Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

uprightness 3483 ## yishrah {yish-raw'}; feminine or 3477; rectitude: -- {uprightness}.

uprightness 4334 ## miyshowr {mee-shore'}; or miyshor {mee-shore'}; from 3474; a level, i.e. a plain (often used [with the article prefix] as a properly, name of certain districts); figuratively, concord; also straightness, i.e. (figuratively) justice (sometimes adverbially, justly): -- equity, even place, plain, right(-eously), (made) straight, {uprightness}.

uprightness 5228 ## nakoach {naw-ko'-akh}; from the same as 5226; straightforward, i.e. (figuratively), equitable, correct, or (abstractly), integrity: -- plain, right, {uprightness}.

uprightness 5229 ## n@kochah {nek-o-khaw'}; feminine of 5228; properly, straightforwardness, i.e. (figuratively) integrity, or (concretely) a truth: -- equity, right (thing), {uprightness}.