead (08478 +tachath ) of Josiah (02977 +Yo)shiyah ) his father (1) , which (00834 +)aher ) went (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) out of this (02088 +zeh ) place (04725 +maqowm ) ; He shall not return (07725 +shuwb ) thither (08033 +sham ) any more (05750 +(owd ) :

touching Lev_05_13 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall make an atonement (03722 +kaphar ) for him as {touching} (00413 +)el ) his sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) that he hath sinned (02398 +chata) ) in one (00259 +)echad ) of these (00428 +)el - leh ) , and it shall be forgiven (05545 +calach ) him : and [ the remnant ] shall be the priest s (03548 +kohen ) , as a meat offering (04503 +minchah ) .

touching Luk_23_14 Said 2036 -epo - unto them , Ye have brought 4374 -prosphero - this 5129 -toutoi - man 0444 -anthropos - unto me , as one that perverteth 0654 -apostrepho - the people 2992 -laos -:and , behold 2400 -idou - , I , having examined 0350 -anakrino - [ him ] before 1799 -enopion - you , have found 2147 -heurisko - no 3762 -oudeis - fault 0158 -aition - in this 5126 -touton - man 0444 -anthropos - {touching} those things whereof ye accuse 2723 -kategoreo - him :

touching Mar_12_26 And as {touching} (4012 -peri -) the dead (3498 -nekros -) , that they rise (1453 -egeiro -):have ye not read (0314 -anaginosko -) in the book (0976 -biblos -) of Moses (3475 -Moseus -) , how (5613 -hos -) in the bush (0942 -batos -) God (2316 -theos -) spake (2036 -epo -) unto him , saying (3004 -lego -) , I [ am ] the God (2316 -theos -) of Abraham (11) , and the God (2316 -theos -) of Isaac (2464 -Isaak -) , and the God (2316 -theos -) of Jacob (2384 -Iakob -) ?

touching Mat_18_19 Again (3825 -palin -) I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , That if (1437 -ean -) two (1417 -duo -) of you shall agree (4856 -sumphoneo -) on (1909 -epi -) earth (1093 -ge -) as {touching} (4012 -peri -) any (3956 -pas -) thing that they shall ask (0154 -aiteo -) , it shall be done (1096 -ginomai -) for them of my Father (3962 -pater -) which (3588 -ho -) is in heaven (3772 -ouranos -) .

touching Mat_22_31 But as {touching} (4012 -peri -) the resurrection (0386 -anastasis -) of the dead (3498 -nekros -) , have ye not read (0314 -anaginosko -) that which (3588 -ho -) was spoken (4483 -rheo -) unto you by God (2316 -theos -) , saying (3004 -lego -) ,

touching Num_08_26 But shall minister (08334 +sharath ) with their brethren (00251 +)ach ) in the tabernacle (00168 +)ohel ) of the congregation (04150 +mow(ed ) , to keep (08104 +shamar ) the charge (04931 +mishmereth ) , and shall do (05647 +(abad ) no (03808 +lo) ) service (05656 +(abodah ) . Thus (03602 +kakah ) shalt thou do (06213 +(asah ) unto the Levites (03881 +Leviyiy ) {touching} their charge (04931 +mishmereth ) .

touching Php_03_05 Circumcised (4061 -peritome -) the eighth (3637 -oktaemeros -) day (2250 -hemera -) , of the stock (1085 -genos -) of Israel (2474 -Israel -) , [ of ] the tribe (5443 -phule -) of Benjamin (0958 -Beniamin -) , an Hebrew (1446 -Hebrais -) of the Hebrews (1445 -Hebraios -) ; as {touching} (2596 -kata -) the law (3551 -nomos -) , a Pharisee (5330 -Pharisaios -) ;

touching Php_03_06 Concerning (2596 -kata -) zeal (2205 -zelos -) , persecuting (1377 -dioko -) the church (1577 -ekklesia -) ; {touching} (2596 -kata -) the righteousness (1343 -dikaiosune -) which (3588 -ho -) is in the law (3551 -nomos -) , blameless (0273 -amemptos -) .

touching Psa_45_01 . To the chief Musician (05329 +natsach ) upon Shoshannim (07799 +shuwshan ) , for the sons (01121 +ben ) of Korah (07141 +Qorach ) , Maschil (07919 +sakal ) , A Song (07892 +shiyr ) of loves (03039 +y@diyd ) . My heart (03820 +leb ) is inditing (07370 +rachash ) a good (02896 +towb ) matter (01697 +dabar ):I speak (00559 +)amar ) of the things which I have made (04639 +ma(aseh ) {touching} the king (04428 +melek ):my tongue (03956 +lashown ) [ is ] the pen (05842 +(et ) of a ready (04106 +mahiyr ) writer (05608 +caphar ) .

touching Rom_11_28 As concerning (2596 -kata -) the gospel (2098 -euaggelion -) , [ they are ] enemies (2190 -echthros -) for your (5209 -humas -) sakes:but as {touching} (2596 -kata -) the election (1589 -ekloge -) , [ they are ] beloved (0027 -agapetos -) for the fathers (3962 -pater -) sakes .


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