troubleth 011 017 Pro /^{troubleth /his own flesh . troubleth 015 027 Pro /^{troubleth /his own house ; but he that hateth gifts shall live . troubleth 011 029 Pro /^{troubleth /his own house shall inherit the wind : and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart . troubleth 018 017 IKi /^{troubleth /Israel ? troubleth 018 005 Luk /${troubleth /me , I will avenge her , lest by her continual coming she weary me . troubleth 023 016 Job /^{troubleth /me: troubleth 004 009 Dan /^{troubleth /thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen , and the interpretation thereof. troubleth 016 015 ISa /^{troubleth /thee. troubleth 022 010 Job /^{troubleth /thee; troubleth 005 010 Gal /${troubleth /you shall bear his judgment , whosoever he be .