Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

achuzzah 00272 ## {'achuzzah} {akh-ooz-zaw'} ; feminine passive participle from 00270 ; something seized , i . e . a possession (especially of land) : -- possession .

Huzzah 05324 ## natsab {naw-tsab'} ; a prim root ; to station , in various applications (literally or figuratively) : -- appointed , deputy , erect , establish , X {Huzzah} [by mistake for a proper name ] , lay , officer , pillar , present , rear up , set (over , up) , settle , sharpen , establish , (make to) stand (- ing , still , up , upright) , best state .

Uzzah 05798 ## ` Uzza'{ooz-zaw'} ; or` Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} ; feminine of 05797 ; strength ; Uzza or Uzzah , the name of five Israelites : -- Uzza , {Uzzah} .

Uzzah 05798 ## ` Uzza'{ooz-zaw'} ; or` Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} ; feminine of 05797 ; strength ; Uzza or {Uzzah} , the name of five Israelites : -- Uzza , Uzzah .

Uzzah 05798 ## ` Uzza'{ooz-zaw'} ; or` {Uzzah} {ooz-zaw'} ; feminine of 05797 ; strength ; Uzza or Uzzah , the name of five Israelites : -- Uzza , Uzzah .