Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1122 + scribe + scribes + and scribes + The scribes + the scribes + is the scribe + And the scribe + of the scribes + and the scribes + men and scribes + And the scribes + unto you scribes + with the scribes + But their scribes + And when the scribes + him with the scribes + them and the scribes + and unto the scribes + And when the townclerk + and not as the scribes + things unto them the scribes +/ . grammateus {gram-mat-yooce'}; from 1121 + letters + written + learning + thy bill + a letter + scriptures + man letters + by the letter + of the letter + for the letter + him in letters + not his writings + not of the letter + and not in the letter +/ . a writer, i .e . (professionally) scribe or secretary: --scribe, town-clerk .