towel Interlinear Index Study towel JOH 013 004 He riseth <1453 -egeiro -> from supper <1173 - deipnon -> , and laid <5087 -tithemi -> aside <5087 -tithemi -> his garments <2440 -himation -> ; and took <2983 -lambano -> a {towel} <3012 -lention -> , and girded <1241 -diazonnumi -> himself <1438 -heautou -> . towel JOH 013 005 After <1534 -eita -> that he poureth <0906 - ballo -> water <5204 -hudor -> into <1519 -eis -> a bason <3537 - nipter -> , and began <0756 -archomai -> to wash <3538 -nipto -> the disciples <3101 -mathetes -> feet <4228 -pous -> , and to wipe <1591 -ekmasso -> [ them ] with the {towel} <3012 -lention - > wherewith <3739 -hos -> he was girded <1241 -diazonnumi -> .