treasure 0214 ## >owtsar {o-tsaw'}; from 686; a depository: -- armory, cellar, garner, store(-house), {treasure}(-house) (-y). [ql treasure 0686 ## >atsar {aw-tsar'}; a primitive root; to store up: -- (lay up in) store, + (make) {treasure}(-r). [ql treasure 1596 ## g@naz (Aramaic) {ghen-az'}; corresponding to 1595; treasure: -- {treasure}. [ql treasure 2633 ## chocen {kho'-sen}; from 2630; wealth: -- riches, strength, {treasure}. [ql treasure 4301 ## matmown {mat-mone'}; or matmon {mat-mone'}; or matmun {mat-moon'}; from 2934; a secret storehouse; hence, a secreted valuable (buried); generally money: -- hidden riches, (hid) {treasure}(-s).[ql treasure 4362 ## mikman {mik-man'}; from the same as 3646 in the sense of hiding; treasure (as hidden): -- {treasure}.[ql treasure 4543 ## mick@nah {mis-ken-aw'}; by transp. from 3664; a magazine: -- store(-house), {treasure}.[ql treasure 5459 ## c@gullah {seg-ool-law'}; feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to shut up; wealth (as closely shut up): -- jewel, peculiar ({treasure}), proper good, special.[ql treasure 8226 ## saphan {saw-fan'}; a primitive root; to conceal (as a valuable): -- {treasure}.[ql treasure 1047 # gaza {gad'-zah}; of foreign origin; a treasure: - - {treasure}.[ql treasure 2343 # thesaurizo {thay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 2344; to amass or reserve (literally or figuratively): -- lay up (treasure), (keep) in store, (heap) {treasure} (together, up).[ql treasure 2343 # thesaurizo {thay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 2344; to amass or reserve (literally or figuratively): -- lay up ({treasure}), (keep) in store, (heap) treasure (together, up).[ql treasure 2344 # thesauros {thay-sow-ros'}; from 5087; a deposit, i.e. wealth (literally or figuratively): -- {treasure}.[ql treasurer 1411 ## g@dabar (Aramaic) {ghed-aw-bawr'}; corresponding to 1489; a treasurer: -- {treasurer}. [ql treasurer 1489 ## gizbar {ghiz-bawr'}; of foreign derivation; treasurer: -- {treasurer}. [ql treasurer 1490 ## gizbar (Aramaic) {ghiz-bawr'}; corresponding to 1489: -- {treasurer}. [ql treasurer 5532 ## cakan {saw-kan'}; a primitive root; to be familiar with; by implication, to minister to, be serviceable to, be customary: -- acquaint (self), be advantage, X ever, (be, [un-])profit(-able), {treasurer}, be wont.[ql treasures 6264 ##